Post & Discuss the History of Russia.
Russia Thread
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please somebody help me to get out of this shithole
mongoloid, barbaric asian horde
Who was the best Russian monarch?
But why russian user? Why do you want to get out of a Great Power that reasserts its influence, conquers territory, and is lead by a cunning mastermind?
Well, they are able to do that exactly because life sucks for average Russian.
I don't get it user. The US was able to do that for decades, and life was great for the average burger. Care to explain? Not trolling. Just curious.
1. Peter I
2. Alexander III
3. Ivan IV
Not him or even Russian, but USA is the world's granary pretty much. Most of Russia is fucking permafrost.
Food security plays a part, but I don't think that's enough. There are many countries that are able to feed themselves several times, and they're still a shithole.
Other than that, Russia, nowadays, is self sufficient. They are one of the main wheat exporters.
>Alexander III over II
Reactionaries get out
How likely you guys think you were to die if you were an adult male living in Russia from 1914-1950?
Between WWI and WWII odds are bad (even excluding all other things).
I wonder if this really matters. According to demographic predictions, Russia will have fewer people that Egypt in 50 years.
>the two anchors of society: church and slavery
>implying slavery is necessary for a stable society, free of barbarism
>implying the church wasn't corrupt, rich and influential, holding sway over millions of peasants who didn't know any better, until the clergy realized that their indoctrination was fading away with modernity and education
Whoa, so enlightened. You totally belong in the middle ages with that kind of thinking.
>so enlightened
Counter-enlightened :^)
Enlightement was a mistake.
It was a necessary evil to weed out hydra of theism.
>during the Napoleonic wars, Maistre warns the tsar against liberating the serfs because it could result in a disgusting revolution that will destroy Russia
>Alexander II abolishes serfdom and integrates all these ingrates into society
>Lenin himself comes from a family of freed serfs
>communist revolution ends up destroying Russia and killing millions just like Maistre predicted 100 years in advance
>retards will still deny he was right
I'd tell you to go back to /pol/ if I didn't know any better. I've met actual Christian conservatives with that kind of thinking.
Still gonna post the image though.
It's bizzare how Russia used to be the evil commies threatening the free world, and now it's the exact opposite.
America is turning into a socialist/idpol shithole and Russia is the defender of the free world, revival of Christianity and conservatism.
Putin is the final boss and obstacle for the NWO agenda.
because they know first-hand what living under atheistic communism is like. the people that hate communism the most are those that lived through it.
the pendulum swings the other way just as hard, and that's why the russian federation today is more like 50's america with proper family values, morality and ethics
>America is turning into a socialist/idpol shithole and Russia is the defender of the free world, revival of Christianity and conservatism.
>Putin is the final boss and obstacle for the NWO agenda.
>defender of the free world, revival of Christianity and conservatism
>obstacle for the NWO agenda.
Imagine someone unironically believing this.
If Alexander I freed serfs 50 years earlier, no Lenin would exist in the first place. If you are late with necessary reforms, you will get the revolution.
Imagine not having an argument.
t. freemason/illuminati/jesuit shill
If Lenin's grandfather stayed in his mir for his entire life and urban Jews got kicked out of Russia, there would be no revolution.
God bless the Russian/Syrian/Iranian alliance.
Last stand against the Zionist New World Order.
t.edgy /pol/tard
>if you're against socialist globalization you must be a poltard
The state of atheism/commies.
thanks for confirming you're a masonic shill
He's just a butthurt Amerimutt upset they are the bad guys now.
I'm the furthest thing from a commie, although you're right that I'm secular.
You're defending Zionism so you're in favor of socialism/marxism.
I'm European you dumb fucks.
Is this the state of Veeky Forums these days? Here I thought I'd find a comfy thread about Russia, instead its infested with delusional twats and/or trolls.
>they are the bad guys now
Have they ever been the good guys? Genuinely curious.
Based masons are the benevolent and progressive force, the synonym of European civilization itself. I would be proud to be out as the mason and be in a company of people like Mozart and founding fathers.
> Only Lenin, the most genius mastermind of all history could lead the communist party to victory! XD
The U.S. were the good guys after WW2, up until the USSR collapsed.
Once the Cold War was """"""""""over"""""""""" the U.S. has largely been a force of evil, bullying 3rd world countries, destabilizing regions and staging fake revolutions.
Russia recovered after the 90's mafia/oligarch economic crisis, and now Putin is a significant thorn in the Illuminati's side.
Masons literally worship Satan/Lucifer you dumb fuck
Guys, should we tell him?
Nothing wrong about that. We all should pray for one sinner who needs salvation the most.
1. Peter I
2.Catherine II
3.Ivan IV
Putin has been handling the chess game in Syria really well.
>America uses FSA/AQ as proxies
>FSA gets destroyed by SAA/RuAF
>America uses ISIS as proxies
>ISIS gets destroyed by SAA/RuAF
>America uses Kurds as proxies
>Russia befriends Turkey, and lets them destroy the Kurds
The zionists are so angry at Putin, they're really ramping up the anti-Russian propaganda. They are itching to go to war.
>Russia forming diplomatic ties with Turkey
that was really unexpected, a bold move because Erdogan wants to revive the Ottoman empire. he's a wild card
>Spanish-American war
>war of 1812
>good guys
Yeah no.
can you read?
he said after ww2
Boris Godunov
Alexis of Russia
Peter I
Alexander II
>that was really unexpected, a bold move because Erdogan wants to revive the Ottoman empire. he's a wild card
That is most likely just the talk to get you the votes and is as likely to happen as Putin transforming Russia into a tzardom again. Stop watching so much propaganda television user.
