Mayan Edition
Attached: 1280px-Chichen_Itza_3.jpg (1280x681, 170K)
March 17, 2018 - 08:02
Imaging falling from them stairs
March 17, 2018 - 08:14
Attached: palenque2.jpg (800x515, 213K)
March 17, 2018 - 08:38
Temple V Tikal
Attached: tikaltemploV.jpg (728x971, 227K)
March 17, 2018 - 09:59
North Korea
Attached: AAA_1242.jpg (1920x1281, 680K)
March 17, 2018 - 10:05
Ek Balam
Attached: Ek Balam.jpg (1280x960, 296K)
March 17, 2018 - 10:07
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March 17, 2018 - 10:18
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March 17, 2018 - 10:19
They are not even trying to make it not look like a Potemkin Village
Attached: St_Augustine's_Church,_Kilburn_Interior_3,_London,_UK_-_Diliff.jpg (816x1024, 273K)
March 17, 2018 - 11:10
>tfw you don't need queue to use the toboggans
March 17, 2018 - 11:15
What's the oldest building in your town/city lads? In Oslo it's this; Gamle Aker Church built in the 1100s
Attached: Gamle_Aker_kirke_S.jpg (1345x897, 1.68M)
March 17, 2018 - 11:49
It still blows my mind that people were building shit like this in the middle of the fucking jungle without the use of horses or similar beasts of burden.
March 17, 2018 - 11:53
It actually wasn't the jungle
March 17, 2018 - 11:58
Khami City ruins
Attached: images (14).jpg (259x194, 14K)
March 17, 2018 - 11:58
What the city originally looked like
Attached: khami_reconstruction (1).jpg (800x553, 199K)
March 17, 2018 - 11:59
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March 17, 2018 - 12:07
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March 17, 2018 - 12:07
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March 17, 2018 - 12:09
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March 17, 2018 - 12:12
Attached: Speke-Hall.jpg (700x467, 81K)
March 17, 2018 - 13:44
not a building, but definitely the oldest structure; a burial mound, possibly Celtic from 7th century
March 17, 2018 - 20:35
Attached: kopiec-krakusa-gora.jpg (1921x1080, 443K)
March 17, 2018 - 20:35
You probably be paralyzed and then sacrificed
March 17, 2018 - 22:24
I suppose I'll post some more Oslo. Parilament building
Attached: Stortinget,_Oslo,_Norway_(cropped).jpg (3748x1699, 2.29M)
March 17, 2018 - 22:53
City Hall
Attached: 14-09-02-oslo-RalfR-393.jpg (4288x2440, 2.77M)
March 17, 2018 - 22:55
Opera House
Attached: Oslo_Opera_House_seen_from_Langkaia.jpg (3726x2035, 3.03M)
March 17, 2018 - 22:59
One of my favorite buildings, incoming comfy Skopje pictures
Attached: skopje31.jpg (640x426, 56K)
March 17, 2018 - 23:16
Some models of the building
Attached: Културен-центар-МОБ-брошура-МАРХ-9-макета-770x470.jpg (770x470, 95K)
March 17, 2018 - 23:16
Attached: Karposh_2ф.jpg (532x604, 105K)
March 17, 2018 - 23:19
Modern or Yugoslav era? Also checked
March 17, 2018 - 23:21
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March 18, 2018 - 00:25
Swahili architecture
Attached: 1afb6084-cdca-43f2-a3f5-c220768859cd.jpg (766x578, 117K)
March 18, 2018 - 00:56
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March 18, 2018 - 00:56
A reproduction of what Rosa Lila temple in Copan would've looked like
Attached: 1200px-CPN_Rosalila_01.jpg (1200x735, 201K)
March 18, 2018 - 04:15
These wall. 1539 /acropoli.html
Attached: ACROPOLI-4.jpg (938x662, 208K)
March 18, 2018 - 04:42
That's intentional. Sacrificed bodies were thrown off and rolled down, at least that's what the Aztecs did
March 18, 2018 - 04:56
Mayas didn't throw bodies from the stairs like that. Human sacrifices were uncommon, but all the confusion comes with Mexico's misleading propaganda and shit like Mel Gibson's movies, picrelated is a new "mayan" statue the government placed in Quintana Roo
I recommend reading about Rabinal Achi for having an insight on how sacrifices worked with the maya civilization
Attached: Maytec_o.jpg (2048x1536, 717K)
March 18, 2018 - 05:58
Did the Maya even had things like eagle knights?
March 18, 2018 - 07:21