>tfw became an IRA sympathizer solely because their music is good
is this amoral? Tell someone who doesn't know much about the IRA why they are bad. I'm not a socialist and certainly not a catholic but 99% of the time I'll support the group seeking independence from the perceived oppressor
Tfw became an IRA sympathizer solely because their music is good
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf how can one country be so based
Terrorists are pretty awesome when you aren't the target.
they were terrorists?
stealing people's land is pretty awesome when you're the one doing the stealing
one steals the others land
the other blows the stealer up
and history marches on
>>tfw became an IRA sympathizer solely because their music is good
It's not amoral, it just means you are an easily swayed stalk in the wind...
Y'know... a literal fucking retard.
Both Anglos and Micks should be wiped off the face of the Earth, literally who gives a shit about this meme conflict
The TL;DR of the conflict is that if you kick a dog enough times, it will bite you.
And then, if you're English, you'll cry about getting bit.
The original Irish Republican Army was the army of Irish people who wanted Ireland to be a Republic. Which it became.
The group starting in the 1960s calling itself the IRA was a group devoted to terrorizing the Protestants in Northern Ireland and the British. It had the ostensible aim of liberating the Catholics of Northern Ireland and/or getting Northern Ireland to join the Republic, but really I think they just liked hurting Protestants and Brits.
This is not to say that the Protestants were any better. They kept the Catholics in Northern Ireland down the way white people in the US keep black people down. And the Protestant paramilitaries that arose to fight the IRA were as bad as they were, or worse.
But there was never any real cause for violence. It all should have been put to rest way before the Good Friday accords by everyone acting reasonably, Brits, Protestants and Catholics alike.
hahahahahahah that is fucking atrocious
The IRA, Sinn Féin and all other modern Irish nationalist groups perpetuate an Irishness which sees the Irish as a people spring out of nothing in 1916. There is no recognition, never mind appreciation, of Irish history before that date. To them, Irish as an identity is a loose, nebulous thing that anyone can adopt as long as they're a revolutionary activist. It's the politicisation of an ethnicity and it has done far more harm to the case for a united Ireland than Britain ever has.
To the average IRA man, Ciaran "Mad Lad" McGimpsey from down the Falls Road who sold cocaine to an undercover PSNI officer and got 5 years in prison for it is a more worthy contributor to Irish nationhood than Brian Boru, Hugh O'Neill or Daniel O'Connell. Having been to Derry recently, I was astonished at the amount of political energy dedicated to the martyrising of petty criminals who also happened to be Republican activists, and the historical appreciation of figures like Karl Marx, Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. If there was any sort of attention paid to figures of the Irish past, there was a 90% chance they were born after 1920, and a 10% chance they were born after 1840.
tl;dr, the IRA promote a rootless, gutless version of Ireland as a nation and should be held in the utmost contempt
that applies to pretty much every country
Fuck off hun
The last UK general election, but your suggestion would make a great solution.
What makes you think that someone complaining about Irish history being degaelicised is a "hun"?
Sooooo what are the chances of hard border then?
Why do the DUP say they want a hard Brexit and for NI to be treated identically to the rest of the UK, but then also say they want no hard border? Aren't these things mutually exclusive?
I guess 'cause the Anglos were Germans? If not, it's a real head-scratcher, buddy.
>leftpol thread
Supporting the Irish their struggle for freedom only makes sense seeing as the Brits are the obvious villains in this situation
no its not
I was always an IRA sympathizer, the music only helps
I'm frustrated that modern Irish nationalists give a disproportionate amount of attention to modern Irish politics at the expense of early modern and medieval Irish history. How does that make me an Anglo? I'm not understanding you at all.
Well, yeah. But "hun" is a bit of an odd term.
better version
the ira have been killing irishmen for years by shooting them in the back or blowing them up. no hero among them
which one the ones supporting IRA or the ones opposing it
I mean they're both white
The IRA had relatively few civilian terrorists compared to loyalist paramilitaries.
>Be life long drop kick murphys northeast Irish catholic
>Go to Ireland in 2016
>no one is interested that my great grand pappy came from Ireland
>no Irish punk scene just a bunch of fucking flutes
>no out going charm of the Irish
>weird fucking bars where you only get service at the bar not surrounding tables where you can also run a big tab
>rains everyday
>they also play a lot of john Denver
>drink a lot of Budweiser
Not what I thought t would be boys
IRA were socialists
Fuck off back to /int/ if you have no interest in history
Also the forgot most important
>no one cares about kicking the British out
>no one cares about a united irish
>one guy asks me about crack
>everyone else at one bar keeps asking me about a pug mahone
They also killed a group of Aussies, including a pregnant one, in Germany because they sounded british.
