If there was a "god" he wouldn't have let it happen
The Holocaust proves there is no god
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The Holocaust proves there is a god
If there wasn't a god, the holocaust wouldn't be an evil thing
t. Jew
Jews believe that everything that happens to them, good or bad is done by God to either punish or reward them
They must have REALLY fucked up
to be fair we're god's fuckups even by his own admission, so the horrible things we do aren't really a reflection on his supposed benevolence or whatever (he isn't, but christians love saying he is)
so what ur saying is... god is evil
>implying God exists to solve our problems for us
>Murder and torture the son of God
>Get massacred and exiled for the rest of your days
Sounds like pretty conclusive proof for God to me
Meme bait thread.
>DAE if gOD does real he shuod interefer with le free wil when anythig bad hapen????? xddd edit:wow thnak for reddit gold xddddd
>Give humans free will
>Somehow the deity's fault for the actions of sentient, free men
>"buh he created them so it's his fault anyway"
>literally a "we din do nuffin" argument
>diety creates you
>promises an existence of eternal happiness as long as you follow his teachings but eternal suffering if you don't
>atheists get mad at this because the diety wasn't too nice to his creations when they disobeyed him
Real thoughtful guy, this deity is
God warned in 1917 that WWII and the Cold War were coming if people don't repent and turn back to God. But no, they became as degenerate as people today are.
God foretold in 1945 of the shameful creation the state of Israel, about the rise and fall of the iron curtain, the short period of peace after the fall, the troubles in the middle east, and the coming of the "false spirit" and America's politics going too far (aka SJWs).
Time to pray it’s 12
Jesus Christ
Actually no it’s a reference to a suppoused debate that was had where God was put on trial, he was found to not exist but they prayed because it was the time of prayer
The Holocaust didn't happen.
Well where's our WWIII? Things are much worse today.
Harlequin syndrome is rare, but makes people who did have successful births realise how lucky they are
>I'll just arbitrarily pick some my creations to have horrific, painful lives as a test for the others
This god of your's sounds like a combination of Jim Jones and unit 731
Looks like the work of Satan desu
>But no, they became as degenerate as people today are
Please, people aren't freely raping children ... yet... well, not outside of the UK at least.
>read the Bible
>God EXPLICITLY warns the Jews that they'll face terrible atrocities, famines, enslavement and genocide if they disobey him
>Jews disobey God IRL
>Holocaust happens
the point of letting people be evil is so that they learn from their mistakes. Though no person who suffers does so without cause unless they do it to themselves. Like germany did.
what the fuck is this? I could totally see some ignorant peasants stoning a girl to death for giving birth to something like this
A purposeful decision by your creator.
I really hate you fucking newfags who weren't here during the old /b/ days
But God has given us the knowledge and ability to research treatment and put money towards that rather than hoard wealth for ourselves
It is merely a mutation of the genes which allow our bodies to be so great
>a mutation
Caused by Satan
But homosexuals are allowed publicly along with non procreative sex
am I supposed to feel bad that I haven't stumbled upon your gross picture before?
do you feel special for having seen this picture before today?
It’s harlequin syndrome
Fucking newfags right click the image to search it in google
That looks like a b-movie alien
No caused by us exceeding our natural limits
Evil is merely the lack of action by the good
>So you're saying
Napoleon legalized gays a century earlier.
>human comfort is the highest virtue
lol small dick nigga
Funny how much evil this supposedly loving god causes. I suppose you'd say the same for someone born with down syndrome?
literally the joke u retard newfag
>Jews do what is evil in the eyes of the Lord
>Jews are delivered into the hands of their enemies
>Jews again do what is evil in the eyes of the Lord
>Jews again are delivered into the hands of their enemies
>20th+ century
>Jews spread communism
>Jews get holocausted
>Jews spread communism again
>create humans with the will you created and that you know will lead to evil and tragedy
>it's their fault
>omnipotent being beyond human understanding, values or morality
>caring about some monkeys killing other monkeys
Going one step farther, Brain scans of many psychopaths show that the centers of the brain that control empathy, and inhibition are undeveloped compared to normal brains. Some of his creations, like Judas, are specifically set up for an eternity of suffering.
It proves there is a God. The holocaust means a burnt sacrifice to God.
Had to make the joke right coz yours sucked you mongo
God proves the holocaust didn't happen
>>omnipotent programmer being beyond AI understanding, values or morality
>>caring about some data killing other datas