/fraud/ - shitting on crusader edition (aka every edition)

/fraud/ - shitting on crusader edition (aka every edition)

Read all of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki before asking your absolutely retarded questions. no exceptions.

If you must ask your absolutely retarded questions, include your age, height, weight, bodyfat percentage, and time spent training as a preface.

Oral only cycles are retarded and you're a retard for considering them.


previously on manlet faggots general: →

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Trenbolone for Androgen Replacement Therapy



Haha, its not the tren guys I swear. Also I scored some sweet retard meds to stop me from chimping out like a nigger, also actually Im perfectly mentally healthy.

>needs retard meds
>but its not the tren
>but its not him either

Can I just Tren Replacement Therapy at 100 to 200mg a week and do 500mg nandro cyp for bulking?

Trust me boy the Nando's Cp is actually just young looking legals

Boys just ordered HgH, quite nervous, trying for 4ius a day.

>but Nano you're a shitty dyel
I know :^)
>Its retarted
It is
>Will you keep us posted
Do you want me to?

Sup guys im not a regular but i did some basic test cycles some years ago.
Nowadays i hear people talking about all kinds of peptides, prohormones, ostarines and hgh.
Is there some new wizardry going on?
Something as safe and potent as testosterone?
Thinking about juicing again but not sure wether i should use the good ol basics or wether theres something better

Basic test is still the way to go with some added compounds that have been around for ages.

Trt is the new norm over cycling as the only big change.

How many calories are you eating everyday right now? On HGH, you'll have to be eating a lot more than usual, if I'm not mistaken.

Would it be stupid to push the gear through a coffee filter prior to the syringe filter? Just to catch the big shit so it doesn't clog the 0.22um filter.

Oh boy, I'm not counting as hard anymore but its between 4.5-5k with the Tren.

I'm aware of the higher cal requirement. Eating more won't be an issue.

Alright, thanks bud!

Imagine if you also did IGF-1 and insulin. Nobody would ever call you dyel again. Maybe this would be you in some years.

Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get

I've been getting slight pip my entire 12 week cycle. my injection technique is good, I've been warming up the oil and massaging. could it be that I'm allergic to MCT oil?

Oh man hope I can get somewhat bigger then that in a shorter span. I'm hoping for too much.
No slin.

Thanks bae, whatever it takes am I right?

With slin you could perhaps do it, it's such a game changer. Without? Probably not.

I don't even think Calum is on slin. He doesn't want to get too big. He wants to stay around Arnold's size. Calum's size is pretty much how big you can get with top tier genetics and steroids alone.

So I have fucked up thyroid hormones
Should I check my test levels? If my test is low will doctor hook me up with test?
What else should I check?

Fuck. DNP.

I'm in class sweating fucking buckets. This is ridiculous. Been taking 250mg a day for the last few days cuz 500 was actual hell.

Forgot to ask. Do you have a recent full body shot? Will be interesting to see, so it can be compared after a year of HGH abuse or so. Also, how long have you been roiding now?

I have fucked up thyroid, too. I take 50mcg T4 daily and it's normalized. Too bad it means I can never fucked around with T3, which means slower dieting unless I want to fuck around with DNP again (not too tempting).

I always feel like hgh is the biggest meme in bodybuilding

but keep us posted. unless you're doing that 2iu pussy shit you were planning on doing, that's definitely not gonna bring anything noticeable even if it's doing things behind the scenes

oh you actually specified 4iu, that's good. how long?

I personally never noticed any side-effects from 250mg. 500 and I was sweating a decent amount, but nothing crazy. 750 and I felt like I was slowly dying.

It's definitely not a meme, it just takes forever to get going and show any effect, but over time it should make a decent difference if it's not Chinese bunk. Northern Europe HGH is supposedly the best.

Over time it should have you putting on some extra muscle with little to not fat gain and it can take you further ahead when you get to a point where you'd have to take ridicules amounts of roids to gain more muscle.