Buncha cunts
>Anglos are the only ones who care
Yeah exactly my point.
>The group starting in the 1960s calling itself the IRA was a group devoted to terrorizing the Protestants in Northern Ireland
False. The IRA in the 1960s was formed to defend the Catholic minority from the Loyalists who started killing Catholics in the streets and bombing churches.
I like a few songs associated with the confederacy.
>Thinking the Ir*sh are BLACK and the ANGLOs are wh*te
the British are pure KARA BOĞA, You must stop believing in wh*toid propaganda my BLACK brother
I agree but still think the IRA have their worth.
>from a border community
>half the old people in my town were in the IRA
>half my family were involved in some
>parents generation grew up hearing people be tortured in the garage (which was on the other side of the wall from the kids bedroom)
>young guys would stay at the house for a couple of days to hide out then often end up shot
>frequent police raids, aunts and uncles often had to flee into the countryside on bikes with documents etc
>Grow up with these stories and can't help but see the IRA as heroes
awful thread
Yes the IRA were terrorists, but people LARP that they were goodies because muh ebil brits and muh ebil protestants.
While it's true that the Loyalist British Paramilitary Terrorists killed more civilians, they were so utterly incompetent that most people barely if even consider them a contributing factor to the war between the British and the IRA. Loyalists contributed to the Troubles starting, but in terms of their actual impact on the IRA they may as well have not existed desu
Heroes dont cry out for their mammy whilst the SAS kick in their door and slaughter them like pigs.
>tfw when people think of Irish history they just think "muh brits" or "muh IRA"
>tfw the wacky mad-max esque infinite warscape of unending cow conflicts and wacky characters that was medievil Ireland gets ignored
>ywn be a british army higher up with an autistic loyalist lapdog fucking up every single command you give him, essentially making sure that despite the IRA's terror campaign it will forever be you who is seen by the rest of the world as the aggressor
I unironically think that outside of Britain and Ireland 100% of the world has a majority of people who upon looking at NI will say "why not just give it to Ireland" and beyond sheer sentiment I can never fucking fathom why we don't.
Well, obviously people completely separated from the conflict aren't going to understand it. Just looking at a map, I might wonder why Portugal isn't part of Spain, or Alaska Canada. Doesn't mean shit.
Ultimately, NI as a whole does not want to join Ireland. Until they overwhelmingly do, the status quo is the lesser shitstorm.
Oh for sure, it's just startling to me sometimes to see how vehemently some people will try and defend the idea that NI has nothing to do with Ireland. The idea that NI and the ROI are two totally separate and foreign and not really connected entities is utter delusion, some of the people over there are insane. I'm somewhat confident though that a lot of British politicians would gladly sever NI from the UK and leave it to Dublin to sort out. Really not a nice place whatsoever. That being said most Irish people who aren't funposting don't seem very fussed on the idea of sharing a nationality with those people either.
The Protestant-Catholic trouble really is a crying shame when you look at the Irish tricolor. The green represents the Catholics, the orange is the Protestants, and the white symbolizes peace between the two.
it's a shame the modern Irish are basically just crypto-Anglos
Average IRA member was way more heroic and brave than almost anyone in the SAS.
They actually had the balls to fight against the odds, not beg a helicopter to save them every time they encountered the least bit of resistance.
You're referencing a literal made-up scenario from your own addled mind. If anything like that happened, it's far more likely that the 'IRA' member in question was actually an innocent civilian. British soldiers love attacking unarmed civilians, it's most of what they do.
I don't even like the IRA in the North. If I'd ever joined it I would have ducked out as soon as the bombs started moving away from military targets, but they compare VERY favorably with British Soldiers.
the most ive laughed in months, thank you user
Nice digits, this is my personal favorite
>mfw my grandfather and his brothers smuggled guns for the P.I.R.A. and I was indoctrinated into this Fenian shit from a young age
Another one
Best song, very poetic. Why can loyalists not match this standard
>inb4 muh sash
I don't understand the Irish, they're ethnically so fucking similar to everyone else on the British Isles; Gallo-Viking rape babies. They just have less Anglo-Saxon master race blood than English and Scottish and are not as based as Brythonic Celts, who are clearly smarter and have a better aesthetic.
>Master race
t. beady eyed ugly toothed inbred pink balding fat hun
Sounds much like the Irish... Short, perpetually defeated, monumentally backward throughout history and typically far more pink and bald.
Irish are pale as ghosts you invalid.
The English did nothing wrong.
Oh please, take one hour in fucking southern England (not even a real warm place) and you're pinker than Patrick from sponge bob...
oh shit lol
>pink fat and dumb.
