What are some things, that happened over 25 years ago, that we can blame on Mags over here?

What are some things, that happened over 25 years ago, that we can blame on Mags over here?
>the end of the mining industry in England
>children starving because they had no more milk
>Roger waters' father dying for nothing
>the Falkland War (yes, the democratic government led by a woman was in the wrong and the quasi-fascist junta led by straight old white men was in the right)
>Hillsborough tragedy
>the IRA prisioners starving
>Edward Heath being obviously a pedo and being obviously protected for it
>V for Vendetta
>Morissey getting popular

What are other crimes of the Iron Lady?

Attached: Margaret-Thatcher-wikipedia.jpg (432x576, 190K)

I think it was not only Edward Heath.

Keep blaming others for your failure Anglo scum

>t. labour unionists faggot

Thatcher crushing the unions legitimately makes me hard. For once a female leader actually has impressed me to do some degree.

I don't think we can blame Mag Uruk Thraka for these things, there just aren't any facts or sound reasoning behind it.

>the end of the mining industry in England
she merely switched off the life support machine
>children starving because they had no more milk
a grey swill they didn't want to drink
>Roger waters' father dying for nothing
she was 17 at the time
>the Falkland War (yes, the democratic government led by a woman was in the wrong and the quasi-fascist junta led by straight old white men was in the right)
Argentina invaded and the Belgrano crossed the exclusion zone
>Hillsborough tragedy
>the IRA prisioners starving
>Edward Heath being obviously a pedo and being obviously protected for it
the job of prime minister is not safety inspector, medic or detective
>V for Vendetta
she didn't make that movie
>Morissey getting popular
the fans worked themselves up

her only mistake was handing Hong Kong to the PRC instead of Taiwan or letting them have a referendum

Roger Waters deserved to have his dad die, the megalomaniac fuck

Milk Snatcher

I voted for mummy so she would give me the milkies
Why didn't mummy give me the milkies?

She did approve the decommissioning of Ark Royal in 1979, which was a major factor in the Argentinians believing that they could take the islands.

Attached: Phantom_FG.1_of_892_NAS_launching_from_HMS_Ark_Royal_(R09)_1972.jpg (1892x1415, 1.63M)

>her only mistake was handing Hong Kong to the PRC instead of Taiwan or letting them have a referendum

leave Taiwan alone you fuck

We are reaching the levels of classcuckoldry that shouldn’t even be possible

>her only mistake was handing Hong Kong to the PRC instead of Taiwan or letting them have a referendum
Click Here To See How This 60 Year Old Lady Started World War Three With Just One Crazy Trick

It was not humanly possible for her to predict Argentina would randomly flip out and invade over a minor technicality.

June 4th Tianamen Square Massacre

Nah it just would have put the country in massive debt like the Berlin airlifts

I think we’re getting raided

>there are people ITT that defend this globalist kike loving whore
when will reddit leave?

The entire move from an industrial economy, to a service driven one has been a mistake.

Our trade deficit is astonishingly bad, London is prioritised over the rest the country to the extent that the UK's regional wealth disparity is one of the worst in Europe, if not the world.

Furthermore it has led to an entire generation of conservatives utter obsessed with cutting public services as a matter of ideology, in spite of the immense damage it causes to our society, and the human cost. Broom line is: people are dying.

Because of her the entire economy was tied to the London financial markets, and now because of Brexit (in no small way driven by regional dissatisfaction in former industrial areas) this financial market is fleeing to Dublin, Amsterdam, and Frankfurt.

We're fucked.

The PRC would have to sink civilian shipping to starve Hong Kong to death for not voting to join them in the referendum, if they are that belligerent maybe we should start ww3 over it.

The US had already effectively thrown Taiwan under the bus by the time of Thatcher's treaty with Deng, but they were still willing to support them militarily as late as the mid 90s and got involved in some of the cross-strait incidents around that time

if Maggie had given HK to the ROC and the PLA had rolled in, the US *might* have gone to war over it but more than likely would have just broken off diplomatic relations and/or recognised ROC

Labour unionism is bad, free flow of international capital, unlimited migration and diminishing of working value for the sake of profit is good.

