who was right, Veeky Forums?
Who was right, Veeky Forums?
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Both, funnily enough. After his hajj, X changed his views on race very radically after seeing Muslims of all colors worshipping together. In a letter that I shamelessly copypasted, Malcolm wrote: "There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world. They were of all colors, from blue-eyed blondes to black-skinned Africans. But we were all participating in the same ritual, displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in America had led me to believe never could exist between the white and the non-white.
You may be shocked by these words coming from me. But on this pilgrimage, what I have seen, and experienced, has forced me to rearrange much of my thought patterns previously held, and to toss aside some of my previous conclusions. This was not too difficult for me. Despite my firm convictions, I have been always a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new experience and new knowledge unfolds it. I have always kept an open mind, which is necessary to the flexibility that must go hand in hand with every form of intelligent search for truth.
During the past eleven days here in the Muslim world, I have eaten from the same plate, drunk from the same glass and slept in the same bed (or on the same rug)-while praying to the same God with fellow Muslims, whose eyes were the bluest of the blue, whose hair was the blondest of blond, and whose skin was the whitest of white. And in the words and in the actions and in the deeds of the ‘white' Muslims, I felt the same sincerity that I felt among the black African Muslims of Nigeria, Sudan and Ghana.
We are truly all the same-brothers.
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds."
And then some asshole decided to kill him because he wasn't extreme enough anymore. God damn it.
I hate that just when he was starting to make a change for the good, and as he was about to do something with race relations in America that would have had lasting impact, and cement him right along with MLK in black history, he was killed. He could have been mentioned right along with King instead of just being, "that other crazy guy". Very sad.
Marcus Garvey
Marxists will say MLK, fashies will say X.
Fascists will say early Malcolm X commies will say late Malcom X centrists will say MLK
>joins the Nation of """""Islam"""""
>is directly responsible for its meteoric rise in popularity/stature
>falls out of favor with Elijah Muhammad
>goes on Hajj to try and find himself after being cast out
>finds out what true Islam really was
>decides to make right what he did wrong back in America and take down the monster of hate he had helped create
>gets assassinated just before he could officially join who was left of his loyal followers with MLK and march side-by-side with him
It gets worse, actually. He wasn't assassinated because he wasn't extreme enough anymore. He was assassinated because he was about to start making waves about shittily Elijah Muhammad was acting and how much of a fraud he was. The Nation of Islam had him killed to preserve their image and powerbase before he could retake into his fold everyone he had lead into theirs.
The documentary "Make It Plain" is very good, I have to add. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn something about Malcom X.
James Earl Ray & Thombas Hagan.
/pol/ memes aside, King. His way has lead to a marked decrease in racial hatred. Also, he didn't follow some ethnocult like X.
>be weirdo autistic """"""""""islamic"""""""""" cult
>get really popular guy to join up
>people follow him in droves
>he realizes just how autistic you guys are
>he goes and does something that actual muslims do and comes back to get people to realize just how shitty and autistic your cult is
>you have him killed so people don't ever realize that you are all shitty autistic cultists
i swear to everything holy, i will fucking castrate one of these spastic fuckwads, i hate them so goddamn much
Are they the ones who made up all that Yakub bullshit?
Jesus Christ, thread, I didn't ask for these feels. Fuck, I never knew that about Malcolm X, what a shitty, tragic end
here's a better question
of the two in picrelated, which one was right?
King. X was fucking /pol/ incarnate.
Neither. They were both black theists.
Dubois was a fucking Communist. so it cant be him.
King was also a philandering plagiarizing manipulator masquerading as a moral leader. At least Malcolm X was genuine.
*tips fedora*
He was about to talk about how Elijah Muhammed was a pervert and a queer who diddled kids.
Elijah muhammad is the father of modern African American we wuzzery
Both were assassinated because they realized that "it" wasn't about race, but rather class, that divides society.
Forgot to add, gotta make sure the underclass is squabbling amongst itself, it's much easier to rule that way.
This unironically.
MLK preached how everyone will live in a multikulti utopia after Jim Crow gets abolished, which didn't happen, blacks and whites are still completely segregated even without a law telling them to. He was a fucking imbecile that got proven wrong by history and Malcolm X was right.
MLK = virgin
Malcolm X = chad
On the other hand, it's a sad fact, but MLK had to get assassinated to advance race relations in the US. Not because he was being "uppity" or causing problems or anything like that. He was walking a peaceful Christian walk in working for civil rights for Black Americans, whatever his own personal sins were. He preached nonviolence and cooperation between the races, not violent racial hatred...and they STILL killed him for it. It was a massive shock to America as a whole, and galvanized a lot of it to at least see Jim Crow ended.
Here, watch this. It's the documentary I mentioned earlier.
It's a really good overview about Malcom X's whole life.
both utterly evil people that spread violence and gangs to the rest of society
So he's the guy we have to thank for so much unintentional comedy? fucking lol man
i think you're looking for the n*tion of """"islam"""", /pol/
I don't know, but what I do know is that Thas was rite.
Where were these blue-eyed blond muslims from?
