what does Veeky Forums think about pic related
What does Veeky Forums think about pic related
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Shallow, too fast-paced and brimming with godawful unfunny jokes. First series was at least somewhat decent at teaching kids the ABCs of world history, albeit with a very very thick Liberal bias, with all that that entails. Anti-europeanism, glorification of trade & liberal democracy, seeing history as the "story" of "how we got here".
Second series was all bias and no teaching.
It also had the nasty tendency to take up whatever trendy book has most recently been released and gotten a halfway decent lay audience exposure and make an entire episode around it. Second series was basically just that.
SJW reddit cuck shit
then where should i go if i wanna learn about human history
As far as I know, Hank actually knows what he's talking about.
John, on the fucking other hand, can only seem to get books like Huckleberry Finn and Frankenstein.
John Green has become a meme on here for getting a bunch of shit wrong in the history series.
Not even reddit, just tumblr. I fucking remember watching the episode on Venice and the Ottomans where he blatantly points to the chalkboard portrait of the Doge and the Sultan and says "I ship these two."
Depends on what you're looking for in particular, user.
softcore revisionist bullshit
the library
Khan Academy
At least from real revisionists, we learned things like that the Spartans weren't all cracked up as they were said to be.
John's just a fucking moralist.
Stick to writing books.
i cant be the only one who feels a really prominent anti-west vibe in his videos lol
especially his video about rome.
>n-no muh jews didnt kill muh Jesus that's actually a lie ok senpai!!
what’s wrong with seeing history as the story of how we got here? isn’t understanding how the past relates to the future an essential part of studying history?
It started as a low-impact teaching aid tool which very closely followed an existing textbook, had a very clear slant but was generally useful as a study tool.
Then the success of the initial series demanded more and more series, and Hank Green got involved and the whole thing became Tumblr
It's OK. Not very deep. I think it's a meme to hate them though.
Doesn't go in depth enough for my tastes and skips a lot. But it's not as bad as some make it out to be.
It diminishes all past societies into nothing more than stepping stones (at best) or dead ends (at worst) in the long winded path towards the supposed pinnacle of humanity which is our own society. It forces an unfair and biased modernist outlook on the past.
It introduces unnecessary political pressures into the study of history (as if there weren't enough). If history is "our" story, then it necessitates every single section and sub-section of our society to have taken some part of it, however minor.
It also exposes a profound belief in captial-P Progress. Again, reducing events and people (past AND present) into simple "advanced society in the 'right' direction" or "went 'against' history".
All these are precisely what revisionists most want to avoid when studying history, but they are also exactly what their ideological sponsors most want to extract out of it. This contradictory dynamic a reflection of the way contemporary Liberalism sees itself as post-political or non-ideological.
>why are only men given the "the great"
>alexander the great wasn't great
>catherine the great doesn't count
>fuck military history
What did he mean by this?
Literally the only Crash Course video I’ve seen that was even slightly educational and helpful was a chemistry one about ionic and covalent bonds. All the history stuff is complete fucking trash, because it - like all the arts - allows for too much personal bias and conjecture to be tossed in.
>>fuck military history
wew when the fuck did he say this?
In an episode about the American Civil War he just lists battles and flat out says military history is boring drudgery (as if his gay bullet point format of general history is anymore interesting than studying casualty figures)
>bunch of neo-liberal soy boys teach about evil white history while saying mongols were enlightened scientist who brought peace and prosperity to eurasia.
Some of their economic and science stuff is actually interesting, but all the social and John Green stuff is vomiting.
They're great if you don't suffer from autism and take a 10 min crash course on a subject for what it is.
Wikipedia and books, if you're at a Uni you can go to lectures and clubs and speeches too. If you still have a high-school world history book honestly just start there.
If you really wanna be lazy and use YouTube, you can just google "history of [insert thing here]" and find half a hundred videos
It was a great introduction for me when I was 19. Now that I am 23 I realize just how much I've been lied to. Jesus christ, John Green is the king of all soyboys.
why dont you stop being poor and buy books you pathetic socially bankrupt waste of a vote
His books suck too though.
>I was drizzle and she was hurricane
>while saying mongols were enlightened scientist who brought peace and prosperity to eurasia.
He never said that, at least entirely.
Truly tumblr tier writing.
Not an argument.
He's better than everyone else here in term of telling a history
Veeky Forums/pol
What does Veeky Forums think about pic related?
You guys realize this shit is for high school students trying to pass there history course right?
