>3200+ years of ancient history from early protodynastic kings of Upper and Lower Egypt on up to the Ptolemaic Dynasty and Cleopatra VII
>not one single thread on Veeky Forums
Egypt thread. Who's your favorite pharaoh? How do you think the pyramids were built?
Other urls found in this thread:
akhenaten is the superior pharaoh. What would have been if tut didn't restore the polytheistic ideas
Anyone like that Predynastic Egypt steam game?
What would have been if Tutankhamen's widow's plan succeeded and she got married to the Hittite king's son, who would've become the new pharaoh of both the Egyptian empire and the Hittite empire becoming the greatest empire ever at the time, sadly the Hittite prince got murdered while traveling to Egypt by Egyptians who were hostile to that idea
Which one?
It's literally titled "Predynastic Egypt". The one by Claurus Victoria. Here's a screenshot from way, way back.
It always turns into racial memes, but you already know that.
I don't know enough about Pharaohs to really have a favorite.
The pyramids were engineered by a group of people who would later become the jews. The physical grunt work of actually building the pyramids most likely came down to peasant(slave) labor. Egypt really outclassed all its related civilizations, so alot if not most of the laborers were likely glad to be involved and to be in egypt.
>the pyramids were built by Hebrew slaves
It wouldn't have made sense to pay laborers lots of money. It would be akin to a landscaper trying to recruit labor from harvard instead of outside of Wal-Mart.
They paid them in bread and beer.
The pyramids were engineered by the Egyptians through trial and error and a knowledge of basic physics. You can tell it was trial and error by the fact that they started with step pyramids before attempting to make a true pyramid. Halfway through construction of the Bent Pyramid they apparently had a eureka moment. I'm not sure what it was but after that they figured out how to make true pyramids.
Hebrews don't factor in at all. Exodus would have happened 1000-1500 years after the pyramids were built.
Your understanding of who Hebrews were is incorrect.
Why do they write on every available surface.
For what we know there's not mention of them before around -900, they have nothing to do with the pyramids.
>be such a shit ruler that your dynasty is erased from history
>this makes you one of the most famous pharaohs thousands of years later, because no one ever robbed your tomb on account of it being erased from all records
7d backgammon
Rameses II was the best pharaoh
gas the Hittites, second Battle of Kadesh now
>The Persians occupied Memphis and then seized the rest of Egypt, incorporating the country into the Achaemenid Empire. Nectanebo fled south and preserved his power for some time; his subsequent fate is unknown.
>Egypt entered a period of domination by foreign powers lasting nearly two-and-a-half millennia.
It's such a tragic end but that's what you get for trusting Greeks.
did the Hyksos really do anything wrong?
This is why I got bored with Egypt desu
After Roman and the shinangians of Christian Egypt not a whole lot happens there.
Why didn't some ballsy Egyptian noble seize power and try to be independent?
The pyramids were built 12,000 years ago, and were a wireless power plant. Despite historians attesting the pyramids to being mere "tombs" no mummies were ever actually recovered from inside the pyramids, and the granite "sarcophagus" inside was added later, and never used to house a body. The pyramids aligned with Orion and the sphinx (aligned with Leo) are astrally aligned to perfectly date themselves for their specific "Precession of the equinoxes" Thus given these buildings alignments we can date when and why they were constructed. THe procession of leo was. 10,500 BC to 8000 BC. and evidence shows water erosion marks on this structure, that FAAAR surpass the 3500bc narrative currently popular.
A complete cycle of all 12 precessions, lasts about 26,000 years. Thus, it could be theorized that given the astrological alignments of these structures, and their hyper complex mathmatical formulae coded into them, that they were constructed either 12,000 before today, or around 36,000 bc. There can be no logical scientific refutation that these structures were created to perfectly align with their respective procession.
The pyramids at Giza as well as stonehenge, and a few sites in South America are all Limestone on top of water aquifers. Further they were all created around the same time. This is the exact same structure that tesla demonstrates thousands of years later, as a means to generate free, "wireless" power
this is the single greatest pyramid video you will ever see.
if you really want your mind blown^
yes, I enjoy Origins too
There were a couple but it seems that the priesthood swung their support to the Ptolemies.
>the priesthood swung their support to the Ptolemies
that was however because the priesthood had long established ties with the Order of the Ancients (the Scarab himself was a Priest) who used the Ptolemy as a tool to reestablish the old Egyptian order of the first Kingdom. Kind of like ancient nazis
What I was getting at is how irrelevant Egyptian people and culture became after the christianization of Egypt.
Pyramids weren't built by slaves.
>is an Amerifat
>There are plenty of Predynastic to Old Kingdom samples to test
>Little has been done with them
Lousy Egyptian authorities. What do they have to lose by letting Westerners take more looks at them?
The Order is Eternal!
please don't spoil
>what do they have to lose?
What do you think?
each sample taken is a permanent change to an irreplaceable artifact
what's a Heron?
>Implying other artifacts don't have samples taken
>Especially the ones already in Western hands
Who let leftypol into here? Go back to your pit?
Either this bird or some asshole named Rudjek