Why did Hitler hate Jews...

Why did Hitler hate Jews? We were taught that Jews were used as a scapegoat to unify Germany but I feel that there is more to the story...

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Hitler only had one testicle and used the Jews to vent his insecurities

Yes yes goy. Don’t forget he also had a micro penis.

Perverse everything about sexuality. Good goy.

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At the closing of World War I, Jews tried to state a communist takeover of Germany. This left many normal Germans who weren't anti-semitic shocked and unable to trust Jews anymore.

Imagine yourself as an American, imagine the U.S. fighting a war with China and losing, the country then experiences political and economical difficulties. At this moment of highest need, where the country needs national union, Italian Americans use their connections with the mafia to attempt a takeover of the country so they can establish a criminal narcostate. How would you feel about Italian-Americans, how would other Americans?

That's what Germany experienced with its Jews. A minority they thought assimilated attempt to take power and establish an alien kind of dictatorship, no wonder Hitler and the Nazis hated them.

>Why did Hitler hate Jews
Jews throughout history have been a bunch of manipulative greedy people who want to obtain power and manipulate people for their own selfish needs

>a few jews equate to the entire jewish population

Historically the Jewish were associated with greed due to the fact that early banking could only be done by the Jewish due to Christianity having rules about usery that the Jews didn't. Because they were in charge of the banks, many became rich and so were resented by people whose faith taught them that the Jewish bankers were sinners. This went on for generations until usery was allowed by the christians. However, the correlation between Jews and greed had now existed for so long that calling Jews greedy was the status quo. Hitler used this information as you said to unify Germany under nazi rule.

They did nothing to stop those "few Jews". There were no Jews in the Freikorps.

He was also known to shit his pants and hated the Jews for being very clean and not shitting their pants.

What is it with Germans and their shit fixation?

As far as I recall, jews have been expelled from many and I mean MANY places. Perhaps they have something inherently despicable.

What does anti-Semitism have to do with nationalism? I ask the opposite: What does the Jew have to do with nationalism? Nationalism is the doctrine of blood, of race. The Jew is the enemy and destroyer of unified blood, the conscious destroyer of our race. We are nationalists who oppose the Jew because we see in the Hebrew the eternal enemy of our national honor and our ethnic freedom.

“The Jew is also a human being.” Certainly. None of us has ever doubted it. We only doubt that he is a decent human being. He does not get along with us. He lives according to different internal and external laws than we do. The fact that he is a human being is not enough reason for us to be oppressed and bullied by him in inhuman ways. He is a human being — but what kind? If someone whips your mother’s face with a whip, do you say: “Thank you, he is a human being?” That is no human being, but rather a monster. How much worse has the Jew done to our mother Germany, and continues to do even today!

“Anti-Semitism is not Christian.” So being Christian means allowing the Jews to continue to rule, to look on as he slices skin from our bodies and then mocks what he has done. Being a Christian means to love your neighbor as yourself! My neighbor is my blood and ethnic comrade. If I love him I must hate his enemy. He who thinks as a German must despise the Jew. The one determines the other.

Christ, too, saw that love does not work in every situation. When he threw the money changers out of the temple, he did not say: children, love each other! Instead he took a whip and chased the pack out.


That was before Goebbels becoming infected with paganism and freemasonic friends. After 1933 the National Socialist party became shit like all other german parties during the Weimar Republic

>There were no Jews in the Freikorps
[Citation needed]

>Nationalism is the doctrine of blood, of race
Not according to the vast majority of human history.

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in the german mind, socialist-nationalism was bound by blood and race. Even a jew introduced the notion of germanic nationalism 100 years before Hitler came to power. Then Spencer and others reinforced this notion
They were well aware of the dangers of judaism and its variants (like liberal democracy and bolshevism) but at the same time they couldn't produce a remedy. Their remedy only fueled the communist-jewry instead of destroying them

In that sense it's fairly ease to see a lot of communism background in Goebbels speeches. Every ex-communist suffer from paradoxical ideas, especially the german people who were socialists even before Marx was born or even before the Battle of Solferino
I hope that answer satisfy your meme picture

>At the closing of World War I, Jews tried to state a communist takeover of Germany
Wrong. Unless you want to claim that the sailors in the High Seas Fleet were all Jewish.

