>overthrown monarchy
>etablished an authotarian government with its members behave like aristocrats with idolatry, mummified corpses and shits
>monarchy in all but name
What did commies mean by this?
>overthrown monarchy
>etablished an authotarian government with its members behave like aristocrats with idolatry, mummified corpses and shits
>monarchy in all but name
What did commies mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
they actually overthrew the democracy that overthrew the monarchy
>'workers of the world, unite!'
>kills more workers than any other ideology in history
What did commies mean by THIS?
you mean kulaks comrade
Except even the most viciously anti-Communist historians would admit Stalin, Lenin, Mao hated luxury and lived in self-imposed material poverty.
bahahaha let me try:
>say they're going to give PEACE LAND AND BREAD!!!
>declare a civil war that kills 7 - 12 million
>immediately declare war on the Baltic states and Poland when they lost legitimacy and promised independence
>go on to declare a number of wasted wars like the Winter war and Afghanistan
>So much for peace
>Then they sacrifice national land in concessions they proposed
>Start stealing private property in the form of land and houses
>So much for land
>Have the famine of 1921-22 kill 5-7 million people
>not including the famine losses due to war communism
>or the Holodomor
>or the famine of 44-47
>or the reliance on imports from the US in the cold war
>So much for bread
>Except even the most viciously anti-Communist historians would admit Stalin, Lenin, Mao hated luxury and lived in self-imposed material poverty.
>Stalin visiting Lenin in his dacha.jpg
>Stalins dacha despite nobody can own homes.jpg
Except that's not really true. They were fucking Russia since 1917. The transitional period was a gimped stopgap. The commies were fucking Russia from the get go with Prikaz No.1.
>>say they're going to give PEACE LAND AND BREAD!!!
They sure did, since they made peace with Germany and handed out land and bread to the peasants.
>>declare a civil war that kills 7 - 12 million
You can't declare a civil war when tsarist cucks and liberals decide they don't like you're government, even after they had a failed military coup then needed Soviet troops to help make the place peaceful
>>go on to declare a number of wasted wars like the Winter war and Afghanistan
Winter war was not wasted and it helped immensely for the protection of Leningrad
>>So much for peace
Yes there was considering most of those wars ie civl war and ww2 were defensive wars
>>Start stealing private property in the form of land and houses
Private property is not personal property
>>So much for land
Can't own a factory anymore, reeeeeeeee MUH LAND 1776
>>Have the famine of 1921-22 kill 5-7 million people
due to civil war
>>not including the famine losses due to war communism
due to civil war
>>or the Holodomor
oppose collectivization and get shitted on is a good thing. The actual peasants in Ukraine were cheering when Kulaks were dying. Kulak translates to "tight fist" and that tells you about how the peasantry saw them.
>>or the famine of 44-47
Droughts and ww2 Nazi destruction
>>or the reliance on imports from the US in the cold war
Revisionism and market socialism
>>So much for bread
1947 no one ever starved again, meanwhile in America the kkk was still lynching blacks and Blacks had horrible living conditions
Left is Stalin's dacha. Right is a typical billionare's house. Can you tell me if you see a difference?
One is very ugly. But neither resemble "self imposed poverty".
>overthrown monarchy
The absolute state of burger education
>etablished an authotarian government with its members behave like aristocrats
Comparing to the silver age Russian empire, not quite (until, maybe, Perestroika). Also, the problem of USSR was trying to forcefeed "aristocratic" behaviour to the general population, while you could just get away with cheap entertainment and appeal to basic instincts.
>declare a civil war
Oh, yes, they could just bend over to monarchishits and flagellate themselves because they triggered "le best people of country" (most of whom couldn't work anywhere better than Taxi drivers in emigration KEK)
>Winter war
>Wasted war
Third finno-soviet conflict. First one that actually soviets started. But I'm sure, you'd trust finns on not blowing the shit out of Stalingrad and joining Nazis to grab the northern USSR for the greater Suomi.
Funny how you fags don't give a shit about famines in imperial Russia or the deaths in post-USSR. I wonder, maybe it's because you don't give a shit about famines as long as they are not happening during commie time?
Btw, hunger was one of the reasons Tzar got kicked out. Kulaks really have dug out their graves in their pursuit of (((fair prices))).
Left one can be used for meeting with the other government members/structures.
Right one is used, maybe, for meeting with a batallion on coked out whores.
Also, in comparison to right, left one looks like a fucking poverty house.
>They sure did, since they made peace with Germany and handed out land and bread to the peasants.
Except the famine they caused is the reason the allied powers "invaded" Russia. Commieboos pretend it was to destroy the red army, but US records show they actually had received a portion of it(as well as direct bank transfers).
Also, since private property, transportation, and agriculture is beginning to be banned, they were the only source for the prisoners they were holding hostage to be fed.And before you say NEP, they had war communism first(essentially barracks communism).
