Can someone explain the "all Catholics are pedos" meme to me? I've been living under a rock for the past 6 years.
t. Catholic
Can someone explain the "all Catholics are pedos" meme to me? I've been living under a rock for the past 6 years.
t. Catholic
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loads of cases of pedophilic activiyy in the the upper ranks of the catholic church. It really blew up beteeen the 1950's to the 1980's and has gone down since.
When ever you see on the news about Children getting raped or molested its like 75% mostly in a church or someone who has worked in a church. Also like 60% of the time the church covers it up or someone with higher power in the church covers it up and deny's it
Priest pedos have more shock value than other pedos so they get a lot more coverage and people are too dumb to figure it out.
Source: my ass
The number of victims or rape and sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic priests numbers over a thousand in Philadelphia alone; and that over only he last few decades. Considering that this is not something new that priests just one day decided to do, it is highly likely that over the course of its existence the priests of the Catholic church have raped and otherwise sexually abused (not to mention the hideous teachings it espouses that are in themselves a form of child abuse) tens of millions of innocent children, both boys and girls. Why people still continue to treat this corrupt organization as if it was the embodiment of all that is good and true is something I'll never understand.
As Stephen King said, it's hypocrisy so transparent you could read a newspaper through it.
that's the impression i get
>not to mention the hideous teachings it espouses that are in themselves a form of child abuse
Hollywood projection.
Freemason propaganda.
>tfw you can't do this shit in CK2
Medieval simulator my ass.
anti catholic media propaganda
notice how after this new globalist commie pope Bergolgo got in power the media is now favorable to the catholics and doesnt demonize them
Keep in mind thst the US is an anomalous case, and that there are more than 400000 catholic priests around the world. While I agree that this is a serious problem that has been addressed poorly by the religious authorities, it is still a marginal case, and in no way representative of the whole institution. Public school teachers also have a significant number of offenders, and yet you wouldn't that the whole system of public education is rotten.
>anomalous case
It's really not, it happens everywhere.
Yeah theocracies really should be the last dlc
Puritan shitposting basically, yeah it does happen in Catholicism, but the amount of times people claim it is exagerreted
In England when people got shipped overseas to Australia to work in farms and that some got malested but there was little news
Same with the ‘stolen generation’ of Abos
Also very rarely are these cases taken to court so you can’t actually find someone guilty
Doing confession and then continuing to serve the community is the equivalent of jail time IMO
Tl;dr humans rape and malest all the time but when Catholics do it it’s in the spotlight
So does rape by people’s biological parents, should we ban parenting
It might happen but certainly not to the extent it happens among the priesthood. And there aren't cabals of parents that would try to hide systematic domestic abuse. On the other side, the Church has been keeping it hidden for ages.
Spiritual advisors, like sports coachs and school teachers, are some of the people who are most likely to sexually abuse minors. It might be that they are drawn to positions were they'd have greater access to children, or it might just be that children happen to be the victims they have greater access to (something like 50% of child abusers aren't pedophiles, but rather oportunistic rapists).
Because Catholic priests are part of a huge organization, it is specially jarring that these crimminal activities went underreported for so long, and it speaks to the institutional lack of accountability. Rather than cooperate with greater society to purge it's ranks of evil-doers, many insiders in-the-know actively worked to keep their colleagues' deeds under wraps or passively allowed corruption to spread.
The proportion of pedos in the catholic church is lower than the general population, however the catholic church attempted to cover up pedopriests. Had they not done so there would not be nearly as much controversy or the meme that catholic priests are inclined towards pedophilia.
30% of child sex abuse is performed by relatives.
40% is performed by older children.
There is also the thing that most sexually abused children are girls, but Catholic priest pedos were more likely to target boys. This is more jarring, because a) the RCC is supposedly against all sorts of paraphilias and b) the pedo-homo combo makes them seem extra weird.
Not that it makes it better, but a lot of the cases of child abuse portrayed by the media are actually sex with teenagers, most after the age of consent.
Catholics have been raping kids for over a thousand years.
Nope, it's not. Napoli priests are currently caught in a gay scandal, where they were using tithes to have sex with gay prostitutes
t. Jesuit
>past 6 years
This came out in the 80s
Because it's more scandalous, and rightfully so, when a "man of God" fiddles some boipucci.
Plus, as with every organised institution, their colleagues will often try to cover up this kind of shit but precisely because they are supposed to be holy men it makes them even more despicable to the eyes of the public. That's why people come to expect and even accept the cops covering for each other. But priests doing it is a big no no.
Sure. but the strict, elaborate clerical and monastic structure of the Roman Catholic Church makes it conducive for sexual deviancy like same-sex relationships and pedophilia to grow.
Gay brothers in Vatican property in Rome, 1 in 7 priests in Australia under indictment for child sex crimes, hundreds of billions of dollars in hush money paid out by the Vatican over the past century, dozens of known cases of known child molesters being quietly shipped off to other parishes to molest children there.
The Vatican is the most evil institution on earth, and one of the most evil acts a person can do is to rape a child.
>ywn molest a cute shota with your Catholics brothers.
Why even live?