It’s not meant to be in depth history at all
>what is an argument?
what its meant to be we can only guess, what it IS is propogandistic drivel
I watch it. I find it kind of fun the way they narrate it as if it is a story instead of just using the usual looking back framework. I also enjoy their self-criticism at the end of each arc to try and rectify what they get wrong.
It's useful as a general intro to whatever historical subject you're studying. However, take everything he says with a grain of salt (you should generally do this, to be honest) because he's a heavily emotional person who tries to pass as an intellectual. If you really want to learn history Wikipedia is actually a pretty good source most of the time, but mostly you should stick to books. Most of Veeky Forums's recommended books are legit.
op here
thanks for the recommendations
The fact that every one of my high school history teachers used CC instead of actually teaching made me comfortable with having teachers get paid peanuts.
good lord if that's what you're basing you're mentality on
Embarrassing post.
Fun, entertaining gateway history, that is at least knows their not 100% accurate, unlike most other channels. Also, they bring great attention to things most other channels would forget about like Admiral Yi and the south sea bubble, so yeah they are great.
I can atleast come to like Hank, but I don't like John.
I watched John Green's Odyssey CC video a few years ago, left a very sour taste of my mouth about it, I try to not to believe in the SJW boogeyman too much but bringing up present day patriarchy shit when talking about a 3000 year old story is really uncalled for.
John is an actual mongoloid, I seriously hope you don't watch him for informational purposes. He throws too much quirky "jokes", moral bias and other forms of bias in.
A screen flickers to light in a dark classroom in Stockholm, Sweden. The students eagerly await the video to load, so they can receive their anticipated lesson.
>Hi! I'm John Green and this is Crash Course: World History and we're going to talk about the Renaissance.
The Students clap and cheer violently, a round of applause going around the room and the children smile, knowing the all-wise John Green is here to educate them about the past.
>We all know those stupid Eurocentrists claim the Renaissance was driven by Italian innovation...
The students boo and frown, vaguely aware that the "Yuro-centrists" are always the bad guys in Mr. Green's lessons. A few are on the edge of their seats and in tears, hoping that Mr. Green will soon defeat the bad guys like he does every video.
>but every true non-fascist knows it wasn't done by privileged Italians at all...it was driven by Muslims!
The students cheer and cry tears of joy, knowing that at this point in the video they are transported into Mr. Green's "Thought Bubble", which shows them delightful images of men in turbans painting Renaissance art and raising children with white Italian mothers.
>But remember kids... the Renaissance didn't even matter! The Europeans still didn't have socialized healthcare and multiculturalism! See you next episode!
exacly. i thought what the fuck am i watching? it seemed like a male who wanted to impress women with how much of a beta he was.
very bizarre indeed.
obviously Veeky Forums
he never said fuck military history
he said fuck great man history
They're decent as being a way for retarded preschoolers to catch up on material, (since that's what their intention is) but as historical commentators they're pretty whack
It's for showing to junior high or high school kids to keep them slightly interested, like Bill Nye back in elementary.
Grown men arguing about Crashcourse is like grown men arguing about Naruto. You're a fucking manchild if you have an opinion.
he never said that though
totally not apart of this conversation, but the one reason I never listen to john green is because in one of his videos he LITERALLY says that the reason they dont focus on military is cause its boring and unimportant
Hwt about this channel have been watching it recently
Him and his bro are hardline progressives.
>glorification of trade & liberal democracy,
this is a good thing.
what I wish they did was show how fucking backwards and retarded certain societies were.
Like the Quing Dynasty, who basically huffed it's farts while Europe ate it's lunch.
*qing dynasty, desu
It's not as bad as /pol/ says but there's definitely better history channels even on youtube.
it's called "crash course" for a reason it's all American high school level shit.
But that's a good thing.
>glorification of trade & liberal democracy
But that's a good thing.
>seeing history as the "story" of "how we got here"
That's literally just fact.
Can't really blame the Qing desu. They were all high on opium.
>watch Extra History for a surface level of some historical events
>Genghis Khan' s rise to power: 4 episodes
>Invasion of China: half of 1
Yeah, they used seige engineers, diverted a river, and raided villages that's how you conquer China
*Dutch intensifies*
Their episode on the shoah was terrible
*educates you*
Like any youtube Chanel which tries to bring pop sci to the masses it delivers nothing but a very shallow understanding.
If you are seriously interested read a book on the subject, or watch a lecture series a 15 minute video won't teach you anything.
This applies to every single other similar Chanel, whether history or any other subject.
Read a fucking book on the subject you are interested in.
Well for starters none of the boards on Veeky Forums.