>You can't declare a civil war when tsarist cucks and liberals decide they don't like you're government
First off, commies were the traitors. They did not popularly gain legitimacy, nor have it handed to them by the dictates of any prescribed tradition. It was a civil war they started for the purposes of achieving what their prophet told them to do in order to make utopia. Those Soviets went onto commit more aggressions against humankind and natural rights. IDK why you're pretending the communist revolutionaries didn't want communist revolution. They had no claim to their totalitarian authority. They took it through war and slavery against the legitimate government. Sorry you can't LARP as a pacifist
>Winter war was not wasted and it helped immensely for the protection of Leningrad
Oh right, I forgot the Finns had already invaded. Oh no they didn't actually. I forgot the Finns were a huge threat to the entire Soviet land. Oh no they actually weren't.... It's almost like Communists are actually imperialists in practice despite claiming to be anti-imperialist. Almost like they're liars. Almost like what you're doing now through attempting to blatantly rewrite context.
>Yes there was considering most of those wars ie civl war and ww2 were defensive wars
The Winter war was not defensive. The attack on Poland and the Baltic states were aggressive, especially since the gommies were promising independent spirits among the peoples of Russia. Afghanistan was a clearly offensive imperialist war by the commies to usurp power and install their tyrannical system. The list goes on. They even broke their non-aggression pact with Japan when Japan held the pact. Not to mention all the treacheries of other communist regimes.
>Private property is not personal property
Explain where the two divide, because it's actually based on emotion. And if you read Marx, he was against people owning ALL communication and transportation, including you and your computer. Cucked by your dear prophet. All the "mainstream" communists were against people owning their houses or any land whatsoever. Odd you would ignore that part.
>Can't own a factory anymore, reeeeeeeee MUH LAND 1776
Over a hundred million people lost their homes and land in Russia alone. And thanks to them, no one owned the factory and it came under the purview of ruthless bureaucrats.
>due to civil war
Wrong. The famine of 1921-22 was due to war communism.
>"A black market emerged in Russia, despite the threat of martial law against profiteering. The rouble collapsed and barter increasingly replaced money as a medium of exchange[9] and, by 1921, heavy industry output had fallen to 20% of 1913 levels. 90% of wages were paid with goods rather than money. 70% of locomotives were in need of repair, and food requisitioning, combined with the effects of seven years of war and a severe drought, contributed to a famine that caused between 3 and 10 million deaths.[10] Coal production decreased from 27.5 million tons (1913) to 7 million tons (1920), while overall factory production also declined from 10,000 million roubles to 1,000 million roubles. According to the noted historian David Christian, the grain harvest was also slashed from 80.1 million tons (1913) to 46.5 million tons (1920)."
The economy did't stabilize until 1928 and it didn't grow until 1933, because Stalin was selling workers food and letting them starve by the millions in the Holodomor so he could trade with other nations for military equipment. You know, for those wars of aggression.
>due to civil war
The one they started because they wanted things that other people had. Noble cause.
>The actual peasants in Ukraine were cheering when Kulaks were dying
I'm sure that's what your comrades and Stalin told you.
>Kulak translates to "tight fist" and that tells you about how the peasantry saw them.
No, that tells you what the murderers wanted you to think of them. How low IQ do you have to be to fall for literal propaganda attempts? The Kulaks were the workers. The highest producing workers. They had a right to their labor and their product and Stalin declared what he himself called an "offensive on them".
>Droughts and ww2 Nazi destruction
Except the three biggest famines Russia ever had were all under the communists, despite the communists having tractors and motors. How the fuck do you not find that suspect?
>Revisionism and market socialism
The USSR economy was higher under those methods in both GDP and GNP(which are practically the same number in communism to be fair).
>1947 no one ever starved again
...Because the USSR imported food from America when it should've been a net exporter.
>Left is Stalin's dacha
Now compare that to the average Soviet slave. Apparently this:
>Stalin, Lenin, Mao hated luxury and lived in self-imposed material poverty.
Isn't true. He enjoyed alcohol, a private theater, cigars, etc in direct contravention to what user claimed.
>The absolute state of burger education
The communists had a direct effect on the Russian aristocracy since the previous decade. The revolution in 1905 was commented on sorrowfully by Lenin. They had been operating in Russia since at least 1897.Yeah, you're post is pretty retarded in ignoring that.
>Oh, yes, they could just bend over to monarchishits and flagellate themselves because they triggered "le best people of country" (most of whom couldn't work anywhere better than Taxi drivers in emigration KEK)
This was painful reading.
> First one that actually soviets started. But I'm sure, you'd trust finns on not blowing the shit out of Stalingrad and joining Nazis to grab the northern USSR for the greater Suomi.
They honestly should have. The bloodthirsty commies never gave them a chance or a positive thought. The Finns only reluctantly dealt with Germany out of self-defense because Soviets showed their face and had already invaded and annexed other nations before hand in the previous decade.
>Funny how you fags don't give a shit about famines in imperial Russia
The three biggest famines Russia ever had were during the Soviet era, despite the Soviets having motors and tractors. Yes, there's something odd going on there. They should've been a massive agricultural force.
