Share something interesting about Stalin beyond
>he was evil
>he killed a lot of people
Share something interesting about Stalin beyond
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there are actually people alive today who believe the propaganda his state pumped out
He had a nice moustache
He robbed banks because he didn't believe in private property and realized that finance capital should also be seized in addition to the physical means of production.
He saved about 200 million people from slavery and execution.
Saved about a billion from colonial slavery by destroying the colonial European empires.
By wiping out Trotsky, he saved a couple more hundred millions, since Trotsky wanted to invade Western Europe ASAP.
He made Germany whiter.
He was born in Atlanta, Georgia and was a CIA plant.
A week after the start of Barbarossa, the Germans captured Minsk. Stalin was in his HQ with leading Soviet generals and officials when he received the news. After being unable to contact generals on the front lines due to a communications issue, Stalin reportedly proclaimed "All that which Lenin created, we have shat away" and stormed out of the room. He retreated to his dacha for 2 days. According to Kruschev, when Molotov, Beria, and other top Soviet leaders arrived at his house, Stalin asked them, "have you come to shoot me or to arrest me?", but Molotov's memoirs dispute this
He feared Beria
His mother had wanted him to be a priest
I wonder if they spoke Georgian to each other.
Supposedly his mom's caretaker was Beria. I have no idea why anyone would make such a stupid decision
He lived in Vienna at the same time as Hitler. He was considered a moderate in 1917 by Bolsheviks
He burned down Rothschild refineries and organized strikes against them.
He Participated in the storming of a prison where guards fired into the crowd.
He conducted several bank robberies and was once sent to exile in Siberia.
He forced top Soviet officials to watch cowboy movies after a long day of communism.
He was a vicious thug who's stupidity made the eastern front fighting far harsher for the soviets then it needed to be. He gets praised for the fact that he became less stupid later on and was willing to delegate more to the military commanders who actually knew what they were doing.
Politically he was savvy though, perfectly willing to take any assistance offered in his nation's time of need. This is what created the mobile soviet armys that won at kursk and beat the Germans(who were increasingly having to shift soldiers to other fronts at this point)back afterwards.
He also made Khrushchev do the Cossack dance.
Beria was the only one who'd fuck her.
He was actually a pretty capable writer. I hate the bastard, but has one of my favorite quotes.
>The writer is the engineer of the human soul.
It's really true. The way I write, every word, every aspect of the story is carefully measured and tailored to deliver the emotional impact I desire. A writer is trying to craft a human experience, and he'll use the tools of storytelling to construct it.
He was a communist
He had daddy issues
he feared the beria warrior
He really like cowboy movies. He was a big fan of John Ford and John Wayne
>this is what leftypol actually believes
he wasnt russian
not an argument
>destroyed the colonial european empires
nigga economics did that
general secretaries feared the NKVD warrior
"Stalinist" is usually a pejorative, but Stalinist architecture is pretty nice, classically inspired albeit with a totalitarian bent. He hated Modernism, the awful grey commie block era arrived after his death.
Without the USSR supporting national-liberation movements all around the world, most of the world would still be annexed-colonized (as apposed to neo-colonized today).
He saved Eastern Europe twice.
Once from Germans.
Second time from Westernization.
Fan fiction about Stalin's mental breakdown after the invasion of USSR is a meme, he worked about 16 hours for several days since 22. June 1941
>he ate all of the grain
>and paid the clouds not to rain
I like Stalin, he might look and sound cruel but I'm sure he was a kind man with the right people, like his maid, who was her only friend at late part of his life.
Also the relation with her mother was kinda cute if you ask me.
and this was AFTER 1945!
Probably more than an employed poor person you fucking commie
he was a manlet, and being a khhv in his teens due to this turned him into the psychopath he was.
manlets, not even once
Come back when you leave your mama's house
>Implying Westernization is a bad thing for country's economy
>If can not have bread, no need freedom also!
>implying its good for nation and people
He was a cool dude.
I'm grateful he killed 80% of original commie bolsheviks and made Soviet Union much more conservative while industrialize it to be prepared for Nazi invasion.
Stalin was better alternative to Trosky and rest of international commie faggots.
upvoted! le stalin is based xD!1
He is. Unironically.
>He is. Unironically.
>and being a khhv
Nope. Stalin was a complete chad, even before he became powerfull
What do you try top prove with some western leftist pictures?
They are fruit of your western degeneracy.
It's funny when you think about it how a lot of history's great conquerors weren't from the nation/ethnic groups they are most associated with. Alexander was Macedonian, not Greek. Napoleon was Corsican, not French. Hitler was Austrian, not German and Stalin was Georgian, not Russian.
>Tankies actually believe this
>Head of the NKVD under Stalin is a murderous sexual predator
Ya man the West is so degenerate
...That is just a anglo saxons propaganda.
They found skeletons buried on his property in the 90s.
I bet it was Krushchew who buried them here.
There was a time when he would high-five you after describing how he put his wife back in her place
Who has enslaved the man on the deserted island? He needs to work to keep himself fed or else he'll starve to death. Is he a slave of nature?
He ended white racism throughout the world
Big fan of Ivan the Terrible
Had 2 films commissioned about him
He had a sick sense of humor and loved trolling.
He was cynical, trusted nobody, and let's be honest, was infinitely better than Trotzky and his retarded idea of permanent revolution.
