Is Russia embracing its Asiatic identity again?
Is Russia embracing its Asiatic identity again?
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Lavrov is an Armenian shitskin and Shoigu (defense minister) is a literal Mongol from Tuva. The idea of modern Russian government being somehow European is laughable.
Mongol identity
The West is done either way though, we literally had 2 world wars just throw away all western culture, virtues, and religion to have niggers on welfare shake their ass and blast their talent-less music that glorifies criminal behavior.
Yeah i forgot, because you don't like black people russia is somehow stronger than the entire west. gotcha senpai.
“Again”? We have always perceived Europe and the West as our enemies.
user didn't say he didn't like black people, just the ones on welfare
t. leftypol
The West might be declining relative to the rest of the world and in some ways to it's past, but Russia is by every measure declining faster.
>Male life expectancy below 60
>Higher alcoholism and drug use
>Literally using Call of Duty clips to fake its military accomplishments (just lol)
>Higher % Muslim than any Western power
>Faster growing Muslim population than any Western power
>Lower age of girls losing their virginity and higher HIV rate than the West
>Smaller economy than Brazil and Italy
>Per capita GDP lower than China soon and lower than Botswana by 2030 at current rates
>No succession plan and Putin isn't getting younger
>East is getting more and more Han and China is far more powerful than Russia now
Yeah, but they are the paragons of virtue because /pol/ Russia bots say so...
Just lol at some pathetic balding wrinkled oldcel doing the bidding of a mongoloid manlet. Lmao at those faggots,russians are literal subhumans dying of crocodil, dying of alcohol poisoning, dying of HIV, dying in Chechen bombings, just lol at the tragedy that is russia, the most pathetic country in the world, lmao ngl
I think Varg explained it the best when he likened the American-Russian conflict to the one between Sauron and Saruman. Both of those powers are decayed inside and out and trying to pick sides between them is peak retardation.
The Russian offshoots like Belarus and Ukraine have fallen even lower too, they used to be among the best parts of "greater russia" before.
Meanwhile countries like the baltic states and even romania are frankly thriving in the EU.
There's nothing wrong with Belarus, it's a paradise compared to shitty Russia.
>Varg likened the American-Russian conflict to the one between Sauron and Saruman.
wtf isnt LOTR a CHRISTIAN metaphor?
Go to bed Lukashenko.
Is this the right wing equivalent to calling Trump Voldemort?
Slavs arent human who cares about them
>lower crime rate than Russia
>lower unemployment than Russia
>higher life expectancy than Russia
>no niggers, muslims, mongols, junkies and AIDS, unlike in Russia
>99% white country
Tell me again how the fuck is Belarus worse than Russia?
Russia isn't Slavic.
Slovenes and Czechs are clearly not subhuman, at least compared with other Slavs.
>Per capita GDP lower than China
No it's not
>East is getting more and more Han and China
Stop this meme.
not him but even belarus is less depressing than russia
it has clean streets (minsk has to be one of the most clean capital cities in europe im not even kidding) and decent roads
That's a very, very low standard.
Belarus will forever be a non-country and Russia’s bitch. Belarusians are so cucked that only 36% of them can speak Belarusian language.
Russia is not a Slavic country, it's a multicultural mutt cesspit just like USA. The man on OP's pic, Lavrov, is literally an Armenian.
I'm talking about statistical realities and you're sperging with /int/ memes. You literally have no actual argument.
Slavic peoples are nigger trash.
Russia has the 2nd largest white population in the world after US, so who cares?
And Russian musilms are arguably white. Chechens are literally Caucasians.
Slavs arent white
All Western European countries are multicultural too. Are you stupid?
>No it's not
He said "soon". And frankly it will be, it's like 8.5k vs 10k. It's probably happening as soon as 2020.
For that matter 75% of China already has way higher GDP per capita than Russia, that's 1 billion people or so.
You forgot to mention the tigers, no rubles for you.
russia is dying
We may be poor, violent and uneducated, but we are still white (although many of us do have Asiatic admixture).
>Male life expectancy below 60
>Higher % Muslim than any Western power
That's because they conquered lot of Muslim lands. They don't have arabs, who are the worst muslims.
>>Per capita GDP lower than China soon and lower than Botswana by 2030 at current rates
>East is getting more and more Han and China is far more powerful than Russia now
Bullshit. Far East is mostly populated by Europeans.
Gotta laugh if USA is your benchmark for a white country.
>literally Caucasians
Only in Muttland do people think of Caucasian as a synonym for white. Armenians, Azeris or Chechens are not European by any stretch of imagination.
t. Akhmad Magomedovich Abdulrahmanov
Our male life expectancy is above 60, but it is lower than in Pakistan.
>That's because they conquered lot of Muslim lands.