>meanwhile in America the kkk was still lynching blacks
Holy shit, is this a real post? "And you are lynching Negroes", word for word. Fucking astounding how much self awareness commies lack.
>Fucking astounding how much self awareness commies lack
lmao no joke
Inb4 yes a typo
Most books which were talking about the US in the 80-s wrote about the horrible things FBI did against freedom compared to glorious KGB and how KKK was mainstream in the 70-s and how niggers and blacks were lynched all the time.
Who are you replying to?
Well, I'm not going to argue with you, what you wrote about Kulaks is correct. Those were mostly local farmers who worked hard and managed to breed their livestock/animals and got over a dumbass line (over 1 horse, 2 pigs and other rules) the soviets has made (what do shitty pseudo-cityslickers from russian shithole cities even know about country and farming life?) My own grandparents were declared kulaks by local village drunkards and lazy faggots ,because they had agricultural education, had 5 pigs, 2 horses and actually worked their fields (and the farm wasnt even big, the local commie faggot had a farm 5 times the size but with less grain output). They ended up getting 25+5.
>Except the famine they caused is the reason the allied powers "invaded" Russia.
No you autistic conspiracy fag they invaded because the Soviets wanted to pull out of the war and the Allies wanted to prop up the white army so the eastern front could remain open.
>Commieboos pretend it was to destroy the red army, but US records show they actually had received a portion of it(as well as direct bank transfers).
brainlet tier evidence, Fascist Spain also got donations and corporate help from private hands in America, does that make America a neo fascist state???
>Also, since private property, transportation, and agriculture is beginning to be banned
What the fuck are you even trying to say here
>war communism first(essentially barracks communism).
Which was due to the civil war you idiot
>First off, commies were the traitors. They did not popularly gain legitimacy
Actually they did when some old generals of Imperial Russia tried to pull a coup and the government called in Soviet troops despite being increasingly anti-soviet in policy, this totally tarnished any legitimacy and trust people had in the liberals and the government and made many sympathize with the Soviets.
>It was a civil war they started for the purposes of achieving what their prophet told them to do in order to make utopia.
Only after the idiots in the government completely failed and had to rely on Soviet troops to keep their state up. Like I said earlier the provisional government lost legitimacy and the trust of the people it even continued running the war and got even more btfo by Germans
>They had no claim to their totalitarian authority.
You can't win a civil war when the people don't support you, in fact the Soviets had majority supports in basically any major city in Russia and was hugely popular with the Army and factory workers
nobody wanted to vote for the Bolsheviks so they sperged
>fights imperialism by being imperialistic
Vatnik fucking triggered
That's a pretty fucking expensive looking house. Better than my shitpartment for sure.
> They took it through war and slavery against the legitimate government.
Only after the government shot at protestors and when Lenin called for peace the government called him a German agent provocateur raided soviet offices and Lenin fled, then when some Generals attempted a coup against the government which had neither the support or troops to defend itself they contacted the Soviets and begged them to save the Government and the City
>Oh right, I forgot the Finns had already invaded. Oh no they didn't actually. I forgot the Finns were a huge threat to the entire Soviet land. Oh no they actually weren't
Yes they were, take one look at 1917 borders and how close Finland is to Leningrad, and the Soviets decided if Finland should allow German troops to invade though it's land (did happen) then Leningrad would be far worse off
>The Winter war was not defensive. The attack on Poland and the Baltic states were aggressive, especially since the gommies were promising independent spirits among the peoples of Russia. Afghanistan was a clearly offensive imperialist war by the commies to usurp power and install their tyrannical system. The list goes on. They even broke their non-aggression pact with Japan when Japan held the pact. Not to mention all the treacheries of You called them wasted wars which they were not, the only wasted one was Afghanistan since the wars they did all succeeded.
>Explain where the two divide
Your factory is not your personal property, you're car and house are, you fucking retard don't even know the difference and you're tarding out and shit you don't know.
>And if you read Marx, he was against people owning ALL communication and transportation, including you and your computer.
Uhh no buddy, and if you didn't know he was referring to mail and railway lines not personal home computers.
Fucking commies I swear, Mensheviks and SR-ians were better. Fucking bolsheviks were dumbass faggots from cities who fucked up countrylife for decades and Russia and most other countries still haven't fully recovered from that forced collectivization shit.
Shitloads of alcoholics still left from this shitty period.
>comparing a contemporary modern western style villa to a dacha (literally summer house) which looks like it was taken from old money aristocrat
fucking westerners i swear, if i didn't hate dumbass bolsheviks so much i would start voting putin just to get a war and kill you useful idiots.
>Well, I'm not going to argue with you, what you wrote about Kulaks is correct. Those were mostly local farmers who worked hard and managed to breed their livestock/animals and got over a dumbass line (over 1 horse, 2 pigs and other rules) the soviets has made (what do shitty pseudo-cityslickers from russian shithole cities even know about country and farming life?) My own grandparents were declared kulaks by local village drunkards and lazy faggots ,because they had agricultural education, had 5 pigs, 2 horses and actually worked their fields (and the farm wasnt even big, the local commie faggot had a farm 5 times the size but with less grain output). They ended up getting 25+5.
