/thicc/ thread


- we post pictures of our thicc goal bodies
- share methods, tips, routines
- tell each other what foods to eat, etc.
- if you're thicc yourself as well, show us

Other urls found in this thread:


>ITT delusional perma-bulkers trying to excuse their laziness

Is it achievable natty


If you can get manlet gainz

i like this thicc bod

currently running 3 programs, cuckols 3x int med for bench, russian squat program, and coan/phillipi for dl. got some good results from the first 2, just picked up coan/phillipi. hoping to put 40-50 pounds on my dl desu.

I'm a 5'9 manlet so yeah it's the one benefit

tfw used to think this guy was huge before I started properly lifting

he's p big desu

can you be thicc if you have lanky proportions and no calves

pic related

The fuck are you talking about brah, those calves are decently thicc. Try comparing yourself to the other guys on the street or at the gym... If you feel like you need them to grow, try doing calves every other day with pretty low weight and complete mind to muscle contact. about 10-20 reps with full rom. Works for me.

nah i dont "need" them to grow
they are only 38-39cm.

But i have long limbs (im 6'2) and overall i look lanky.

orc mode

Really depends on your frame/body structure. It could be impossible even with roids if you dont have the genetics.
Being thicc is a combination of frame and also manlet gainz but ive seen some thicc tall lads before, so i think it's more dependent on the frame side.


well only thicc tall examples i know are Eric Bugenhagen (6'2 almost) and that one football player Sebastien something with long hair and ape arms. (6'3)

Im lifting heavy everyday and i got noticeably thiccer / built over this first year of lifting but im afraid it will take years more to get truly thicc.

in a previous thread someone said that it takes about 2-3 years of constant training and eating well to get really thicc

sounds about right without roids i guess.

lets say, 30lbs of muscle gained, thats yeah at least 2 years and thats assuming decent genetics.

dont get me wrong, im commited enough now to keep on lifting (unless i get some major injury, but im not so set on die hard strength progression as i used to be) Working on form and longevity now.
Kinda sucks to lift for a year now and still look meh, when you see some people from cbt making sick progress in hakf a year. Granted some of them are much shorter, begun at 60kg bw and stopping at 70 not 84 and aiming to get to 105kg.


Depends a lot on your height and where you started at (also genetics).

190 is thicc at 5'5" and pretty dyel at 6'3"

Same here dude! Yep, that was without roids. It does suck, but on a longer term it absolutely worth working on your dream body for years.

That's right, and for taller people it's even more difficult to get thicc. This is one of the few moments when I'm grateful for being 5'11".


>making sick progress in hakf a year
I'm so jelly of manlets. They put on 5 lbs and look incredible. I put on 20 and hardly look any different.

lol wut? You people never heard about american football, rugby, STRONGMAN etc? Even some SHW weightlifters fit the bill, like Lasha who is almost 200cm tall

>finally found affordable strongman gym and even a sort of oldfag mentor bro to go with it

deadlift variation everyday

of course but most popular strongman events in europe is just 6'5 roided to gills monsters

were talking here "big around normies" thicc

this tbqh

Yes, but being tall and getting thick is not a challenge unless you have klinefelters giraffe bone structure, you just have to eat more

agreed. I need justin's body. no homo

i have looney tunes bone structure

kek, not gonna cripple myself this early. but we did atlas stone from floor two days in a row and I still live, so you might be onto something here.

I need to see more.

nah this is doable. gonna be a fun ride, but doable.

mirin underwear tbqh

Your bone structure is fucking fine quit making excuses

You look fine, you just need to get over 100kg ASAP

you can do deadlift variation everyday.
But you need to be smart about it.

Behind the back and jefferson dl can be done everyday due to bar being directly under your spine.

you can also do heavy ass rack pulls to get much more volume on pulls (without compromising lower back as much)

I was once doing sumo deadlift for week straight, working up to 1 Rm and then dropping down to set of 10.
what got worn down first was not lower back, it was actually adductors / inner thighs.

i also had a while i was doing snatch grip dl / rack pull / jefferson everyday (one of those 3 ) ans going heavy.