The IRA are nothing but LARPs
There's a lot of actual adults who were bombarded with horrible violent news as children who would like to disagree, they are a violent collection of subhumans who need to be sufficiently eradicated alongside their silent supporters in the republic. Fuck the Irish.
Fucking this. Pearse himself wrote about Ireland pre-20th century and they choose to ignore it.
It was LARPing that got out of hand that led to violence. Doesn't mean its any less of a LARP. I mean look at what the nazi's who were also LARPing did.
Nazis were LARPing? What is LARPing...? LARPing is when you act LIKE an IRA terrorist, or an anti-fascist peasant from the 40s, or a communist revolutionary.... The actual thing is what LARPers pretend to be, but the real thing is the real thing.
There is no "real thing" only what they think is real. I bet furys will tell you the same thing, that they are the real deal but you will just claim they are LARPing
There was a scene in Joyce's Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man and there was a lady standing on that sandy beach that I always like to image looks like Saoirse.
What about the vocal supporters in the United States?
This is the most nonsensical rubbish statement. Please stop clinging to nonsense in spite of reason. When people's lives are at stake, it's the real thing, or else there's no real thing... What are the IRA LARPing as? Are you LARPing as an idiot? No. You're a real deal idiot.
Well I can't even begin to tell you how much I detest the plastic paddy culture in the USA.
>99% of the time I'll support the group seeking independence from the perceived oppressor
That's because you're a retard who's watched too many movies.
>Be born in Massachusetts
>Mick last name, pale skin, auburn hair
>Hate the Brits for the Boer wars, Opium wars, World Wars among other conflicts including Ireland
>Everyone I argue with gets fucking triggered labeling me a plastic paddy
>Never been to Ireland and plan to go to Japan and Australia long before I do
Your tears are delicious, "Sassanach"
thats retarded but to be fair i became a CSA supporter after listening to rebel music
Nice shitpost paddy.
The IRA were a terrorist organisation which attacked innocent civilians on numerous occasions during the troubles. Bomb attacks, assassinations, even kidnapping Protestant Irish and forcing them, on their families lives, to drive bomb vans into military bases.
The 'civilians' you claim the British attacked were the same scum who would mob and beat to death off duty police and army.
Whilst the Irish war for independence and Irish civil war can be seen as just conflicts. The troubles was nothing more than a terrorist insurgency, where the culprits literally got away with murder.
Lol NEET can't even leave the country... what a fucking loser ahahaha...
You better thank Proddy Jesus I can't leave the country, limey.
When I was in the 8th grade I asked my teacher who the IRA was. Mrs. Bell, being the daughter of English immigrants went on a rant about how they were terrorists and scum.
Went to my friends house later that day, who were Irish Republicans and had newpapers and pictures of IRA leaders all over the house and praised the IRA for their fight against the Imperial Oppressors.
Canada is a wonderfully diverse land
>There was a scene in Joyce's Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man and there was a lady standing on that sandy beach that I always like to image looks like Saoirse.
Thats my favorite fucking part of the book
Supporting terrorism is amoral, Ireland got its independence. It's time to stop killing innocents.
>solely because their music is good
No that's retarded.
I like a lot of red army choir songs but I haven't become a communist.
Fuck even that ISIS song is kinda catchy
Only good post in this thread tbqh
All you experience is real.
I'm similar except from New York, except my name doesn't have "Mc" or "O" in front of it and I have dark brown hair so people think I'm Jewish. I'm not one of the anti-semitic retards who congregate here but it always triggers me when people ask if I'm a Jew.
Are you a Jew?
Leaving here forever
if you bring up the IRA around my grandpa his face goes all pale and tells you not to utter those words again. none of you morons know about the troubles so keep your fucking noses out of our business.
What you gonna do tough guy?
Jesus im ashamed to have made that picture if this is the quality of edits people make with it
IRA is a shit-tier separatist group just like the PKK or these catalonian faggots.
Everything "marxist-nationalist" can go fuck itself.
>terrorist insurgency
When the an entire conflict could have been avoided by giving the 'terrorists' basic human rights back before they were terrorists, it rather undermines a lot of the word's negative connotations. Some of them were terrorists, others killed soldiers, which is a good thing.
>The 'civilians' you claim the British attacked were the same scum who would mob and beat to death off duty police and army.
Stop talking shit Nigel. Not even the British government pretends this is true anymore: en.wikipedia.org
i support them purely because their cause wounds the anglo
You do whatever the fuck you want OP. Ley those seething huns have a taste of your quads.
caring about which island the compulsory territorial monopolist exploiting your land is from is pretty awesome when you're statist filth