When did you realize that lifting had nothing to do with being an athlete?
When did you realize that lifting had nothing to do with being an athlete?
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never. almost every athlete supplements his training with lifting
When I started boxing and track.
Okay, track guys lift. A bit. With horrible form. Quarter squats, if that.
Typical amateur hogwash yb people who don't do sports.
Also, weightlifting for sports is maybe 50 years old. Maybe. It started with roiding and is already on its way out again.
When I read up on sports science and realized even shot putters don't need more than a 1.6xBW bench.
Shot putters, man.
Soccer players generally don't lift.
Gymnasts don't lift.
Boxers don't lift.
Wrestlers may lift a bit, but most do calisthenics anyway.
Sprinters only lift in the US (look at Bolt scoffing at squats).
Anything else?
Considering how big elite shotputters are, that's still an absurd amount of required strength.
When I found this Karl Gotch videos and realized that you can do all the weight exercises by swinging a mace.
They weight around 240 (110 kg) mostly. They also squat 2x BW at elite levels. That's it.
Well, at least in Germany, I guess US guys always lift more and throw worse.
The average shot putter at worlds level is in the 280-300 range.
A 1.6xBW bench and 2xBW squat at ~300 is an absurd amount of strength, especially given they aren't trying to finesse it like a powerlifter would.
>The average shot putter at worlds level is in the 280-300 range.
Not in Germany.
>A 1.6xBW bench and 2xBW squat at ~300 is an absurd amount of strength, especially given they aren't trying to finesse it like a powerlifter would.
Their technique is much worse actually.
these are the old farts in the gym bragging about their 4pl8 bench in their youth
That's kind of what I mean. His technique is so bad that, despite all the arse-raising and bouncing, he'd in all likelihood bench more if he benched like a powerlifter. Dude's losing so much fucking strength to a lack of tension it isn't funny.
why do you fuckers always get off topic so easily
Sources please ? Oh don't got any, oh right because you're wrong
>implying gymnasts don't lift their own bodies
nice try, boyo
Sources for what? Common knowledge? Soccer players have open workouts you can watch. Wrestling/Boxing, just go to a gym and look. Gymnasts, too. Usain Bolt talks about it all the time. There's even a YT vid where he "lifts" (light weight, 10-15 reps, bullshit form).
>Best soccer player ever
>gymnasts don't lift.
What is the maltese or victorian?
long time ago
I lift to look and feel better
generally straight lifting is bad for athletes, basically puts on unusable muscle that slows them down. a fighter doesn't improve technique or their strength/flexibility in the necessary places by lifting.
why is it that human males basically needs a few shots of test to fill our bodies out properly its total bullshit did all the super alphas die out hundreds of years ago, you don't see skinnyfat lions out in the wild
Messi is in another level
Then it would be the original Ronaldo
Messi is ineffectual when the team needs him. Side effect of autism, he mirrors the enthusiasm of those around him. When the team plays well, he is in another level. When the team is struggling, he disappears. He's essentially the anti-Maradona in that sense.
>Gymnasts don't lift.
Fucking idiot
>Best NBA player
Because you took the bait and think only anabolically enhanced humans look "normal". But you're American anyway, you will die out in the next 100 years.
NBA and NFL games are fixed. Same with UFC.
>2 drug addicts that happen to use hormones die
>steroids are dangerous!!
stay natty kids :^)
These guys in endurance sports that are primarily skill based don't lift?? A shocking revelation
>didnt posted CR7
>didnt posted lebron
>best soccer player
Pick one
reddit gif
>roids to be the greatest of all time
>still looks like shit
yeah bro haha he should have hit the weights to get a huge upper body for his long distance bicycle races
Sports Science student here, they only lift weights for rehab shit or REALLY weak points. No benching, no squatting no shit man.
They key of they strength is ismetric. Even for legs and core. Just google "Blocking gymnastics" or shit like that man. Have you ever study sports? The answer is NO.
This is just plain wrong.
I like how you used your useless degree to justify your talking point.
Useless but working as a scientist with my goverment R&D loans ;)
I've realized it ages ago. That's not to say lifting is useless. It's a good way to build strength and endurance. It's also great for improving weaker parts of the body. But the gym rat culture and instagram has warped perception of how an athlete should look like. All of these guys train for different things, so they follow different routines. [spoiler]Well, the routines of Zyzz and Rich focus more on drugs[/spoiler] Therefore, they're all going to have different body types. It's kinda funny telling someone you lift, and they automatically assume you're trying to be a bodybuilder.
That's why the only acceptable forms of cardio are sex and heavy bag.
Don't ride a fucking bicycle like a twelve-year
old boy if you don't want to fucking look like one.
