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History #43
Who was the most Machiavellian politician in history, diabolical mastermind unhinged yet effective in strife for power...
Has British philosophy even ever come out with anything of note. It just sounds so robotic
Why do you believe your religion is true?
Daily reminder that japan is literally korean colony
Border Bros
Where do they rank all time?
Wich is the best political system?
Is marxist history an even bigger meme than whig history?
I'm sick of all the brainlets infesting Veeky Forums who not so much as expound but rather recklessly and sincerely...
Perú and Argentina
Is there any legitimacy to the "Celtic From the West" theory?
Why do so many people judge the HRE?
Was Sam Houston’s grace with the common man and vocal opposition to slave owners the main reason Texas escaped a pit...
Ancient Depictions of White People
If humans evolved to eat meat then how come vegetables are good for weeks after picking, can be eaten raw...
No military facilities? No military personal? What sort of bombing raid is this?
Post your 3 favorite and 3 least favorite US Presidents
Why is this the best board of Veeky Forums?
Why didn't they industrialize before the war?
If the mediterrenean race is so great...
Name 5 wars between democratic republics
How come white people get mad when I tell them that they're roughly 40% Middle Eastern?
Did these people unironically believe they were part of a Master Race...
Libertarian professor
WW2 - Mustang VS Spitfire
How would the world look like if this magical earth apple didn’t exist
The white man's burden
Who was in the wrong?
Shame on the house of Ptolemy's for such barbarity, shame
Veeky Forums Vidya Ideas
Open Bible
B-bu-but not my very thoroughly defined, specific brand of communism
Was The Zodiac Killer a white nationalist? The symbol on his hood is the same pagan symbol used by white nationalists
Genuinely curious about something
History repeats itself
Will we ever reach a point where the misconceptions and myths about ancient populations are finally rectified through...
I need to ask the philosophy bros for advice?
This is the feared Wehrmacht
Looking back at history, can we make accurate predictions about who is gonna be the next superpower?
Were the Balkans better off under Ottoman rule in terms of stability and prosperity, Veeky Forums?
Sea People
The romans weren't nordi
If I had a time machine and went back to Ancient Greece in the year 1...
Why is Britain so powerful?
Why did the Franco-Prussian war never really delve in to the mud of Total War like the American War of Northern...
Tfw America beat both the Nazis and the Commies afterwards too
Who is your favourite historian? Mine is Adrian Goldsworthy
Ayncint assinots
Is this accurate?
I've fallen in love with female Andrew Jackson
The reformation of islam will be the most important event/ events of the 21st century
Were the red deer cave people modern humans or some archaic variety that survived till 10,000 years ago?
What a beautiful city
What does Veeky Forums think of Oliver Cromwell?
Defeat of Napoleon
Was there a "university culture" in the past like there has been in the 20th and 21st centuries?
What are some things, that happened over 25 years ago, that we can blame on Mags over here?
Why cant orty's and prosty's into AESTHETICS as much as the mighty Catholics?
How do the Japanese view this man?
Cause of American relations with Europe?
Your Majesty, we're fucked. We need to ask for an armistice!
Why did Nazis make only 2 decent aircraft in 10 years of trying?
We will never again have military uniforms as aesthetically pleasing as Napoleonic France's
Could this be possible
Are apologies emotionally manipulative?
What kinda Philosophy does he fall into
What are the greatest historical conquerors of each country?
The Ulster Scots/Scotch Irish
When will the conservative/reactionary right recognize neoliberalism as much a source of their ills as communism?
Why was Britain so regressive
American Civil war general
181000 kilos of gold and 7000000 kilos of silver
The only reason people contest the rapier as best sword (against armorless horseless plebians) is because the sword and...
Let's play a game Veeky Forums
ITT Historical groups you hate
Why are ditches digged in earth named a city?
Aboriginals human or not?
The Greeks and Romans were so much more impressive than anything since them...
During the battle of Berlin soviet soldiers raped millions of women from all ages, but that's a good thing
Had a heated debate in class about south African black consciousness movement
Historical songs thread
*shows you the path*
Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev and Gorbachev are on a train, which comes to a sudden stop. They debate what to do:
Does literally nothing of note for its entire existence
Why did the communists try to force everyone to be equal when people are born different...
What was the motivation for the British? Was it the monarch or Britain itself?
When did the West get castrated?
Was the strategic bombing of Germany a war crime?
Why was sub-saharan Africa incapable of creating any civilization or culture of great value?
We all know that Napoleon was the greatest general in history, but what about soft power...
You have one Little Boy atomic bomb and a time machine that will let you drop it anywhere, anytime, in the past
Why didn't they stop while ahead by proposing Nazi favoured peace treaty to Allies?
