How is it possible to be a Christian and understand evolution at the same time? The origin of people and their nature is laid out as soon as you get a good grasp on biological evolution. We're tribal apes with some instincts, so what gaps in understanding does Christianity even fill?
How is it possible to be a Christian and understand evolution at the same time...
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This is a really stupid post, begging the question to the extreme
your first and second sentence aren't even related
Christianity is about the purpose of humanity and answering questions about why we are how we are right? Well we can get all those answers by studying the natural world and our place in it. There is no room for the Bible as a whole.
>Christianity is about the purpose of humanity and answering questions about why we are how we are right?
no it's not, that's an opinion at best. The catholic church fully supports science, there's no dissonance there.
So we can pretty much throw out philosophy and all other religions too, just read biological studies right?
You're telling me that Catholicism is in no way about defining a purpose of your life outside of natural explanations and approaches? Pretty sure eating a christ cracker, chanting and telling your secrets to a pedophile is supposed to have supernatural meaning.
Well no but it does have to be based in biological reality to have any value. You can't build a philosophy while ignoring human instincts for example.
science doesn't answer stuff like why are we here or what's the meaning of life or how does one live a good life.
>why are we here
Sure it does.
>what's the meaning of life
Answers that too to some degree.
What about Christianity is so against human instinct though?
Strict lifetime monogamy comes to mind.
Are you just upset the church looks down on your cuckolding fetish?
I'm upset that Xtians believe one night stands and casual sexual relationships warrant eternal fire torture.
No they don't, everyone sins but can be redeemed, that's kind of the hook they use
Which wouldn't really work if you didn't feel guilty about it or regret it.
They don't, show in the bible anywhere it prohibits casual sexual relattionships when neither person is married
Abstaining from fornication is mentioned multiple times.
This lists examples.
>Fornication is listed as a serious sin, as are adultery, spiritism, drunkenness, idolatry, murder, and thievery
Do you notice how they throw these in with far more heinous things like murder? It's called trying to be a good and responsible person (especially when condoms back then were made of horn of goat so pregnancy out of wedlock was a bigger concern), you aren't always going to succeed and that's kind of the point
Right, there's nothing wrong with sex when it's done responsibly and abstaining from sex outside of marriage is unnatural.
>waaah muh casual sex
Get a life loser.
This only makes sense on Veeky Forums
If you understand the social aspect of primates it becomes clear that group rituals are very important when it comes to maintaining social order. That's the essence of religion as I see it, rituals that invigorate the individual and bind the community together.
Religion is a valuable tool to control population over vast distances. Religious or not, you can't deny that todays religions answer questions we did not know how to answer or control before.
We would never have come this far as a species without religions, the trick is to implement them or upgrade them to fit the reality or our scientific understanding. The basis of religion was beneficial and the quick shift away from it has had dire consequences, the current disruption of the core family unit and the values that follow would never have happens if we still beloved in something other that endless freedom and self obsession
I agree, but you don’t need Christianity for that.