Share something insteresting about Mussolini beyond
>he was evil
>he killed a lot of people
Share something insteresting about Mussolini beyond
He was a skilled swordsman.
The only based fascist there ever was. He has so many good quotes
"Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five per cent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today.… National pride has no need of the delirium of race." -Benito Mussolini
He had a bastard son who he later had put in a mental asylum and intentionally drugged to death.
One of his mistresses was Jewish.
He was a gommie
He wrote steamy romance novels
He took pride in Italian-American achievements.
He’s a manlet
He didn’t even kill that many people unless you count his own armies on fruitless campaigns
His biggest mistake was killing the Jews. Most of the jews in Italy were literal Fascist enabler. Yet Benito betrayed them all for autistic g*rm.
He was literally a fascist
>Ninety-five per cent, at least
italian intellectuals everyone
He knew that apparently, "I have no love for the Jews, but they have great influence everywhere. It is better to leave them alone. Hitler's antisemitism has already brought him more enemies than is necessary."
Then why he still did it? Because he want Hitler's support? Did Hitler forced him to kill Jews?
He was 5'6 which was basically average in Italy at the time.
He didn't actually kill a bunch of Jews, though he did impose race laws partly to appease his German ally who he thought would become the continental hegemon. Italy's Jews actually had the highest survival rate of any European country's despite half of it being occupied by the Germans. Except Denmark.
Around 500,000 - 750,000, giving his government roughly half the responsibility for the Greek famine.
Libya: 80,000
Ethiopia: 383,000
Spain: at least several thousand
Yugoslavia: probably low tens of thousands
Greece: 11,000 executed, ~150,000 in famine
maybe a few hundred internal dissidents, more if you include RSI activities though he didn't have much involvement by that point.
he became hitlers puppet to such a degree that his own son in law/second in command led the fascist party to kick him out of office and restore full power to the king, then Italy switched over to the Allied side.
He was a fucking idiot that should have never got involved with Shitler and he paid the price for it.
He hated French cuisine.
He was retarded enough to side with Hitler.
Literally smarter than you Willy.
He was a really thuggish guy. At age 10 he was expelled from a religious boarding school for stabbing a classmate in the hand, and another stabbing incident took place at his next school. He also admitted to knifing a girlfriend in the arm. Later in life he led gangs of boys on raids of local farmsteads and eventually became adept at dueling with swords. When the New York Times reported on Mussolini’s May 1922 duel against a rival newspaper editor.
>For us the national flag is a rag to be planted on a dunghill. There are only two fatherlands in the world: that of the exploited and that of the exploiters.
>Militarism! Here is the monstrous leech that is incessantly sucking the blood of the people and its best energy! Here is the target for our attacks! We must put an end to barbarism, proclaim that the army is now a highly organized school of crime and that it exists solely to protect bourgeois capital and profits. We must not be deterred from proclaiming ourselves international socialists. We recognize no borders and no flags, we hate all steel, every institution that exist to kill men, waste energy, strangle the advance of the workers.
>Some still ask of us: what do you want? We answer with three words that summon up our entire program. Here they are…Italy, Republic, Socialization. . .Socialization is no other than the implantation of Italian Socialism.
What the fuck am I missing here? Mussolini was a socialist?
Yeah? Why does this surprise you?
He literally drained the swamp(s)
He was for a while and a member of the Italian Socialist Party. Around ww1 he became pro war (I think he believed the war would create conditions necessary for socialist revolution in all of Europe), his stance didn't sit right with his fellow party members and he was kicked out. He gradually became more right wing from then on.
A chad
>>under a million
That's fucking peanuts compared to Hitler and Stalin and in line with what I'd expect an imperialist and expansionist state to do.
He brought up the murderous ideology of fascism, so he was in no way a good guy.
Before Hitler got involved, he basically was just sending them to a minimum security prison in southern italy.
But modern French cuisine is literally derived from Italian cuisine due to royal chefs being brought over from Italy with some queen.
He was named after a Mexican president his father admired.
It was above average actually. Europeans were all manlets compared to today back the, even in Germany the average height was like 5'5.
His youngest child who died in the mid 2000s was a pretty well-known jazz musician in Italy, Romano Mussolini.
Also, he established the idea of the Vatican state separate from Rome, something that is still around today.
He was one of the first world leaders to really utilitze the radio to galvanize the nation.
I wish i knew in which occasion he did this face
Italy under him saw a great deal of futurism based art and noise music and film dubbing. Also fascist Italy and Mussolini is a painfully underrated topic on Veeky Forums
He only really became an actual dictator and much more harsh on critics after some failed assassination attempts on him in 1925-26.
He was originally a socialist and hardcore atheist, claiming that anyone who takes the bible as fact is an idiot and that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were clearly fucking.
