Well Veeky Forums? Knowing what you know now, how things played out, and the ideologies involved, which military would you rather fight for?
Would you rather serve in the Red Army or Wehrmacht?
Wehrmacht in Western Front, surrender and find a cozy life in America or West Germany post-war..
Red Army. More likely to survive, less likely to do evil shit, and of course you end up winning the war and sharing in the spoils.
>More likely to survive, less likely to do evil shit
Epik b8
>more likely to survive
wehrmacht, get that good meth
I'd prefer to serve in the Red Army as a machine gunner with a DP-28. I just love that gun. Plus women served in the Red Army and you could have a chance to see some QTs with moist nuggets.
>More likely to survive, less likely to do evil shit,
o i am laffin
moscow front guards rifles is probably the best bet.
>Red Army
>More likely to survive
Wehrmacht unironically because there's less chance of dying and I have a good chance of being captured by the Western Allies
Wehrmacht. Not only because I adhere to Hitler's ideology, but also because being a Soviet soldier was suffering. They probably won't even give me a weapon, just sent me into the meat grinder.
Ofc i would join Ukrainian Liberation's Army
>I adhere to Hitler's ideology
>They probably won't even give me a weapon
Seems like a shitty choice either way since about the same percentage were killed between the Red Army and Wehrmacht.
>knowing what I do today
Start as Wehrmacht, defect to red army when shit goes south (or west, more accurately)
>They probably won't even give me a weapon
I thought this was a meme.
This desu. Tho you have to surrender at the right time. Too early and your fellow soldiers might just figure out and kill you. Too late and you're probably gonna get sentenced at Nuremburg. This applies more if your a general or commander tho as soldiers didn't get punished at Nuremburg iirc.
Reminds me of pic related.
>defect to red army when shit goes south
They would shoot you if you tried. Not a chance in hell they'd show a shred of mercy on you at that point.
If I'm wehrmacht I can kill commies. If I'm commissar I can kill more commies. Easy pick.
>I adhere to Hitler's ideology,
Cringiest thing on Veeky Forums today
>"surrender on the western front"
>surrendering to French or Polish troops
>surrendering to American/British/Canadians with French/Polish troops stationed nearby
surrendering and surviving is an art of itself
not that user but have I been memed?
I thought that with the loss of supplies from the beginning of Germany's invasion into Russia and the later enormous drafts they did for the defense of Russia that there usually weren't enough weapons to go around?
at least until the later parts of the war as the Russians factories were able to set up again after evacuating east.
Where do you think the Finns got the meth from?
>The Wehrmacht ordered 35 million tablets of pertivin produced for the attack on France alone.
>surrendering to French troops
It'd be even worse if I were a Frenchman myself
>Most of those who made it to France were apprehended and sent to Allied prisons and camps. In 1949 Fenet was sentenced to 20 years of forced labour, but was released from prison in 1959. Eleven or twelve were known to have been shot by the French authorities as traitors
>Red Army. More likely to survive, less likely to do evil shit
>Killing traitors
Literally nothing wrong with this, treason is the worst sin, there's a reason they are at the bottom of hell.
Seems kind of murky territory to me
The Petain government was technically still "France" at least until and case Anton,
and if frenchmen wanted to go east and kill commies who could blame them,
Shortages were definitely possible in the early stages of Barbarossa but for the rest of the war Soviet industry produced massive amounts of rifles, machine pistols, and machine guns.
Even during the latter half of 1941 when their industry collapsed they produced more rifles, carbines, and machine pistols than the Germans did for the entire year.
>Fight for the Boche, the folks your fathers or grandfathers tried to stop or died stopping less than 30 years ago
Killing commies doesn't suffice here, I have much more sympathy for the Normandie-Niemen fighter unit at this point.
>More likely to survive, less likely to do evil shit
>less likely to do evil shit
"We were young, strong, and four years without women. So we tried to catch German women and ... Ten men raped one girl. There were not enough women; the entire population run from the Soviet Army. So we had to take young, twelve or thirteen year-old. If she cried, we put something into her mouth. We thought it was fun. Now I can not understand how I did it. A boy from a good family... But that was me."
Well the Germans would have killed that girl so yeah, user's point still stands, they were less evil.
Germans are objectively more evil than anyone else.
“France” isn’t a real country. It’s really just the Parisian Occupied Zone
>Red Army. More likely to survive, less likely to do evil shit,
/leftypol/ never ceases to amaze
Lol someone make one with a Virgin IJA Soldier and Chad US Marine and vice versa
>surrendering to Polish troops in the west might mean death
Any examples of that? I'm not calling that claim fake, I just got intrigued by this topic, and want to lurk more, I know only about Dirlewanger.
I know that Polish soldiers in Pomerania shot many captured Germans for 2 months after discovering their own captured soldiers burned alive in Podgaje by Dutch and Latvian SS, but that was on eastern front.
But I thought western front was different deal, example - Poles treated well captured German defenders of Monte Cassino, one Polish officer even became best friends with German commander of Cassino survivors after the war.
now they have to make do with ES energy
Youtube comment
Who Are You Quoting?
Waffen SS
>Serve in the Red Army
>The commander doesn't give a fuck about what his troops do
>Rape everything that breathes and steal everything that isn't nailed down
>Do heinous shit like torturing children or castrate pows
>Actually win the war
>Get a "Hero of the Soviet Union" award
>Years later, my rapebabies build a statue to honour me and my comrades
Truly the chaddest side.
