I’m considering becoming a catholic priest. Why or why shouldn’t I? I have a double major in Philosophy and Religious Studies and have been going to Catholic Mass since I was born.
I’m considering becoming a catholic priest. Why or why shouldn’t I...
Because religion is bullshit.
>Why or why shouldn’t I?
You shouldn't because Catholicism (and all forms of Abrahamic "theology") is forbidden by God.
Pay attention:
If you hear the call, then heed it.
How long are you going to post this shitty pasta? It's going on 3 months
Because Christianity is obviously untrue.
I somewhat feel I do, but haven’t talked to anyone about it. I know the priest in my hometown will tell me exactly what you said, but I need some sort of checklist or flowchart to help
It sounds like a comfortable and fulfilling life but I would never do it simply because I would feel like my whole life was wasted if I didn't pass on my genes and raise my own children.
shit up some other thread
Being celibate is inhuman.
Oh great, it's the schizo and the degenerate nihilist at work. This world could use a priest. This board for sure.
Orthodox could fix that problem!
You shouldn't because you can do a much greater good by public activism without being a priest. You might argue that being a priest could support you in doing so and give you public legitimacy but I think there's a strong argument to be made it could unduly tie you down. If you really take the time to reach out to your fellow man you could affect many more men then you could inside a church.
>Oh great, it's the schizo and the degenerate nihilist at work. This world could use a priest. This board for sure.
>How long are you going to post this shitty pasta? It's going on 3 months
Insults still aren't theology.
You can mock Zeus and not get struck by lightning.
You can mock Allah and not get struck by lightning.
You can mock Yahweh and not get struck by lightning.
You can mock Jesus and not get struck by lightning.
You can rape 1000 toddlers for a month and then lingchi them and not get struck by lightning.
God is nevertheless extant.
are you seriously so fucking retarded you think the ancient egyptians used modern measurements
>are you seriously so fucking retarded you think the ancient egyptians used modern measurements
Not at all - I don't even think they knew the speed of light. Obviously I am suggesting that the coordinates of the great pyramid suggest divine intervention - not mortal intent.
But if you weren't retarded you'd obviously make that connection.
Your problem is you presume no god and therefore dismiss evidence suggesting there is one - I give you evidence highly unlikely to occur without a god and tell you it implies a god.
You're a fundamentalist because evidence is non-persuasive with you, I'm a scientist.
If you pick 1000 random 6 digit numbers there is about a 60.68% chance 2 of them will be the same.
1 - [ (1000000-1)/1000000 ] ^ [ (1000^2-1000)/2 ]
so this is fully within the realm of coincidence if you think of all the constants and numbers in physics and all the monuments all over the world with both longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates
If you are a scientist and not a retard you will see why your beliefs are bullshit now and seek help for your schizophrenia
>If you pick 1000 random 6 digit numbers there is about a 60.68% chance 2 of them will be the same.
The "birthday problem" is not a similar probability condition.
Furthermore, I have included a quote from Shakespeare by Caesar which foretells the Giza coordinates. Julius Caesar was a god, Pharaoh was a god. The quote is a fictitious quote by a god,
"But I am constant as the northern star,. Of whose true-fixed and resting quality. There is no fellow in the firmament."
The quote is written before the speed of light was known to even exist much less be so constant it is constant in all reference frames. The quote is also written before the establishment of geographical coordiinates which ended up setting the Pyramid of Giza at the speed of light in latitude. If you accept both latitude and longitude to potentially end up at the six digits of the speed of light and take degree notation and decimal notation into account, the odds of one of the coordinates being the speed of light is 1/250,000.
By itself it's an astounding coincidence but with the Shakespeare quote seemingly fortelling it, it's evidence of God.
You can rationalize it all you want, but in the end, that's still the facts.
My job is to tell you gravity exists, not to keep you from jumping off a bridge if you think you can fly.
Correction on this post: (You)
It's not possible for degree notation to arrive at the six digits of the speed of light because the highest numbers allowed are:
360 degrees 60 minutes 60 seconds
If you have it at 299 degrees it must be 79 minutes which cannot exist.
If you have it at 29 degrees, it must be 97 minutes which cannot exist.
Therefore the probability is only 1/500,000 that latitude or longitude will arrive at the speed of light because degree notation is not an acceptable candidate.
Anyway, that's not remotely the only thing prophesying me - for one of many examples:
And that is why () OP shouldn't be a Catholic priest, because Abrahamic "theology" is forbidden. You lose the instant you even think about killing someone "for a god" much less codifying as divine mandate.
Dude it's gonna be boring AF. Basically 24/7 hours, no privacy, no sex, less liberties, and the pay is shit
You wont be able to do anything productive in your life and be a parasite to society, using tax payers money to preach fairy tales.
>Inb4 fedora
Shit argument. All of you know it is true. The only reason anyone with more than 50 iq is religious is because they were brainwashed by their family growning up.
Nigga can’t get his dick wet so he becomes a priest
Also no sex.
Literally giving up one of the greatest feelings in life for some fairy tales. At least other religions allow you to have sex even if they are still bullshit.
Cross reference local church figured with a sex offenders registry. You can obtain one from your local police department. Regardless of whether or not you choose to be a priest, this should be anyone's first move when engaging with the Catholic Church in any capacity.
Sincerely, someone from Boston
Do you like shota ;)?
Do it I heard the priesthood is fun. They drink a lot supposedly. I mean they’re not getting plastered but still.
You sure showed him by stating your opinion.
if it calls to you, do it. the smartest and most content people i ever met were my Jesuit professors.
Are you willing to take on the spiritual afflictions and struggles of your entire flock?
If not perhaps teaching may be a better idea.
Catholics aren't Christian
This meme
Your "lineage" is preserved through anyone remotely related to you, the earth isn't dependent on a single person for it. That's the beauty of creation.
No point, the age of boipucci on a platter is dy.ing
what did xe mean by this?
>I have a double major in Philosophy and Religious Studies and have been going to Catholic Mass since I was born.
Nigga you're still gonna be sent to seminary. This isn't anglican tier bullshit where you just need a bachelor's degree in divinity and a bishop willing to swear you in.