Madagascar History and Culture
Russia Thread
The daughter of the owner of the house came back inside from fetching water and reportedly said "The Prussians! The...
What Nietzche actually said:
Will we ever reach a point where the misconceptions and myths about ancient populations are finally rectified through...
Which people have endured the worst in history?
Were there any Polish politicians except for Dmowski that called for aliance with Czechoslovakia?
If they can declare that being born with a penis or vagina is irrelevant...
Has Italy done anything of note ever since the French Revolution...
Teach me about Finland
Did the holocaust happen
What are the historical origins of anti white thought in the West...
What are your thoughts on David Irving?
Who was histories biggest chad? And virgin?
How was the Classical world so urbanised
T-there were only 300 spartans!
WW2 Pacific Theater
Soviet Union only outlived Nazi Germany 46 years
This is the story of the latest and foulest of the big lies to be spewed forth by the hate and venom of distorted minds...
I'm not even Christian...
Why did Europe use so much resources to colonized far away lands instead of liberating thier Balkan and Medditeranian...
Who was the true "last of the Romans"?
Let's talk about the Fatty Arbuckle case
Is the global south poor due to imperialism by the global north?
Why is there such a hard-on for Rhodesia on here...
Is Hitler the most hated historical figures?
How did this happen?
Civil War history buff here. The Confederates in the Civil War are often referred to as "the rebels," but in truth...
"We are against imperialism"
I am now starting to realize that this man is the greatest philosopher since plato
What greek city-state would you want to be a citizen of Why?
David Reich's Who We Are And How We Got Here Review
What would the world be like had the Ottoman Empire never fell?
Wasn't the South doomed from the start of the civil war since the Northern states had so much more industry...
Daily reminder they were unironically right
Realistically speaking...
I’m considering becoming a catholic priest. Why or why shouldn’t I...
Historical confession
Check out what i bought Veeky Forums
What is the current zeitgeist of the 21st century so far?
>What went right?
Was the sexual revolution of the 1960s a mistake? Are we currently on the verge of a backlash? Was second wave feminism...
Be Ukraine
13th Century Knights
Why do Anglos take credit of the Prussian's victory in Waterloo?
I'm putting together a team
Lindybeige DNA results
What is propaganda victory
Inconvenient truth: strategic air offensive was the single most important factor leading to Allied victory...
ITT: hilarious moments in history
Why didn't the Swedes force Finns to speak their language...
Why did people have so many children in Victorian times?
How would this have affected WW2?
Nooooo help me!
72 grapes
Could the CSA have successfully annexed the USA, or at least, become a world power in its own right?
The Holocaust proves there is no god
Were fairy tales really "dark and edgy" or is that just a myth?
How did the North take so long to defeat the South...
What's up with the rise of stoicism lately?
What would happen if the Benin made contact with the inca I've seen these civilizations compared so how about a what if...
Really makes you think
Why do a lot of southern Germans have darker, almost Arab, features...
Carolingian Empire vs Mali Empire. Who would win?
Common Law Thread
Huh, learn something new everyday
So, What prevented Irish from fishing when they were dying from starvation?
I often see atheists and polytheists such as Christians and Hindus claiming that God does not do miracles anymore since...
Be an african in 50,000 BC
Based african leaders thread
Why are Paul's letters part of the New Testament Canon? Why is he seemingly put on par with Christ? He was just a guy
Was American slavery an anomaly that never occurred anywhere else?
There hasn't been a single world war since the founding the United Nations. From this...
Watch historical Jesus movie
Party like It's August 1914 !
Why is pride a sin?
Why are they agressors (they were only in china) despite being sorrounded by foreign military bases in the pacific and...
Will mainstream society's values ever change to respect conquerors and national leaders again as opposed to a society...
How does a society defend itself against mass migrations? It seems that...
15 % French
"Swedish Empire"
Is this series an accurate depiction of Polish history?
What went wrong with Catalonia? Why couldnt it sustain itself?
Veeky Forums memes
Why did medieval peasants tolerate their exploitation for so long?
How did Japan catch up to the rest of East Asia so fast?
In awe at the size of this lad. Absolute unit
Gypsy thread to discuss the Gypsies, they're actually really interesting, here's what I gleaned from a wikipedia search:
The Persians entered this history under the rather childish delusion that they were going to conquer everyone else...
Aside from instances where the movie is the battle (waterloo, gettysburg, etc.)...
Serious question, what would the world look like today if the mongol empire hadn't risen...
Name a country with a cooler mythology
Defeat highly experienced german war machine armed with the most advanced technology in the world on a front that...
