Convince me Napoleon wasn't the greatest general of all time
Convince me Napoleon wasn't the greatest general of all time
5/7 wars isn't bad
He lost in the end.
I won't, because he was.
He lost.
Russia was a complete blunder
Wasn't actually that bad of a plan on paper; if he had have sent in the Old Guard during Borodino he very likely would have won the war then and there.
He lost to an a*glo-irish man
A psychotic maniac who brought about the death of millions, due to his self-obsessive egocentricity.
Wellington whipped his ass at Waterloo.The superiority of the British army was due to the fact that Britain was the only country in Europe that did not have mass conscription but was made up of long service professionals
>Wellington whipped his ass at Waterloo
>if he had have sent in the Old Guard during Borodino he very likely would have won the war then and there
No, it wouldn't have changed anything, besides he technically won the battle anyway. Russians would have still burned Moscow and his army would have still be forced into retreat eventually.
The biggest mistake that he made was his outright refusal to abolish the serfdom in Russia ("i don't want to be a leader of a Jacquerie!") and wait out the winter in Smolensk. He could have resumed the campaign in the next spring with fresh reinforcements and a well-supplied army, instead of making that disastrous winter march back to Vilno.
Because ever he said Alexander was greater
>tfw only losing to logistics
defending the poles was a mistake
i'm a bong and this is some hilarious, inaccurate shit
Wellington was losing, Blücher saved his ass. no matter the outcome of the battle, the odds against napoleon were too high. His final defeat was the 6th coalition. the 7th coalition was a meme.
Because he lost.
Sound logistics is the most crucial element of any military campaign. If you don't do the provisions math properly, then what the fuck are you even doing as a general.
He lost.
he lost
Bismarck exists.
Man never lost a battle in his life.
Both are true, commiting the guard earlier could have won him the decisive victory he needed to completely dismantlw the Russian army. If he had combined this with an abolition of serfdom, full support for the recreation of Poland, and had he not occupied Swedish pomerania, the campaign would have been a resounding success.
He lost the most important one of all, with the Kaisers. Then he faded into obscurity, pretty pathetic desu.
Heh. Nothing personnel, Junker.
>Man never lost a battle in his life.
You have to take in account who was fought too
Otherwise US generals during Desert Storm are the greatest generals in history as well...
he expected the russians to fight not to flee
he wasn't a military man
His biggest mistake was actually meddling in Spain.