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>ywn live in an anarcho-capitalist melting pot of chinese and british cultures

why even live

3rd Opium war when?

I unironically support China more than I do the US.

The US has become a bloated and arrogant empire. Now, I realise China is chock full of problems itself, but it's way less autistic about its beliefs and seems to be willing to meet any nation on their own terms so long as they're willing to do business.

>lease islands from china
>give islands back once the lease is done


t. Longdong Biaozi

I support China and European Federation separate from American influence. We can't trust the Americans anymore. The Russians should be reminded that without their nukes, they wouldn't even have a place at the table.

>but it's way less autistic about its beliefs and seems to be willing to meet any nation on their own terms so long as they're willing to do business.

Attached: 1507233451418.png (1373x833, 59K)

When was the last time China invaded a minor nation to set up a proxy government / hemorrhage resources / push some shitty agenda / attempt to "increase international security" while doing the exact opposite?

>When was the last time China invaded a minor nation to set up a proxy government

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Tibet.svg.png (2000x1250, 284K)

Right, I'll give you that. However, that was also nearly 70 years ago, and didn't destabalise the world the same way Afghanistan / Iraq / Lebanon / Somalia etc. did.

>Minor nation.
You mean rogue province.

>Daily reminder only Mongolia recognized Tibet's independence.
>Daily reminder for most of the world of 1920s-40s, it was seen as one of China's warlord factions.
>Daily reminder Tibet only became a pet cause of westerners when China became commie.

Attached: Tibet 1912-51.png (290x1194, 106K)

China's most recent military engagement was attacking Vietnam because they toppled the Chinse backed and funded Khmer Rouge, which had just murdered a fourth of Cambodia's population in the worst post WWII genocide ever recorded. Present day they constantly threaten to invade and annex Taiwan, which would bring a democratic country of 23 million people under one of the most authoritarian governments on earth, while polls clearly indicate the overwhelming majority of Taiwan's population wants nothing to do with the PRC.

>The US has become a bloated and arrogant
You mean China?

>but it's way less autistic about its beliefs and seems to be willing to meet any nation on their own terms so long as they're willing to do business.
>implying China doesn't have worse bizarre dictatorship and cult of personality.
At least Us doesn't make songs like "Xi is the best husband material"

>Present day they constantly threaten to invade and annex Taiwan
ITT: It's 1990.

China doesn't need to invade SJW China anymore. Chinese Capital is already doing it.

>somalia destabalised the world
>lebanon destabalised the world
>afghanistan was somehow Americas fault
China was in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Tibet. And even know, they are bucking up to Taiwan like they have been doing forever and Vietnam and the US entered into a little alliance to safe guard against them. youre letting your childish hatred of america turn you into a retard

>SJW China
Now isn't that a fun way of saying China but developed and with respect for basic human rights. Oh and three times the GPD per capita with much lower inequality to boot.

>China doesn't need to invade SJW China anymore. Chinese Capital is already doing it.
hmmm, 20 seconds of googling tells me the PRC doesn't feel the same.

I don't hate America. America do what it wants as far I care, so long as it doesn't involve other countries.

I am just deeply suspicious that if push comes to shove, the warhawks in America won't make the retarded decision of going to war that'll solve nothing and will almost certainly lead to a war on the scale like we've never seen before.


The world is all wrong.
Why did Nixon open up to China?
The blood-drenched regime in Beijing shouldn't have been given the result of 300 years of capitalist technology on a silver platter.

Attached: giphy (4).gif (540x603, 1.66M)

At least they don't shill freedom and democracy to poor underdeveloped shitholes

That wasn't shilling for ideology or an attempt to topple the Communist party of Vietnam. Granted it was a failure/draw but they weren't going for an overthrow just punishment

>people in island beg Britain not to abandon them
>britain abandons them

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
And surely you'll buy your pint cup!
and surely Ill buy mine!
And we'll take a cup o kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

Reminder that the rest of the world is weak, violent, chaotic, confused and ephemeral.

China is strong. It is moderate, stable, certain and enduring.

Chinese civilizations existed long before all other civilizations and they will continue long after the rest have crumbled to dust.

Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East - they are but footnotes, stray strands in the great tapestry of monolithic China. When most of Europe still played with mud and threw their own shit at each other China was making great wonders. When the Americas finally made it into civilization they found China there; calmly sipping tea. Even Muhammad himself never dared to attack China.

China is eternal and eternal is China.

Attached: 1521457261705.jpg (1437x909, 155K)

The lease was made with a government that doesn't exist anymore.

Attached: Uk all the way.jpg (800x625, 48K)

>Chinese civilization

Attached: 1507082617633.jpg (320x204, 19K)

Vietnam? North Korea? Xinjiang? Tibet?

