Where was God?
Where was God?
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with the Germans, until the soviets killed him.
Suffering only strengthens the spirit
fapping. God enjoys the suffering of his (((Chosen))).
the holocaust was god's punishment for killing jesus
>Where was God?
Too bad a lot of the survivors became atheists lmao
God abandoned Jews the moment they were exiled from Judah. Jews wouldn’t end up in Europe had they obeyed God.
>I have not read Deuteronomy.
>reading the Torah
Hello Schlomo.
Okay what's God's beef with the black man?
Blacks (despite being the only race introduced to Jesus primarily through centuries of the lash and rape) are now despite everything, the most religious people in the world (all polls indicate this). Why are they still suffering? Why are they still the poorest and most helpless people on the planet? Now they are meat for the Godless Chinese
Telling Himself that they deserved it for letting that child sneak out and reorganize the store's stock room on a sabbath day while everyone else was at home.
God afflicts those He loves more
The “black man” aren’t man at all. They are beast. The Jews brainwashed you into thinking they were human when they bought Martin Luther King on stage.
>Waa God should infringe on free will by interfering in the course of things because I don't like it :(((
Even if that were true, that makes things even worse. It turns God from callous to outright evil (creating beings whose purpose is to suffer and whose prayers are null) That raises some interesting questions such as why you somehow think he holds you in any better esteem. To him, non-blacks, blacks and everything else aren't even beasts. They are dust.
they're not humans read king melinda's chariot
>That raises some interesting questions such as why you somehow think he holds you in any better esteem.
When did I ever imply that?
>Suffering only strengthens the spirit
Nice try, Seneca,
The Sumerians were right all along. The Gods are fickle and childish. Many of them are downright cruel and enjoy our suffering.
>Jews putting on a face for the goyim
i would wager the average african is much happier than the average yuro or merkin or even asian. to deny their humanity is to rationalize evil in your heart.
africans have the capacity for great joy and bring an optomism to religion which is largely absent in the mature democracies.
i'm continually shocked by the recent explosion of anti-semitism. none of you would dare speak this way conspiciously.
>being a racist christian
my friend once said
"God is below the crotch"
>none of you would dare speak this way conspiciously.
It will happen.
>implying I’m Christian
They are
>6000 years ago
>create universe in six days
>create life on earth
>play as a puppeteer in the lives of most people on earth
>cause floods and plagues on the few civilizations that have managed to formed
>sent his son to earth to have him killed by romans and jews
And since then he's just chilled? How convenient
Taking revenge on those who killed his son
Hitler was sent by God to purge the Earth, as Moses was and Muhammad was before him.
>15-year-old has first existential crisis
The Jews ceased to be God's chosen when Jesus was crucified.
Unironically this.
>I also have not read Deuteronomy.
Neither have you apparently
I have. You might find the fourth chapter enlightening.
>christcucks defends the indefensible
Never got this objection to be honest, and I'm not even religious. If God exists, at least in an Abrahamic-style, omnieverything kind of way, then he is the source of morality. Who is going to make wiser judgments surrounding morals, God, or OP? Can God even do anything unjust by definition?
Not protecting them. "Jews" as we know them today aren't real Jews. To understand God's chosen people you must understand the events that happened 2,000 years ago. The descendents of Moses were the Hebrews, whom God named his chosen people. They were divided into 12 tribes, all Hebrews, all God's chosen people. By the time Jesus was born there only existed 1 true Hebrewic tribe. The other 11 had been invaded and taken over by gentiles. These gentiles called themselves tribes of Israel but they were false usurpers, they were not Hebrews. They also falsely converted to the religion of the Hebrews whom they usurped and called themselves Jews even though what they practiced and what the Hebrews practiced was far different. Jesus came into this world to challenge these false tribes. He constantly called them out on their lies and heresy. He threatened to break the veil of lies they had put up around themselves and so they had him killed. Jesus was trained a true Hebrew, a true Jew. He was killed by false Jews, usurpers who didn't follow God or His law. Christianity is a continuation of true Hebrewism, true Judaism and acknowledges Jesus as the Messiah because he came and challenged the false Jews and shone light on the true God and the path to Him for all to see. Jesus, one could say, was the last true Jew, the last true Hebrew. After that all followers of true Hebrewism, followers of true Judaism became Christians and all who didn't, who were the usurpers and infiltrators stayed "Jews". God's people, the Hebrews, are now extinct, Jesus was the last one.
Their teachings, however, carry on in Christianity which makes all Christians God's chosen people. The "Jews" are and have always been false usurpers. They don't follow the Old Testament, they follow the Talmud. They don't follow the God of Abraham, they follow their original pre-invasion god who we know now as Satan. The "Jews" are not God's chosen people, they are false usurpers. The Jews you see walking down the street with big noses and wearing all black are the descendents of those false usurpers.
In the Bible, when talking about the end times, it mentions "those who say they are Jews but are not, for they are of the synagogue of Satan". This is who the Bible is talking about, these ancient usurpers. These "Jews". The "Jews" who died in the Holocaust were not God's people, they were worshippers of the devil.