Sports is not a science.
>best bassetball player
He lifted but only meme lifts with babby tier weight
If MJ don't gotta do heavy compounds no one does
Most athletes don't play basketball either.
Del Piero is daddy
Motor coordination is superior. I work with a guy that's in excellent shape, constantly measuring protein and carb intake - he's reached the peak of his yoke-ness. But get him on a basketball court and he shoots the ball and dribbles like he has a brain injury. Muscle helps obviously, but motor coordination is superior.
Yeahhhhh no, they use bench, curls, and tricep ext as acessory work.
when i fucked your mom u fucking soccer cuck
powerlifting & weightlifting 4 life :)
>Boxers dont lift
R9 was an absolute phenomena.
That's annoying as fuck. Whenever I see someone I haven't in a while, like a family friend, they instantly think I'm a bodybuilder
best rugby player
looks like rugby's the best again
>there is a "best" football player
Foot ball is departed in positions, that guy could be the best quarterback but not the best linebacker.
Veeky Forums autist think they know about sports, especially euros, when they have no clue.
spotted the autist
yoga is all you need
quarterback is literally the only position where its acceptable not to be ripped in football.
literally every other position requires a solid muscle base.
I realized the opposite when I saw Förstemann squat 200x7 after a workout.
>KD over LeBron or Kawhi
>Cristiano is pretty Veeky Forums
>Wrestlers may lift a bit, but most do calisthenics anyway.
Uhh nigger we usually spent the 3 months before every season lifting, fuck out of here non sports playing DYEL.
Traditionally they don't. Excess muscle weight slows down hand speed and makes it hard to meet weight. Typically, a stocky guy is at a disadvantage against a taller guy in the same weight class.
UFC doesn't actually directly fix anything. They just condone eye pokes and selectively bitch about steroids whenever.
Nope this is the best football player try again
Playing football works out the muscles you use to play football. Playing soccer works out the muscles you need to play soccer. Boxing works out the muscles you need to box.
Is this concept too difficult to understand?
GOOD wrestlers spend most of their time doing calisthenics and practicing their sports.
Faggot losers who'll never amount to anything piss away three months doing the DA BIG THREE or some such faggotry.
>rarely plays a full season because of injuries and his drinking habits
Despite his issues he is still the best football player
That’s why none of the best football players ever lift right?
Oh wait
He’s literally not. He’s not even the best Tight End. He’s just a tall slow WR that occasionally bails out Tom Brady. He doesn’t even block well.
>thinking he's better than Brady
>better than Rodgers
>better than Leveon
>better than Kuechly
I don’t think he’s better than them. Is English not your first language?
leg day
>Best basketball player
So op ignored lebron because he's jacked and disproves his stupid argument
>Wrestlers don't lift
You know dick about wrestling. Every HS wrestler I ever met including myself is lean, broad shoulders, huge neck, square jaw. Wrestling calls every chad more than football. Wrestling calls the chaddest of chads and weeds out those who are weaker. I'm not a chad tho but I did survive wrestling.
Lmao no, not in high school
Wrestled in highschool, we all lifted.
Dutch kickboxers lift, focusing on explosive strength.
In my experience in high school the wrestlers on the team were all faggots and there wasn’t a single Chad on the team. There was a girl on the team too.
I never new that Sylvester Stallone played fotball
>muh 50kg weight class
its function over form
A lot of amazing boxing champs haven't necessarily been bodybuilders per se, but they did add many lifts into their training regimen.
>What is F=ma
Soccer players actually lift nowadays. Helps a lot with explosiveness for sprinting/jumping and stronger 1v1 fights
I wrestled and played football in high school. The wrestlers never lifted anything heavier than a jump rope.
>best NBA player
Oh my kek
Elite shotputters weigh like 125 - 130kg mate. That's a 200 - 208kg bench.
>Soccer players actually lift nowadays.
In the US, maybe. Lmao.
>Yeahhhhh no, they use bench, curls, and tricep ext as acessory work.
>you don't see skinnyfat lions out in the wild
Fucking kek.
Oh yeah? Where did you compete? Who did you beat at a wrestling match?
I think you're a faggot that never even talked to a serious athlete. Why do you think NFL drafts measure your 205 lbs bench press AMRAP? Why do you think colleges pay strength and conditioning coaches as much as six figure salaries to build circuits for their wrestlers? They just don't do programs like The Texas Method or PPL for longer than three months a year, instead doing mostly rotating circuits for adaptation, seeing a wide variety of lifts and movements over a month. If anything, athletes do MORE lifting, in terms of scope and variety.
LeBron was born on 3rd base