>Asian pride
>Black pride
>White pride
Explain this historically and sociologically. FYI my own stance is all of them are bad tbqh because it's vanity.
>Asian pride
>Black pride
>White pride
Explain this historically and sociologically. FYI my own stance is all of them are bad tbqh because it's vanity.
"White" is largely and unwilling conglomeration
It's only natural that this grouo is demonized as it was only created to demonize people justly or unjustly
“White” makes more sense than Asian
The article isn't necessarily saying that White Pride is bad per say, rather that White Pride's connotations and traditional definition has been used by, and regarded with racism, supremacy, and ethnic nationalism.
You have to consider the fact that modern racial pride movements like Black Pride, and Asian Pride is a reaction to White Western Dominance over the world.
/pol/ can't do history and sociology as it's mostly a news and trolling board skewed towards some perspective so I ask here.
Or maybe from a religious perspective too because of the topic 'pride'.
Almost all people who take pride in being white also think that blacks are genetically inferior to white people in terms of intelligence and that “cultural Marxism” is destroying Western civilization.
This. Poltards can't into history though so don't bother
I've only seen Chinese people use Asian pride. When people hear Asia, most people don't think anything past East Asia.
How about European pride? I can get behind that.
>Only thing the blurb says is this is traditionally(whatever the fuck you idiots suppose that to mean) associated with le ebil thing
Wow really objective
The nazi's you retard
White pride typically includes racism and genocide toward other groups. The others don't
Nazis and WW2. After that racial pride became completely taboo among white intellectuals.
Maybe if 9/10 white priders didn't advocate for genocide it would have a better name
This. I've never come across someone with 'white pride' who sees other races as equal and is friendly with nonwhites apart from maybe some asians or they'll make an exception to comply with their yellow fever. But even this is usually coming from a 'dominance' angle like submissive wife, or emasculated asian male.
Blacks were always too weak to do anything, Asians are literally responsible for nationalistic genocide
Are you retarded?
They do. Irish Fest, Bastille Day, Festa Italiana, Germanfest, Polishfest, etc are all celebrated in my city.
Smdh l hate wypipo
When a professional basketball player boasts it is unseemly and uncouth; when a small child just starting to play boasts it is cute and charming. Same principle when it comes to whites and non whites. They literally can't compete, their entire existence is a humiliation compared to white people. That's all it is.
What's wrong with what he said?
I think this is a good point. A LOT of blacks think whites are specifically inferior to them on the flip side, though
>Deluding yourself with arbitrary group identity because other mongs do it too
Noone's stopping you from stripping your identity to nothing but your skin pigment I heard its a big hit in /pol/ for some reason.
>Believing that race exists and seeing the world with a biologicaly deterministic outlook while having pride in your own folk means that you inherently hate everyone of a different race
Idk man, getting really tired of being called a white supremacist just because I think white people are comparitvely better at certain tasks than other people , as if this inherently means I think people who don't follow those standards automatically need to be wiped out.
White's do it too, they just tend to have a better idea of where they're from than blacks so instead of being proud of their whiteness they're proud of their German or Polish or Irish heritage.
>Genetic clustering is arbitrary
>Dude race is just the melanin content in your skin
Amerimutts. Will they ever be stopped?
You can do all you want after you GO BACK to europe.
America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.
Nice response brainlet
>europoors clinging to race as foreigners flood them
When Asians and blacks run around talking about their pride, they never followed it up with lynching whites for 2 centuries. Not anybody else's fault white people fucked up.
I blame the Krauts desu
It’s almost as if lynching was already common practice in those places and you’re a brainlet who gets his history from memes
>is a reaction to White Western Dominance over the world.
>White Western Dominance
When will this meme end?
Today I will remind them
>they never followed it up with lynching whites for 2 centuries
>The KKK went around lynching blacks for 2 centuries
I bet you don't even know how many were actually lynched either.
>Blacks and Asians have *never* been descriminatory towards other ethnic groups
Dear God, please be b8.
Ah yes, the liberals Fox News
Wikipedia is not saying that white pride is bad, what they are saying is that the term "white pride" is associated with stormfags, because they are the one who use it the most, which is true.
Most whites that aren't stormfags will express proud of their heritage in a different way than just "white"
pic related is Polish pride for example.
Why? Because white is not a real social community that shares a common heritage/history, whereas "Black" Americans share slavery, Jim crow, and so on, whereas Polish Americans share Poland, whereas Irish Americans share their Irish heritage.