Or you know, just squat everyday.

thanks lads
problem is i want to cut down now to 82~kg (im 87 rn) and then slowly bulk up.

I was 97 at my heaviest but all the fat concentrates on my torso. i was gaining weight way too fast.
Idk, i just think i need to be patient and build that house

tfw slight gyno and only little bit of upper abs visible (im like 18% body fat)

If you are 180cm or taller, you have absolutely no business weighing below 100kg Tbh

im 187cm tall baka
i know my goal weight is like 100+kg but it takes time

i look like this

>you can behind the back deadlift every day
>no muscles used
>just bone
>bones don't get tired

Genius guys I'm gonna change from a ULxUxLx to a LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOL

Too little muscle, that's why you look like shit. You need to add mass.

Some what narrow ribcage as well, unfortunately.

This. Having looked at waaay to many naked dudes on Veeky Forums, natty tall guys take 2-3 years of training to get thick solid and tight and that's at maybe 16 to 20 percent bf. I'm 6"1' and on about 1 year 3 months and I just think I look ok

it gets compated when i brace
i wouldnt really say its narrow, i have pretty wide torso, hips included.

But its also photo/pose magic into play, and i will prove it next pic

>dont know what is bulgarian light training
>chimp out
go back to brosplits my dude

No, it tapers instead of flares, that is a narrow ribcage. What is your chest circumference? I have a flared, rounded ribcage (noticeably larger than most people) and had a 112cm chest circumference before I even started lifting

hm, I would need to adjust the rest of my programming accordingly but the occasional BRUH GIB MOAR DL episode, I could see it happening. thanks for the train of thought m8, must ponder for a bit

you can try it for short time (pick one exercise and try to hit small pr every day) try it for a week on daily basis, see how your body reacts.

Squats can be recovered easily (i had cycle when i was doing 20 rep sets for 5 days in row going from 50kg x20 to 100kg x20) successfully.

just dont try to do it with conventional deadlift. It wont work, your lumbar spine wont handle it.

just measured, 115-116cm (tape horizontally across nipples and back under armpits)

who is this and how can I get him to squat on my dick

>I put on 20 and hardly look any different.
That's because you're fat, then.

unironically do 531 Building the Monolith including his nutrition guidelines

I have been through every skwot erryday program on this planet and hate all of them, and no, I havent pulled conventional in like a year anyway. but thanks, this sounds so cheeky it might work.

it's justin

i lift everyday, im pretty sure my volume is very similar to whats in this program (except i deadlift much more and squat much less)

>5x5 on 95% deadlift
yeah, sure

well look at what you look like and what people who have done the program a couple times look like

No homo. But who is this? I have the same facial aesthetics and seemingly height. Goal body 100% and seems natty.


>i lift everyday
leaving no time to grow. it all makes sense now

ive been through hard bulk phase my man

i went from 84kg to 97kg within 5months or so, from sub 1pl8 to 3pl8 squat and from 2plate to 4plate deadlift for reps.
i was even doing gomad on top of almost 1kg chicken breast + more a day for few months.

I did gain fuckton of size and strength.
But also a lot of fat that i need to shed now (i already lost 10kg)
I am kinda tempted to go on (slower this time) bulk and get back to increasing my numbers, chasing dat dere 5pl8 dl.
But sure as fuck i wont go full retard again like i used to.

>finally, homobait general is a thing again
>50+ posts asking who justin is
every day we stray further from God

at your height, you need to have different standards than most of the skinnyfat manlets on this site to get joocy, even if you loathe it bro

>I am kinda tempted to go on (slower this time) bulk and get back to increasing my numbers, chasing dat dere 5pl8 dl
atta boy
>But sure as fuck i wont go full retard again like i used to
atta boy^2

adding to that

me at 97kg from april

I have 4 weeks to get heinously strong.

What's the best program to be bara as fuck going into basic training?

smolov jr. ;)


do 5k runs, pushups and pullups

google pullups greasing the groove, couch to 5k and do pushups whenever you can

Already good on that. I can hit 100s in each category.

