Facial Hair

Why has the normalization of facial hair gone the way of the dodo?

Men in Western countries all had crazy beads, mustaches or strange facial hair until about the last hundred years and then the clean shaven look became the norm.

What caused this trend? Is it simply style, an attack on masculinity, or what?

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The Jews


The Jews still rock their own strange beards, though...

Facial hair is "in" today.
Just trends. Trends go in and out. The 20th century wasn't the only period where clean shaven was the fashion.

>an attack on masculinity
Way to out yourself

I have a strange memory of learning about some British military leader with sideburns during wwi but I'm probably wrong.

Just because hipsters rock beards and their pony tails doesn’t mean they are masculine.


I never mentioned masculinity. I just mentioned beards.
Beards are masculine, though, even if a hipster is sporting one.
Also, beards are still "in" for non-hipsters. They've been normalised, so long as it's well-kempt. Look at the red carpet and see how many beards there are there.

Attached: christian-bale-beard.jpg (400x500, 139K)

Communists every anti American boogie man from like 1900 on had some sort of facial hair you were a commie if you had it

>What caused this trend?
We made shaving easier. That's literally it.

The fuck does that have to do with anything?

I think he has some sort of agenda. Probably one of those retards who spew the "soyboy" meme.

I am a grill, I request that all men able to grow a beard please do

You do know that back during the Roman times, clean shaven was a sign of masculinity, right? And that various cultures and periods of time often shifted their views on facial hair? In 1950s America, being clean shaven was seen as manly. A decade later, beards came back in style. A decade later, beards went out of style. A decade later, back in style. And so forth.

And hell, in places like Japan today, having feminine-looking traits is considered manly (which is why you see a lot of anime villains looking girly).

Beards are only for men who don't have a strong jaw line. Also you know the rules.

Attached: WhatNotToReplyTo.jpg (781x1443, 741K)

Because us latins have naturally chiseled jawlines and don't need to hide it behind a gross beard. Only the northern Barbarians used those things to hide their shame.

t. can't grow a beard
That's a ridiculous thing to say. Beards just look cool.

You can't show breasts this is a blue board.

Absolute barbarian see

Plenty of Romans grew beards though.

Ancient Romans also had beards. Just look at busts of Marcus Aurelius.
Also it was the fashion in the 20th century in Northern Europe to be clean-shaven.
I can't tell if you're just having a laugh or if you're actually serious.

Manlets don't count. Octavian, Caesar, Trajan, Constantine; all clean shaven.

>manlets don't count
RIP Italy then.

Attached: EyyGoFuckYourself.jpg (468x419, 42K)

>You do know that back during the Roman times, clean shaven was a sign of masculinity, right?

Beards went in and out of fashion in Roman society just like they do today

Attached: cassius dio.jpg (592x700, 43K)


I meant

All but Constantine were complete chinlets.

Augustus was the sickliest manlet of them all.

Attached: 800px-Bust_Hadrian_Musei_Capitolini_MC817_cropped.jpg (800x900, 133K)

And don't forget about the chaddest of all emperors

Attached: Commodus_Musei_Capitolini_MC1120.jpg (800x1200, 107K)

>dark brown haired men have light brown beards
>light brown haired men have blonde bears
>blonde men have red beards
>redheads have red beards

Attached: 20.17.10.png (101x112, 8K)

Welcome to the genetic autism of the British Isles.


Attached: nani.png (400x400, 192K)

Romans had beards dumb ass, and besides, beards>jawline

Red beards are pretty desu

>Jews wear a crazy beard
>Y-you have to respect t-their religion

>Whites wear a crazy beard


It's not the beard that people are mocking, it's the fact that they're goofy, filthy, unkempt rednecks

Attached: ourguy.jpg (700x350, 133K)

>posting Sherman
I'm a northerner though.

Based Billy Sherman.

Sherman had a pretty beard

As am I, and aside from my old man who is hopelessly stranded in the past, nobody has ever given me shit for wearing a beard, the least of which my Jewish clients

Attached: Stilicho.jpg (366x500, 49K)

>associating with (((them)))
Crypto Dixie spotted

Only Caucasians can grow decent beards though.

Do I need to post a picture of one of the top 3 greatest presidents in U.S history, who also happened to be sporting a pretty bitching beard?

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Niggers can . Asians and native Americans are pretty hopeless though.

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I meant Jews. Even the guy who assassinated Lincoln was a Jew.


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I like Lincoln but his beard was gross and smol

His whole face was gross and small. He was still an awesome president, with one of the most famous beards in American history

Attached: 17woj1.jpg (1536x2000, 1.14M)

For an Anglo, his face looks strangely Irish

His face was fine to me, he just needed a mustache of something to go with the chin beard

food getting stuck in your beard is pretty annoying

English people are predominantly Celtic, especially in western England.

