what would have happened in prohibition succeeded? what would the ramifications have been and how would society have been changed? genuinely curious
What would have happened in prohibition succeeded?
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Awesome thread. Hey neat photo.
If it succeeded people would have started smuggling in alcohol and brewing it in illegal stills, the black market nature of it would cause organized crime to spread
>black market nature of it would cause organized crime to spread
Which in the long run, would have increased the wealth of the lower class, kept even more dangerous foreign drugs off the streets due to competition, and empowered an American criminal culture which would have prevented the powervaccum of the American underworld from attracting Italian, Mexican, and Cuban cartels from opening shop on American streets.
We’d be colonizing space right now
It never works that way.
Only the forgotten dregs of society gravitate towards organized crime. Getting entangled up with the mob is not someone people do when their life is going well. For the average foot soldier it’s highly dangerous and lower paying than any legit job, and despite the glamour only the smallest fraction rise to the ranks of made-man.
The lower classes are better served by legitimate corporations rather than unaccountable mafia families
Disease would have disappeared, the average IQ would have risen, there'd be no divorce. Seriously fuck alcohol.
wtf gary
the world economy would have collapsed?
It never could. The opposite of pic related happens and happened in every single case.
>people are not being allowed to be wasted anymore
>Getting entangled up with the mob is not someone people do when their life is going well.
Rich folks and artists have always had a tendency towards mixing with organised crime for either the monetary gain or the cool factor.
jails full of beer drinkers, serving 25 to life for a bottle of whiskey
hustlers on street corners selling low grade alcohol
rich smugglers flaunting their expensive cars
so pretty much what you're seeing as a result of the war on drugs except over a much longer period of time
Prohibition did work though. Overall alcohol consumption went down even after it was repealed. People don't realize just how much of a problem alcohol consumption was prior to prohibition, and write off all of the social factors that lead up to it.
I just think it'd be an interesting society where the criminals were only using alcohol instead of hard substances, and because partying and drinking are such cornerstones of our society what would it look like without them?
It never would have. Alcohol was too ingrained in American culture and society to be banned.
Same thing would happen if America banned guns. It would be impossible to control and only cause more deaths like prohibition did.
It done its damage however. Its why the common american beer lost its quality and become dog piss compared to european beer
>For the average foot soldier it’s highly dangerous and lower paying than any legit job, and despite the glamour only the smallest fraction rise to the ranks of made-man.
Sure, but at least it was a job. It still injected much needed income into lower class communities. The mob raised their communities from the guttet and invested their ill gotten gains into legitimate businesses. Same with many bootleggers and moonshiners, just look at the Kennedy family. For some people, this is the only job they will ever be able to do, or be willing to do. To export that to foreign immigrants, and by that I mean foreign cartels and gains, is perhaps one of the most significant cultural and economic travesty of both the war on drugs and mass immigration. When criminals are interacting with their own communities, there is a hesitation to do lasting harm. Not that it elimintes it completely, but only the most hardened psychpath will fail to hesitate when they are called upon to harm one of their own. Modern gangs no longer have that, except for perhaps the African American gangs, which in practice are too fractured, unorganized, and self segregated to consider thenselves apart of any American community. Even the Hell's Angels ride for charity, but do you think MS13 or the Bloods do charity work? Of course not, they have no tie to the people around them, because they consider themselves foreign soliders in a hostile nation. Which they are.
>injected much needed income into lower class communities
Where do you think the mob makes it's money in the first place?
The proportion of income taken is equal to what class of community they are doing business with. If you saying it's disproportionate to lower class communities, that would be like saying McDonald's does more business with the poor than the rich. Which is true, but at least McDonalds serves the poor with a service, while threating, extorting, and muscling out other potential businesses from both middle and upper class citizens.
Plus I'm not saying that ciminal blackmarkets are ideal for the lower class, but one where at least the currency circulates back into local neighborhoods is far better than one where profits are shipped back to foreign nations.
>tfw you finish colonizing space and there is no Champagne to celebrate
It did succeed. If you are convicted of a DUI you loose your license and have 10 points on your driving record for 10 years, which can only be removed through traffic school. Even then for 10 years the DMV will slap you with a special fee and you will get the highest insurance rate possible. And while most American cities do not ban alcohol per se, most defacto ban bars through zoning laws while grocery stores rarely carry anything greater than 4%. Public intoxication remains illegal in nearly all areas.
Prohibition only failed because American society wasn't dependent on the automobile yet. This changed after WW2.
By the way, even San Francisco bans all alcohol sales from 2am-10am. Most cities are stricter than that.
Society would have advanced 50 years into the future. The few years of prohibition saved hundreds of thousands of hours of work and lives of people.
Forgot to add, most states require those convicted of 2 or more DUIs to have a breathalyzer installed on their car's ignition, which they have to use to start the vehicle. Subverting this system or driving a car that is not registered nor insured is grounds for 5 years minimum jail if caught, more if it's another DUI.
Prohibition succeeded. People don't drink these days unless they're nonwhite.
By the way, there are people out there who lobby for these to be made mandatory in cars like seatbelts.
Also interlock devices are rented from the state, not purchased. The driver pays for the install/removal too.
>>People in this thread are seriously defending prohibition as a policy
Newsflash faggots, the supposed positive benefits of prohibition were not worth the growth of organized crime, the general distrust of the government caused by it, and the lack of respect for the police it helped to create. This isn't even getting into the simple fact that we wouldn't have numerous intrusions onto constitutional rights without prohibition.
Oh and the war on drugs it helped to spawn, the still in place ban on prostitution that came with it and the idea that "no fun allowed because reasons" that became the future inspiration for other retarded laws. Fuck prohibition and fuck anyone who defends it as a policy.
>>people don't drink these days unless they're nonwhite
Yeah no that's wrong.
"white" hispanics aren't white, neither are italians and french people are usually brown or mixed with niggers anyway
FBI nubbed that organized crime down pretty hard.
It really didn't, hence why the BATF had to be created in the 70s. Organized crime only died because alcohol and collective bargaining were fully legalized.
Ummm I hate to break it to you, but the alcohol/arms division in the US was created long before. They simply changed the names few times and the 72's name finally stuck.
Organized crimes didn't die completely it was however nubbed in starting in the 30s and going well into the 80s.
Motherfucker I am of mostly northwest european descent with a tiny little bit native american thrown in, and you know what? I like to have a drink every so often. As does most of my family.
>>Italians and french aren't white
Go back to /pol/ and do not come back.
>Native American
>not all alcoholics from birth
I have bad news for you son
This is 100% the opposite in Wisconsin.
>>having some wine with dinner
Just stop, you are only making yourself look even dumber regardless of how much of an "ebin trolle" you think you are.
Wyoming is an incredibly white state with absurd amounts of drunk driving.
These are consequences of cars becoming a necessity, not of Prohibition. You can get slapped with legal consequences for a variety of traffic violations. And the bit about nonwhites is flat wrong. Have you ever been to a majority-white poor area? Or a white college town?