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>Because of her the entire economy was tied to the London financial markets, and now because of Brexit (in no small way driven by regional dissatisfaction in former industrial areas) this financial market is fleeing to Dublin, Amsterdam, and Frankfurt.
So, it's all the fault of the people that voted for Brexit?

Not all the fault.

Brexit was dumb, but so was putting all the nation's egg in The City's basket.

>globalists continue to alienate and impoverish the majority of the country
>reeeee why are the working class so evil
This is your mind on Hebrewism.

>London is prioritised over the rest the country to the extent that the UK's regional wealth disparity is one of the worst in Europe, if not the world.
>Furthermore it has led to an entire generation of conservatives utter obsessed with cutting public services as a matter of ideology, in spite of the immense damage it causes to our society, and the human cost. Broom line is: people are dying.
Suck it up portherner scum. Hope your pit bull doesn't bite the illegitimate kid you got with Sharon

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If you look at the shit the economy went through in the 1970s you can't blame Thatcher for wanting to modernise it. Sure she didn't know what was going to happen 40 years later, but if successive government have done nothing to rectify it, that's their fault too.

also as fucked as we are because of Brexit it doesn't compare to 35% inflation and the three-day week

She didn't "modernise" the economy, she churned up the fields of industry, and had them sown with salt.

Some modernisation was necessary, not the effectively complete destruction of the industrial sector.

>not the effectively complete destruction of the industrial sector.
which was operating at a loss, functioning only due to government subsidy, and uncompetitive internationally. the size of the industrial sector was "only" reduced by 15%, also.

like it or not, unemployment went down, home ownership went up, GDP per capita went up, inflation came down astronomically, and london continued to outpace NYC as the global financial hub even amid the boom years on wall street

frankly labour would have done the same

>the Falkland War (yes, the democratic government led by a woman was in the wrong and the quasi-fascist junta led by straight old white men was in the right)
Oh come on. American IRAboos I can almost understand, but the Argies have no legitimate claim to Falklands.

If you don't actively pursue your territorial claims, you lose them. Argentina had 150 years to fuck British shit up, and they sat on their silvery arses doing nothing, so fuck them.

The only reason why the Falklands War even happened was because some spic dictator (or spictator) wanted to whip up nationalistic fervour to distract the public from the horrible reality that they lived in South America.

>complete destruction of the industrial sector.
Why is this considered such a bad thing? It's not like being a miner is fun. Let the 3rd worlders do it. No point wasting an expensive western education on someone only for them to do mindless muscle work.

You have a malfunction in your sarcasm detector, user.

Because it doesn't work, it doesn't benefit large, diverse countries.

A service driven economy by it's very nature is best suited for metropolitan cities. That's why so many financial centres (eg. Switzerland, Luxembourg, Singapore) are small, they're small enough that the entire country can benefit.

The UK isn't like that. Everything is centred on London. North Wales is just too far away to benefit from that. You can't have a healthy economy where half your population works in call centres, and the other half brews them coffee.

And frankly even some white people really are just best suited to manual labour.

The UK has one of the healthiest economies in the world. If the people of North Wales can't take advantage of that it's their lookout.

I was addressing the claim in general, not OP in particular. Hence why I said 'American IRAboos', and not OP.

That's gibbering nonsense.

Our growth forecast are down, the value of our currency crashed after the Brexit vote, there's a sever economic malaise over huge swathes of the country, and the only thing we had going for us (The City) is in the process of fleeing.

From a top-down views things may be "healthy" but it isn't benefitting the people who actually live here, so what's the point?

The sky isn't falling chicken little. UK citizens have a better quality of life than most. They benefit hugely from the UK economy and the City. I know it suits your narrative to pretend UK is in some dystopic state, but the facts don't bear this out.