>>tfw kinda like chinese civilization but idiots like this make me feel bad about liking it.

Citation needed

America still pays rent for Guantanamo Bay, Germany still had to pay back it's WW1 reparations and Russia gets to keep its Soviet seat on the security council.

Retard confirmed


most people don’t realize china for the vast majority of recorded history has been the best place to live as non-royalty

>Best place to live
Nigga things weren't good until Deng came in with reforms, what the fuck are you smoking? Also what's with all the chicom shills recently?

Unironically makes me very sad, as someone with British heritage.

When did PRC propagandists start to inhabit Veeky Forums? Are you even Chinese?

It's the new edgy thing now that Trump is mainstream. Not even tankies and lefties used to like China before.

comparatively it took europe a very long time to catch up to the economic, industrial and political advancements of dynasties such as the Ming

No this is insane, 2 years ago you wouldn't find this bullshit now its everywhere. What the fuck is this? When did Chicom shilling become a popular pastime?

Comparatively, but if you were a peasant you were still shit upon at every level and if one of the many wars broke out you were fucked. I'm talking more about recent centuries

Veeky Forums has forever and always been contrarian not conservative.
Get used to it

that's because China didn't have the capability to do so -- and the US did not have any other superpower to challenge its might during the era you mentioned. If the US were to become a backwater literallywho country in the next 50 years and China replaces us as the world superpower, i guarantee you they'd be doing the same shit.

Doubt it. The Chinese have historically never engaged in state supported colonialism. Why would they follow the ways of the west now if they never had before

Nice meme. You /pol/tard Amerimutts are fucking retarded. Trump bamboozled you with the whole anti-Mexico, anti-China rethoric, but he is not going to do shit against either country because he is in bed with the corporations outsourcing jobs there. All he did so far was cut taxes for the 1% and lobby hard for Israel.

Obama, Hell, even fucking Mitt Romney was more anti-China than Trump.

>Why would they follow the ways of the west now if they never had before
Because they work. Look at modern China. It's obsessed with Western culture. Now they are engaging in post colonial activities in the South China Sea and Western Africa. It's already happening.

theve been on /k/ for a while now.
not even kidding.

That's not colonialism in the same vain as western colonialism though - that's more a modern incarnation of the old tributary system

2 years ago Trump wasn't considered mainstream.

But it's memeing not reality. That's like saying the Trump meme was based on real shit.

The West invented Post Colonial strategies in the 70's. China adopted them later. China is playing catch up using the same tactics.
>that's more a modern incarnation of the old tributary system
Not in any meaningful sense.

What is Tibet?
What is Xinkiang?
What was the invasion of Vietnam?

The regime in Beijing has its hands drenched in the blood of millions. Mao, still revered by the CCP, was literally one of the most genocidal rulers in Human history right along with Hitler and Stalin.

Why would China expand?
Why would China seek power?
Why would they backstab democracies with industrial espionage, sabotage, assassinations? Even bioweapons wouldn't be beyond them.

It's what fucking totalitarian regimes do.
They will always seek to blot out democracy, because in the long run both types of government cannot coexist. If the Chinese are playing nice it's only because they are biding their time and getting stronger with the current statu quo.

They are still ruled by a Communist party with the express intent of wiping out Western democracy and our way of life.

It boggles my mind China was allowed to become the #1 industrial power on the back of Western free trade, technology and investment while the Soviet Union was public enemy number one.

Attached: 8 (1).jpg (400x300, 23K)

>The Chinese have historically never engaged in state supported colonialism.
probably because the last time they weren't inward-facing or getting BTFO by the Mongols or themselves was the 900s. during that time the Tang exercised enormous cultural, economic, and even a degree of political influence over SEA, Korea, and Japan. now look at what they're doing in Africa. are you retarded?

>trading resources as outline under WTO in exchange for technical help in building infrastructure
>the same as raping, killing, ethnic cleansing, enslaving, torturing, and culturally erasing African, Indian, Burmese, Malaysian, Singaporean, Aboriginal Australian, Native Americans.

>2 years ago you wouldn't find this bullshit now its everywhere
2 years ago Veeky Forums was mainly filled with Americans and Western Europeans so of course you wouldn't find anything positive about China.

Now its no longer the same. I don't see how this is a bad thing desu. There's been an abstract increase in quality as more users from around the globe have started posting.

Nigga tibet was a rebel province. Xinjiang even more so since it was only independent for a max of like 5 years. Also they weren't even initially conquered by the Chinese but the Qing who were Manchus. And I don't even understand how retarded you have to be to actually believe that the Sino Vietnamese war was a colonial war.