Is Anadrol really that bad? Not really trying to pass out trying to lace my fucking shoes

Depends on your natural blood pressure. Is it high? Then it's a bad idea. Is it low? Then you'll be fine. If you're a fat fuck (will probably have high bp already), it's a terrible idea.

Have your blood pressure measured at the doc and if it's good, then go ahead.

not the guy you quoted but I just bought a 30 dollars bp cuff on Amazon, works great, would recommend

literally not what the study in question is attempting to prove. I don't know why I see this copy-paste thing on so many forums


I've noticed that guys' attitude towards me has become way worst after going /fraud/

Girls on the other hand LOVE me

Why did this happen?

I either have a shit tolerance or this shit is waaaay overdosed

I've done more than one cycle of steroids like tren and winstrol; never had any negative effects so I thought "oh this shit is all blown outta proportion" but nope 250mg DNP has me on me ass pretty much all day, not sleeping, sweating buckets and feeling like shit in the gym. I only did 500 for like 3-4 days and couldn't handle it

>Why did this happen?
Fagets getting jello. It means you are joocey.

Mine was pretty well dosed and from a really reliable source with high quality products. With 750, I felt like I had a really bad fever. The problem with the "fever" was that I felt warm and cold at the same time and if I laid still for too long, I would feel really bad , so I had to be constantly moving and changing spots to lay down (also because of the sweat). I had to take a week off from work, because I couldn't function properly. At 500, I felt shitty and sweating, but nothing too crazy.

Some people like to prove themselves. They have to be the strongest and the most masculine. They see you as a threat, because you emasculate them simply by being in their presence. It's worse when they have their gf around, because they will get really overprotective. If you're really good looking on top of that, it will make your presence even harder to handle for them. Most people aren't like that, though, so it will be positive overall. Most people will just be really amazed at your physique and mire'

What would a good first try of Deca look like?

32, 6'8, 340, train since child, but I had a severe lapse in training so I'm a fat shit right now, dunno bf% but over 25%. Yes I'm hitting the asin hard as fuck.

Also never roided while fat before, this is actually pretty horrible, now I understand why you tell everyone to cut their fat asses down first. Got acne like a teenager who doesn't own a shower too.

It depends on your response.

On 20mg dbol I get fucked up bp, bitch tits, can't sleep, head aches.

100mg adrol preworkout for weeks is comfy no additional increase in bp over base test (which was only slight to begin with)

Yes. Use 0.44 filter for pre filtering. They filter a lot faster than 0.22 if you want to prefilter.

Fat tits for attention on post

Sounds more like you need a cycle of cardio and dieting mayne

That's happening, but being a heavy athlete and also being fat has really really fucked my joints, so I need the D...eca.

I'm not as much of a landwhale as I make it sound, still bench over my bodyweight and shit.

Okay, here's another q, how do you accurately donate bf%? And how would my deca be run if I weren't a fatass?

Heaviest I've ever been with visible abs was ~285, if that helps ballpark

*accurately estimate bf%, wish I could just donate this shit

Deca doesn't help your joints at all, just masks inflammation so you feel better while you fuck your joints up from being so fat. You really want to help your joins? Lose 100-150 pounds.

Get a bone densitometry (DEXA) scan. It's the most reliable way of measuring bodyfat.

> I've noticed that guys' attitude towards me has become way worst after going /fraud/

Nope that's not it, most likely... Maybe, just maybe the roids are changing your perceptions and making you more paranoid and aggressive around men and more horny and confident around women.

got kind of shitty with my diet this summer, cutting down in anticipation of hopping on.

top 4 abs are visible, have a little fat below the belly button. maybe like an inch.

am I too fat to hop on? would a week or two of dnp allow me to drop that little bit of fat quickl so I can hop on already? want to get juicy this winter.

if I hopped on now would it really make a difference since I will be bulking anyway?

I see, thanks for the info.

And even pretty lean I was never 100lbs down, but, fully agreed, I do need to stop being fat.

Cardio and diet for 3 months here I come. Yay. My favorite. No it isn't someone kill me.