Damn. A shame. They were only guilty of success in a society that banned it.
>No you autistic conspiracy fag they invaded because the Soviets wanted to pull out of the war and the Allies wanted to prop up the white army so the eastern front could remain open.
Except the US admitted to giving rations,arms, and money that directly and indirectly found it's way in communist hands. Just because you're ignorant about the circumstances doesn't make the fact a theory. It just self-incriminates you for being an uneducated brainlet.
>Fascist Spain also got donations and corporate help from private hands in America, does that make America a neo fascist state???
That's not even an argument. If I were claiming America were a communist country that would be a claim, which it isn't. You're not even arguing against the right thing. Hold my hand this time: The USSR couldn't feed itself and had foreign aid. Yes Spain relied on it at one time too, but they actually had more volunteers fighting against the fascists so there's that to tack on.
>Over a hundred million people lost their homes and land in Russia alone. And thanks to them, no one owned the factory and it came under the purview of ruthless bureaucrats.
Your factory is not your home
>Wrong. The famine of 1921-22 was due to war communism.
And why did War Communism happen?? Maybe a war happened hence it's name "War Communism".
>The economy did't stabilize until 1928 and it didn't grow until 1933, because Stalin was selling workers food and letting them starve by the millions in the Holodomor so he could trade with other nations for military equipment. You know, for those wars of aggression.
Actually from the civil war brainlet "was the economic and political system that existed in Soviet Russia during the Russian Civil War from 1918 to 1921." Hmmmmm
>What the fuck are you even trying to say here
The obvious. If the commies say no one can distribute or produce bread without their say so, they become solely responsible for feeding everyone. Guess what they failed to do routinely on an abominable scale? They couldn't feed everyone after they said they would be the ones to do it. That happened again. And again.
>Which was due to the civil war you idiot
The civil war was due to communists. war communism was also due to communists. Crazy right?
>Actually they did when some old generals of Imperial Russia tried to pull a coup and the government called in Soviet troops
I want to get this straight: You're claiming that the transitional and pro-imperial government that was trying to talk Nicky into becoming emperor again, and then trying to talk Nicky's relatives into becoming emperor, decided to call in the future murderers of the emperors and the ones antagonizing Russia for over a decade, the same ones who lead to the disestablishment of the original army organization through Prikaz no. 1? Just admit you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about so you just lie to cover your ass. You're basically trying to argue that the communist revolutionaries didn't want communist revolution, the one they were planning for two decades.
>Like I said earlier the provisional government lost legitimacy and the trust of the people it even continued running the war and got even more btfo by Germans
Because the Soviets issued Prikaz no 1 which unionized and permanently tarnished the army. The soviets were solely responsible for causing Russia to lose WW1, more than the Germans.
Except the US admitted to giving rations,arms, and money that directly and indirectly found it's way in communist hands.
Yeah America were super communist supporters that's why 5000 American troops landed in Arkhangelsk attempted to rally the people against the Communists (no one did) and engaged Red army forces.
>preventing Allied war material stockpiles in Archangelsk (originally intended for the recently collapsed Eastern Front) from falling into German or Bolshevik hands
mounting an offensive to rescue the Czechoslovak Legion, which was stranded along the Trans-Siberian Railroad
>preventing Allied war material stockpiles in Archangelsk (originally intended for the recently collapsed Eastern Front) from falling into German or Bolshevik hands
Their goals, but yeah keep believing in the Jewish communist conspiracy.
>mounting an offensive to rescue the Czechoslovak Legion, which was stranded along the Trans-Siberian Railroad
>resurrecting the Eastern Front by defeating the Red Army with the assistance of the Czech Legion and an expanded anti-Bolshevik force drawn from the local citizenry - and in the process stopping the spread of communism and of the Bolshevik cause in Russia.
>You can't win a civil war when the people don't support you, in fact the Soviets had majority supports in basically any major city in Russia
The cowards who didn't want to serve took up arms in the country while the loyal warriors who were quick to defend their people fought at the fronts. Interesting dynamic where the brave and noble are sent to foreign fields while the cowardly traitors fighting to steal their neighbors goods fight in the homeland. Makes me glad communists killed so many communists.
>Only after the government shot at protestors
Those agitators that communists later wrote in were old women? No, they were there to attack the imperial guard and bait them into self defense.Nice to see old soviet propaganda still get propagated. I'm being sarcastic of course, it gives me a head ache thinking about how people are dumb enough to fall for it. >1917 borders and how close Finland is to Leningrad
So you're arguing that Finland put it's country too close to the USSR? lmao no you dumb fuck. Let's look at some USSR buildup of aggression, eh:
I guess all these countries were imminent threats too? None of those countries nor Finland joined in order to conquer the USSR. They were afraid. Afraid of the USSR's aggression, and rightfully so.
