Post good-looking Coat of Arms
Post good-looking Coat of Arms
Can you explain this one? What is the historical basis of the sun, stars, lion and griffin?
Looks like the Filipino sun.
>that American eagle copycat
Fictional ones count as well?
Three stars for the three historical regions of Latvia - Kurzeme-Zemgale, Vidzeme and Latgale
The red lion is for the duchy of Courland and the silver griffin for the duchy of Livonia
The rising sun is considered to be the first iteration of a national symbol for Latvians. It symbolises the revival of Latvia as a self determined entity since the 12th century petty kingdoms. The rays of it symbolise the ancient counties of the petty kingdoms.
The rising sun was also used as the badge for the first self determined Latvian national army units during WW1 - the Latvian Riflemen, who fought with distinction and became legendary within the Russian imperial army.
Oh and the oak leaves is an ancient Latvian symbol for strength and manliness
>having two naked men holding spears in your coat of arms
It all makes sense now
Poles always had goofy looking ones. I don't know if they didn't care or what.
royal version
Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter
... the 3 testicles of the House of Colleoni
miss me with that gay shit
>Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter
2. Herzog von Sachsen
3. Herzog von Brunswick
4. Fürst von Lüneburg
5. Graf von Anhalt
6. Graf von Tecklenburg
7. Graf von Hoya
8. Graf von Bentheim
9. Graf von Henneberg
10. Graf von Oldenburg
11. ?
12. Graf von Schwarzburg
God wish that was me
I count 17 lions
Why can't Germans afford clothes?
Nature recognizes german superiority over everything, that's why these leaves don't fall off
It's quite a mess actually. What should it represent?
The Philippines should throw away the shitty Americucked Coat of Arms and bring back the less tackier Spanish period one.
L'"union" fait la "force"
Dieu et mon droit
i love the purple lion
shit taste
>tfw no hereditary PLC
fucking czlachta cucks
Rhodesians never die