>in the german mind, socialist-nationalism was bound by blood and race. Even a jew introduced the notion of germanic nationalism 100 years before Hitler came to power. Then Spencer and others reinforced this notion
So by your own admission the idea of nationalism being one of race was only in Germany and only started in the 1830's.

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Obviously the notion that nationalism comes second (after race) is mostly found in german writers but they didn't invent the notion of body supremacy (if you allow me to call it). Let's explore the body-race-blood-soil subject:

>In the Spring of 1903, L’Idea Sionista, the first Italian Zionist periodical, published a translation of Max Nordau’s essay “What Does Gymnastics Mean for Us Jews?”. The article, which had originally appeared about a year earlier in Die Jüdische Turnzeitung [The Jewish Gymnastics Journal], stated: “During the thousands of years spent in the ghettos, we [Jews] have necessarily lost our physical aptitude for lack of exercise: we shall now endure great efforts to regain them. […] It is true that a large number of Jews have a defective appearance, but this is not natural, descending as it does from the neglect of physical education.”

>L’Idea Sionista: “While the Israelites in Italy find themselves in better bodily conditions than the ones in Germany and Poland, still they are highly disposed towards nervous and mental illnesses, more so even than the Germans. This is why we are proud of the positive and civilizing effects of introducing also among us [in Italy] the Zionist enterprise of improving the bodily well-being of the Israelites.”


Unfortunately nazism and fascism emulated this zionist/illuminist/pseudo-scientific approach to the worship of human body and cult of beauty. At first it gives a boost in the populace imagination but in the long term it causes destruction of the human body and the human soul. This could be seen as the result of tribalism loosely based on paganism and eastern mysticism. One day I'll write the 101 of mysticism in the human body to prove this idea was dead for centuries but was revived in France and later on Marx and Engels most specifically (in Nietzsche too).

The reason I cited Spencer is to how Goebbels was influenced

>This jewish image is a talisman to protect my supreme leader! When I post this picture he is invulnerable to criticism because I post an ugly caricature of a jew!

>my supreme leader
there you showed how your mind works. If you worship Stalin or FDR others must worship Hitler. The cheapest form of brainlet dialect you can find in the western mind

>where there's smoke there's fire. this is the only explanation. btw i haven't read up on jewish history I just looked at a chart of jewish explusions and made a sweeping conclusion

I hope other American Jews take notice of this.

Logic does not work against the anti-Semite. You can show them the works conservative Jews, point out that we are as complex as any people, riven by the politics of the day, but they will not listen.

We can commiserate on the challenge of keeping culture alive in an era of flux and mass migration, but they will not listen.

Just as the commie needs Porky to be all knowing and all powerful, we are their fetish, their totem of hate.

For too long European and American Jews have felt themselves safe, free from the dangers and trials of the Israeli fighter. But again a tide of monsterous, illogical hate spews forth against us.

We will not again be the timid Jews of the Odessa pogrom, who watched on as babies were hurled against walls and women a young girls raped. We must be warriors.

We will battle in words and in the streets if we have to. Every Jew, man, woman, and child should have guns and be trained to use them. They should lift and learn physical defense. We have, and will continue to enter into political life primarily based on our ideals and preferences; however, local Jews, conservative or liberal should recognize the danger emerging and form social defense groups.

If another pogrom erupts, we will be ready. Never again.

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>If you worship Stalin or FDR others must worship Hitler.
Is this how a /pol/ mind functions? Everyone must worship a leader like they do?
>The cheapest form of brainlet dialect you can find in the western mind
How can you accuse anyone of being a brainlet when you dabble in /pol/ memes? You really are a joke

>Everyone must worship a leader like they do?
You were the one accusing other people of worshiping a politician simply because he posted a happy merchant
In that case your mind was already in the worship mentality way before mine

>Is this how a /pol/ mind functions? Everyone must worship a leader like they do?
I guess the "If you worship Stalin or FDR others must worship Hitler" was showing your mentality. He wasn't affirming this

Jews were resented everywhere they went for scheming and bankrupting people. So the governments of their host nations expelled them or segregated them. The Jews got revenge by using communism as a tool to rule over people. Hitler saw this and began to hate Jews. He also hated their influence over the media and their involvement in promoting sexual promiscuity and all sorts of fetishes and hedonism. I don’t think there’s any underlying cause (such as “he was projecting his insecurities onto the Jews”) since he laid it out very clearly in Mein Kampf

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Riiiiight. Even though Hitler's commanding officer in WW1 was a Jew himself.

