Why didn't Saddam nuke Israel back to the stone age with a rain of SCUDs in 1981 after they attacked his country and bombed his nuclear reactor and why did the west and particularly the US stay silent and calm about it?
Why didn't Saddam nuke Israel back to the stone age with a rain of SCUDs in 1981 after they attacked his country and...
he was at war with Iran
He didn't have to go to war with Israel, just shower them with his vast SCUD arsenal. Just doing that alone will make Syria follow-suite, most likely.
Because Israel had been sneak attacked twice with a million man army before with huge advantages in number of jets, tanks, and artillery and each time gained more Arab land and delivered lmao lopsided casualties to the Arabs.
Also, Sadam didn't have nukes, Israel had plenty and had proved Arab air defense was fucking useless.
for a serious answer
Iraq was actually the Only Arabic Army with an Air force superior even if only slightly to Israel for a long time , They literally acted as The Airforce of Egypt and Syria in the 72 war to prevent Israeli air domination, one could argue that They and Jordan were the only Arab armies with Quality compared to IDF mainly because they followed British doctrines, so it's not like it's like With Syria where they let Israel do whatever they want out of fear
the problem was that Iraq at the time was at war with both Iran and Syria , with Iran having fairly modern stuff that the Shah bought , Iraq couldn't divert too much of its army against Iran , especially when the Iranians were just starting to end Post Revolution power Gap
One of the main reasons that Saddam could not even strike at Israel was due to Hafez Al Assad denying him to pass through Syria
I don't think Israel can stop a SCUD rain, they couldn't do that in 1991.
>Israel was sneak attacked twice
When? only in 1973. If Arabs actually had a proper plan like "let's wait for long-range surface missiles to become available to the middle east, crater Israeli airbases with them than attack" than Israel wouldn't even exist right now. Arabs ignored Israeli airbases too frequently.
read up on the Iraqi airforce in the Six Days war where they actually outperformed the Israeli one
man do people either underestimate the Israeli army or Overestimate it ?
Couldn't SCUD's hit Israel if fired from the edge of Iraq? Hafez had sour relations with Saddam because he thought Saddam was a US cuck, but I doubt he would object to Saddam sending explosive presents to his archenemies.
Israel was kinda too powerful to be completely annihilated since 50's
in the 40's tho the Jordanian and Iraqi armies could have taken over everything except for the Coast , mainly by keeping Lydda and Ramle and connecting the West bank and Galeel then connecting with the Egyptian army
but the British didn't allow that and Hashmites wanted Israel as a way to justify their rule
after 1950 or so it was too late
Was Saddam retarded or just a giant asshole? how the fuck do you have NO friends? How the fuck does your ideological comrades in Syria end up joining your mortal enemy in BTFOing you?
USSR was out of the scene, that's why Iraq was so isolated here
>Ideological comrades
But mortal enemies. Syria had awful relations with Iraq through the 80's. And the US was not really Iraq's "mortal enemy", they supported Iraq all up to the gulf war.
this Arabs hate each other more than they hate outsiders.
Something that Israel constantly uses
t. am in Israel rn
it was disaster since the 70's at least
I wanted to add
Syria historically wise was always dominated either by
1. Egypt
2. Iraq
3. Anatolia
and he was scared that Iraq was going to take back the land East of the Euphrates because it was culturally "Iraqi" than Shami
the way Hafez Treated the Iraqi Army that saved Damacus after Yom Kibbur is also something that the Iraqi's never forgotten
Hafezes ancestors were French cucks. Arabs are their own worst enemy, but Saddam was the only decent leader they had since the whole Arab nationalism meme started
the long and short of it; Arabs never stop calling eachother cucks.
>Superior to the Israel
No. The bombed Iraq with impunity when they didn't like that reactor.
It's more fair to say they were the best of the Arabs but Israel proved it could strike inside Iraq with ease.
They have dozens of warheads including hydrogen bombs. You have scuds...
They have America as an ally.
You have a Soviet arms dealer who is ambivalent with towards you...
>easily strike into Iraq with ease
Because the entire Iraqi airforce was busy with Iran+Israel attacked from an entirely unpredictable angle by violating Jordanian and Saudi Arabian borders to attack Iraq from the south?
>Why didn't Sadam nuke Israel?
Umm, could be the lack of nukes mate. Israel bombed all their development sites.
Also, Israel had more and better medium range missiles and megaton yield nukes. Kinda retarded.
In internal Soviet docs even Russia was cautious about antagonizing Israel too much.
They wanted them weak but not terrorized. Everyone knows they have nukes, by the 70s they had decent range missiles, but they probably also had a few capable of vaporizing Moscow and St. Petersburg, not the risk you want to take for otherwise shitty and infighting clients.
This also shows up on the US side. Yeah, Israel is an ally. Yeah Kissinger is Jewish and somehow becomes National Security Advisor and Secretary of State at the same time for weakened Presidents, but also Israel can trigger a nuclear war if it feels too overrun.