And also because we let in hundreds of thousands of gastarbeiters from Central Asia every year
no we have no other option thank to the western brainwhased retards
Only East Slavs are violent. West Slavs have a lower murder rate than Western Europe.
russia could gave a lot of to europe it could be and allianze of equals not like it is with usa that you are not more than vasals
united russia and europe could be the most pewerful nation on the earth
nukes ,polpulation technology,land ...
>West Slavs have a lower murder rate than Western Europe.
Proof? That’s probably because West Slavic countries are not very good at collecting statistics on crime.
Completely idiotic assumption that you pulled out to justify your bias.
Law enforcement in Western slavic countries is reasonably competent and certainly enough to record all the MURDERS. This isn't drug dealing or corruption statistics.
>Poland 0.74
>Czech republic 0.75
>Slovakia 0.88
>UK 0.92
>Sweden 1.15
>France 1.58
>Finland 1.60
>Belgium 1.95
>USA 4.88
>West Slavic countries are not very good at collecting statistics on crime
No, that's just you trying to cope with living in a violent shithole.
Leaving aside the West slav vs West euro tangent, both of them are far, far better off than Russia's 11.31 murder rate, and that certainly isn't explainable by record-keeping issues in any case.
And you know the first difference between West Slavic nations and Russia? The former are pretty much ethnically homogenous while the latter is full of non-whites. Turns out having a load of shitskins in your country increases crime which is also why Britain and France have more murders than Poland.
>No, that's just you trying to cope with living in a violent shithole.
I know very well that I live in an extremely violent shithole, I’m from Russia
All Central Asia and Caucasian countries have lower homicide rates than Russia
Cool. Regardless, you pulled that record keeping argument out of your ass. West Slavic countries are safe, Western Europe is less safe, Russia even less. See
>Kosovo, Bosnia and Algeria have lower murder rates than France and Canada
I must admit.
The highest murder rates in Russia are in Tuva Republic, Nenets Okrug, Amur, Buryatia and Transbaikal. All Asian.
Bosnia is almost 100% European while France is full of niggers, so pretty much what you'd expect.
Actually, Russia has experienced a period of growth again under Putin. Coming from the 90s stagnation/decline, this is return to the "old" norm.
Except most of your post is false.
Russia is still quite shit. But Russia is BETTER than it was like 15 years ago. How is that decline you retarded fuck? Are you mentally unwell, or you are just terribly misinformed?
>Chinese are colonizing Siberia!!!
Oh...that explains it. Jesus.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the growth been mostly oil monies.
slavs aren't white
Russia's only "whites" are the tiny remaining bastions of Baltic Germans, Finns, and Russian Germans.
Contrary to Russian national mythology the decline didn't begin in the 90s, it began in the 80s because of the collapse of oil prices. Then they "magically" started recovering in the late 90s when oil prices also started recovering, and this coincided with Putin's rise to power. Russia's biggest problem is that their retarded economy completely relies on oil and gas. This is fine if you're a tiny country like Norway, but not if you're aspiring to be a global power. Spanish empire also collapsed because the inflation of gold and silver.
So oil prices destroyed the Soviet economy and not shit like Reagan, Gorbachev, capitalism, democracy or Yeltsin. It was oil.
How is that relevant? Their economy, society, everything, it got better. It's not as good as the West, but it got better.
Even now with lower oil prices and recent economic crisis, they are still far better than they were in 90s. Their economy is growing again (though oil prices grew a bit/stabilized too).
How is this decline?
They are improving in every sense of the word, most obviously they are back to being relevant in global politics.
I don't know what's this shit called because English is not my native language...when your house is burning and you're pretending your poor neighbor living in a shack who just made it prettier is somehow still in a worse position than you.
Russia was poor and chaotic for most of it's history relative to Western Europe. Now they in the best position they ever were in centuries, both from state and population perspective, for the first time.
They aren't declining. They aren't about to be split in 200 states. Muslims aren't going to displace them. Chinese aren't colonizing Siberia. Their economy won't collapse. They won't be invaded by aliens.
Much is said about Russian shills here, yet there is a brigade of shitposters who keep repeating same idiotic arguments and false facts or facts taken out of context. I don't know. It's weird.
Stop shitting up this place just because your containment board on Krautchan is gone, faggot. Go kill yourself instead.
>Now they in the best position they ever were in centuries
It kind of depends on how you measure it.
Because things were definitely better in 2013 than today.
False. Soviet Union collapsed because of both economic and political issues. Oil prices did have an effect of course, but it wasn't the only reason.
These two factors weren't isolated, they acted in unison.
Liberalization of economy plus liberalization of society plus faulty economic policies aimed at restoring growth caused chaos and provoked an economic and political collapse.
This collapse was further aggravated in 90s by neoliberal reforms and horrific Yeltsin administration mismanagment.
