So in your opinion, what is the best Christian denomination?

So in your opinion, what is the best Christian denomination?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The KKK.

Quakerism. Followed by the Shakers, the Diggers, the Levelers, the Brothers of the Free Spirit, and the like.

Christian Identity

The original one

Attached: coa.jpg (960x639, 38K)

Anime Christianism

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Agnostic Christian Existencialism

Attached: quote-the-function-of-prayer-is-not-to-influence-god-but-rather-to-change-the-nature-of-the-one-who- (850x400, 55K)

Arianism>Oriental Orthodox > Eastern Orthodox > Catholic > Anglican > whatever shitty Protestant domination > Gnostics > Mormonism


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Holy shit not him but you are a fucking retard. Arianism has nothing to do with /pol/.


Arianism is very popular there. You see many threads openly denying the Nicean Creed on /pol/.

No you don't. Most of /pol/ support Orthodoxy

>backpedalling this hard
Just admit it. You had a knee-jerk reaction because you read the prefix "arian-" and you had no idea what it was about.

A dead one.

Everybody knows that /pol/ is a monophysite boate.

>gee, I wonder if this is bait

Board, my cel autocorrected

Eastern Orthodoxy

>redpilled on the Jewish question
>metal as fuck

Attached: tattoo.jpg (640x477, 73K)

Does someone need to get slapped again

Attached: Nicholas 'Deny the Three-in-one and get a bitch-slappin, son' of Myra.jpg (550x589, 65K)

Ebionitism>Eastern Orthodoxy>Catholicism>Anglicanism>Gnosticism> Marcionism>Scottish Calvinism>English Calvinism>Dutch Calvinism>

Pls be bait

t. 14 year old

t. soyboy and probably fedora too

If you enjoy being a puppet of whatever goverment russia have at the moment, sure, famallah

>entire eastern orthodoxy = rasha

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Reformed Presbyterian

>So in your opinion, what is the best Christian denomination?

Paganism - if the Son has set you free you are free indeed.

Any non-American denomination. State churches are trash too.



Any that doesn't teach heresies like dispensationalism or """christian""" zionism.

The last one to ever exist.

Pic unrelated

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*annihilates your church and turns you into a morale booster for soldiers*

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This but not just for those reasons.

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For all intents and purposes, yes. It only exists in any great numbers in Russian and eastern European countries.

>It only exists in any great numbers in Russian and eastern European countries.
Heh, for now. Nothing personal fedora, it's just good spiritualism.

Attached: orthobro pepe.jpg (682x960, 82K)

the old one had more charm, in my humble opinion

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>All of orthodoxy is my specific Russian government controlled heresy

seventh day adventists

Attached: jonah.jpg (462x700, 186K)

>start during the 16th century at the earliest
>claim the early christians believed and worshipped the same way as them

The absolute state of protestants.

Anabaptists (Amish, Mennonites, etc) or just regular ol' Baptists from the Bible Belt.

>i don't understand church history hurrrdurr

papists are retarded

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

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So Orthodoxy

Eastern Orthodoxy is not "orthodox" in the sense of early Christianity.

Protestants are closer to the truth as they follow the steps of the early churches Paul set up.

Evangelical Baptism*

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Then why are all the churches in the areas he preached Catholic or Orthodox?

Because over time they got corrupted, exactly as Paul said would happen?

Traditions form, and the zeal and spirit of the original teachings get lost.

So God allowed true Christianity to disappear for centuries until the 1500s? C'mon...

There is but one God, and Luther is His prophet.

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"God allowed"
Yes, the same way he allows for sin to be committed and evil to exist. Are you dumb for real or just LARPing?


Pockets of true believers have always existed like the Waldensians, Albigensians and Huguenots, and they were regularly persecuted by the RCC and inquisition.

Tortured and burned at the stake because they didn't bow to Rome and professed Jesus Christ as LORD alone.

"And she was drunk with the blood of the saints.."

Sounds to me like Paul was the one who corrupted Christianity: from a Torah-observant Jewish movement to a paganistic gentile one.


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Those weren't gnostics you retard

Weren't they heretics with beliefs that other protestants also persecuted?

exactly what a perfidious gnostic would say


I agree that it has charm in its own special way, but Jesus, the grammar is atrocious.

that's half of what makes it special