Why was this allowed?

Attached: Deutschland.jpg (2011x2654, 1.62M)

Because nobody cares about your opinion marek.


Attached: Mauerfall.jpg (1560x1056, 790K)

So they can ruin all of germany rather than only the western part.

>When the heroes have to cooperate with the defeated antagonist against an ally who has turned evil

Operation Unthinkable didn't actually happen dude

they needed someone to rule Europe

So they can prepare for the third and last round; just like Carthage.

Attached: H43.png (630x615, 351K)

>germany exists
>german isn't taught only in colleges like latin is
>berlin isn't a razed ruin and monument to the allies' triumph
it hurts everyday

The real question - why was THIS allowed?

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>implying Nappy wasn't round one

wtf 2 frankfurts

>Prussia is the same as Germany

Slavs still butthurt nearly 80 years after WWII, it amazes me.

So that the Americans could guarantee naval access to the Baltic sea under their rump "state" and protect approaches to the North Sea -- what else would they do with it? Give it to Stalin?

Same. Should've destroyed these sick fucks when we had chance

Otto von Bismarck wanted a war against Denmark for German Unification. Literally that's it.

I think we are talking many years later my man

Frankfurt am Main (real German Frankfurt) and Frankfurt an der Oder (fake slavic Frankfurt).

Is that the Red Army after they stormed the Chancellory?

Why would they get rid of territory won fair and square in a war?

>Why would they get rid of territory won fair and square in a war?
>implying they had any choice in the matter
the Allies didn't give a damn what Bismarck did or did not do and I'm certain that any past German exploits played very little consideration in what was determined to be "Germany" after the war

Because Krauts were so cucked at that point no one really cared.

those are Finns after they stormed the Wall Of Last Defenders during the Suomi - German war in 2085

>Never experienced the war on their own continent
>Whole thing's like a giant adventure to them
>Like a third of them actually ethnical germans
>ruled by a dictator who doesn't give two shits about anything but himself
>Those guys will be extra loyal to make up for the nazis. gotta keep them around
I know it feels bad marek but you didn't actually win the war, you just happened to be on the winning side. The true victors cared less for you than they cared for the germans. Better luck next time, eh?

Awww is the Polak mad that his shitty little swamp of a country got BTFO?

>dude Finland lmao xD

this map is so fucking wrong with the cities , what retard made these? since when is Frankfurt at the polish border...

I highly dislike brainlet posting so I shall refrain from it now, but reading the thread would explain your problem.

meh, why the hell not.

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Good. ge*mans finely getting what they deserve


What is the name Malek from?

I wish Merkel stays in power for another 50 years, that would be the end of Germans.

Oh nononono ahahaha

>more than 90% Europeans
>less than 1% Africans
>citing the New Observer


>A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

>Bias: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Some Fake News

>Notes: The New Observer has extreme right wing bias. Publishes stories that are simply not true (fake news) and has very questionable content regarding African Americans. (11/7/2016) Updated (6/20/2017)

Attached: oh no.jpg (316x335, 36K)

Around 1 million immigrants came to Germany in 2016/2017. Lets say half of them came alone, and they probably want their families to come to Germany in years to come, thats + 2,3 people on every immigrant.
Now, lets do the numbers, average German family have 2 kids, while average muslim family have 4,5+ kids.
In 10,20 years that 1.3% will go to 6,7%. In 50 years Berlin will probably look like Kabul.

the majority of the migrants plan on returning to their home countries

That's hilarious

>plan on returning to their home countries

No seriously, germany is fucked. And it brings me little solace that most of western europe is more or less similarly fucked.

lmao this

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