>not understanding the difference between colonialism and neo-colonialism
you're either a typical Veeky Forums brainlet shitting up this board with your fucking 20 IQ bullshit or you're baiting, and i really don't think you're baiting

Attached: roll.jpg (640x628, 266K)

I never said they were the same thing. I said Post-Colonial. Both the West and China are using the same Post-Colonial tactics. Do you understand?

Nigga where is China toppling dictators and supplanting the native population with ethnic Chinese. Whatever the fuck they're doing in Africa is sure as hell not Colonialism

>Neo-colonialism = colonialism
No user you're the brainlet. The evidence is in your incomprehensible butthurt ad-hominem riddled reply

>tibet was a rebel province
Tibet was an independent country with a different ethnicity and culture. The Chinese have a policy of displacing the local population through mass migration of Han Chinese promoted by the State, as well as repression of the local language, religion and customs. This is literally colonialism.

>Xinjiang even more so since it was only independent for a max of like 5 years.
Same as above.

>Also they weren't even initially conquered by the Chinese but the Qing who were Manchus.
History is history. They were independent before they were invaded by the genocidal communist Beijing regime.

>And I don't even understand how retarded you have to be to actually believe that the Sino Vietnamese war was a colonial war
That's the general consensus. It was a war fought to remove Vietnam from the Soviet sphere of influence.

Xinjiang was never invaded by the communists you idiot. Xinjiang was put down by the nationalists you fucking mong. Stop posting and read you retard


>waaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah not my tibet buddhizm is so cool guyz!!!!!!
>"Well you see if the Native Americans had gotten their act together and fought harder they'd still be in this land."
Not hard to see where your bias is coming from.

Fuck off.

Attached: doctor-clean.jpg (1351x1761, 504K)

wow it's like i'm talking to actual sub-60 IQ retards.
seemingly thinks that China was capable of engaging in European-style colonialism in an era where it was either in extended civil war, was getting annihilated by the Mongols, or was in total diplomatic and economic isolation from the rest of the world. in the present day, China is very much engaging in neocolonialist policies throughout Southeast Asia and Africa. i think it's safe to assume you're the same user as , who is a total retard and whose absolutely nonsensical "point" i refuted in my response (China engaged in colonial policies in the 800s/900s during the height of the Tang dynasty. afterward China endured enormous internal conflict and turmoil).
as for you, you have provided literally nothing to counter my own argument, nor the argument of other anons with whom i agree, so kindly go enjoy Xi's small 3-inch peen up your gaping soyhole.

>hi i'm user and i'm a fucking retard CPC apologist

>t. 50 cent army

>muh black and white fallacy
Nice one.

Butrhurt of Honkie Supremacists - The Thread.

this person gets it and also remember that China does not have a Rothschild funded Bank. Oh I know the people will say but American corporations are in China yeah but leader Xi jinping is not returning back to socialism and now there's not a Rothschild Bank anymore it's going to get nationalized by the Communist Party of China. Just a reminder China is against the New World Order they're fighting the Islamic extremists they support Russia they don't have a Rothschild Bank anymore and they are clamping down on corruption. The rise of China is a blessing because they are fighting the evil West and they are also fighting the Islamic extremists as well.

Nigga the PRC conquered Xinjiang from the RoC in the Chinese civil war in the 1950's. Stop posting and shut the fuck up

>"fighting corruption"
>Xi literally just imprisoning all his political opponents so he can larp as Mao 2.0
this thread is legit trash

Native Americans today are richer than your average Chinese. Their numbers have been increasing again for over a century.

Tibetans are still an oppressed minority and their numbers as a percentage of Tibet's population have been decreasing because they are the target of a state sanctioned policy of colonialism and population replacement.

Get fucked CCP shill.

Attached: Totalitarianism-Crushes-Pollution-in-China.jpg (600x406, 16K)

Even if China makes a mountain of Tibetan skulls it isn't America's place to tell them wrong.

>the Second East Turkestan Republic was illegally incorporated into the People's Republic of China in 1949 and has since been under Chinese occupation

Cause it's so much better in the West where corporations are people. Who gives a fuck if he's imprisoning his enemies as long as he's clamping down on corruption at the same time more power to him

i forgot calling me "nigga" repeatedly and spouting literal falsehoods immediately dismantles my argument.
Xinjiang is exactly the same as Tibet. they have always had an independent streak and have their own culture and language (in this case they are Turkic and usually Muslim). Xinjiang was a KMT holdout against the CPC, yes, but you're also forgetting the fact that the fucking Turks in Xinjiang literally don't want to be a part of China whether it's CPC or KMT ruled. you are a verifiable fucking mong, please kill yourself.