Why didn't ancient Egyptians conquered the european cities?
At what point in WW2 was Germany doomed to be defeated with no chance of turning the tide?
*ruins the republic*
I'ved asked this before but what about benin impressed the Europeans...
What are Veeky Forums's favorite tanks?
Let's have a Mussolini thread, post anything related to Mussolini, fun facts, images, whatever
Any historical ASMR like this?
Normies and history
Let's be honest...
Why are ((((They)))) vilified throughout history?
Were the 1980s the height of human civilization?
Destroy Western civilization because you have to pay market price for bread
So what's the deal with American debt? Nobody actually believes this will ever be paid back, right?
How do you think people a thousand years from now will perceive WW2? Will the two world wars be considered the same one?
Who do you think is the biggest Chad in the entirety of history? I think it's Julius Caesar
Did the holocaust happen
Not interested and completely clueless about history
Let's say you do bad shit for like 90% of your life...
Why don't people talk about the fact that Azerbaijan(Albania/Arran) is stealing Iranian history and identity?...
What was the most brutal war in history
Redpill me on Huey Long. Did his reforms help Louisiana? Would he have been more successful if not assassinated...
Why have International organisations completely failed to bring peace and prosperity to the world since the end of WW2?
Why do people in countries that would've been genocided in case of a German victory unironically worship Nazi Germany?
100 word research paper on ww2 due in a week
Could Veeky Forums help me identify this find? I think it might be a warhammer from around 1550...
What is known about their rate of technological advancement?
Post countries who dont deserve great power status
Were gladiatorial games real or the WWE of the time?
Watch a Hollywood/Western period/fantasy movie
How do I find the religion that best matches my views?
What kind of embarrassment of a country has no castles?
What if Europeans never invaded Africa?
ITT: We post historical figures that, in your opinion, literally did nothing wrong
Why shouldn't humans strive to exterminate all emotions and be driven just by pure logic?
Profound thinker or just a daily mail contrarian?
Why Were German Civilians treated so Well By Soviet Soldiers?
The Muslim invasions of Indian killed 200,000,000 people
Whats the difference between Wisdom and Intelligense? Can a brainlet be wise
Me live in small cave
Was it justified?
UK:why is their standard of living so low?
Why were the jews expelled from so many countries?
How would have the city of Berlin been today if Bonn was kept as the capital of the reunified Germany...
Why was sub-saharan Africa incapable of creating any civilization or culture of great value?
If pagans were so strong why Christians and Muslims always completely BTFO'd them...
I’m looking for colored images of the Third Reich
"The world before nationalism and democracy was a world of mild wars, small and effective governments, personal freedom...
If iranians really claim that they're descendants of ancient persian empires...
Can someone trace for me the route of Islam’s hate for the west? Thank you
Saddam fed his opponents to a human shredder and using their remains as fish food...
The most evil groups of people in history
I-I don't know user. Africa had some pretty cool weapons too
Who was the GOAT founding father?
Facial Hair
When did it all go wrong for the soviets?
Who had the better military? The Tang Dynasty or the Carolingian Empire?
Can this be justified?
Serious question, what would the world religions look like with if Islam hadn't risen...
Would you rather serve in the Red Army or Wehrmacht?
What feelings and thoughts does this picture provoke in you?
Agriculture was the worst mistake in human history
Giants in U.S
The Japanese don't kill off all the Christians in Japan during the 1600's
Paul spoke against circumcision for christians
Are we allowed to discuss anthropology oh Veeky Forums?
WTF I love Netanyahu now
Did he realy had IQ 65?
Why did the allies have such little trouble nation-building in Germany and Japan but so much in Iraq?
Who killed the most?
Why were the Europeans impressed by Benin city when they found it
Open Bible
Why have Slavs always been so far behind technologically despite being in such close proximity with the West and the...
When did you stopped being an edgy fedora atheist and embraced the love of our Lord?
Am I a brainlet for preferring Handel over Bach?
ITT: God-tier Crusader Kings II players
Roman Legionary VS Viking
December 8th, 1941
What sets Western people and Slavic people apart? Did they originated from different places...
African themed rpg ideas
How is it that an entire Hemisphere of the Earth can be so irrelevant to human history?
Oswald Spengler Thread
Would the modern left accept him?
We know why the Ottomans genocided Armenians
Drag the USA out of the great depression
Board dedicated to history and humanities
I feel a strong desire to join the Freemasons. Somebody talk me out of it
Nine Worthies
Was king John Lackland really that bad? Why was he considered a tyrannical king? Educate me on him, anons
How do these places feel about having no medieval history?
