If I had a time machine and went back to Ancient Greece in the year 1,000BC would I be able to have kids with a standard Greek woman despite being evolved by 3,000 years? Could I not have kids, would the kids be deformed or would they be fine? If I could have perfectly fine kids how far would I have to go back before deformations began occurring? How far back would I have to go back before I couldn't impregnate women?
If I had a time machine and went back to Ancient Greece in the year 1...
>3,000 years of evolution
Yes you'd be able to have children. Keep in mind we were able to breed with Neanderthals so you would have to go pretty fucking far back to not be able to produce offspring.
In 1,000 BC Greece was in a very bad shape with most cities being abandoned after the bronze age collapse, also it wouldn't be anything like the Greek you imagined, no classical Greek temples, no Greek statues, not even the Greek alphabet and no writing at all
Human races have less genetic diversity than different dog breeds do. Our species went through a bottleneck sometime. So ya, you would.
no because I doubt you could speak ancient Greek especially if they speak some long lost dialect
You'd infect everyone with your shitty future germs, no greek wife, no pussy. Didn't think of that now did ya buddy
Evidently this isn't Veeky Forums
>Be me, time traveler
>Go back to 1000BCE
>Meet qt greek woman
>Cannot speak ancient greek
>I am literally the definition of a barbarian
>Not malnurished and am taller than the average man of the era so she isn't utterly repulsed by me
>Start to get to know the language through my interactions with her
>Accidentally kill the entire polis with a disease that didn't exist until 1900
I don't think I've seen somebody with such a terrible understanding of evolution.
No. You could breed just fine. Species separated by tens of thousands of years of divergence and isolation can breed just fine.
Your diseases have become considerably more potent in that time however, because of a short generation span. Your mere presence would initiate a plague that would wipe out cities.
> Your mere presence would initiate a plague that would wipe out cities.
And the only people who could survive... Would be your babies with anciet greek waifus.
Don't you have to be sick for that to happen?
I can understand if you have tuberculous or smallpox, but if you're physically healthy when you go back, what would you be infecting them with that they couldn't handle?
In many cases you're carrying germs that you have become immune to but other populations have not. See perfectly healthy spaniards wiping out much of Mesoamerica.
>Don't you have to be sick for that to happen?
your carrying countless bacteria, parasites viruses from your gut to your skin.
you just happen to have immunity to them they would not.
Considering you're the type of guy that browses Veeky Forums, the most you'd expect is maybe a hug
You'd be better off grabbing a "future weapon" (shot gun, pistol, plenty of ammo and tool kit for cleaning blood off of it/repairs) and some body armor and impressing some barbarian tribe with your terrifying boom-boom powers, then rape a bunch
Assuming your diseases didn't kill them off
Anyone that claims to know is lying as time travel apparently does not exist. For all we know fornication with an ancestral line produces prions that make zombies.
>Not malnurished and am taller than the average man of the era so she isn't utterly repulsed by me
>implying she wouldn't be repulsed by your hyperfeminine modern features and sparse soyboy beard.
>Your diseases have become considerably more potent in that time however,
Isn't the reverse true?
because diseases evolve to be less devastating over time as the more virulent horrifying strains burn themselves out relatively quickly before they can get passed on until a sweet spot is stumbled upon?
Greeks 3,000 were fully modern humans. It wouldn't be problem.
You probably wouldn't have problem with impregnating even over 100,000 years ago but women would probably look ape-like.
The Earth is 6,000 years old you dumb faggot.
This is neolithic/late mesolithic woman.
Paleolithic women would be even uglier with brow ridges and prognathism. Looking akin to abbos or papuans but with bigger brow ridges(although I bet some paleolihic women would still be much better looking than modern abbo women).
>women would probably look ape-like.
Another Greek beauty.
>Human races have less genetic diversity than different dog breeds do. Our species went through a bottleneck sometime. So ya, you would
Not really. Human are heavily mixed.
>Human are heavily mixed
with each other, creating less genetic diversity
Genetic distance could be more applicable, not correcting anybody though.
we could breed with neanderthals so you are looking at something in the order of over 400000 years
Even half-human creatures like Australian Aborigines can produce viable offspring with Scandinavian white women.
You'd have to go back at least 250,000 years and seek out the weirdest pre-human creature yo could find before you'd have problems mating with hominids.
This kind of shit always sounds hot until you imagine the smell. Shit breath, smelly vag and no bath for a week. Wonder how long it would take to get used to that shit.
I doubt very much that most people in ancient europe were that dirty and smelly.
Indigenous Americans were removed from European genepool by literally tens of thousands of years and the Spanish had no problems COLONIZING them.
So what you're saying is that you're the reason for the Bronze age collapse?