How many LEGIT Historians we have in Veeky Forums?
Chroniclers please stay out.
How many LEGIT Historians we have in Veeky Forums?
Chroniclers please stay out.
I'm an internet Holocaust historian. Does that count?
>Frog poster.
there are none
if we had credentials we'd be somewhere our identites are attached so people can glorify us
you are truly communicating to the dregs, hows it feel?
fuck historians, we can travel in time
I'm just an archival worker.
History students account too.
People saying his Alma mater is enough, why the fuck people will lie with such shitty career?
Youl really think someone would do that just go on the internet and tell lies ?
Archival worker= ompa loompas of History.
Its not like the average person can't access some of the same information.
I have a degree in Economics but I'm planning to get one in History at some point.
>I have a degree in Economics
Which school do you follow, faggot?
I do have a degree in history. Currently teaching and pursuing my masters. I mostly come on here for the bantz and the memes. As far as legitimate historical discussion goes, I haven't found another place like this. Reddit Askhistorians is okay, but some of it is shit and it's heavily moderated to the point where intellectual freedom doesn't really exist. There's some fantastic posts on here as well, especially when it comes to an extremly specific historical event or any Byzantinefags usually have some good things to say.
My biggest problem with this board is probably the lack of citations. Legitimate historical discussion and research requires consistent citations of both primary and secondary sources. Also, most of you fags don't read anything beyond Wikipedia articles. You really can't get a good grasp of most historical concepts, the disagreements in the field, and the sources backing it up, without reading books. I know books can be dry, tedious, and take a lot of time, but seriously, if any of you faggots actually want to pursue historical truth beyond entry level knowledge or WWII you need to read books in articles.
But honestly, I love this board. I really haven't found a place like it and there is a good deal of legitimate historical discussion. Also, I will be writing my thesis on James K. Polk's presidency and I never would've realized how bad ass he is without your faggy contrarian love of him; he seriously is top 7 presidents at the least.
Also inb4 history degrees are worthless and don't matter. They do, they're important, and their definitely the top-tier humanity.
Neoclassical Synthesis, asswipe.
I'm law studend
>They do, they're important, and their definitely the top-tier humanity.
Rebut my claim then. I could see an argument for philosophy, geography, or language.
>if any of you faggots actually want to pursue historical truth beyond entry level knowledge or WWII you need to read books in articles
what about reading WW2 books?
>lack of citations
>most of you fags don't read anything beyond Wikipedia articles.
Eeyup, this nigga is a legit historian.
There are none.
Most of these people are casuals or shitposters.
The rest are undergrads/dropouts who severely overestimate the value of their knowledge, and severely underestimate what it is they don't know.
Veeky Forums is pretty much identical in composition to Veeky Forums. Just switch out the subject matter. Same shit, different assholes.
0, maybe even fewer.
WWII is the most studied historical event for a reason. It's the largest war ever, the Nazis were comical cartoon-esque villains, and it's well documented with video, photos, and tons of writings; also the Holocaust I suppose. However, a bunch of people don't care about the important stuff in the war, like international relations, political ideologies, and genocide. Most of these people focus on le cool tanks or are cancerous Holocaust deniers. WWII is worth a lot of discussion of course, but, in my opinion, is focused on for the wrong reasons
I'm a history undergrad,
Pretty sure at least half of us have a BA
dunno what that entails but there you go
Well, I wouldn't call myself a historian, but i'm a chem eng major/nuclear engineering minor who works in the test reactor we have on campus. Sometimes we get materials from the national museum (like coins and shit) that we irradiate so we can find the exact composition of it without actually having to break the artifact down. Just goes to show that you can still contribute to the study of history while still being a stemsperg.
No way that many, too many stormfags and high school kids
for the record I'm a BA in history but my college history education wasn't that good
mostly just studied US, French, and English history
No way that many people on Veeky Forums even have a BA, I'm guessing less than 10% have even graduated college, period.
I've encountered actual historians on Veeky Forums before, usually in slower threads that actually talk about history and aren't just stupid bullshit. You probably would've met them too OP if you weren't so busy posting in those stupid bullshit threads with the rest of the retards.
I'm a university drop out, but I read a lot of books and write essays on my free time.
I'm currently studying the Arts does that count?
I have both my BA and MA in history, but I hardly feel that makes me an 'historian', I feel like I'd need to be published and actively work in the field (I don't) for that label to be accurate.
I'll be doing my MA next year and hopefully PhD afterwards
I'm studying archaeology, that count?
I have 2 bachelor degrees related to it, so count me in
/r/historians has convinced me historians don't know what they are talking about. I went on wikipedia and it contradicted what they said.