Nazis will defend him

Nazis will defend him.

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ugh, this again

his nickname was gandhi

Normies deserved it

Roasties deserve everything they get.
Dirlewanger did nothing wrong.

I love how he triggers ADL shills :-)


No they didn't. Other Waffen-SS formations would lodge simultaneous complaints with the Wehrmacht to get the unit out of their region.

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>you'll never roast Polish roasties with flamethrowers

What's this boards obsession with dirlewanger, i see that fucking face every single day on here

10 years olds are roasties now?

Can someone give me details on what he did? Wikipedia and everyone here seems to just say “rape and murder” but that sounds like any other Nazi.

Little girls are just cunt larvae, it will mature into a full demon in no time.

Latest anti-german meme. Apparently Poles are still mad about the fun he had in Warsaw.

hahahah based kekd

He was a convicted pedophile, the Nazis locked up. But he was also a Poacher. They released him and a small group of fellow criminals who had a background in hunting to deal with the Partisans. When that unit was destroyed, Himmler decided to open the prisons and form an entire Waffen-SS divison out of this untapped manpower.

It went as well as could be expected.

No one wanted them around, but when shit got serious and innocent people needed to be punished in a way which no regular unit, or even other SS units had the stomach for, you sent in this unit.

necrophiliac and a psycopath, at least most of the nazis presumably believied in the cause, he was just pure evil, burned people alive, bayoneted babies

>inb4 all nazis were evil

All meming aside and not down play anyone's suffering but I absolute hate atrocity narratives because everyone has one, and it's impossible to pin down how much is true and how much is exaggeration. You constantly seesaw between rejecting the idea that humans could do things like that and the idea that humans could like about things like that.

I think the most important lesson you can take away from history is to stay away from soldiers because you're gambling your life when you don't.


what? I don't have any difficulty believing that people (he was a mentally insane psychopath) could do stuff like that

>it's impossible to pin down how much is true

stormfag detected

>he was a mentally insane psychopath
Not to defend Dirlewanger, but was he ever professionally diagnosed?
I don't doubt he was a cruel sadistic bastard, but even convicted serial killers develop exaggerated myths around their crimes. It's easy to accept the idea of excesses attached to those that have been declared to be "psychopaths", but how much of them are actually true and not just the historical equivalent of spooky campfire stories?

It would be nice if I could express my conflicted feelings about the murkiness of history without being declared a racist for doing so.

Shut the fuck up, you krautnigger sub-human piece of shit.

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Krautnigers are animals, and sub-humans.

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Name me one thing he did wrong. I'm genuinely curious what warped propaganda you actually believe about him.

I'm not German, I just really enjoy stories of cunts dying.

why is the masterrace so full of degenerates?

Raping and pillaging isn't degenerate, having a loving monogamous same sex relationship is.

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go clean toilet kacper

>Hey maybe Dirlewanger didn't actually disembowel a little girl and rape her, maybe he just stabbed her to death after he raped her and it got exaggerated over the years?
>lol urnazi

People like you are why I have given up on the idea that history is an objective exercise.

Im inclined to. Everyone talks of him like he was jeffrey dahmer or something when all he did was some embezzlement and had sex with a 14 year old (inb4 some ameriburger gets upset, 14 year olds are legal in alot of countries, including parts of germany today). As for the war crimes some of it is so cartoonish I cant believe its not propaganda.

t. assblasted roastie


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The problem is that a lot of stormniggers, rather than arguing straight up that Hitler did nothing wrong and da j00s control the world, try being subtle and "just asking questions".

> As for the war crimes some of it is so cartoonish I cant believe its not propaganda.
Lefties have no problem with suggesting that Aztec human sacrifice is greatly exaggerated by conquerors seeking to justify their conquest, but the moment you apply that logic to one of their sacred cows they freak the fuck out and call you a Nazi!

>hurr but an archeologist went digging in Mexico and didn't find that many skeletons
and some goon went poking around Auschwitz with a a ground penetrating radar and didn't find shit, what's your point? The same argument you use to counter the Holocaust deniers can be used against the archeologist in Mexico;
>Maybe he was looking in the wrong spot?

He wuz a gud boi, he dindu nuffin'

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>and some goon went poking around Auschwitz with a ground penetrating radar and didn't find shit
see top right

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>see top right
As I said;
>Maybe he was just looking in the wrong spot?

Even other SS officials disagreed with this. So my qualms with it don't discredit the NSDAP.

>The problem is that a lot of stormniggers, rather than arguing straight up that Hitler did nothing wrong and da j00s control the world, try being subtle and "just asking questions".
So what if they do?
Storm niggers are harmless, and to be perfectly honest the world needs a counterbalance to the people who believe that Hitler was the worst human being in history.

At least as young as twelve are losing their virginities now.

>doesn't disclose his methods
>doesn't publish his findings in any peer-reviewed journal, only neo-nazi publications
>didn't even claim to search at Auschwitz but at Treblinka, and when actual reserachers use their own ground-penetrating radar they found tons of burial sites and the foundations of two gas chambers.
Nice false equivalence there.

Hitler made occasionally errors, but he acted according to a morality that is in my best interests.

Are you retarded?
My point isn't that the guy is credible, my point is that his claims that contradict the historical consensus can be easily dismissed by a layman with a simple nitpick.

Stop letting Holocaust deniers live in your goddamn head.

>Dirlewanger literally rapes a 14 yo from the League of German girls
>m-muh Poles are mad!!!

Yeah and he went to jail for it, then got released and tormented the Poles. The Germans aren't bringing this shit up, and only a irrelevant Pole would bring up a C-List Nazi who they murdered after the war.

Make sure no one has stolen your daily rations of potato. Dionizy. Let someone else in Poland use the internet for once.

What's that

>Nazis and dirlewanger brigate are bunch of /r9k/robots and incels.

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I can understand this feeling about some wehrmacht or even wafen SS batallion.
But Dirlewanger division was literally bunch of criminals, rapists and mureding recidivist organized together into unit and given military equipment, allowed to do anything by SS higher ups and set loose on civilance for the lulz.
Nothing good can come out of it and it shows. This division didn't even participate in fighting against the enemy or even partisants, they only targeted civilians. They got despised even by the fucking SS themselves.

It's hard not to believe the shit they've done.