There is not a real "white" community in America, just a social group without real historical link.
>Implying Vice has the "high standards" of even Fox News
You might as well just read a literally who's blog , you will get the exact same level of intellectual input or maybe more
>Why? Because white is not a real social community
That's wrong, though.
What historical event or heritage is shared by all ''white"?
>Pic related is Polish pride , which is deal because they are European
>there is no White community in the United States
No yeah it's not like we have centuries of history here or anything hahaha nah
What culture?
No such thing.
What historical event, heritage or culture is shared by all ''white" Americans?
>What historical event or heritage is shared by people who are white
Gee I wonder what kind of similar heritage people who come from a similar genetic background might have. Hmm...
>used by, and regarded with racism, supremacy, and ethnic nationalism.
Nigger nationalism always was and still is
Just out of interest, does white privilage exist?
Having similar cultural and genetic heritage by virtue of being white? I mean... This shouldn't be that hard to figure out.
The only thing I know is that race is not science, race is pseudoscience.
Show me some elements of this "white" culture, and how all "white" express this culture in their everyday life.
A common tongue, christian religion, sense of humor, sense of morals, manners and mannerisms, etc
>23 and me just exists because pseudoscience, dawg
Real talk, there is no "white" culture in America.
If there is something than separates black and asian culture from white culture, clearly there is a white culture.
Not him but
>Is there an intergeneral socioeconomic barrier between whites and non-whites caused by historical "injustices"
>Is there white privilege
White privilege is an excuse black people make so they don't have to stand up for their own community like the Asians or Jews did, which is predicated on appealing to people's ignorance and empathy. White people are not inherently richer than everyone else, and in every situation white people don't have an advantage over every single other ethnic enclave because their is a system of "economic racism" that they don't even know benefits them.
It's up to race supporters to demonstrate race is science, which it isn't. Race is pseudoscience.
Pseudoscience lovers really hate scientific rigor...
There is nothing that separate "Black" and "Asian" culture, they can exist without "white" culture.
This is like saying "If there is something that separates Google and DuckDuckGo, clearly there is Bing" when Google and DuckDuckGo can exist without Bing.
Real talk there is no "Asian" culture in America either.
You're too dumb to live desu
There are many different aspects of "white culture," and there is variation within white culture as well. Just like there is a "black culture," but there is variation therein. This is only difficult to understand if you have an IQ below 120.
Now go tell a black person they don't have "culture" cause they are a diaspora/not living in Africa.
>Strawman: the post
I never said blacks were the only people to be lynched nor that Asians and blacks haven't been discriminatory. But the fact remains that "white pride" has had a negative connotation to it largely because wherever white pride was being espoused it was largely followed by violence and murder. Not just of blacks but of any form of out group.
Which is another issue when it comes to white pride, it's nowhere near as unified as other ethnicities. Whites tend to divide amongst nationalities rather than race.
There obviously is since Lincoln, Twain, Emerson, Welles were all distinctly American and not European
This sounds like cope from recent immigrants who don’t fit in
White pride was always espoused in the north without murder
Nice try
Because sadly those descriptions are accurate; the only people who talk about "white pride" are white supremacist nutters, so anyone else who uses the phrase now will be associated with them.
Yep, white America is its own beast with its own intellectual ancestry.
>people don't understand American exceptuonalism on a 'history' board
Every white ethnicity in the US has its own unique identity, some of which almagamated into uniquely white phenomonon and cultures. Louisiana is different from Maine, Montana is different from Wisconsin. White people born in the US are born with their hetitsgr from Europe that intermixes with other Europeans creating regional or statewide cultures.
Take your pick my dude, there is a lot of examples
Again, you don't understand, when we talk about "Black" culture, there is something that link Black americans together, an HERITAGE.
What? SLAVERY, JIM CROW and all...
While there is nothing that links all white Americans together, there is not a strong feeling of being "white", while there is a strong feeling of being a "Black" American.
This is largely bullshit. There is typical white American and a few dying outliers don’t change that anymore than the Geordie accent means English culture doesn’t exist.
Yes there is. Our heritage is that we were on the other side of Jim Crow and were never enslaved. :^)
I agree.
You're not dumb, you seem cool desu
>I never said blacks were the only people to be lynched nor that Asians and blacks haven't been discriminatory.