Native Americans also live pathetically in reservations like second class citizens.

Again, fuck off.

Good thing I'm an individual who can make his own decisions and judgments and not "America". Two wrongs don't make a right. Lrn2 argue.

he's not perfect but he is fighting corruption and as I was mentioning before numerous times before China does not have a Rothschild bank and they're against the New World Order and America so they're good guys in my book. Any country that seeks to be independent and free from the West are good guys in my book because they don't have a bank run by the evil Rothschild and the Soros funded agitators. George Soros is an evil Tyrannosaurus.

alright this is absolute b8. time to go home lads

Attached: zhukov.png (500x597, 129K)

China is an authoritarian, xenophobic, nationalistic dystopia that is unfit to become a global superpower.

The U.S. is still the best fit as leader with the ultimate goal to break down arbitrary divisions between people and unite humanity as free peoples under the universal tenets of classical liberalism and individualism.

Good thing your opinion is nearly worthless. But please keep me updated on your blog!

>What is Tibet?
>What is Xinkiang?
Tibet, Xinjian were rebel provinces.

>What was the invasion of Vietnam?
You mean the one in 1979? That's mainly because Vietnam invaded Cambodia and tried to weaken China's influence in SE Asia.

I know you Honkie desperately want putting China into your "Nu Colonialism" narrative, but those are all lousy, cliche and invalid examples.

Attached: 1425058066510.jpg (960x799, 121K)


> At the time, Xinjiang was ruled by a coalition government based in Dihua (now Urumqi), which comprised Chinese Nationalists (KMT) and representatives from the former Second East Turkistan Republic (ETR)

And yet people accuse the Chinese of historical revisionism

Native Americans are richer and better off than 90% of people on Earth. They have tax breaks, all sort of social benefits and they choose to live in reservations, it is not forced upon them. They can vote and are not second class citizens in any way.

You are full of shit Chink.
99% of China is a second class citizen compared to the ruling party politburo. Minorities like Tibetans barely qualify as third class citizens.

Attached: Fig-24-Indian-Casino.jpg (283x430, 157K)


By the way I'm not the user you're responding to I'm just in agreement with the user and I'm giving my two cents by saying that China is the good guy because they don't have a Rothschild funded bank and they do not have an evil Tyrannosaurus like George Soros spreading chaos in China. They don't have a Rothschild bank they don't have a Rothschild bank they don't have a Rothschild Bank.

Is your opinion somehow more worthwhile? You're pretty delusional, and bad at arguing.

You forgot the most important part, America tries to unite everyone against their will. Theirs fundamentally no difference between democracy promotion today and the crusades in the Middle Ages

>leadership dies in a plane crash
I have a bridge to sell you.

So China's influence is what you call 2 million dead Cambodians?

>The U.S. is still the best fit as leader with the ultimate goal to break down arbitrary divisions between people and unite humanity as free peoples under the universal tenets of classical liberalism and individualism.

Oh you mean like this?

Attached: 1521456067453.jpg (2171x2097, 1.41M)

Whatever bro, it's obvious you'll conveniently ignore historical fact in order to shill your own Anti-china narrative. Get off Veeky Forums >>>trash is that way

>/pol/tards are now shilling for a literal communist regime
I am convinced some of you are paid chicom and SVR shills. Nobody can be this fucking inconsistent.

I'll still easily take the right over the left any day. Conservatism/traditionalism is cancerous and is antithetical to freedom.

>Increase in quality
Are you high? Things are worse than ever, granted that’s always been the case on Veeky Forums. All that we’ve gotten from the rise of more international posters is international shitposting and an unbelievable amount of shills.

There isn't a single person on /pol/ with a triple digit IQ. They'll shill for fucking anything that's anti-western, and therefore "not dengenrate"

The historical fact is that China engages in colonialism today, with policies of population replacement, torture and repression in Sinkiang and Tibet.

Attached: CTr3MA-WUAAfuGt.jpg (480x564, 48K)

No, since both CCP and KMT never support red Khmer massacre. Moreover, CCP supports Cambodia royalty more than Red Khmer, who was overthrew by "American-backed coup detat" before, but now back in charge again.

Attached: Mao_Sihanouk.jpg (1119x678, 339K)

Chinese sell bridge, Americans/Westerner sell war and faggotory.

You know, the so-called "sexual liberation", faggot marriage, narcotics legalization and forced diversity Americans promote so hard worldwide are enough to make me support China to nuke you without second thought.

My island is forced to accept this shit thanks America's "influence", but I would rather take authoritarian nationalists government than your "influence". I hate your shits far more than CCP to be honest.

t. Xiao Hong