Well he looks very Celtic, like Gareth Bale with a beard.

John Wilkes Booth was Episcopalian

And he was sporting the inverse of a nice, full, thick, manly beard: a lip brush mustache used for tickling the anuses of slave owning aristocrats as he gave them rimjobs

Attached: 800px-John_Wilkes_Booth-portrait.jpg (800x1100, 269K)

Even kikes themselves admit he had Jewish ancestry

Grant had a nice beard

Attached: IMG_2492.jpg (824x1350, 121K)

Seems like a reliable source

Just look up "john wilkes boothe jew". It's pretty well known, not exactly some fringe conspiracy theory. A secretary of state of the CSA was also a Jew and a slave owner, by the way.

lol nigga u trolling with that website.

His baptism took place at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Catonsville, Maryland, on January 23, 1853. This is documented by the writings of Booth's sister. See, Clarke, Asia Booth, John Wilkes Booth: A Sister's Memoir, (University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, 1996 edition), pp. 44-45.

>Jew is only a religion, never an ethnicity

Attached: braino.png (800x729, 48K)

Sure, but in this case, the Booths were English

Attached: JuniusBrutusBooth.jpg (480x588, 97K)

Explains why you linked us to a website that looks like it was made by a 12 year old in 2002

Back when America was a non-faggy version of England.

His dad's real name was Botha and he descended from Portuguese Sephardic Jews who settled in England, though.

I'm still not understanding why him being Jewish is relavent. The union and the CSA both had Jewish supporters.

CSA was outright created by Jews, though. The Rotschilds in England and France.

Lol ok you're right I'm sorry

>this is the jew's fault

>tfw brown hair but black beard

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>full, black hair with not a single strand of gray or white
>white hairs all over beard if I let it grow

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>you do know … right?
Why do Redditfags always say this.

Semites and Dravidians grow good beards (though I suppose you might call them Caucasians). Some africans can as well.

This, he would look 1000 times better with a proper 'stache.

Because on Reddit you can't outright call somebody a retard without risking massive downvotes so you have to be a passive aggressive cunt and talk down to them instead.

Who is your favorite civil war or presidential beard user?

my genetic nigga

Attached: sds.gif (240x139, 30K)

Facial hair has been in and out of fashion throughout history.

What is this cringey-ass 2008 shit?

Attached: oXBFeDJ.png (569x124, 20K)

you seem to know an awful lot about reddit...

you know?

Beards are more in fashion now than ever.

Mustaches and beards stopped gas masks from working properly in WW1, as they wouldn't seal properly around a mustache or beard, so most soldiers shaved them off. When they returned home their new, clean-shaven look caught on.

Mustaches came back in the 80s, then went out again in the 90s. Now, in the 2010s beards are back but not really mustaches.

Facial hair comes and goes. In the 14th century having huge moustaches was fashionable but in the 15th it was cool to be clean shaven. Then beards became fashionable in the 16th only to largely die out except for the aristocracy in the 17th.

It's fashion, same as any other.


>Verdict:Barely a Jew.

Its just a trend. The Romans also went through phases of being clean shaven (Republic, early empire) and having beards (early republic, empire after le stoic meme man).

>having feminine-looking traits is considered manly

No - it's considered ideal so they can market you to women to sell products or for TV series sales.

Same here. I have brown hair and green eyes, but my beard and eyebrows are pitch black.

This. Male fashion (until recently) has always followed the military. The introduction of gas warfare in WW1 intruduced the need to have clean shaven faces to allow a tight seal with gas masks.

these it is interesting how form and function weave about one another

even though we don't need stone columns anymore we still build them as facades
we keep shaving even though we don't wear gas masks anymore
we still smoke and salt things even though we have pasteurization
realistic paintings are still valued even though we have cameras

People shaved long before gas masks...

The Yugoslav people's army fell when officers shaved their mustaches and soldiers grew beards.

It changes. The Romans went clean shaven for a long time, they started adopting beards. The English liked to have long beards before the Norman invasion. It changes with time.

romans shaved their faces, y'know the fathers of western men. when will you pol brainlets leave

Nearly every guy I know in Massachusetts has a beard or at least maintained stubble.

where did I say gas masks were the sole reason people ever shaved

Well fancy well kept facial hair was a sign of status for a long time, only the wealthy would have the huge handler bar mustaches etc. The wax and what not wasn't necessary or cheap. But the opposite was true for the poor, full unkempt beards were just out of not having the means to shave regularly.

t. soy drinker