>Fighting Nazi Germany and freeing Jews from death camps is Imperialistic because innocent German soldiers die.
>Your factory is not your personal property
Actually it's all private property. Again, you can't possibly define what differentiates personal from private. Marx was AGAINST you owning a car or a laptop. He says so at the end of Ch2 of the communist manifesto. You can't even describe your own beliefs, pathetic. Oh, and the Marxist-Leninists were against people owning their land under the term of "land rents". Apparently you're a revisionist because they thought houses were private property and had to be abolished. Read more?
>and if you didn't know he was referring to mail and railway lines not personal home computers.
Because Marxism is outdated. He had no idea that capitalism was going to give cars and laptops to people so he just assumed people wouldn't have them anyways. He thought capitalism could only "round the coasts" as he said. He was wrong. It gave modern conveniences over time.
>Your factory is not your home
Again, over a hundred million people lost their home and land.You can't even refute it.
>And why did War Communism happen??
Because the commies thought they could go full communism right away. That's why they came out with the NEP, because they gave up when it was obvious they were failing. Rykov had no idea how to implement full communism economically even after claiming to know how to.
>the amount of butthurt communists itt
>Yeah America were super communist supporters that's why 5000 American troops landed in Arkhangelsk attempted to rally the people against the Communists (no one did) and engaged Red army forces.
That's literally not why they were sent there. They distributed food that the communists took directly. Is 5000 enough to liberate all of Russia? Obviously their mission was not conquest. Put two and two together, they were there to ensure Russia would stay stagnant and the best way to do that is through the memetic weapon of communism.
>Their goals, but yeah keep believing in the Jewish communist conspiracy.
You're literally the one that put echoes up above in your own post. Why would you do that and then criticize it?
Aggressively expanding your borders is imperialistic user and it's exactly what the Soviets did.
>Getting invaded by Nazi Germany
>After invading the Baltic states
>and Poland
>and Finland
>and annexing part of Romania
>and later attacking Poland again
>and then sending supplies to third world countries to ravage themselves with war
>and then invade Afghanistan for the sole purpose of installing a tyrannical regime that stands against everything the Afghanis hold dear
The provisional government was nothing but a dogwhistle for monarchist factions
>The cowards who didn't want to serve took up arms in the country while the loyal warriors who were quick to defend their people fought at the fronts
Actually it's the opposite the Bolsheviks had huge support in the military since the soldiers were sick of dying first for tsarist shit then liberal government shit and they just wanted the war to end.
>Those agitators that communists later wrote in were old women? No, they were there to attack the imperial guard and bait them into self defense.Nice to see old soviet propaganda still get propagated. I'm being sarcastic of course, it gives me a head ache thinking about how people are dumb enough to fall for it.
You're a dumbfag and don't even know other historical events outside of basic history textbooks.
The July Days refers to events that took place in Petrograd, Russia, between 3 – 7 July 1917 (Julian calendar) (16 July – 20 July, Gregorian calendar), when soldiers, sailors, and industrial workers engaged in spontaneous armed demonstrations against the Russian Provisional Government.
Shooting at striking soldiers and industrial workers who want an end to the war, shutting down opposing political parties and banishing Soviets. Them best of all calling on these very same people you just shot at to stop the Army coup against them.
>So you're arguing that Finland put it's country too close to the USSR?
Yes too close considering Finland was far right, aligned with the Nazi's and a possible invasion though Finland would of surely captured Leningrad. (Good thing the soviets did get vast amounts of land out of the war and were able to keep Leningrad up in the war years)
"Communism is a peaceful anti-imperialistic ideology you fascist faggots!" the college kids screech while ignoring the core idea of a "worldwide revolution" and the fact that the Soviet Union invaded Finland, Poland, the Baltic States, Afganistan, Romania, etc. for the imperialisitc reason of world conquest thus fulfilling the "worldwide revolution".
>soldiers support bolsheviks because they're tired of the heavy losses and want war to end
>bolsheviks turn around and get involved in several wars that cost hundreds of millions of lives
That's why you don't let the military make big boy decisions.
>Actually it's all private property. Again, you can't possibly define what differentiates personal from private.
House and toothbrush = personal property
Huge car factory were hundreds of cars are produced everyday and you employ 10000 people is your private property
>Marx was AGAINST you owning a car or a laptop. He says so at the end of Ch2 of the communist manifesto
You ultimate brainlet the Communist manifesto isn't even Communist goals, it's what Marx just put out at the current time as a recommendation against the German government and what policies Communists should support in the current German monarchy and parliament. This is literally two minutes on google search info
>Oh, and the Marxist-Leninists were against people owning their land under the term of "land rents". Apparently you're a revisionist because they thought houses were private property and had to be abolished. Read more?
Rent is turning your personal property into private property and is inherently exploitative.
>Because Marxism is outdated. He had no idea that capitalism was going to give cars and laptops to people so he just assumed people wouldn't have them anyways. He thought capitalism could only "round the coasts" as he said. He was wrong. It gave modern conveniences over time.