We wouldn't have liberty if it weren't for the French Revolution
Are the germans the asians of europe?
What is it with the anti-British sentiment on this board lately?
How Anglo-Saxon is England?
When the Italians declared war on the allies roughly one third of the italian merchant and shipping marine was outside...
Ywn live in middle ages
Was he the last great Spanish monarch?
Is it fair to say that the Imperial Japanese Navy of WW2 was the second strongest navy to ever be fielded in war...
Dismounted English Knights
Why is this board so butthurt about a dictator and his family getting executed?
Post savage historical quotes
How is it possible to be a Christian and understand evolution at the same time...
What happens here?
Who would win
ITT: stuff in history that makes you sad
Modern era capitalism = mass immigration?
Lots of hate for the British Empire on Veeky Forums. Why? Yes, they did terrible things...
Capitalism is fucking stupid
Why does only Europeans and their descendants in America seems to be" capable" of inventing new things?
That time canada was invaded by the irish
Do you think it's correct to say napoleon was the first french emperor?
WW2 Power Rankings
ITT Post your country's most just and righteous wars
CzesÅ‚awa Kwoka was born in Wólka ZÅ‚ojecka, a small village in Poland, to a Catholic mother, Katarzyna Kwoka...
The true power Ranking of WW1
Why did Britain choose the easy way out?
Is this what Tenochtitlan would look like?
How were people ok with being ruled be a literal retard?
More Americans died of opiates in 2017 then all the deaths in the 10-15 years we were in vietnam
Christians believe the Jains should spend eternity being tormented
Top civilizations excluding europeans
Declared war on Nazis
When and why did America reject regulations that kept speculative banking, corporate monopolies, trusts, etc. in check?
Okay you faggots. Let's go
David Reich (expert on ancient genetics) articles
Aryans are nigger tier individuals
Mfw holocaust denying Nazis call themselves "holocaust revisionists"
What if The Thousand Year Reich was established and all other nations opposing the German Reich were conquered
Monarchy will outlive democracy
Why do the Irish hate the British Crown but idolise Collins who favoured the Anglo-Irish treaty?
Why didn't the British ally with Nazi Germany to defeat the Soviet Union...
Truth or one big scam?
What are the main problems that caused India to lag behind China in terms of industrialization in the 2nd half of the...
Why is Britain so good at "tactical victories"?
Let's talk about Elagabalus
History of everything and more
Ancient philosophers: Everything has a reason why it is so, and not otherwise
Military units made up of criminals
Modern Russians identifty as Nationalists and make fun of Westerners and their leftism
Why was Hirohito not hung for his part in Japanese war crimes?
Catholicism is the most rotten and depraved branch of Christianity
If Japan had avoided war with Britain and the United States during WWII and focused instead on Dutch, Chinese...
What's Veeky Forums opinion on the Cognitive revolution 70.000 years ago?
Are there more history games than the Paradox shit?
Was he a "good" fascist?
Is Bulgaria Slav or Turk?
Daily reminder there was not such a thing as "indo european invasion of Europe"
Shit National Geographic won't tell you
Were there really any good or 'bad' guys during ww2? objectively its just a matter or perspective
The viking Rus invasion of Persia, told by a 10th century chronicler
Post a historical figure without actually posting them. I'll start
Justify this (taken from Lumen gentium), Catholics
Modern Anti-Enlightenment thinking?
How did communists build a strong base among working class people in certain countries if lower classes are generally...
Why has Christianity and religion become moribund in Europe?
/comfy/ documentaries
Wars Of The Roses
Historically speaking, how is it that such a privileged continent has never been able to create anything of value...
How do you go from this?
Nazis will defend him
When the Portuguese explorers arrived in Brazil in the 16th century...
What if Rennenkampf did not stabbed the Russian army in the back and Russia won at Tannenberg?
Did they ruin all potential discussions about the Byzantine Empire forever?
It really sucks how during the battle of Stalingrad the north Vietnamese built tunnels under the panzer factories and...
Would England have been more or less relevant over the centuries if it remained under Anglo-Saxon rule...
History is littered with great men with will powers so great that they shape the entire reality of the world. Alexander...
I remembered
Was the real purpose of the Berlin wall to keep (((capitalist))) i.e Jews out of East Germany?
Post good-looking Coat of Arms
Who would win, a Roman legionary, a Medieval knight or a Japanese samurai?
Is Iran/are Perisans the most cucked/muttified country in the world?
Why did western powers let China fall to communism right after WW2...