Also, was willing to make sacrifices even if it was his own family. Compare to fags now who will send cannon fodder to useless wars, while securing pristine conditions for their own kids.
>murderous sexual predator
t. Lord Kukuruzzo.
Most of leftypol are ancoms nigga
No they didn't.
>Most of leftypol are soyboys and trannies
Anarkiddies stay in /leftpol/
not an argument
>Most of leftypol are disillusioned liberals
>not an argument
It's an accurate description.
Not him, but you're 100% correct. The only difference between them and the tumblrite coastal soyboy crowd is that they're buttmad about being poor and think communism will be some sort of NEET paradise.
>Most of leftypol are trannies
where to begin
Soyboy is like a pre-stage of being a tranny. You end up so feminized that eventually you opt for a literal castration.
you're a fucking idiot. Trotsky was even against the polish soviet war, which happened after poland invaded the USSR.
>Trotsky was even against the polish soviet war
Wrong you fucking idiot, Trotsky was actually the main Soviet commander of that war. He even threatened to have Stalin punished for not advancing on Warsaw.
Aren't we all, to an extent, slaves of nature?
he was the soviet commander because he was voted into power years before, but he was politically against invading Poland. Lenin was the one who made the final decision that a counter attack would be made after the p*les were kicked out of Ukraine.
Was it retarded? I mean, as he suggested, the USSR failed. Socialism in one country failed.
>h-he was forced to attack Poland against his will!
This is what Trotstards actually believe, holy shit.
In principle, of course, I could not possibly have any objection to such a course. The question was simply one of the correlation of forces. The unknown quantity was the attitude of the Polish workers and peasants. Some of our Polish comrades, such as the late J. Markhlevsky [?], a co-worker of Rosa Luxemburg’s, weighed the situation very soberly. The former’s estimation was an important factor in my desire to get out of the war as quickly as possible. But there were other voices, too. There were high hopes of an uprising of the Polish workers. At any rate, Lenin fixed his mind on carrying the war to an end, up to the entry into Warsaw to help the Polish workers overthrow Pilsudski’s government and seize the power. The apparent decision by the government easily captured the imagination of the high command and of the command of the western front. By the time I paid my regular visit to Moscow, I found opinion strongly in favor of carrying on the war “until the end.” To this I was resolutely opposed. The Poles were already asking for peace. I thought that we had reached the peak of our successes, and if we went farther, misjudging our strength, we would run the risk of passing beyond the victory already won to a defeat. After the terrific effort that enabled the Fourth army to cover 600 kilometres in five weeks, it could move forward only through inertia. Everything hung on the nerves, and these were but thin threads. One strong blow would have been enough to shake our front and turn our unprecedented and unexampled offensive thrust – even Foch was obliged to admit this – into a defeat that would be a catastrophe. I demanded an immediate conclusion of peace, before the army should grow too exhausted. I was supported, as far as I can remember now, only by Rykov. All the rest were won over by Lenin during my absence.
believe it or not that's what he said.
>Was it retarded?
Yes it was. Internationalism was always the weakest point in communist ideology.
>Socialism in one country failed.
If anything, it proved that NKVD wasn't doing anything wrong. Once it wasn't holding government official's balls tight enough, it went to shit.
Not to mention the schizophrenia with the whole propaganda (all huff and puff, but with the idiotic humanism in the end and vouching for peace) and idiotic treatment of their own population (trying to make some sort of culturally enriched "aristocrats" out of everyone instead of giving plebs cheap "bread and circus" and call it a day). No wonder there were so many self-proclaimed barons, counts and other monarchist larpers after the country collapsed.
Seriously, it's fucking ironic, but Russian monarchist larpers don't cosplay pre-revolution times (which, at the start of XX-century, would resemble Weimar Republic)
They cosplay what they saw in the fucking soviet movies
He was a manlet
>168 cm
Hitler basically said this same thing lmao
He feared he would rape his daughter.
I don't know if this is real but Stalin supposedly only loved his wife and after she past he said "This creature softened my heart of stone. She died and with her died my last warm feelings for humanity.”
And then he sent her whole family to the Gulag and later his son for marrying a Jew.
wow, same height as Churchill
He stayed up late listening to opera very often, to the point that he was almost nocturnal.
>Trotsky trying to whitewash his own retardation literally decades after the fact
He did this all the time. A good example was how he tried to reinvent himself as some kind of peaceful democratic humanist once he fucked off to Mexico and the western press actually believed his bullshit even though he was Stalin 0.5 when he actually had power. Or how he admired Denikin and would've liked to befriend him and that he was just "misguided" even though he literally attempted to get Denikin murdered.
who gives a shit about Denikin anyways? Trotsky could have been shitposting for all I care. Whatever he wrote about Denikin after the fact is irrelevant. I personally wish he succeeded in killing the bastard along with the other piece of shit Generals in the White Russian army.
>disillusioned liberals
So is /pol/, ironically enough.
>Wife dies
>Sends her family to gulag cause they remind you of her
>Disown son after he is captured by germans
>mercilessly does whatever it takes to stay in power
Saladin was kurdish, not arab
Denikin, IIRC, was the only one who told krauts to fuck themselves when offered to work with them against soviets. Pretty much the only White general I find respectable.
>tfw Denikin actually outlived that disgusting kike soyboy
Based general
He enjoyed relaxing in the evening with an ice cream and watching a western.
He liked to shove pencils up his urethra and then bang his dick on his chestnut table