No communist thinks Marx was 100% right. I'll tell you read other Communist writers after him who improved on his thoeries and brought them up to date for the 1900's but you won't read them.
>Again, over a hundred million people lost their home and land.You can't even refute it.
And a hundred million more got their own apartments and no longer had to pay rent.
>Because the commies thought they could go full communism right away.
Actually the opposite you tard, war communism was about scaling back Communism since it's a bit hard in the middle of war
>That's why they came out with the NEP, because they gave up when it was obvious they were failing
Actually nep succeeded quite well.
>Bolsheviks had huge support in the military since the soldiers were sick of dying first for tsarist shit then liberal government shit and they just wanted the war to end.
Then why did they join the Communists who immediately declared war:
I like how evidence just rolls right off of your back and away from your eyeballs. Maybe actually read this time?
>You're a dumbfag and don't even know other historical events outside of basic history textbooks.
In our entire exchange, I've given you a video, several links, and a citation. You've given me absolutely nothing but l'gomrades propaganda pieces.
>Finland was far right, aligned with the Nazi's
Finland was relatively centrist for the time and they only aligned with the Nazi's because the USSR invaded them first. They knew the USSR was going to invade because they had already invaded eastern Europe before immediately after the civil war they started, then annexed parts of Romania, the Baltic,etc. So they were actually justified in joining the Nazi's because of communist aggression and imperialist policies.
>thus fulfilling the "worldwide revolution".
That's really the essence of it. The commies want to conquer and subjugate the world, but they don't want to take responsibility for the damage they cause by their aggression.
another bait political thread, fuck you
>when you free jews because Nazi camps were to soft and you want to really suffer in your gulags
>And a hundred million more got their own apartments and no longer had to pay rent.
That's how I can tell you didn't live in the USSR, you useful dumbfuck.
Thats why they say "it wasn't real communism."
>House and toothbrush = personal property
Again, explain what fundamental difference there is between private and personal property because it looks like you're just picking things arbitrarily without any sort of system or basis. You even disagreed with Marx and Lenin on housing being private property.
>it's what Marx just put out at the current time as a recommendation against the German government and what policies Communists should support in the current German monarchy and parliament
He addressed the Communist Manifesto to the "WORKERS OF THE WORLD".
Is not just Germany. He never specifies that it's Germany at all regarding that list of ten things. He says this on page 26:
>"These measures will, of course, be different in different countries."
But then he says this too:
>"Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable."
So apparently he thought it was pretty universal, ESPECIALLY for the advanced nations.
> I'll tell you read other Communist writers after him who improved on his thoeries and brought them up to date for the 1900's but you won't read them.
I probably already have. I know more than you do and that couldn't be more apparent. You actually thought that houses were private property, so yes you're either an ignorant LARPer or a revisionist. Which is it?
>And a hundred million more got their own apartments and no longer had to pay rent.
They still paid rent retard. They just got lower quality and couldn't make improvements to their living situation. Think about that for a second: They could not improve their dwellings,legally.
>war communism was about scaling back Communism since it's a bit hard in the middle of war
It literally wasn't. That was the purpose of NEP. It was the communists realizing going "full communism" is kind of hard, so they gave up for a while until Stalin brought it back in force but ended up taking millions of casualties anyways.
>Actually nep succeeded quite well.
Because it was basically capitalism.
Oh, and sauce in case you couldn't afford the book:
CTRL+F = enter "26"
>Then why did they join the Communists who immediately declared war:
Because Poland invaded Ukraine trying to make itself some Intermarium thing. Poland literally started that war.
That was literally just walking into garrisons where the Germans had left, then once the Estonians got angry the Russians declared them independent.
>Finland was relatively centrist for the time and they only aligned with the Nazi's because the USSR invaded them first.
Nope they were far right and had just won a civil war against Finnish Communists and were overtly anti-communism. Anyway it wasn't just Finland it was would Finland even without the winter war allow German troops to attack though it's land, and the obvious answer was yes since they were both ideology opposed to eachother.
>Again, explain what fundamental difference there is between private and personal property because it looks like you're just picking things arbitrarily without any sort of system or basis. You even disagreed with Marx and Lenin on housing being private property.
If you're unable to see the difference between a factory and your favorite pair of shoes you unironically deserve a gulag.
Ever-hear of something called the Means of production? Guess what they do? They might just produce things. That's the main difference.
>He addressed the Communist Manifesto to the "WORKERS OF THE WORLD".
The communist manifesto is the equivalent of what the Communist party of America (if they made a American manifesto) would be supporting and advocating for in the current system, rather then their end result plans of implementation of Communism and it's "policies". Once again this in two minutes in google search. Anyone who gets this ultra basic babies first community collage stuff wrong has done almost zero research on Marxism.
>It literally wasn't. That was the purpose of NEP. It was the communists realizing going "full communism" is kind of hard, so they gave up for a while until Stalin brought it back in force but ended up taking millions of casualties anyways.