Mesoamerica Thread
Let's have a non-political discussion about the Nuremberg Trials
Monks, monasticism, hermits, Saint Benedict and Gregorian Chants
Humanized countrys that you wanna fuck
Hey Veeky Forums...was Troy a Greek or Persian City??
Islamic golden age
In my personal opinion, the top 10 worst people currently alive on Earth, share your thoughts, post your own list...
What year did scientific racism get debunked?
Ivan the Terrible
Japanese colonies
Who were the 3 greatest English monarch?
Men used to wear heels
Why is the town called after a German?
USS Juenau Found
Can you /pol/ fags and commies just like, fuck off or something?
Why did the British stop the Russians from taking Istanbul? Who was the main proponent of it?
What did Spartan soldiers actually look like?
Why do people like this retard? He's just a diamond dozen conservative amateur history buff
Which country's history is objectively the most interesting?
Would you fuck young Victoria?
They should just build this thing already. There is no way cathedral requires 100 years to be finished
Is there a way to unify different ethical systems into one theory or reduce them to each other?
What was so great about Great Zimbabwe?
What would the world be like if Napoleon had never lost the war?
If you can't pass this test, you need to leave this board
Horrors of War
ITT: Pleb Opinions
German Superiority
Why is nobody from the countries they ruled?
Post leaders that weren't corrupted by the power
Tell me about Diogenes, why is he so cynical
What is your honest opinion on him?
Who actually built them? how come there are no writings inside?
I saw Jordan Peterson at a grocery store in Toronto yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person...
The Virgin John vs the Chad Mohammed
What if the Arabs took Constantinople in 675?
Villainous hero, or heroic villain?
Are vietnamese the good guys of history?
Preventing Young Shooters like Elliot Rodger
Why does Veeky Forums downplay and even outright deny the involvement of Jews in the 1918 German revolution...
ITT we post war machines that makes you hard
John W. "Jack" Hinson, "Old Jack" (1807–1874) was a farmer in Stewart County...
Was he right?
What's Veeky Forums's favorite Total War game?
German anti-semitism
Papal Schism
Be thomas wolsey, advisor to the king
Stoicism is making a comeback. What other ancient bleiefs should return?
One of Jesus' greatest claims to fame among his early followers was his role as an exorcist. In the bible...
Even medieval Arabs were aware of the existence of race
Post hideous weapons
Character who's forced to work for the villains because of sympathetic reasons but redeems himself in the end
Tell me something about this
The early kings of Hungary had Haplogroup R1a...
If race was invented in the 1800s. Why were white enslaving blacks in the 1600s...
British Army
Britain gave India railways
Stone Age North Africans had Sub-Saharan ancestry
How do people know what Proto-Indo-European sounded like? Apparently the language has been reconstructed...
History of Korea
Why'd they have to Inbreed so much?
What has been historically the perception of beauty across the world?
The edgy japanese video game depiction of God makes the most sense. I don't like how it is, but it is
Is there anyone more JUST than Wilhelm the second?
Why did freemasons hate based jesuits?
Why didn't China join the USSR? Weren't all communist countries before China Soviet members? Why was China independent?
...As a matter of fact...
How well known is Welsh Veeky Forumstory here?
How come some countries choose to have inflated currencies even after their economies are strong...
WWI Performance Power Rankings
Every single Islamic state is shit or lagging behind West and many Asian countries even today
Convince me Napoleon wasn't the greatest general of all time
Post top tier historical banter
Historically, why has the American South lagged behind the rest of the country in pretty much every way?
What was the point of curved swords...
The History of Law Enforcement
Philosophical debate
What was everyday life like in Nazi Germany at its peak?
How do we stop these flagrant communist posters from shitty up our board?
Can you guys give me a rundown on all side's claims for Israel...
Attrocities Committed By Native Americans?
/SAG/ - Sargon of Akkad General
Have they done anything of note?
Is this the most powerful empire in all of human history so far?
"Dude lets just like abolish all property and share all our belongs except for the small group of authoritarians that...
"thousands of Hazara men, women, and children were sold as slaves in the markets of Kabul and Qandahar...
How did the Portuguese convert the kingdom of the Kongo to Christianity
Is he the best historical example of manlet rage?
Why Korea was never completly sinicized? They managed to defeat China from time to time...
What is Corporatism?
What are some of the most glaring historical inaccuracies with this game?
Waco Siege
I’m going to post this every day until you remember it
Is this photo real? Seems fishy that there was a photo of the supposed execution in the first place...
If we come into a second cold war I know who is responsible
ITT: Absolutely awful human beings with unfairly positive reputations with lapersons
Historical redheads
Childhood is idolizing the Middle Ages
Why are vikings so well remembered for doing almost nothing?