See You're an uneducated child as well as everyone else who thinks like you.
The Jews were once a great people. Now not so much.
'Great' does not mean have lots of money and be wealthy and usurious, obviously.
The executors of his will faultered long ago
Jesus didn’t even speak Hebrew you retard.
The general hypothesis I've seen from some jews is that they were assimilating too much. Everytime the Jews start to assimilate to their surroundings or follow something different, they get blamed and purged. I've seen a jewish person's hypothesis on the holocaust.
-The Jews followed the assyrian Gods, they get purged
-The Jews created Christianity, which anthromorphizes God, the Christians broke off, took parts of their culture while mixing it with their own, and purged the Jews for countless years
-Some of the Jews were leaders in russia's revolution, the soviet union forms its own identity and purges the Jewsh communities in Russian
- Germany was one of the first places in Europe to give rights to the Jews, the Jews, who now have changed their names, start assimilating and making lots of what Germans would call mischlings, they start following Christianity, they are the most assimilated yet and now they face their biggest purge, the holocaust.
-America was pretty philo-semetic from te holocaust onwards until the 90's, this was back when Jews in america weren't very assimilated. The Jewish people made up a large portion of the film industry and kept to themselves, now they've opened up the film industry dramatically, 50% of Jewish people in America are married to gentiles, a large portion are flat out atheists or agnostics, movements like reform Judaism have become the most popular currently, and Israel has a secular government.
The Jewish people, according to this guy I saw on Youtube, aren't meant to assimilate. They are meat to stay to themselves in their own nation-state if they can and bring true monotheism into other lands.
Pic related, it's you.
>Where was God?
>The Jews ceased to be God's chosen when Jesus was crucified.
The Jews never were, aren't and never will be chosen by God, they're a terrorist organization. The Bible is 90% terrorist manifesto and is outlawed for use as a "divine authority" everywhere on planet Earth by God.
>The Jews were just trying to fit in
>according to this guy I saw on Youtube
That explains it
Unsubstantiated conspiracy theories: the post
>Unsubstantiated conspiracy theories: the post
No, talking burning bush ordered genocide witnessed by one person is a conspiracy theory.
I deal in facts. The fact is I'm a god and you're not. The fact is most of this species has forfeit their souls for high treason against the gods and Pharaoh.
And that's what you deserve for not listening to your teachers. No god would touch a bunch of murdering, raping, plundering terrorists from the Levant on planet earth with a 100,000,000 light year pole. The human species is completely expendable in the grand scheme of the universes 100,000,000,000 galaxies.
There's several times in history where the jews try to fit in, but they end up getting purged at the end anyway, especially post 1700's. Jews were kept in ghettos in Europe as far as their european history goes, the local population made no effort to assimilate them and kept them around as nothing more than slaves to do trading and then banking which the europeans were scared of. The majority of jews th roughout history lived in Africa-tier poverty because of the way Europe wouldn't assimilate them or let them go back to their homeland..
I'm not even jewish or european, I''m native but based on my observations, what Europe did was assnine. Jews should be more violent than blacks and muslims are, but they've mostly rose above it in recent times and have built themselves up.
I have much more respect for jews than I do for a lot of Europeans desu. I hate viking, middle ages, neo pagan larping shit
he always posts this kind on every thread for past year or so, ignore him
>The fact is I'm a god and you're not
Ok have fun with that
Europeans had plenty of reason to distrust the Jews. They were known as ruthless cheaters and devil worshippers, does that sound like the kind of people you'd want to assimilate into your society? As for the "started following Christianity" that's absolute bullshit. The Jews did not abandon Judaism and furthermore, often mocked Christians and desecrated their holy places. The Jews were a nuisance to everyone in Europe, they only kept them around because Christian's can't give loans.
>Ok have fun with that
I have a great time - I know my creator, and your creator and you laugh at me for it like a dumb deer caught in the headlights.
>Europeans had plenty of reason to distrust the Jews. They were known as ruthless cheaters and devil worshippers
Except that's not true, they are the religion that Christianity split off from, the only difference is that they culturally evolved into having an oral commentary on the Old Testament. Your line of thinking is the same shit soccermoms used in the 80's to try and ban D&D
>does that sound like the kind of people you'd want to assimilate into your society?
So Europeans are retards that blame their problems on everyone else. I knew a drunk white once who was married to a religious woman, the woman never blamed her husband but the devil for her husband's drinking problem. This isn't the fault of the Jews. It's the fault of Europeans for being sheep "oh, everybody says x, that must mean its true, everybody wants to fall off a cliff guys, that means it must be good"
>"As for the "started following Christianity" that's absolute bullshit.
The jews were dramatically assimilating post 1800's compared to before, Reform Judaism is compeltely different from regular Judaism and people of mixed blood were being formed all over Germany. They were asismilating.
>The Jews did not abandon Judaism and furthermore, often mocked Christians and desecrated their holy places.
You have no proof to desecration and Mormonism exists to make you realize how Jews feel.
>"The Jews were a nuisance to everyone in Europe, they only kept them around because Christian's can't give loans."
>"How dare these people not be idolaters REEEEEEEEE"