What are the most happiest moments in history?

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youtube.com/watch?v=zmQktJH4CuM finding out you're leaving vietnam seemed like an orgasm

Not that, it turns out it was staged for a magazine


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I think you're confusing this with the soldiers raising the flag

this desu

The day I die.

September 12th of 1683.

by far

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Today that would be called rape.

Nah, it's just good ol' sexual harassment.

>all those Semitic and Mongolian faces in the Soviet army
Well at least that's accurate

t-this isnt what i think it is is it user?

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>all those tards just shooting off into the air

The man in that photo didn't know the woman. He was just excited because he got the news the war was over, so he grabbed this random girl who happened to be standing next to him and kissed her passionately. For what it's worth, she liked it. But if you did that today you'd go to jail.

Just one more example of how feminism has destroyed our once great country.

Imagine how happy that dude was that he didn't have to go and get kamikaze'd in operation downfall cuz some gook wouldn't tap out.

Yea I should be allowed to kiss random girls on the street. Fuck feminism for destroying my rights.

japs get clapped nigga

>tfw you except a feel good thread but instead you get poo

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lmao pussies that won't fight for their country... how afraid of war can one fucking be?

>they already got to it
I swear, looking for things to get buttblasted on is their hobby


Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!

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You know, women like being kissed. That photo was taken in a time when public displays like that were acceptable. Normal. Even good. The problem is that there's a very vocal minority of people who decide that their personal mores are more important than societal standards. And that minority has worked diligently for decades to destroy the vestiges of American culture that made us decent.

More importantly, though, human beings are animals. We are evolved to have courtship behaviors that perpetuate our species. These self appointed moralizers come along and think that through social pressure they can rework our entire civilization into something that more closely approximates their vision of utopia. But social programming will never overcome human nature. So instead we have this incredibly artificial society with all kinds of ridiculous rules that are contrary to our evolved psychology. The end result is not a society that's full of rainbows and cupcakes where we all sit around indian style singing kumbaya. Rather, it's an oppressive system where everyone is constantly working to hurt everyone else, and we're all god damn miserable about it. Just look at divorce rates, for crying out loud. Feminism has devastated our culture. That photo is an icon of the beauty we once had. And as such is simultaneously an emblem of how far we have devolved.

We need to make America Great again.

Do you know that was an accident? An East German government official made a flippant off-hand comment about tearing the wall down. It spread by word of mouth at the speed of gossip and suddenly people were just at the wall trying to rip it apart on their own. By the time the government realized what had happened it was too late to stop it with anything short of a full scale military repression, and they were too terrified to try that without big daddy USSR to protect them from possible NATO retaliation.

welp this gave me the chills

This has to be bait, I don’t think anyone is this stupid or ignorant. Still want to point out there’s a reason guys refuse to talk about what happened their entire life. War is literal hell on earth, a lot of people forget that

Yeah it was a real ‘accident’ . People (CIA) just showed up and tore down the wall.

That's not history. You want

It wasn't, and she apparently slapped him moments later.


This, because thanks to this sacrifice we are now free


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The lady in the photo asked the sailor man to stop and he didn't. Thats kinda rapey

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America was never great. They once helped stop an even worse enemy, the Nazis, but they have a reputation of being a world-spanning empire that meddles in other countries' business. They were the last country to abolish slavery and even now STILL don't have basic rights for their people as they die homeless in the street.

What you have right now is the culmination of American history and the failure of the American experiment. So again, America was never great.

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Also the fact that some photograph is your greatest example of "American culture" when other nations have actual achievements, such as paintings, artwork, music, even new and powerful military tactics, is just laughable.

Even more funny is how it was debunked, proving just how fake your "culture" is.


Fucking hell

The Soviet bloc going tits up is my earliest memory and will probably remain my happiest.

moon landing

Pic related would be so pleased when he finally dropped one of his constipated dueces that he would often think it was literally divinely inspired.

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I think I would honestly have broken down crying and laughing hysterically if I'd been a soviet soldier.

Just imagine the feeling, afer all that horror and death, knowing it was finally over.

>America was never great.
We are the single most powerful nation in human history
>Being a world spanning empire that meddles in other countries business
Better than the Europeans who just fucked everything over and left and created 2 giant wars we had to go clean up the mess from
>the last country to abolish slavery
Actually that was Mauritania in the 1980s and it still happens there. We weren't even the last in the New world, that was Brazil in 1888. It was forced on us by British anyway and there were people who wanted to abolish it from day 1
>even now STILL don't have basic rights for their people as they die homeless in the street
Aside from some EXTREMELY wealthy European nations we have the highest standard of living on earth. There is a reason people to this day are fighting to immigrate here.

Basically you're a faggot.