He cracked down on the mafia because they had inadvertently insulted him. While he was in Palermo, the mayor, a mafioso, asked him why he had a police escort. He offered to give a guard of his own to Mussolini, but he turned it down, so the mayor made sure people didn't show up to Mussolinis speech. He chimped out and assigned a special prefect to use any means necessary to dismantle the mafia. This prefect, Luigi Federzoni, formed a posse of local cops and militia and went from town to town, arresting suspected mafioso and confiscating their property and money to intice them to confess. Some people were tortured into confessing and rival mafia snitched on each other, and within a couple years they had rounded up like 10,000 of the fuckers and thrown them into jail or exile. The Mafia in Italy was driven underground and wouldn't become prominent until the allied invasion of Sicily brought anarchy, allowing them to re-establish themselves. They helped the allies out and were able to become a parallel state of sort, leading to the height of their powers in the post-war era.
Fascism is inheretly flawed
He was a violent criminal and misogynist who got what was comming
>fucked bitches
>had a wife
Race didn't mean the same thing back then, he's talking about races as in "the German race". There is no chance in hell that Mussolini believed in equality between whites and blacks or anyone else
You should watch 'La Pelle'
he was F/A/S/T
He treated women poorly.
Have a pic of Mussolini sword fighting.
>you will never roam the skies in your sparviero for the glory of italy and il duce
>ywn see a competent italy siding against shitler
>ywn see a mediterranean block formed by italy and spain
>ywn see fascism playing a major role in the cold war
Why even live
Knowing stuff like this makes his conduct in such events as "starting wars to look tough in front of other countries" make more sense. They literally made a gang leader the dictator of a major country.
lmao Churchhill killed more
A Catholic mystic allowed him to enter heaven
>it will never be mandatory to use Gaspare Stoppi as my name
>it will never be mandatory to use pastaspeak
>it will never be mandatory to deny my ethnicity
feels pretty good desu
si mio amico
He was a prolific rapist and womanizer.
socialism was a lot more popular back in the day before the cold war so almost everyone used to pretend they were a socialist for the PR
Used to be a socialist
He was inspiration to FDR while launching the new deal
He handpicked Ante Pavelic (Croat dictator who killed lots of Serbs and Jews) for leadership of the Axis puppet state in Yugoslavia after the German-Italian invasion. He had been providing Pavelic and his supporters refuge in the interwar era when the Yugoslav government tried to have him arrested for political violence. German officers called Pavelic "Mussolini's Man".
He was a chad who had sex with approximately 5000 women during his lifetime.
Yes it's real. google it.
He shit himself when he died and they hung his corpse upside down for all of Italy to laugh at
>He shit himself when he died
In fairness that's most people.
His father was a socialist so yes he was for a while. In fact when he started fascism he basically claimed they were doing socialism right, unlike the communists.
He saved Italy from communism.
The organization known in German as Der gruppen die Einsatz, was of purely an anti partisan persuasion.
On his youth, he stabbed like 3 people.
>Italians laughing while Moroccans and basket ball americans are set loose on their women
brave italian commie partizani killing him after the capitalists do the heavy lifting killing Germs
He was evil
He killed a lot of people
Pretty sure the communists fought on the same side as the allies
Meh, I could take him. He spent his time strutting about and posing for the cameras, while I dedicate myself to studying the blade. Also, I am an Anglo with a lithe aristocratic body, so therefore I am an inherently superior swordsman to that squat potato creature.
Under his rule, the Italian population boomed. Kudos for the few thousands of subhuman niggers, jews and commies killed.
Communists that hadn't been killed came out of the woodwork as the Americans were rolling up Italy.
He was the only smart leader of ww2. If they didn't sabotage him Europe might be a good place to live today.
And were successful at removing Mussolini
If you call a dog licking up crumbs eating the meal then sure.
Whatever helps you sleep at night
dead commies
Communism is inevitable.
so is death
Now you get it.
hopefully you will too
he was a rather incompetent leader who caused a lot of undue suffering to his own people
>Penis goes where?!
He was puched in the face while giving racist anti-slavic speech in Pula theatre. He wrote in his diary that "the locals do not like me there" or something silly like that. lol
Honestly Fascism should be given a second change. Both Italy and Germany were going amazing until the commies convinced the US and UK that the fascists were "bad"
>Edvige wrote in her diary: “While I was praying in front of the Crucifix, a person appeared to me suddenly all in flames, a heard a voice say,
>‘I am Benito Mussolini. The Lord has allowed me to come to you in order to get some relief from my sufferings in purgatory. I beg you as an act of charity to offer for me all your prayers, sufferings and humiliations for two years, if your director allows it. God’s mercy is infinite but so is His justice. One cannot enter Heaven until one has paid the last penny of the debt owed to Divine Justice. Purgatory is terrible for me because I waited until the last moment to repent.’
>On spring day in 1951, Jesus told me after Holy Communion: ‘This morning the soul of Benito Mussolini has entered into Heaven.’”
Mussolini died April 28, 1945
Fucking commie leave Veeky Forums
Based. Athiests and commies BTFO