I saw Jordan Peterson at a grocery store in Toronto yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person...

I saw Jordan Peterson at a grocery store in Toronto yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, "It's no problem, I love to meet my fans".

I was impressed, and all I could say was "I love your lectures", but he kept excitedly cutting me off with fatherly advice and giving me warm hand gestures. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle pleasantly as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw Jordan waiting in line with just a few organic granola bars in his hand ready to pay.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "sir, did you find everything OK tonight?" At first he kept pretending that he was just a normal guy, but eventually let her know that the service was outstanding and that even he, the most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now, was impressed.

When she started scanning the bars individually, Jordan stopped her and told her she could just scan them in bulk "to prevent any line holdups" and then turned around and smiled at me. I think that's very considerate. After she scanned just one bar, quickly calculated the total, and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Jordan simply handed the cashier a hundred dollar bill and told her to keep the change.

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>grocery store in Toronto yesterday

There are grocery stores in the downtown area? I only know a couple


good thread

>the most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now, was impressed.
You're memeing but it's sad people genuinely think this

Unrealistic. He didn’t make two dozen references to Jung and post-modernism.

not to meme but having your bars passed collectively seems pretty lobsterish behavior

Can someone explain to me why he's so popular? I don't have time to watch some youtube videos about Lion King.

Is his book actually worth a read?

He’s articulating a meme every already knows deep down, which is what retarded dogshit this PC crypto Marxist zeitgeist being forced on the western world is

It’s amazing, worth rereading

>which is what retarded dogshit this PC crypto Marxist zeitgeist being forced on the western world is
w-what? I thought he's some self-help psychologist. what does it have to do with marxism?

You'd be surprised

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He basically told off a bunch of idiotic "muh pronouns" people and showed that he is one of the few people in academia who still has a functioning spinal column. This has led to him developing a cult following because modern academia is full of chickenshits(especially in the social sciences)who endlessly cater to the whims of entitled tumblr morons. Whatever validity his ideas may or may not have is secondary to his status in the ongoing culture war.

He's appealing to a bunch of young disaffected men, in need of spiritual guidance. He has become the quasi father figure for young white western men who feel ostracized by mainstream modern society and has told them the only way they're going to bare through it is by picking themselves and forging ahead. He discusses Jungian archetypes and mixes this with stoicism to create an appealing and not difficult concept of what a strong, responsible man should be. He mixes this with psychoanalysis, Christian metaphysics, and a disregard for the identity politics that has seemingly disavowed many young men.

I unironically think Jordan Peterson could construct some ridiculous bullshit meta-narrative of this meme being used to for different celebrities.

Isn't this the literal definition of identity politics, something JP claims to hate?

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Nice LARP, hope you weren’t up all night thinking of this one

ROFL. Seems like another popular psychologist who writes what you want to hear.

It's a pasta.

Thanks for explaining it (I'm not American). I was surprised to see an actual academic being popular, but it's just identity/culture politics, no surprise. I do really find this "culture war" thing in the west very interesting though, who knows how it will turn out.

Who do you think is? I don’t travel in that sphere so I wouldn’t know.

>an actual academic being popular
>An actual academic
Pfft, he is only one tier above Bill Nye The 'Science' Guy

It's Oprah for neckbeards. good for a laugh

I Fucking love this copy pasta, no matter how old it gets, or what new take on it with different people, I truly do enjoy it

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I honestly don't know and have no real interest in defending the man's philosophy or anything in particular that he said. I was just making a commentary on the sad state of the modern academic system. By rights everybody should be telling people who insist on being called "zir" or whatever the fuck else to fuck off for being annoying little attention whores, but their parents have money so the college system doesn't do this.

I saw Flying Jordan Peterson at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now, bucko?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “clean your room, sunshine” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical post-modernist neo-Marxism,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by crying really loudly.

Why non-specific pronounces are so controversial? I want something gender neutral to use instead of guessing if you are boy or girl.


singular they is actually very for situations where unknown or irrelevant and you probably use it all the time.

To be fair, I just googled him and it said he's a professor at University of Toronto (which I haven't heard of, but seems legit). Has he done any research of consequence? Or is he just some average professor that got famous from media?

> Canadian """""Science"""""

>singular they is actually very for situations where unknown or irrelevant and you probably use it all the time.
My language, unlike yours, isn't freaking retarded, so ... no.

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Because you're asking 99.99% of the population to play a retarded game with mentally ill people. The main reason for the explosion in transgender shit is that most people are normies. And normies intuitively feel their "rank" on the social scales of other stupid normies they know. But this is a society that devalues their rank on the social scale and elevates women as a higher rank.

So what's a fucking normie fearing his obsolescence to do? He'll transition to not only another gender but, in doing so, he reaps the victim complex rewards of misguided alturism. The key part about normies is that a lot of them don't do this as a conscious goal. They are wired to seek higher places on the social hierarchy. And the whole LGBT movement gave them a means.

So tell me you piece of shit, why do I have to waste time catering to broken people let down by a broken society?

user your making yourself look like a idiot in front of the user your arguing with, you should have said something more intelligent like it's your right to call any one what you want for the sake of your convenience and they should stop actively looking for things to be offended by, but instead you reply with "ur dumb" to directly disagree with them, instead of making a point.
That is unless your same fag strawman

Look at this user this this is how you respond

>zizek is a postmodernist who cares about pronouns and isn't a rigorous thinker

fuck off with this memeshit

Because contrary to popular belief, if you have a penis, you are a man. If you have a vagina you are a woman. The only two proper pronouns are He and She, Him and Her. The nonspecific they being used when someone doesn't know the biological sex of the person in question is not the same thing as your special snowflake bullshit.
Is a nonsense term invented by someone who sexually abused two boys and got away with it.


I'm not denying that people "feel" in the wrong sex. I knew a gay guy in high school who turned into a pretty "woman". A candidate who "needed" to change. That I can accept.

I can't accept the overwhelming...irrelevancy of the movement. You have societies poisoned by microplastics, accumulation of toxic materials in sea life, and the garden of deadly pleasures and deadly surprises (in the form of the approach to automated singularity). There's a company (Nestle) that degraded the neurologies of millions and millions of 3rd world children by stuffing formula as a "healthy alternative" in 3rd world hospitals.

And yet your complaint is that I don't play your stupid bullshit game where you want status and power without risking your skin,

>user your making yourself look like a idiot
you're*, and fuck off.


Let's throw out the 11,000+ schools that haven't had lead levels tested in ages within the USA. Let's throw out the black hole of future back problems from retarded leaning down to look at their retarded phones made out of rare earth metals mined by literal slaves (nowadays I bring the phone up to my face, I will not be quasimodo at 70). You have a country that is 70% overweight (at least) which will bring about trillions in medical bills in the future.

And yet, you stupid fucking normies are playing a stupid game for stupid prizes. I wish a thousand fuckers like you shared a single neck so I could choke the waste of oxygen you represent.

Fug why do I have such a weird habit of speedposting on Veeky Forums and mistyping shit, but it only seems to happen on happen on Veeky Forums. But anyway why do you keep repeating this mistake that decreases the value of your opinions?

t. butthurt spacie

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Kek, made my day merrier.

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He's basically a friendly, father figure stopgap the kikes put to prevent young males from drifting to the alt-kike, which is the backup edgy stopgap the kikes put to prevent said males from reaching the truth. Nothing but controlled opposition shills to my left!

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