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>outnumbered 25:1+ by whites alone
>outnumbered 50:1 by all everyone else in the US

These are generous estimates, too. I imagine that if the people get sick of your shit, there is very little you will be able to do about it. Just saying.

Ignoring the fact that the reason they were bankers was because christians were forbidden from banking

delete this shit. this is not POL!

Oy vey.
But seriously you guy are fucked up and have problems I mean look at the products of your erudites, the talmud and zionism.
I yet have to meet a jew who is capable to recognize that he has done any wrong and accepts its punishment, but so far all of those who have meet always blame others if anything morally, legally or commercially wrong happens.
I would like to socialize with you as another human being but that is difficult when you are indoctrinated to treat all non-jews worse than sacrificial cattle.

I don't know man. Albert Einstein regretted working on the atomic bomb. Sounds like he admitted his wrongdoings.

And what does that prove?

Yeah, the Christians viewed usury as immoral so the Jews took up positions as bankers to make a profit. The Christians didn’t like this and began to hate them

>And what does that prove?
That there were Jews fighting for Germany. Well, before Hitler betrayed them, at least.

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Read Martin Luther.

Did I deny that?

Did he get punished? I think not. Also he did other wrong such as not citing poncaire in "his" works.
Anyways, Albert is not the norm when talking about the characteristics of the men that are a byproduct of institutionalized tribalistic supremacy.

really activates my almonds how anti-semitism is on the rise again after the 2007 financial crisis

>Jews were resented everywhere they went for scheming and bankrupting people. So the governments of their host nations expelled them or segregated them. The Jews got revenge by using communism as a tool to rule over people.
Yeah it's funny how they were in London, Paris, and NY too, and didn't bankrupt those countries.

It's a flimsy excuse for losing WWI, which was utterly shattering to the German chauvinism that had evolved from newfound confidence after 1870. They really believed because they called their 40-year old state an "empire", they were in a position to challenge established world powers with a 400 year head start. The results were completely predictable for any outside observer, but the Germans, drunk on supremism for so long had no chance to grasp the obvious.

Imagine wearing those clothes in that weather lmao

Outnumbered by a larger amount in the Middle East and yet we remain.

We don't want to conquer anything. Jews just want to be accepted into political and economic life like anyone else, and to be fair, we have been in the US and most of Europe.

But if a handful of Naziboo retards try to march down my street to smash out my car windows for being "an evil joo who makes more money because he graduated and works hard and sheiiit" they will get bullets to the skull.

This is retarded. Virtually all my best friends aren't Jewish because we're a minority. I served in the NG for 8 years and didn't serve with another Jew (that I knew of anyhow)

Most Jews don't wear their identity on their sleeve. Yeah, we have our eccentric sects. That is true. Amish when I lived around Ft. Knox with their horses were pretty odd too, but I'd still defend them if some tards decided the reason they lived with mom and dad in the basement wasn't because they flunked out of community college, but because "evil religious minorities took my god given right to an Asian gf!!!!"

There's a correlation between happy merchant posting and /pol/ views which includes some sort of affinity for Hitler's policies. This is especially the case in a thread ABOUT HITLER.
>In that case your mind was already in the worship mentality way before mine
what kind of retarded argument is this?

>He wasn't affirming this
No but to immediately assume I worship FDR and Stalin-- who fought against Hitler-- just because I attacked his jew baiting is highly suspect.

I understand your point.
I guess that what does prevent voluntary cooperation among people is prejudice and malice rooted in a outdated set of values that have not been keep up with the substantial difference of today world. That and also the fact that most people live by a herd mentality (be racial, national, "philosophical" or religious) and would do what they are expected to do as part of their group.
Even do I would like to socialize with people from different creed and race I think is prudent to be wary of zealots of any kind.

Who ever said you have to find that beautiful?

Exactly. It's ugly as hell but fuck if I care what other people do as long as it doesn't harm others.

Jews were good with money at a time when Germans in general were becoming very poor.

>Jews tried to state a communist takeover of Germany

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I wonder why everybody hates the jews...