Descendants of slav(e)s owned by the just, brotherly [[[Shieks]]]
X was right in his analysis, including of Jews, but also didn’t fall down the chasm of being a hate-monger or forgetting that we’re human. He was a true Brahmin. Climbed the ladder from manual labour to money making to politics to telling the truth.
Pretty much. Malcolm X was an extremely upright, honest man.
Presumably the Caucasus, with some from the Balkans and the Turkic world.
X died for the truth. He is a testament to both human potential and human pettiness. A truth speaker who got killed for politics. Never trust a Kshatriya.
commies will say huey newton
I don't think that Caucasus or Balkan muslims had a chance for Mecca visits during communist rule. Maybe people living in the west.
>I don't think
Clearly you don't.
Even in China with its state atheism there are people doing hajj without the government really interfering(in the sense you would expect from China) every year
Maybe converts from north Europe converts?
>Malcolm X
Look at true chieftain kid.
>bolshevik funded by the USSR
No thank you
do we Sage anymore?
*Sage – to intentfully disredit and ignore a post
USSR always tried to make the impression of tolerance and freedom on foreign countries, so they actually assembleded special governmentally-supported pilgrim parties. Like a few dozen at a time, from all of the Union, of course only citizens with perfect biography.
So it was forbidden, except when it was demanded and controlled from above, as with everything.
>Im just talking out of my ass because my gut doesn't like these facts
Kill yourself.
That depends on what you mean by "right"
You are not very old, are you? Do you know what for Berlin Wall was built? And what would have happened if Soviets or Tito would have let their muslim citizens travel freely abroad?
And deranged commie enters the thread, welcome!
>you now realize Malcolm X was killed before he could become an imam
>you now realize this prevented him from passing on his new message of harmony to American Muslims and influencing them like he did the Black community at large
>you now realize we were denied a future where Americanized Islam fights Radical Islam
>all because an autistic cult didn't want their former golden child exposing them for how autistic they were
This, MLK becoming a martyr was one of the best things that happened to the Civil Rights Movement
Fuck off commie
not Malcom that's for sure.
Dumbest shit I've ever heard. Jim Crowe was destroyed in most places and on its last legs in others by the time MLK was killed. It was 1968 for fuck's sake. He's already turned his attention away from the south to housing discrimination in northern cities and Vietnam. The assassination screwed up race relations even more by turning the black population toward more militant types like Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammed. The riots of 68 caused a sharp reaction from urban whites who fled to the suburbs en masse and was a huge part of Nixon being elected, along with his only real challenger also being assassinated, of course. I don't know if race relations in the U.S. could have ever been good, even if MLK was still alive today, but it non-violent marches had a better and more lasting impact than burning down Detroit and Miami.
Reminder this thread was made by a white person. Every person positively responding and fauning over the cute little Pee Oh Cee is white. The real question is: why are white people such cuckolds to make threads like this wanting to celebrate non-white tribalists who literally just wanted to harm whites to benefit their own race. Bitter mulattoes from a worthless slave caste of Africa's dregs, sold to white men by their own kind. They weren't castrated, they weren't as savagely abused as some cases in the Middle East, they actually lived a relatively moderate life as a slave/serf caste. The average Russian serf probably had it worse off. The free white man had a saying about he'd rather be a nigger because of how well kept-after they were, as property. Instead of being smart, a selfish elite imported and preserved these slaves instead of preventing their reproduction and leaving them to be slaves in Africa. Partly out of greed to not hire white labor, and partly out of altruism to a much smaller degree.
It was a mistake not to deport them like Honest Abe wanted. As soon as the Civil War ended, they should've packed them all into boats and shipped them back. The amount of crime and violence that has resulted from blacks' freedom and legal equality to the detriment of whites is horrific. The economic drain of their neverending welfare bid is eternal. To think there are white geldings who are descended from those men in the past who had sun-down laws and lynchings of negro criminals, who go along with the neo-liberal state's MLK cult festivity and worship of a degenerate communist, is jaw dropping.
What went wrong with whitey? Why doesn't he champion his own racial, evolutionary interest like blacks do? And why will they respond to this post denying their own race, interest and defending other races' own?
Was it autism? Or just pure ideology that big brained whitey wraps around himself to insulate from the reality of race struggle?
>be Afghani
>come to America
>get bored
>hang out with black people
>”man life sucks here for these guys. I’m going to give them something to be proud of.”
>write folk story of how blacks are the best and whites were created specifically to bring them down
>cult starts around this nonsense
>black autists are obsessed with it
Washington was 100% right for his time
Beating/cheating on his wife does not contradict his stance on racial inequality in any way.
He's the father of it being widespread now, but it goes back farther than that. As a side note, Marcus Garvey vs WEB DuBois was kind of like the original MLK vs Malcolm X.
Oh shit, that's horrible.
Ok buddy
>He was a fucking imbecile
if you read anything by him or listened to any of his speeches, you would know that's not true.
>Reminder this thread was made by a white person
I'm really not though. After all my years here, I still can't understand white people's inability to comprehend the thought of a black person being on this website and posting shit here. Like, do you think we don't know how to use computers or something? It really isn't that hard. I'm sorry you wrote that entire book for nothing user.