Is there any possibility that a coup could be successfully undertaken in a modern first world society?
The Einsatzgruppen was an anti terrorist organization
Why does Nordick architecture look Asian?
Was he the biggest piece of shit in history to be remembered in a positive light?
Take over england
How does Veeky Forums feel about the fact that African civilization has become more and more of a prevalent topic in...
Study history and philosophy
Why didn't they just chill after they got Manchuria?
How soon until he leads a congregation of reformed neo-fascists...
Robert Edward Lee
Make Austro-Hungary Great Again
How accurate is this video Veeky Forums?
...As a matter of fact...
Who are some notable right wing anti capitalists?
Which One Should Rule France, Veeky Forums?
Is consciousness a category or a spectrum?
Why are Negroids incapable of being human?
Reminder that the only thing that separates us from animals is us actively trying to suppress our animalistic desires...
Can someone explain the "all Catholics are pedos" meme to me? I've been living under a rock for the past 6 years
Fascism Primer
In what historical societies was it socially acceptable for men to kiss as friends?
Favorite paintings
Is it pronounced Sisero, Kikero, or Chichero?
There used to be a religion called Manichaeism practiced by millions of people in Europe, the Middle East, Iran...
Study Medieval History
Be occupied for almost a thousand years
When was this picture of Hitler taken?
Who is the most successful leader of an African nation?
Are these people confirmed the best general in human history?
Was America's defeat in the Vietnam War an actual example of a country being stabbed in the back?
What happened to Toys R Us? What happened to JCPenney and Circuit City...
Never fight a land war in Asia
Would it be correct to assume that many Greek and Roman philosophers were monotheists...
Portugal and Holland were major players in exploring the world
When is Greece going to retake what belongs to them and their people?
Which Catholic Order has done most for the Christianity?
What motivated various nationalists to betray their country and destroy the state that existed for hundreds of years...
Share something insteresting about Mussolini beyond
Hey Veeky Forums, I've become interested in Hinduism, but it seems to be anything BUT an accessible religion...
What can Veeky Forums tell me about the Celts?
Horia Sima
It's time we talk about the greatest US President
What if he hadn't been assassinated and won the 1968 election?
The aztecs where savages for sacrificing the lives of innocent people because of superstition
Who was right, Veeky Forums?
You wake up as Hitler in May 1941
Prussian Genocide 1945-1950
Why did non-American democracies seem to think that hate speech laws were ever a good idea...
Does anyone else hate how people apply modern nationalities/ethnicity to those of antiquity...
Why don't more people know about the African Enlightenment?
Why did the US government think prohibition was a good idea?
What if Hitler never launches Operation Barbarossa, would Stalin have eventually attacked...
Relatively big country
[banter stops]
Post about african philosophical concepts
I will unite the Arab peoples under one fl-
ITT: Historical figure whose reputation is literally based on someone else
Communist hypocrisy
Stoicism looks way too similar to Buddhism to be a coincidence. Though we can trace stoic ideas to Greek roots...
Okay Veeky Forums, how come most proponents of gommunism are burg.(can't spell properly sorry) themselves...
/althis/ - Alternate History
Unironically what's the philosophical School people who constantly say heteronormative, oppression, patriarchy...
Share something interesting about Truman beyond
We're putting together a team
Byzantine Empire
My professor doesn't understand why Europe is most central in history
Which non-human animal is the most likely to develop a civilization?
>I'm putting together a team
/mu/Veeky Forums
Would have the Germans chimped out if they had united all the German speaking area peacefully? Was it even possible?
What went wrong??
Stoicism is self tyranny
1875, 1928, 1962, and 1967 have been claimed. You can fight over the rest
Sardinians are the last remnant of the first middle eastern
How did China manage to have a large population throughout its history? What was their secret?
& Humanities
Was the Second Reich as evil as the Third? I'd say so, considering their plans to exterminate all Polish and Frenchmen
So, was Prussia basically a kingdom from within the HRE that eventually outgrew it?
If you believe in an afterlife, why are you still afraid of dying?
Why were there no German or pro-German partisans on the Eastern front?
What if USSR joined the Axis?
Overthrown monarchy
Sam Harris' Podcast before 2016:
What is more to blame for the fall of Christianity in the west, higher standards of living and education...
I think Germanic hunoids are a threat to Western civilization but reading up on the homefront in America during World...
Let's talk about the history of the annunaki
What's your favorite historically related video game Veeky Forums? pic related
The History of Beer
Veeky Forums feels thread
Historically speaking, is he a good pope or just a meme?
How much has ballet changed over the years...
What the FUCK is their problem?
