Also confirmation in the beginning of the video that he lurks on Veeky Forums because he mentions some of the speculation on Veeky Forums about why the video was delayed.
Also confirmation in the beginning of the video that he lurks on Veeky Forums because he mentions some of the speculation on Veeky Forums about why the video was delayed.
Other urls found in this thread:
He has a youtube fanbase that jokes about the same things. Hell, even /r/lindybeige makes jokes about him and the french all the time
>a little do lally before they popped their clogs
A little crazy before they died.
Wasn't 23andMe shrouded in controversy these past few months for selling your data?
Hey, the 30th thread today.
It was controversial because Amerimutts kept saying that they were faking their data because they kept coming back with various percentages of African DNA. Then actual Euros began taking it and getting pretty much 100% European to a man and it died down.
Now he can become a ouiaboo
this. People who care about this stuff tend to have somewhat nationalistic leanings and then a bunch americans (who I can only assume was pretty racist) got their results and it turned out they had both african and jewish heritage, all hell broke lose and in traditional fashion, they called it a conspiracy.
>napoleone di buonaparte
You mean pastaboo right?
Can you fags please stop being so obsessed with America? You're worse than Canadians.
t. Canadian
Americans still clinging on to denial
No, because they changed how the tests come in. They cant say anybody is 100% anything, so they have to put in a chance for likely X% of something else in the unkowns. Now people can change the level of confidence in the results resulting in the more accurate 100% results we see now.
You just have no idea what you're talking about.
Its kind of ridiculous 'French&German' is a grouping.
>tfw more British than Lindy
Feels good.
The Franks were a Germanic tribe, only the language is Romantic
Not history, not Humanities. Stop spamming this trash.
How is discussing a historian go over ethnic studies not history or humanities related?
How is spamming threads about the “genetic test results” of a Youtube vlogger related to History, or to Humanities?
>what does lindybeige have to do with history
stop playing dumb
So, are you paid to shill this here, or are you just a pathological freak?
All he has is an archeology degree and videos full of stupid, ridiculously biased and unsourced shit
Le 15% face.
Tell me Veeky Forums, what do I look like?
>you’re 1% black!
Another stupendous european coping victory