>Drag the USA out of the great depression
>Leads the US into WW2, setting the stage for America to become the dominant superpower of the world
>All while fucking dying of polio
>still called one of the worst presidents ever
Drag the USA out of the great depression
>>still called one of the worst presidents ever
literally by whom
>still called one of the worst presidents ever
only by autistic reactionaries on the internet
he consistently lands in top 5 presidents in polls
Actually FDR's policies were directly responsible for the US being one of the slowest recovering countries from the Great Depression.
>>Drag the USA out of the great depression
WWII did that and then he sold out half of Europe because he couldn't stop sucking Stalin's cock.
>Keynesian stimulus didn't get us out of the Depression, WW2 did
>doesn't realize that WW2 was a form of Keynesian stimulus
> doesn't realize it had nothing to do with Roosevelt's actions.
Dumb cripple manhandled by his wife.
This. WW2 war economy brought the US out of the depression more than FDR ever did.
the New Deal didn't go far enough
Not him but who else could authorize those actions? You can't deny the influence of FDR.
Good thing he couldn’t see 21st century USA
[Citations needed]
What's the problem with Wilson? Looks like all the americans here hate this guy
From what I've gathered they generally hate him for enacting the income tax policy and passing the Federal Reserve act, some hate him for dragging America into WW1, others hate him for being a fuckup in Mexico, others despise him for creating the League, perhaps a minority hate him for being too idealistic and stubborn to change his position. However he was the man who prophesized America's role in the future world and tried to warn the Americans. Speech he made in Des Moines, Iowa, 1919:
>The isolation of the United States is at an end, not because we chose to go into the politics of the world, but because by the sheer genius of this people and the growth of our power we have become a determining factor in the history of mankind, and after you had become a determining factor you can not remain isolated, whether you want to or not. Isolation ended by the processes of history, not by the processes of our independent choice, and the processes of history merely fulfilled the prediction of the men who founded our Republic. Go back and read some of the immortal sentences of the men that assisted to frame this Government and see how they set up a standard to which they intended that the nations of the world should rally. They said to the people of the world, "Come to us; this is the home of liberty; this is the place where mankind can learn how to govern their own affairs and straighten out their own difficulties," and the world did come to us.
He was highly authoritarian and had people jailed for disagreeing with him politically.
This being said, he's mostly hated for the League of Nations, American entry into WW1, and the Federal Reserve, all of which were good ideas.
I dislike him for re-segregating the government (both military and civilian)..
effectively it set the US back decades in terms of integration/race-relations.
Father of the welfare state.
He and FDR were both This but they were bad ideas
he was a bankers stooge just like all the pres from that era. rothbards 'history of money and banking in the us' has juicy whos who and a good detailed behind the scenes. just puppets for the banker wars.
That's Otto von Bismarck.
>quoting (((Rothbard)))
Schlomo please
Rothbard is based fuck off /pol/
He was good wartime president. But can't say the same about his domestic policies
He wasn't that bad also Teddy was adorably so tsundere with him.