I really wouldn't run steroids if you don't already have visible abs. you are going to blow up.

Dont take more then 150mg test till you can see your dick you fat fuck

Please do, i want to know if you realy need 12month to "notice anything" like some internet memers say or if 2month are already plenty

Well I don't have any 0.44 filters, only coffee filters and 0.22

Cut down to the 200-250 range and then run all the sterons you want. You'll just fuck your shit up if you try to roid at this point, your ligaments and tendons will snap like twigs.

I'm 6'8 and carry significant muscle mass, in no danger of losing visual contact with dick.

Mind explaining why? I'm listening, but why would that happen?

Slin makes people look like shit, maybe not actually but most big guys on slin look like blobs of muscle.

Got recent shots, not sharing (yet), I'm trying my hardest to put on size now so I look like unfinished shit.
November 30th marks the end of the first bnc year. No prior cycles.

4iu's yeah, much more will be very expensive in the long run. Will run for 20 weeks minimum.

Keeping everyone posted.
Current stack is 600mg Tren E, 200mg Test E, 400mg Mast E, 50mg T3 which works wonders so far. 6 weeks in.
No sides at all.

if you really were an athlete your tendons and ligaments will be fine.

everything is just better when you start lean, which you already realize. you know you need to do a quick diet and you are familiar with working out so once you do hop on youll be fine.

please Veeky Forums guide me

if I am too fat I have no problem accepting that. I have waited this long I can wait another 2-3 months.

currently 6 feet tall 190

>your ligaments and tendons will snap like twigs.
Nice meme senpai

Overall, in my opnions, with some good ab definition showing, you're good to go.
This means unflexed.

>18 days of bulk left
i want to start cutting already

your height and weight mean nothing. your bf is the real indicator, but you probably don't know that/would guess much lower than it really is.

If he really was a serious athlete his connective tissue will be worse from the repeated stress + being fat as fuck.

Here's why: Muscle responds well to anabolic/androgenic steroids, connective tissue much less so. Your muscles will become stronger, but your tendons and ligaments will not, at least not at the rate your muscles will strengthen. So your muscles will be able to lift more, but your connective tissue won't.

If you've already put a bunch of stress on your connective tissue from being a fat athlete, roiding at this point will be a one-way trip to snap city.

>androgen receptors and vascularity is a meme

I don't know how much it is, don't even know how to guess. I am fat though.

If I lost 10 pounds I would have no fat on my stomach. Problem is I have kind of hit a wall and the weight loss is going a lot slower.

Is 10 pounds overweight too fat to roid?

I'm not afraid of just toughing it out and cutting, I just want to know if its pointless considering I will probably gain fat bulking anyway

my intercostals and top 4 are clearly visible

think I will cut for 2-3 more weeks just to be careful and then hop on

thank you


Do you faggots ever pin the medial head of your delt? I'm gonna try and do it for the first time this week (only 1ml of gear). Any advice? I keep hearing weird stories about people hitting nerves or getting numbness

what pct protocol should i follow for coming off a 1 year 6 month b&c

the question is why? what is wrong with your glutes? even if your ass is full of scar tissue you have quads. there is no reason to hit delts.

I've never pinned my glutes and delts seem easier. I usually do quads, mainly my left since my right one bleeds a lot now

Personally I set weight milestones where I cut back down a few lbs to reduce bf% and then bulk up again.

That's funny

Guys like me more now cause I'm a pretty chill big dude as opposed to a pretty chill lanklet.

Girls like me more now because my arms and delts look fucking sick.

REALLY tempted to try a light roaccutane cycle. stop me.

So I'm diet for a physique show. I'm just under 6 weeks out and I was planning on running winny for the last 6 weeks but I only have enough for 4 weeks. However I have 2 weeks worth of anavar. Would there be a benefit to running the var for two weeks then switching to winny for 4 weeks?
I'm also on 50mg tren A qd and 75mg test p q.a.d.

my face skin looked so absolutely shit while i was on test, i thought that was just the way it was.
Then i went on accutane and my face looked so fukin clean i couldnt believe it.

