Why are ((((They)))) vilified throughout history?

Why are ((((They)))) vilified throughout history?

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Because they arguably possess talents but instead of using it to better mankind or their host nations they only suck everyone else dry for themselves

They're basically the definition of wasted talent. At least the high IQ Europeans and Japs produced high culture

You mean like that one time Jewish refugees were allowed into The Netherlands and were allowed to fulfill roles such as merchants and bankers and how The Netherlands quickly became a superpower thanks to it's tolerance and diversity.

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and to give you a quick answer OP, it's generally because it's awfully easy to put the blame on a minority that is already alienated from the rest of the community for being different

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They're not Christian.

>Get's expelled
Nothing personal Kike.

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>European Nobles & Clergy: Hurdurr Usury is bad and merchantilism is fucking disgusting lmao.
>Jews: Is it ok if we do this?
>Nobles & Clergy: Sure, whatevs, you're not Christian.



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>implying no reason
First post basically, they have sociopathic tendencies which makes them successful but also incredibly undesirable for a society. Add to that being tribal and killing the son of God and you have enough reason.

They could've farmed and become peasants if they weren't a bunch of lazy shits.

They tolerated diversity so much that when they started colonizing Brazil they persued the local population that was neither protestant nor jewish, literally the only two kind of people they cared about in their "tolerant society"

Why do you think blacks and natives were in the Portuguese size when they btfo the dutchs?

Man, you really showed me

So are we just gonna ignore the diversity of people that visited their ports or what

There's been only two superpowers in history: the US and the USSR. Netherlands is a literal who.


>sitting on your ass counting shekels is hard work

Alrighty, world power. You understand the point I'm trying to make or not?

>For being different

No I don't. You're saying Jews made a country powerful, yet in real life said country was a nobody (and still is).

Cool refutation bro

I was arguing that the Jews ere an example of how Dutch tolerance in the seventeenth century attributed to them becoming a major power.

The Netherlands became a superpower due to Dutch bravery, endurance and martial and maritime skill, not Jewish wheedling.

There's a major dent in your theory: Netherlands was never a major power.

Because of the way we act

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again, not trying to argue that the dutch empire was built entirely off of their reliance on Jews. I was trying to use them as an example that dutch tolerance attributed to their rise. I apologize for that mix up there.

Oh yea and the dutch never had a colonial empire either.

>having colonies means you're a world power
Cool story Kevin

USA has the 2nd highest amounts of Jews behind Israel and its the only superpower in the world.

I'm done here, you're not even refuting any of my actual points here.

Believe me as much as i want to continue a shit fest and waste my life I'm sleepy

can't wait to see you tommrow!!! ;) see you soon!!


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Diversity doesn't mean anything if you're a second class citizen in the same diverse society.
Tbf I don't really have the knowledge to say much about how diverse was the Dutch empire.
But when it comes to their main proof of a status as a newly formed power, the securement of part of Portugal's main colony, they were far from a tolerant society.

By the 17th century the people in the area that would be New Holland were already used to the Portuguese society and converted to christianity, even among slaves and lower classes, these same people would be treated even worse than before with the Dutchs.
See the martyrs of Natal for example, dutch diversity didn't work so well for them did it?

Like I said, I would't risk talking about the rest of
the Dutch empire, but saying they were "tolerant" just cause they accepted jews and said they cared about diversity is too much.

Get your shit together man
Even among the most /pol/ style interpretations of history the dutch were an empire.
They fucking came out of nowhere and started stealing colonies everywhere.
The thing is that as the jews would only use the "good goys" and then leave them when it's not necessary anymore.
That would have happened with the dutch, the brits, the socialists and now with the states.
If you're going tin foil at least do it right.

Because - as an insular, cohesive, nepotistic ethno-religious minority - they have often acted in the position of the so-called "middleman minority". And middleman minorities are despised by pretty much every society forced to put up with them


>being paid a fortune more than farming to Do this because and by Christ cucks wouldn’t charge interest is somehow the Jews fault