War communism was the economic plans during the war, the NEP was Lenin realizing that without industrialization you can't have much Socialism (since not many means of production to seize) so the nep was to recover Russia from the civil and to lead onto future industrialization.
The "Between the seas" as an alliance, not a blueprint for conquest. Poland's reason for doing it was that the USSR would become an imperialist power, which it did, so obviously they were right for the concept. Nextly, the communists promised ethnic independence in politics. Why the fuck would they promise that if they weren't willing to allow people to secede from their union?? The even developed the concept that lead to balkanization:
So once again communists are liars. It's the only tradition you have really.
>That was literally just walking into garrisons where the Germans had left, then once the Estonians got angry the Russians declared them independent.
Why do you keep lying? Do you think I'm going to stop calling you on your bullshit?
The Germans helped give support to the Lithuanians in that very war. Those weren't just empty garrisons. Ironically the Germans helped the Lithuanians achieve what the lying Bolsheviks said they were going to do.
>overtly anti-communism
Yes, because communists want to subjugate the world and remove all freedom to religion, free speech,home ownership, private property, economic ambition, etc. Believe it or not people don't like slavery.
>If you're unable to see the difference
Because there isn't any fundamental difference between private and personal property.
>Ever-hear of something called the Means of production?
The hardline communists ALL thought that houses and land were private property and had to be abolished. Marx thought the same thing about owning ANY transportation and communication. It's clearly detached from any meaning of productive value. You just made that up because you know there isn't a real answer to this: the gommies will take whatever they can get away with.
>Anyone who gets this ultra basic babies first community collage stuff wrong has done almost zero research on Marxism
Ironic that you misspelled "college" lmao
>The communist manifesto is the equivalent of what the Communist party of America (if they made a American manifesto) would be supporting and advocating for in the current system
Yes this is literally what I said. Communists have to take your computer,according to Marx, before you can achieve the prophets promised heaven on Earth utopian scenario. You have to lose all natural rights and any private property to get there, basically like any other cult I guess.
>War communism was the economic plans during the war
It was the attempt at full communism during the war actually. You just reinterpreted that out of context. I'm getting tired of your outright deceptions.
>Poland's Chief of State, Józef Piłsudski, felt the time was right to expand Polish borders as far east as feasible, to be followed by a Polish-led Intermarium federation of Central and Eastern European states as a bulwark against the re-emergence of German and Russian imperialism.
>In early March 1919, Polish units started an offensive, crossing the Neman River, taking Pinsk, and reaching the outskirts of Lida. Both the Soviet and Polish advances began around the same time in April (Polish forces started a major offensive on 16 April[11]), resulting in increasing numbers of troops arriving in the area. That month the Red Army had captured Grodno, but was soon pushed out by a Polish counter-offensive. Unable to accomplish its objectives and facing strengthening offensives from the White forces, the Red Army withdrew from its positions and reorganized. Soon the Polish–Soviet War would begin in earnest. Polish forces continued a steady eastern advance.[11] They took Lida on 17 April[11] and Nowogródek on 18 April, and recaptured Vilnius on 19 April, driving the Litbel government from their proclaimed capital.[19] On 8 August, Polish forces took Minsk[11] and on the 28th of that month they deployed tanks for the first time. After heavy fighting, the town of Babruysk near the Berezina River was captured.[11] By 2 October, Polish forces reached the Daugava river and secured the region from Desna to Daugavpils (Dyneburg). Polish success continued until early 1920
>Both the Soviet and Polish advances began around the same time
Source: You. Thanks! And the Poles said they were doing it because:
>Polish-led Intermarium federation of Central and Eastern European states as a bulwark against the re-emergence of German and Russian imperialism.
AKA Soviet imperialism. Keep blowing yourself the fuck out :)
>It was the attempt at full communism during the war actually. You just reinterpreted that out of context. I'm getting tired of your outright deceptions.
Wtf you idiot, it was mainly around keeping food and weapons up during the war which it did. In fact you're so fucking wrong on this it's hilarious. The Bolsheviks from the very beginning of their party did not want to get to full communism right off the bat. That's what anarchists did in Ukraine and Spain. The Soviets wanted Socialism before Communism.
Once again this is literal two minutes in google searches on Marxist/Leninist policies and regards to Communism/Socialism. You are a absolute brainlet
Polish do something = good
Russians do something = bad
Let's break this down:
>The Soviets told the ethnic peoples they could have independent political power
>whoops nope they lied nobody better try to go on their own,they have to join the Soviet empire
>Soviets tell the Poles to submit and remove all their natural rights
>nobody wants this obviously
>Poles say hey we're independent we don't care if you lied
>we're moving troops so you don't fuck us over with your obvious imperialistic moves
>The Soviets move their troops in to invade, just like the Poles said they would
Guess who was right? The Poles. Also, the only reason Russia had a right to Poland was because the Romanovs and married into the Jagiellon and other royal families which gave them legitimacy. When the commies murdered the good Tsar and his little girls and boy, guess what else was severed? Legitimacy. Especially since the Soviets said that all ethinicities would get a voice, but apparently didn't feel like that should actually happen. You're in some deep denial. I've never seen it this bad.