It depends on how you define "serious", football, PL, college rugby, amateur boxing. Not amazing at any one of them, but I did pay for school with it.

And being 260 and running for a solid 80 minutes implies some fitness.

Point taken about stressed joints, experienced user, but I have no experience being this heavy and unfit and using. If I do do it, I'll go way under what my musculature can handle, shredding tendons is not where I wanna be. Thx /fraud/.

what were your sides? dose and cycle length? did your face reshit itself after you quit?

Oh, hey, core question from before, deca, starting dosage, anyone?

m8 im 1 month into it.

taking 20mg per day. Body is goocy, but face is dry af. Without the jojoba and castor oil i'd be fucked.

Otherwise no sides.
I have a few "roid acne spots" on my back where i still get acne, everything else is clean tho, exspecially face

coolio, guess you'll cruise until you drop dead? it's the permanent sides making me hesitant like worse eyesight


im gonna run it until im clean.
Yeah i was scared too, thing is im going for spring break next year, and ill do anything to have a clean skin for that.

Also in my opinion if you dont go above 30mg i dont think you will experience huge side effects. Just cruise on 20mg

Anyone remember this? I'm about to run it with EQ and drol after I finish my dnp cut in a couple weeks. For my weight, I'm doing 1120mg/w. Hoping to be sitting 10-11% when I start it. I'll let you fags know how it goes.

Thats a high dose.
Very interested.

what about prolactin?

>roiding for this

Looking solid.
Where are your abs at?

The better you look the more hate you receive. If they ain't hating, you're doing something wrong.

Girls also hate me because they can't touch my muscle and are cursed looking at a skinny fat body all the time.

But i doubt you look good, i would say you're just delusional. Steroids and autism is a dangerous combination in that matter.

Girls will never notice me thanks to manletism.

Out of shape dudes that are aware loathe me.

Ps. Gonna let you know how the 220 euro kit fares.

Nandrolone or any of it's derivatives have not ever been proven to interact with prolactin.



wow this is what I look like naturally and I was worried I was too fat to hop on lol

brb ordering roids now

Youre retarded.

What's your height then? I am 1.83 cm without shoes and that's considered average over here. Even my gf is 1.73-75 cm or something.

Lol you're going to blast GH? Let me know what it does for you. I have read that you have to blast it for months to see the benefits.

Wtf is that migitland? I'm 1.91 and I consider myself average

lol are you a woman? I'm 230cm and I consider myself barely average

Starting with 20 weeks, which is 4 kits at 4ius. Pros blast around 10ius.

Its mostly for the major health benefits and muscle cells, not size in and out of itself.
Looking to make skin nicer and tighter.

I'm exactly 170cm right down to the fucking mm. Talles of my family by 5cm so kek'd. Gf is 178cm.
At least 82kg is kinda okay at my length, remove a few kg fat.

2-3mg/kg is good starting point for deca bulk.

Lower if you're really aas-side sensitive.

191cm is fucking lanket-tier and is totally utter shit for muscle build.

i thought that 2iu was enough for that. +4iu is muscle building benefits. I was also curious about that kit, let me know what it does for you.

170cm? damn you fucked, especially over here. And your gf is even taller than you? Fuck that is akward

2ius doesnt do alot for muscle.
4ius is starting to build yeah.

170cm is pretty bad but at least I'm not totally fucked in proportions.
All the girls I've been with have been taller then me, most girls don't care as much as you think.

>fuck that is awkward
what you missed is that he was alpha enough to seduce a woman that is taller than him by nearly 10 cm.
I honestly couldnt achieve that

Should be fine to do that. Planning on keeping the oils till the last week?

Technically I believe they interact directly with progesterone, which in turn interacts with prolactin. So you're correct but retarded.

at the end of this month i will have done 3 months of deca, should i do another month or should i just switch to tren rn?
feels like the deca have just kicked in baka

where do u guys get steroids