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Antisemitism has been used to rally up popular support and distract from structural problems within German society since the time of the First Crusade, if not earlier.

Hitler tapped into this ancient tradition of antisemitism as well as newer anxieties about the increasing assimilation/incorporation of Jews in German society, which had been pretty steadily increasing since the 18th century. Furthermore he connected Jews with the Germany's loss off WW1, focusing on Jewish leaders of a failed communist revolt in Berlin and the participation of a few Jews in the new republican government.

None of this was really new. We saw almost identical antisemitism in France after 1871 and after Waterloo. The Russian press was very quick to blame the Jews after getting their shit pushed in by Japan in 1905.

Hitler was pretty unique because he connected this thousand-year old tradition of antisemitism with modern race science, presenting Jews as not insolent heathens who must be concerted but instead a wholly separate race who could never coexist with other people. As far as I know no government before Germany had tried to actually exterminate Jewish people, because nonbelievers can always be saved.

If jews were not evil there would be no antisemitism.

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>If the british were not evil there would be no antibritish feeling.
>If the russians were not evil there would be no antirussian feeling.
>if x were not evil there would be no anti-x-ism
really makes me think...

What makes a hypothetical German workers' state any more alien than a fascist dictatorship or even a liberal republic?

There had been communist revolts in Germany since the 1840s. Germany has the oldest communist movement in the world. Tens of millions of Christian Germans were passionate communists prior to WW2, and these people came very close to creating a new German government in the 1930s.

You probably believe white genocide is happening. Does this mean whites, as a group, are evil? Japanese hate Koreans. Is everybody in Seoul a cunt?

This argument is a two way street motherfucker. If you really want to insist that bigotry is a natural and rational response to individual, instead of an obvious diversionary tactic which can unite the in-group, then you're going to have to bite this bullet.

>You probably believe white genocide is happening.

It's not the same thing Moshe. Jews were selected through evolution to be parasites of whites.

No they weren't

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Moshe is triggered.

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U r god

Already debunked by Cofnas.


>Everyone on my somalian dungaree emporium who disagrees with me is a kike! Imagine that!

Cofnas was refuted dozens of times after that article.

If the Nazis were not evil then there would be no anti-Nazism.

>Cofnas refuted KMac

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Not one of them in academic peer reviewed form though.

>inb4 twitter shitposting is just as rigorous

Just face the fact that your favorite "academic" anti semite got btfo. It's not hard to do /pol/ everyone's wrong at some point, you're just wrong more often than others.

not an argument

They were evil. This is why anti-Nazism is so strong. And rightly so.

desu mods should ban these threads. You are the cancer Veeky Forums nobody wants you here, please go.

Both these things are true.

Yuppity yoop

That would be inherently paradoxical given that both groups are directly and fundamentally opposed to one another.

For the sake of argument, let's say Nazis are evil. Well, they are evil because they are trying to eliminate good, in order for them to be good they would have to be exterminating evil. If they were exterminating Jews and Jews are evil then they are exterminating evil. Therefore, if Jews are evil then Nazis are good, and vice versa.

Both were pursuing evil agendas. Each claimed that they were the good side, of course.

The academic mainstream is right on the natural sciences and mathematics. In the humanities, it's just a political mafia.

Because you say so? Doesn't change the fact that nothing you, nor anyone has said has refuted Cofnas in his debunking of that horrible anti semitic gibberish that passes for literature by /pol/ standards. Cofnas was the nail in the coffin for MacDonald fans

I guess. So the question is which group is more purely evil or more completely evil.

I'd say that in terms of the individual members of the group, Nazis are more evil. When it comes down to the acts carried out by the people who were part of each collective, NatSocs carried out more terrible atrocities by a longshot.

I agree on that. Jews are evil but are not as evil as the nazis. They are also more intelligent and manipulative. You don't need to use always brute force to win.

>So the question is which group is more purely evil or more completely evil.

There is no need to measure evil. Tear it out at its root where ever you find it.

>They are also more intelligent and manipulative. You don't need to use always brute force to win.
[citation needed]

The measurement serves the purpose of prioritizing which evil to eradicate. So should we get rid of Neo-Nazis across the globe, or deal with the JQ across every aspect of our lives?

>Suffering one evil to eliminate another.


Then what would be the alternative? Nuke everyone?

Jews were the lesser evil.