Are you fucking spastic. If you are 180-185cm and 100kg you are a fat fuck. Unless you are a competitive body builder that's way to heavy. I have been lifting 5 years, 195cm, and at 100kg I'm 12% bf.

6'6" 240lbs in this pic

I'm never gonna make it...currently 10lbs into a cut and already look skinnyfat

Guys who've never been lean and/or spend too much time on the internet have no concept of how much fatty weight they're actually carrying around.

yeah most skinnyfat guys think "if I cut 15lbs I'll be shredded" but really it's more like 40lbs

ur a big guy

record vid of you doing 100 pullups and pushups
for science


Eric Bugenhagen says hes hovering around 230lbs at his highest, anything higher than that and it all goes into fat he said

hes 6'2 like me

That is only if you say lean is like 12% body fat or less, in a thread like this we assume we are working with a much more liberal definition.

Score of 100 in each, dummy. Not 100 of each.

That and its Army. Push-ups and sit-ups.

77 push-ups
82 sit-ups
13:18 2m run.

It's 95% of a 85-90% 1rm training max

Why do this instead of saying ~75% which is what he's actually asking for? I never understood.

And do you have the lean muscle mass of Eric Burgenhagen, what was his bf% at that weight, you are showing an image of him that isn't necessarily at the weight he said was 'his highest'.

You got me, I agree that it just confuses people. Only way I can see it being nessecary is if you program your accessories off of the TM too, that way you don't got 95 goddamned percentages to juggle...fuck if I know.

6'2" is nearly 190cm the retard said if you are 180cm or taller. show me a single person on Veeky Forums, not on gear who is 180-185cm, 100kg+, and not a fat unaesthetic fuck.

Honestly, just use RPE system for accessories and keep them all at 8 or below

You'll be fine big man, get strong af

no of course i dont have his mass
that wasnt my point

just replying to you two guys, point of comparision

his FFMI is JUST on edge of natural potential, aside of natty or not.
This is pic from him being leanest i think.

So one could interpolate that for 6'2 individual being JUST 220lbs is optimal

That's kinda what I've been doing, I kind of mixed the accessory tier stuff from the gzcl jacked and tan with a rpe max for each tier. I just need to buckle down and learn to like doing curls so my arms aren't all tri and noodle bi.

Define fat

Also Filip walks around at like 110-115 out of contest and he is like 182cm IIRC

FFMI isn't an extremely accurate way to scale people's natural status.

no statistics will tell you that
and again
fact if hes natty or not is not the point of discussion right now

im just talking about weight to height ratio

Well he doesn't really have visible abs unless he's got a pump in perfect lighting. He obviously carrys a bit more fat, probably around 15%. His shoulders are not 3D and his traps don't look like a steroid user's traps, and he's been lifting for twenty years. I don't see why people still call this guy a roider

quads of truth

If there's anything that I can thank my genetics for, it's my calves. Never trained them all that much, even.

Rate advanced novice - pre intermediate routine
>Monday (same as previous Friday but +2.5 kg if min 4 reps)
Squat 3x4-6
Bench 5x4-6
DL 1x4-6
Seal rows (a bit lighter than bench, same reps but not too strict)
Weighted chinups 5x4-6
Pause squat 2x4-6
OHP 3x4-6
Romanian SLDL 1x4-6
>Friday (same as Monday + 2.5kg if I got at least 4 reps in every set)

for u

Keep going m8, you've honestly got 70lbs to go.

I'm at 180 5'10
If I hit 220 would I get thicc?

Wondering if massive bulking would be okay. Trying to avoid getting too fat and destroying my tits.



imo you would just get fat.

keep slowly building muscle
220 is far too much for your height, you are fluffy right now desu. So slowly recomp

you're already fat mate. you need a recomp and some heavy duty volume for your upper body

kinda this, old /hbg/ sticky advocates 13-17% (although for the latter to work you need to be fuckhuge regardless)

online bragging rights kek

rugby is the most /thicc/ sport

goal bod desu