Red Army, of course.
Quite comfy, in it's own twisted sort of way. No degenerate SS-men and "collaborators" around, in fact, you participate in shooting them.
The only no-no is NKVD border guard.
>One rifle from three
It happened. In World War. FIRST world war.
There was lack of supplies in the 1941, but it was nowhere in the "put the rifle from your died comrade" territory.
>>The commander doesn't give a fuck about what his troops do
>>Rape everything that breathes and steal everything that isn't nailed down
>>Do heinous shit like torturing children or castrate pows
Being that brainwashed
>Now I can not understand how I did it. A boy from a good family... But that was me.
Subhuman untermensch, not like true aryans, who were declaring that with pride. Even after war.
Red army of course, I could also join either Czechoslovak army corps or even Polish one since I can speak Polish and they had cooler uniforms. Slaughtering Hunnoids in Prussia with Shashka and burning down their lairs could be also fun.
Fucking Fins, man
>all the cringy edgelords and internet tough guys ITT
by looking at the numbers, the chances of surviving being in the red army is higher purely because most of the german army was destroyed in the last 2 years of the war.
>Punishing roasties
Literally nothing wrong with this. Slut probably had it coming.
>ywn serve under Oskar "Slut Terminator" Dirlewanger
But sad, honestly
I dont understand kids who think fascism is cool. Whats the payoff of being a nazi?
t. whore
t. bitter virgin
at least whores can get laid
Being a violent animal and releasing pent up beta rage. It's dumb tho and would be met perfectly fine if they just became punk rockers instead desu
I would choose the Soviet Army any day of the week. I wish every day I had such a noble cause to die for. I would not make the mistake of stopping at G*rmany however. The red might would reach Washington even if it meant forcing a temporary alliance with the Japs. It was the only chance this world ever had.
They have nice uniforms
>viewing sex as an achievement
Based normalfag bros
So, how’s highschool?
>tfw no Lend-Lease Lee and Stuart tanks to drive out the fascist invaders in.
Wermacht every day of the week
Fuck Eastern Front on both sides thank you very much. I'd much rather fight allies anywhere else without freezing to death and having chance to surrender with actual humane treatment
Also pic related
This. I'd join whichever unit allowed me to set roasties on fire, don't care if it's Wehrmacht or Red Army.
This, but I doubt the Reds could successfully invade the US. The Soviets definitely could have taken over Europe if they wanted to.
Nazi that gets his history from Call of Duty lmao
USSR Manchurian front in august 1945. Thanks.
>More likely to survive
Wrongest opinion to ever exist
Does Red Army include being an NKVD detective?
Then yes.
Niether, I would do as my grandfather did sell info to both the nips and joes
SS units, for example, fought with Wehrmacht troops in a bunch of absolutely suicidal last stands. Everything after breaking the Germans at Stalingrad was a virtual cakewalk compared to what the Germans had to deal with on that front. Now, if I was in the Wehrmacht stationed on the Western Front (read: not fucking Italy or Africa) that would be an alternative. It's really a matter of date and time.
Regio Esercito in the Julia Division
Probably because they recruit in my zone so i would have been choosen for mountain troops
Dying in the don encirclement sound fun...
the germans would have killed a jewish girl? even if they did for some reason I'm sure thats better than being gang-raped to death.
>More likely to survive
>Now I can not understand how I did it. A boy from a good family... But that was me."
This is human nature. If you put anyone in their situation he would have done the same
>my value is determined based on how many cocks I took in my cunt
>anyone in their situation he would have done the same
This was strictly forbidden to the soldiers of Germany and the western allies. Soldiers who were caught doing it were shot or put into penal battalions.
Fighting for the good of your people.
There was one country in which people lived worse than animals, and it wasn't Germany.
>Unironnically being a wehraboo
>Unironnically not being a wehraboo
>If you put anyone in their situation he would have done the same
I think it would be worse for me personally to serve in the Red Army, but I could take more pride in it. Afterwards, if I lived, I would be stuck in a regime that was (is) oppressive and isolating.
It would be worse for me morally to serve in the Wehrmacht, but I would be better equipped, fed and trained to keep myself alive during the war. After the war, there is half a chance that I would be living under a brutal Soviet regime anyway, and half a chance that I would be living in a freer country that suffered and labored hard for at least a couple decades, which is the best-case scenario.
I guess I'd side with the Reds, considering that serving the less defensible nation would hardly guarantee a good life for me after the war anyway. All this is assuming I would be basically the same person and wouldn't engage in terrible crimes regardless of the side I was on.
>but I would be better equipped, fed and trained to keep myself alive during the war
It depends where I get to serve.
If it is the Red Army then it would be Siberia on the border with Japan.
If it is the Wehrmacht then Afrika corps so I can be captured by the British.
They actually banned that board from reddit.
Wehrmacht all the way
>be the good guy
>have better uniform
>surrender to western allies in '44 or '45
>spend rest of the war hoping for operation Unthinkable to happen
>spend rest of the life in comfy Western Germany recalling all the wacrimes you did
How can even gopniks and their gulags compete?
>Wehrmacht all the way
>surrender to western allies in '44 or '45
Alt right confirmed for being defeatist pussies.
/pol/ btfo once again how will they ever recover
actually yes
>if you aren't a nazi, you're a commie
Western Front though, really good chance of survival
I would be a partisan for my country , I just want my people to not suffer under such an occupation .
In the end I would join none