> Putin is a significant thorn in the Illuminati's side
He is a minor nuisance. The distraction that is overhyped to the relevance because Americans are Pavlov trained to fear evil russia and European are too easily mesmerized by Ivan's shenanigans. Basically, red scare 2.0 (but modern Russia isn't as hardcore as Soviets in their prime).
Neither a monarch nor a particularly great ruler. He's okay but nowhere near the Peter I league.
That's because of Cultural Marxism/Frankfurt School.
Commies realized they couldn't force their way into the west, so they adopted subterfuge and the "boiling frog" approach instead. Decades of marxist indoctrination and slowly tearing apart the foundations of western civilization.
> muh conspiracy
Sorry, cuckboy, but the battle of ideas is free for all competetion where the strong mind wins. Turns out that Marxism is a smart idea, after all. Only losers (like flat earthers) come out with grand conspiration bullshit to defend their brainlet garbage being clearly outclassed in serious discourse.
are there any cultural differencies between what used to be novogrod and muscovy? I don't mean just animosities between petersburg and moscow, I mean differencies comparable to those between russians and belarusians or germans and austrians
Fuck off commucuck.
>outing yourself as a commie
See, turns out I was right afterall.
Why are Boomerfags so fucking repulsive? The Soviet Union was always conservative. People didn't know what a faggot was while in the USA you had the sexual revolution. Soviet rule was hardly perfect, I don't deny there was a lot of oppression over in the Balts and Poland, but you really can't deny that the W*st was always more degenerate.
USSR was more conservative not thanks to communism but despite it.
There were laws literally criminalizing homosexuality, kek. The ones that opened up the regime during Lenin's time were an experiment, they went bad (obviously) so they rolled them back within 4 years. US and EU has been homofags for 20+, haven't seen any rollback.
>24 years old
Pick one, retarded commie.
I'm East European too m8. Now we're capitalists but we still hate faggots, does that mean capitalism is inherently anti-faggot? Of course not.
Except its literally being pushed onto us by the West and through capitalism and consumerism. Sure we're resisting, and thanks to communism we resisted, but if it wasn't for the USSR we'd be multiculti shitholes like the West.
I think westerners are just faggots on a genetic level, nothing to do with political and economic systems. If they installed communism tomorrow it would probably be gay as fuck.
Imagine swallowing Kremlin propaganda this hard
I always wondered, how you people manage to lose against the non-existent school of Marxist thought, but with arguments like that, you had zero chance from the beginning.
Imagine swallowing U.S. propaganda this hard
Yeah actually I gotta agree on that. I mean just look at their socialists. They don't care about worker's rights and compromise on literally everything.
We would've been better off if the Eastern Bloc went down the path of reform ala China. Mafia shit would've been averted, to say the least.
Peter I
I will not talk of Russia but more of us the West if Russia China and Iran and more country like India make a bloc we are uttery fucked especially us Euro because after all the US still can be isolasionist
> multiculti shitholes
about that...
Here's the difference. Russians make it clear that it is a Russian country with Russian laws, and they have to be upheld. Meanwhile the UK introduces sharia-only zones.
Every fucking time
>our muslims are better than your muslims
russia for uninhabited, kick the russian shits out
>why Russia has muslims
Colonial conquest
>why UK has muslims
Conquest by its own former colonies
>our muslims are better than your muslims
Yes. You know that not all muslims are equal, right? This is like saying all Christians are equal and Americans aren't different from Liberians.
I'd rather have Arabs than Chechens honestly
>Russians make it clear that it is a Russian country with Russian laws
lol no. Chechens run Chechniya as they damn please as long as they stay part of Russia
>Russians make it clear that it is a Russian country with Russian laws
[laughs in kadyrov]
>Imagine being this delusional
>and urban Jews
You should really learn to read user. I know you commies are barely literate, but you could at least try.
Guess George Washington was hardcore globalist commie then
>throws bomb in your path
>the U.S. has largely been a force of evil, bullying 3rd world countries, destabilizing regions and staging fake revolutions.
>Once the Cold War was """"""""""over""""""""""
you should read the history of the US more carefully
was Ivan Grozny a holy man?
>dude lets reverse Russification policies and give all our ethnic minorities preferential treatment and give them political autonomy
was it autism? why did they think this would work?
You are delusional friendo
It is a shithole that will collapse from inside due to rampant corruption, poverty and lies
Alexander Nevsky, glory to Rus!
Yeah, those 50-something that burned in the supermarket, were just victims of good ethics.
This one monument about thousand years of Russian history is pretty cool.
Spoiler, it's not soviet union who has whores and selling condoms and dildos as the "Freedom"
It must've been planned. I'm fully in the camp that communism as a weapon to destroy Russia was the full and utter intent.
>24 years old
That makes it only worse.
Imagine actually typing that with a straight face.
Also, fuck your "free world", we should've nuked your degenerate cesspool when USSR was still operating.
Yeah but Germans have always been degenerate (at least in recorded history). I mean Berlin was ground zero for the homosexual rights movement
There's a much larger story to this but I don't want to get banned again, because apparently even though it's history they're still protected.
>because apparently even though it's history they're still protected.
You mean Magnus Hirschfield?