But you did, when you said thst blacks and Asians have never followed up ethnocentric tendencies with violence against others.
Which they have, and this is why a lot of militant black power groups today are called hate groups by the SPLC, but that is more contemporary than talking about history in more broadly terms
>He thinks that black people don't divide themselves up by ethnicity or nationality
But they do, probably just as much as whites?
Is there a strong identity, a feeling, of being part of the "white" culture, is there a slang, an accent, associated with "white" americans?
Yes, and it’s so prevalent that even Brits and Australians use it, which is why you don’t notice it.
>white Americans do not have a historical heritage
>There is typical white American
No there isn't. White people vary state by state and by region, and when people are talking about the "black community" there is variance in that community as well.
Doesn't mean there is no modal cultural aspects of either culture than can be observed.
Sure there is. Speaking with proper grammar and a minimal accent is certainly considered white.
Every day I am reminded that i am white.
Alt right goblinos are mostly some mix of israeli, mexican, or jewish mexican like george zimmerman. They claim your heritage and pride as their own.
9/10 of the things that “link” you including the language you speak came from whites lol
Lmfao rekt
What part of Missouri are you from or do you just LARP?
>White people have no historical heritage that binds them together
Multiple wars, cultural / religious movements, the Constitution, american music...
No, they largely don’t vary. You’re overstating the importance of regional accents and other perishing relics.
Mencken, Twain, Lincoln. All from different backgrounds, all sharing manners, humor, etc
I'm Jew-sian.
>Is there slang and accents associated with white people
Yes, dozens upon dozens. I'm starting to think this poster just doesn't know much about Americans in general.
Well I'm Jew-sian so...
>Still falling for the anti-racism dogma by using the same old cliché: "I am not a racist but....".
I don't want my etnicity to be erased, my country destroyed and my culture lost. If that makes me a racist, then so be it. I am completely apathetic what a bunch of soy infused cosmopolitans have to say about it.
*No they largely do vary? You realize that all the people you just listed are Southerners, right?
Why Quora posters are so dumb?
He's probably a 85 iq boon who thinks speaking jive and listening to rap means black people have culture and white people don't.
>You realize that all the people you just listed are Southerners, right?
Lincoln was raised in Illinois, Mencken was from Baltimore, which is about as far removed as you can get from the West of Mark Twain's day.
>Jewish and Asian Hapa
R-rodge? Is thagt you?
That is more contemporary but historically speaking, no black and Asian "power" was never really followed with calls to violence or action the same way white power was. You had a few outliers that were militant but it was still fundamentally different. Blacks, asians, and other minorities form racial unity around shared experiences of oppression and difficulty living in the States.
White power was something that started in direct hostility to the perceived takeover of the white nation and culture from outsiders and brought with it racial hatred, violence, and the like. Hence its negative connotations.
Only relatively recently have black power and advocacy groups turned to more racially divisive and hostile language and actions and guess what they've been largely condemned for it.
>no black and Asian "power" was never really followed with calls to violence or action the same way white power was
Except for literal terrorist groups in America and genocide in asia
Maryland is part of the South you moron , and your point is still completely invalid if you're trying to defend your example of 3 historically relevant white Americans as being similar to somehow say that over a hundred million white people of varying genetic heritage spread out over one largest countries on Earth are all the same, when that isn't even slightly true?
Blacks are less intelligent, though. This has been proven time and time again.
>Literal terrorist groups in America
Extreme minorities and not indicative of the greater movement. Literally already said this.
>And genocide in Asia
Are we talking about Asian politics and social history now?
>Maryland is part of the South you moron
Doesn't matter. You're too ignorant to know this, but the West really developed it's own culture apart from the Old South.
>tely invalid if you're trying to defend your example of 3 historically relevant white Americans as being similar to somehow say that over a hundred million white people of varying genetic heritage spread out over one largest countries on Earth are all the same, when that isn't even slightly true?
Again, you're full of shit and anyone with common sense knows this. The average white American of german heritage is not German at all. The average WASP American is not an Englishman.
Explain how Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Mencken, Lincoln, Bierce, Twain, Grant, Sherman, Jack London, and JD Salinger were all American if such assimilation as I have spoken of is impossible. Is it likely that a basically heterogeneous mass would produce writers so closely linked? Or is it more likely that your peabrain sees diversity on paper and draws conclusions without practical evidence.