>meanwhile in America the kkk was still lynching blacks and Blacks had horrible living conditions
10/10 self awareness, my tankie friend
"Capitalism is, in essence, a wonderful ideology"
>Poland invades Ukraine to set up it's sphere of influence and put itself as the main regional area in these places restricting the self determination of Ukrainians = Good
Russians along with the Ukrainian Communist government defending the rest of Ukraine and wanting to put it under Ukraine communist government control and set up it's sphere of influence = bad
Red = Bad
Poland = Good
lmao, this post had quite a lot of effort put into it just to be shitty bait
>Third finno-soviet conflict
Oh yeah and the other two were?
hahaha commie btfo
Just a reminder to all of you usefull idiots that if your wonderful USSR still existed and you happened to be living in a country next to it, annexed by it, your heads would roll for you would no longer be of use to them after the revolution.
>...Because the USSR imported food from America when it should've been a net exporter.
It imported feed grain to boost meat production after .the 1960s when the people demanded a higher living standard. It was in no actual threat of starvation after the 1960s. What is also never mentioned is that East European states had collectivization yet no famine and some (Czechoslovakia, Hungary) had comparable agriculture production per amount of land to that of the West.
Btw not a commie, just have father who lived in Czechoslovakia and mom in USSR.
>anyone who died under a communist system died because of communism
Oooh, I can do that to!
This country once bought 10 rifles from the U.S
Lets attribute all the people they skilled to US capitalism
fuck off commie filth
Yeah lets. Capitalists perpetuate war so they can sell their weapons. They deserve to hang for their crimes.
>lose elections
>send in the army to shut down the Constitutional Assembly the next day
What did they mean by this?
>united states imperialism
>begins by hurricane katrina
Oh my fuck
>build shitty places for people to live because the free market apparently thinks black people living in poor conditions is efficient
>hurrr its got nothing to do with capitalism!
lol this is delusional.
None of the communist countries was ever a major food exporter.
Russia stopped exporting wheat because of the utter failure of collectivization. It used to be the #1 exporter of wheat in the world in Tsarist times, the Ukraine has some of the most fertile land in the world.
Yet in the 20th century the wheat market was totally dominated by 4 Western capitalist countries - USA, Canada, Argentina and Australia.
Now Russia and Ukraine are becoming major players in the wheat market again, and it's all thanks to capitalism.
This glorious post
In threads where we talk about the economy in late tsarist russia, tankies always try to make it sound like exporting wheat is actually a bad thing.
How is that imperialism, retard? Open a fucking dictionary.
>>monarchy in all but name
>monarchy in all but name
this is a new level of brainlettery...
Why do you keep memeing this guy, as if one ex KGB agent talking to the fucking John Birch Society is somehow an infallible source on the USSR?
It's called the dictatorship of the PROLETARIAT, and the proletariat overwhelmingly voted for the Bolsheviks.
The proletariat is an odd "no true scotsman" situation where a vast majority of the country can be against the communists but their voices don't matter because they weren't the true proletariat.
>Russia stopped exporting wheat because of the utter failure of collectivization.
The whole point of the collectivization (after kulaks sabotaged the food production) was to sell wheat on world market to get funds for industrialization. And it worked.
An average Eastern European has never lived in the one on the left. Pretty luxurious.
The vast majority of the Russian population were peasants, not proletarians.
Socialism is the power of the proletariat, not some kind of majoritarian rule. Democracy is a bourgeois form of government.
Peasantry aren't exactly bourgeois, user. And excluding the say in political matters of anyone living outside of a city and anyone who owns anything just sounds like another flavor of oligarchism. [X] group gets to choose special over everyone else. It's not any better than representative democracies, those involve the input of the people, "prole-only" is worse.
Two blatantly obvious problems with the comparison.
1. It's not done to scale of population or time. You're doing the history of western imperilaism all over the world to the modern day vs. the population of communist countries in less time
2. It implies that the death toll would not be massively higher if all those nations were communist
this is fascination. could you recommend me some sources, books or websites, for more information on this?
Mao was rich. Stalin and Lenin weren't.
>The famine of 1921-22 was due to war communism
>when it should've been a net exporter
It had only a fraction of its land suitable for agriculture. Most of the labor force worked in industry.
Whats the tallest building in Russia?
the lubyanka, you can see siberia from its basement.
The John Birch Society was crazy. Griffin is a conspiracy theorist.
>It had only a fraction of its land suitable for agriculture. Most of the labor force worked in industry.
Three of Russias worst famines occurred under communism when the USSR had world technology was advancing as a whole. See user here: The Russian economy was based around agriculture until the ussr tried to make it an even split between sectors.
So is anything communism as long as the people in charge claim to be communists? Is that how it works?
>it's another "/leftypol/ gets BTFO and starts posting shitty propaganda" thread
Don't you have some faggoty memes to be making?