How do we stop pop-nihilism?
Where was God?
Another Hitler thread
Would you, or would you not, blame Germany for World War 1?
What does Veeky Forums think of Primitive Technology? How far do you think he can go by himself?
Why is Veeky Forums so right winged/reactionary compared to other boards?
Stabbed in the back
Manichaeism General
Veeky Forums memes
What went wrong?
How Japan managed to have the same economic growth as USSR without drastic industrialization policies implemented by...
I know we get a lot of althistoryfags, but I've been thinking. Hypothetically if the Confederacy won the civil war...
Why did Hitler hate Jews...
Life under Franco
What is the evidence for a god/higher being/etc. existing? How does he/she/it interact with the universe?
Why is There Something Instead of Nothing?
Hygiene Thread
He literally, absolutely never did nothing wrong
Be Ptolemy I
What can Veeky Forums tell me about African philosophy?
Stop white genocide. Why this board is so filled with lefties?
Is Protestantism more true to scripture?
So God made it so man had no knowledge, but expected him to know right from wrong and not eat the fruit?
Why did Fascism fail in other Western nations?
Hey guys I'm God, a magical entity that has existed forever in nothingness for eternity
Which one was worse?
What would the world be like if he won?
Nigga, You Just Went Full Retard
This board used to be good before the redditors took over. Now I see why the entire site hates them...
You can alter one event in history of Byzantine Empire to prevent it from devolving into a shithole and eventually...
"wasn't Italy where the Greeks were from?"
Asian pride
You have a lifetime to explain why antinatalism is wrong and procreation isn't immoral. I'll wait
Study history
Why is he called "Henry"?
Share something interesting about Hitler beyond
People who were wrong about literally everything
Sulla was the best Roman
Why arent the Italians called Christ-Killers?
Germany is the Anakin Skywalker of history
Is Andronovo culture the source of south Asian indo-european languages?
Finland has great history that has been destroyed
What the fuck was their problem?
Was he a fascist?
Religion still exists in 2018
Be Caroline Sturdy Colls
Why do Marxists assume that the proletarians of all countries will unite...
How come Slavs cannot into engineering?
What went wrong?
Why did hitler hated only us the Jews?
What's going to happen to Russia once he's gone?
Veeky Forums fetish thread
Iraq defeated Iran
What went right?
Why didn’t they spread it to Japan?
Later Byziness
Why were slaves in Latin America able to maintain much of their African cultural traditions unlike slaves in the USA...
So in your opinion, what is the best Christian denomination?
*Drops your oil price
Tfw became an IRA sympathizer solely because their music is good
A real Who would win question
Mike Duncan
Choose your fighter
Capital punishment
What are some seemingly obvious historical facts that everyone just seems to have forgotten?
What would have happened in prohibition succeeded?
Historical figure fucks both men and women regularly
Old people are pretty cool because they lived history
How do we save western civilization?
Eastern front ww2
Ywn live to see a glorious sub-sovereign Mormon theocracy spanning the entirety of the American South-West existing...
Classify me
Non-Holocaust Nazi Atrocities
So what are the historical reasons for gingers never being a target for genocide?
*destroys any chance east asians had to develop a civilization that could rival westerners*
How'd this big slut avoid getting pregnant?
Rhodesian autism
Why did Britain Industrialize before the rest of Europe?
Yfw Hitler wins and the white race won’t go extinct
What would you have done?
Why was africa a backwater continent throughout its history?
Battle Of Agincourt
Why didn't people of Europe stand a chance against steppe invaders of Bronze Age?
Why are sailors always so active in revolutionary movements?
Why do black people tend to appear younger then they are
Have you converted to Christianity yet?
Are the Druze and Ibadi the best religions in the world? No one can hold a candle against them philosophically
Why was Roman and Greek society more secular and enlightened than the ones of medieval times or of the 20th century...
Operation Vegetarian was a British military plan in 1942 to disseminate linseed cakes infected with anthrax spores onto...
Saint Adolf the Great
Most of history is remembered and told through the lens of western Europe...
Veeky Forums BTFO
What did traditional/medievil/ ancient homes look like in your country?
What would've happened if in the 18th century instead of Prussia...
Do you agree with Hungary being punished for the crimes of Austria (in starting the war) and Germany (in expanding and...
What are your thoughts on this man?
Defend this
Study in uni
Shintoism is what every religion should strive to be
ITT: Post Your Greatest National Hero
The End of History and the Last Man
Veeky Forums bad relationship with Africa and South America
Make Italy Great Again
The trinity
Tfw too irrelevant for Veeky Forums to talk about
Tfw S*rbs retreat through Albania and get slaughtered by Albanian masterrace in WWI
Can we agree that the British Empire was a civilizing influence and overall net good for humanity?
