Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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that's what happens when you obsess over a fucking game
the a*Glos
Rowing is the patrician sport. Prove me wrong.
The truest patrician sport of them all is hunting the poor.
>This does not slip
My question is why the fuck did they have those stupid fucking pens there? Anywhere else they could have just relieved pressure by having people step to the sides, but those dumb fucking fences prevented just that
>Not the modern pentathlon
Plebs I swear
Rowing is a funny way of saying boxing
96 people died by standing too close to each other
>oh that poor man
to prevent riots, because idiot hooligans were starting fights literally any time they got near an opposing team's fans
>and look at that!
Weren't the teams separated by having each team's standing at opposite ends of the field?
Thatcher? What the fuck did she do?
He sounds like he's commenting on a good kick rather than a man burning to death
It's like a pyromaniac trying to hide it
>Oh, what a picture!
>It's the saddest sight you can imagine.
Look at all those white people....
>fans still cheering as people burn to death
What the fuck?
How could they play the game if they must stand at each end of the pitch?
Also, without physical barriers, how do you stop the crowd from entering the pitch, should they be intent on doing so?
No they had barriers inside the standing area separating it in sections. If those fences weren't there Every one could just move to the left and right. I'm not talking about the fence in the front
Also i mean the team supporters. Like they made each team's fans stand on opposite ends of the field to prevent fights
Soccer fans, man.
everybody involved.
but the police being the only official body, they should be held to account.
The Sun
Why are soccer fans prone to subhumanism while other sports fans are normal?
this is the true responce.
Hockey fans in Canada nearly burnt a town down once
They did burn down a town
go to any sports game in Philadelphia wearing the opponents jersey and you're for sure gonna get into an altercation, probably escalate into a fight within a minute
Has anything like this happened in the US?
I forget but it turned into the poster child for sports riots. I think it was Vancouver but I might be wrong.
yeah vancouver in I think 2011. Got swept in the cup final by Boston. Who knew BC was that crazy
I was wondering if that's what you were referring to. I live in Vancouver and I think the extent of the rioting was vastly overstated in foreign press. There were a lot of broken windows downtown but I didn't even know a riot had occurred until I read about it in the news the next day. To say the town was nearly burnt down is not really accurate at all.
Yeah that's it
Thatcher was a god-tier prime minister
t. History grad scouser
Four years prior to this, Liverpool supporters had murdered 40 Italian football fans by tearing apart a football stadium in order to get to them and attack them. Their excuse was "it's the stadium's fault for collapsing when we tried to make it collapse, we dindo nuffin". Liverpool supporters remain largely unrepentant.
Really makes you think.
lower class prole can still affords tickets unlike in the states
you say this, yet you have clearly never seen the average audience at a basketball game
Who was in the wrong here?