>people have no agency of their own and litterally every event in history is orchestrated by the CIA

>Amerimutt arrogance

Soviets won WW2, you basically came in at the end to help light off the load, but you didn't really help all that much. Your focus was on the Japanese front, which didn't really affect any of Europe at all. And even then you feared the Japs surrendering to the Soviets instead of to you, hence why you used nukes.

>Being this retarded

USSR probably would never be able to beat Germany, lend-lease was crucial to allies, the two fronts was crucial to USSR...

Even the oil embargo on Japan was a big move, China was finished, the next country would be most likely USSR

They did not had a chance, plus Stalin was retarded like yourself

>What is Lend Lease
Also the bombs were doing what Firebombing was already doing way before that. Not to mention the Japs didn't surrender until the USSR invaded Manchuria cuz they didn't wanna be occupied by Soviets like East Germany. Not to mention they attacked us first and committed way worse war crimes against everyone. Also without the Marshall Plan Europe would have been Africa tier do to all the destruction caused by the war.

>They were the last country to abolish slavery and even now STILL don't have basic rights for their people as they die homeless in the street.

Europeans actually believe this shit.

Pic related is my nominee.

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Where did the bad American man touch you, user?

>Those teeth
Most British person I've ever seen. Pity he will be responsible for obliterating his nations economy.


It's already obliterated mate. Might as well finish it off.

Underrated post

hello from germany :)

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I can give you the saddest moment. The moment that western civilization died.

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>last country to abolish slavery

Completely false. Brazil did so in 1888.

>honestly replying to a retarded europoor

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America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.
The Amerindian genocide will never ever be forgotten.
Time to get replaced, subhuman.

There was no genocide, and they don't own a thing.

How could she speak when he was kissing her?

Jesus, its always the same shit with you mutts.

>murrica saved you euro-faggots
>muh lend-lease(conveniently forget that USA was by far not the only participant)
>muh western front (conveniently forget that there were several other countries pulling their weight over there)
>muh Japan (conveniently forget that Japan had no intention of attacking the soviet union, because they literally had no fucking reason to do so)

Go and google the German death-toll on western front vs. eastern front and then go cry in the corner for posting such braindead, shameful drivel.


America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.

Time to get extinct'd, inferior being.

>war is solely about body count not territory

The entire world belongs to the BLACK race
Kara boga wytoid

Yeah, you lost there aswell nigger, the territory involved on eastern front far surpasses the one in the west, even when you count in all the useless desert. But I guess you braindead mutts do not even know that a projected 2D map does not correctly represent size.

>did literally anything
How's those terror attacks doing, Nigel? Did pakistan return your daughters back?


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>Le lend lease meme
Only thing the US did in WW2 was defeat a WW1-tier army. Japan was shit at land warfare, see how they got crushed by the soviets before WW2.

It's cute when sub-humans pretend to sound sapient.

>Japan was shit at land warfare

Lol the East Germans look lame as fuck. I would’ve put that wall right back up

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t. CIA

he's currently sucking my dick
thanks for asking

youtu.be/I792XUcLsdI?t=25m18s Something that was exciting and non-divisive. I've always been a space fan and I wish I could have lived through it. I guess the closest was watching the eclipse last summer.

Came here to post this lmao

My grandpa was in the 82nd Airborne and had some pretty cool stories from meeting Russians at the end of the war. He accidentally gave a unit of the red army food poisoning.

Forgot to add, here's a pic of my grandpa.

Attached: Grandpa_Berlin.jpg (500x678, 21K)

lmao why are you so mad, at this point im assuming you're just a pissed off slav, or an anglo who's mad little brother is more relevant now

reply if you singed with them

The REAL reason why the wall fell

WW1 Christmas truce

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I thought I had the image but it's of the gaul standing at the doorway to a roman home with all the scared women there. I remember it mainly because someone gave it the amusing filename of "Frank Miller's Asterix"

Here user

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When Smallpox was BTFO by humanity.

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What is Goerings problem lol

my gf has the body type of the top girl

feels good man

you fucking idiot

don't know if that's true, but they did marry afterwords, and stayed married until recently when they died.

The absolute STATE of Pidorashka

When all else fails, you just gotta seppuku.

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The best 7 years in history

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You do realize once we're gone nobody's going to give you free money or exempt you from taxes merely for existing. Once again your culture will be called to stand on it's own merits and once again it will fall.

>random soldier forces himself upon a random girl
This is rape. Isn't it?

When the northen and southern flanks that encircled Paulus' sixth army met up. Open hugging and kissing, footage of it was in one of the Why We Fight films.

Lol no, le roastoes btfo!!! Friend zone on me, girl wants to... I fuck her still she know she fuck me still, wants it bad.

Ebin force entree :^)

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