Wartime Propaganda
Would his reputation be a lot better if the holocaust was not a thing...
Have there ever been any societies in history that were multicultural/multiethnic but everybody had roughly the same...
You've just been selected by an eccentric group of investors as the chief adviser on a major upcoming historical drama...
Are there any Anglo peoples left in New England?
Overrated and underrated empires?
What effect has slavery in the working american class?
History books about ww1 and ww2
Jingoistic sovereign
Why did the regions of China never develop their own national identities during the hundreds of years during which they...
Tell me about ginger history
Does he have any living descendants?
ITT: theme songs for historical figures/events
Humans have been digging holes for millennia
What are the most happiest moments in history?
Why didn't the US use the "Fifty-four Forty or Fight" event CB to annex Canada? Is this timeline's AI broken?
1,067,000 troops vs 415,000
Are jews white?
How many LEGIT Historians we have in Veeky Forums?
Share something interesting about Stalin beyond
Why are Brits so prone to irrelevant theaters?
Catholicism: *Blocks your path*
Central Asian History Thread
Who's the most /r9k/ guy in history
Modern heirs of historical leaders
Is this true?
You're a loose canon, Rommel, but damnit you get results!
Can the use of nukes on civilians ever be justified?
How similar was Japanese court to the European ones?
Could the spanish have conquered Mesoamerica without native help?
Was he really as bad as they say he was?
Were Boudicca's war crimes justified? did the Romans really deserve all that brutality?
This will get deleted, but why do the threads on the Balkan wars get deleted/trigger so many people...
Will the EU exist in 2045?
He killed hundreds
Decent history documentaries
Art thread
Who is the most evil man to ever live in your opinion? How would you measure it? Body count? High level of sadism...
Veeky Forums WHAT THE FUCK
ITT: draw a horrible vague MS paint picture and other anons try to figure out what historical event it was
Who was in the wrong here?
Logic does not exist
Is the hatred of women justified?
Did Hitler realy said that Germans are subhumans at the end?
Redpill me on Bosnian war
If we eliminate resource scarcity is communism actually possible?
Is suicide moral?
Strategy game set during WWII
WTF is your problem
Potsherd roads
Again! Again! Do it again!
When did European monarchs stop looking like this
We have to go back
Why didn't Saddam nuke Israel back to the stone age with a rain of SCUDs in 1981 after they attacked his country and...
Fine wine, Fine pay, sex, gaulish blood, raping and pillaging military, prestige and honor
Germans were raci-
Who was in the wrong here?
How exactly did the gay community become the epicentre of the HIV/AIDS epidemic?
100 Years War
Seems like a lot of Americans ignorantly believe that the British Empire as we remember it (superpower...
Is America the spiritual successor of Rome?
What would you tell these people to make them believe or love God?
Are Yahweh and Allah the same deity? Do Muslims worship the same god?
Umayyad conquest of Hispania
Axis stupidity
What would the Brits have done had the IRA managed to assassinate Margaret Thatcher, John Majors or Queen Elizabeth...
Is God real?
How serious were the Jewish Roman Wars?
Why is the concept of nationalism so difficult for middle eastern cultures to fully understand?
23 August 1914
Are we witnessing the beginning of the end for age of liberal democracy?
What does Veeky Forums think about pic related
ITT Historical DLC
Is Russia embracing its Asiatic identity again?
So how were they built? Was it (((aliens)))?
Which Roman emporer is most similar to the 45th President?
Why isn't the history of the Khmer Rouge Killing Fields taught in schools?
Good and evil
When will people admit that he was a great president and that Watergate wasn't even that big of a deal?
What would you do with a time machine? For me, I'd take Anne Frank to Pound Town
Name a sadder day in history
I think we can all agree Hitler was pretty bad, but the second spot has to go to either Mussolini or Franco...
Fuck Veeky Forums nazis
Greatest Generals throughout history
Bill Cooper
If we all descended from Africans doesn't that mean Africans created every civilization ever and we should all...
Aquinas proved that god exists
Who wore it better
He fought for Christianity but were his methods really necessary...
Let's just say WW1 never happens. Franz is killed...
Ancestry Thread
Was Tsarist Russia really faster industrializing than the USSR? Or at the very least...
Bronze age swords
I am not really educated in history, but I'm curious to know specifically what caused the downfall of Nazi Germany...
How would WW2 be different if the Nazis scraped operation Barbarossa for Sea Lion?
Tries to become a Colonial Empire in the middle of the Cold War
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games