Recovery under Putin was certainly helped by rising oil prices, but that's not the only reason for recovery.
More important than economic recovery is the recovery of their national morale, which plummeted to abyss in the 90s.
Oil prices dropped again, sanctions were implemented, yet I don't see Russia collapsing.
Because this modern Russia is mostly a national state of Russians, and Putin was effective at maintaining stability.
Connecting it all to oil prices is an argument of pseudo-intellectuals who very often don't know shit about Russia.
Perhaps it looks like I'm emotionally involved, but that's just because I'm tired of reading same old retarded memes since 2014.
In 2014 too, Russian collapse was imminent and retarded Poles called me Olgino shill for arguing it's not.
Who was right?
Only real danger for Russia is shitty growth really. Their situation is stable. This is reality, deal with it however you want, though I suggest you should be smart about it and accept the fact they will be an important player in the near future still.
90s was the deep decline, the lowest russia has been since the high soviets. Putin has greatly improved the Russian lifestyle since he has taken over.
Nearly 18 years of rule in Russia. Most Russian people, although don't want a strongman, they feel they NEED it for the country to prosper. Its the same mentality for China. They don't WANT it, but they NEED it. Also in same way, US feels the same this is why Trump was elected.
No doubt about that, but my whole point is they are still chugging along and the crisis is behind them. Crisis that was never existential, despite the screeching of some people who confused dreams for reality.
Putin made a mistake (perhaps) in not diversifying their economy, but this is easier said than done. There are many factors at play here, it's not like a video game where you build a factory and move some sliders.
I was right back then and I'm right now.
Hysteria about Russia, either how weak or how threatening they are, even though their actions are somewhat agressive, is not because of Russia, it's indicating a crisis in the West, most importantly across the Atlantic. Russia is a sort of a distraction, even though they are no doubt a threat to geopolitical interests of American elite.
I say elite, not citizens, because I don't really believe American citizens profit from the actions of their governments in the last two decades or so.
But most importantly I love to see realistic debate and I get angry when I read about millions of Chinese colonizing Siberia for the 5001st time.
As I understand it, Putin's problem was a lack of ambition.
He continued the Yeltsin policy of running Russia as a mafia state with oil funding everything, rather than crack down on corruption, which would allow for a growth of other industries.
So while things aren't collapsing, they aren't growing either. It's pure stagnation.
Notice that oil and economy as a whole started recovering shortly before Putin came to power, not after. Putin is a very smart and capable leader but he wasn't some savior of Russia who single handedly dragged them out of economic misery.
>This collapse was further aggravated in 90s by neoliberal reforms and horrific Yeltsin administration mismanagment.
The thing is other ex-communist nations also underwent neoliberal reforms and while they did experience some transitional economic shock, it wasn't a full blown collapse of society like in Russia. This can't be overstated. Stop comparing Russia to western Europe or USA and start comparing them to other post-communist countries, and you'll see exactly where the problem is.
>Because this modern Russia is mostly a national state of Russians
I'm starting to doubt you're actually ethnic Russian. Russia is kind of like Saudi Arabia in this regard. Saudi Arabia puts wahhabist preachers in prison in their own country but at the same time they heavily promote wahhabism in every country that isn't Saudi Arabia. Same with Russia, they're on friendly terms with many nationalist organizations in Europe and the USA but at the same time Holocaust denial is a crime in Russia, antisemitism is a crime, imperial multiculturalism is promoted, lavish mosques and mansions for Chechen shitskins are being funded by the federal budget, richest people in Russia are Jewish oligarchs, Moscow is becoming increasingly more muslim every year, ethnic Russian birthrates are shit while Caucasian birthrates are up and Putin himself says that "Russia for Russians" slogan is foolish. The image of Putin's government as ethno-nationalist is a farce.
He did crack down on corruption though.
He didn't bring it down to irrelevant levels, but he destroyed high corruption. Oligarchs no longer make important decisions like they did in 90s.
Putin's power is not absolute. He's a sort of arbiter between various circles. He can't eliminate these circles without causing chaos, one which he doesn't need right now.
I'm not Russian, I thought that was clear from my posts.
And I never argued Putin is infallible God and saviour of motherland, or that he's an "ethno-nationalist".
I'm merely offering a more nuanced vision of Russia and judgement of his rule.
They are useful tool, nothing else, and they number 1 million. They also get like a billion a year in donations, less that 0.5% of Russian budget. That's cheaper than exterminating them I guess, that's the calculation.
Not an existential threat.
They should, otherwise they hate themselves.
t. southrons
Russia has very little going for it. Young people keep fleeing, and population medium shifts older every year.
Demographics is destiny, they either have to import more Muslims from Central Asia, or more Hans from China. Neither option bodes very well for them. Their decline is ongoing and inevitable.
Thank God