Stop white genocide. Why this board is so filled with lefties?
Stop white genocide. Why this board is so filled with lefties?
Other urls found in this thread:
too many non*whites with access to internet
back to /pol/ schizo
Australia and New Zealand will still be white majority
>Why this board is so filled with lefties?
>Of the twenty-four(24) senior administrators of the Ivy League colleges and universities, twenty(20) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 83%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior administrators of the Ivy League colleges and universities by a factor of 41.5 times(4,150 percent).
Wat u gona du, whiteboi ?
that has nothing to do with the topic.
also historians are also soft of heart easly swayed
>most people here don't come from universities or don't worship the things pushed by america academia
The only kind of opposition you have both in academia and here are left-trotskyists against ''right-wing'' stalinists. Occasionally you have a neoliberal against both and that's about it. That's the best possible situation to ensure no actual discussion can happen
Stop the white genocide of their former colonies!
>implying people haven't been advocating for the murder of the white traitors and petit bourgeois (that includes 90% of leftists) who push this cosmopolitan trash but at the same time jews and leftists scream another shoah every time someone touches this subject
there are hardly whites in former colonies save for SA and brazil.
>implying people haven't been advocating for the murder of the white traitors and petit bourgeois
You are being invited to helicopter ride for just implying such thing, mate.
why murder shouldn't be an option? not the only option but it's possible. They destroy cultures and everything they touch. You fags are the ones to scream "HAHAHA DA NAZIS BURNING BOOKS KKK SUPREMACISTS LOL KEKISTANI" every time someone tries to touch this subject
>why murder shouldn't be an option?
I pointed out the fact. You try to say something against the petite bourgeois and traitors and people start screeching about helicopter rides, because "muh jahbgivers", "they earned it", "you can't just go and kill them for their right to whore off your country".
But then again, it's the same people who shill for Pinochet as some sort of good nationalist. Call me old fashioned, but when faggot invites foreigners to carve up your country - including industry, without which you can say bye bye to the sovereignty of your country - it's not fucking nationalism. It's treachery of your nation.
>literally half the far-right leaders are or have been expats in non-white countries, most of them also have yellow fever
>/pol/ constantly memes about creating white enclaves in Namibia and other non-white countries and wanting to exterminate various ethnic groups in foreign countries
>admires people who genocided white ethnic groups such as Hitler, Putin and various Serbian """kebab removers"" (pictured: kebab)
Explain why anyone should take you seriously.
t. Buttfurious stormtard absolutely seething about the Nazi atrocities thread
sure user lets support the genocide of the greatest race that ever walked the earth i stand with you
The only country where white genocide is real in Europe is Sweden.