Attached: the_world_s_10_biggest_economies_1_.png (550x440, 18K)

>size of economy equates to public good

I guess that's why all those Canadians are migrating to Brazil, India and Italy

per capita or gtfo, my man

Per capita UK is still comfortable ranked alongside most of Europe and Japan (though behind wonderful countries like Qatar)

desu she wasn't even that fucking good. Overhyped sentiment. Without her autistic treatment of the IRAfags Northern Ireland would be much more securely British and wouldn't have separatism literally written into it as an integral part of its continued existence. Her sheer incompetence over how she handled Northern Ireland is a stellar example of how she cared more about being muh Iron Lady than actually keeping her country together.

Agreed. But it grinds my gears to see growth cited as an indicator of a healthy economy when real wages are stagnating on a level not seen before in the OECD and inequality has gone through the roof

>negotiating with terrorists

It's still a shithole and getting worse.

>being retarded
They weren't going to go away, and the British government knew full well that they couldn't just keep bullying the taigs and hope it'd solve itself. Loyalist violence and aggression had been going on for months prior to the IRA even launching a campaign and the propaganda from the hunger strikers was bringing volunteers in by the droves. When the maze escape happened it was a HUGE propaganda boost for the IRA whilst Loyalists continued to be seen as ineffective retards who messed with British operations.
The Troubles could have been quelled and had the IRA look like the undisputed shitters and instigators, instead all 3 combatants in the conflict all look like horrendous horrible murderers and Northern Ireland is a festering industrial and economic backwater that we're forced to pay for until it finally fucks off.
Her infinite autism in regards to the IRA gave the cause more legitimacy than it would have got if she'd just said "be political prisoners then faggots" and let them arse it up for themselves. The Provos were unsustainable and already infiltrated out the ass. What we got thanks to Thatcher's refusal to see Loyalists in Northern Ireland for the retards they are is the reason ex-terrorist scum got "get out of jail free" cards and put into government, and why yet another lump of the UK will eventually leave.

>It's still a shithole
Compared to where? A nostalgic image of a past Britain which never really existed?

I hate Thatcher, but she only partially responsible for most of that.

>If you don't actively pursue your territorial claims, you lose them. Argentina had 150 years to fuck British shit up, and they sat on their silvery arses doing nothing, so fuck them.
Argentina claimed the islands peacefully for 150 years though, the country never abandoned the claim. UK kept opening up "negotiations" to hand them over in the 1970s so they did recognize some validity in the claims. Are you upset Argentina invaded in the 1980s rather than before? That's your issue?
Pretty fucking retarded m8.

>The only reason why the Falklands War even happened was because some spic dictator (or spictator)
Galtieri was an ethnic Italian. Pic related.
At least get your ethnic slurs right.

>wanted to whip up nationalistic fervour to distract the public from the horrible reality that they lived in South America.
Sure, but the UK was going through a "horrible reality" as well, both governments were free market fundamentalists trying to overhaul their economies and facing worker protests over the harsh austerity measures. The difference was that protestors were actually getting killed on Argentine side.

The war was a convenient distraction for both sides.

Attached: 1258929360_0.jpg (470x353, 35K)

Nice meme

>Galtieri apologism
>even being humanly possible

i've really seen everything now

>children starving because they had no more milk
Margaret Thatcher the mil snatcher is truly a monster.

Where are you getting apologism from my post? I'm just correcting a really ignorant post.

The war was wrong and started by Galtieri as a distraction, he was an incompetent dictator and murderer, but the war did fall on Thatcher's lap perfectly and you are very naive if you think it wasn't exploited as a distraction on the British side as well.

>somebody attacks your country
>fight back
>well, both sides needed to distract from their problems

You're being obtuse.

You mean the decomissioning of one entire fucking aircraft carrier is a "minor technicality"?

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Pls explain the Maggie Thatcher milk meme to a non-Anglo

Before Thatcher was Minister of Education the state would give free milk to children in their schools

Mags stopped it



Literally created New Labour, Cameron, Blair and the most entitled selfish baby boomer generation in history.

Attached: Thatcher moner working class.jpg (768x1024, 83K)

>Sells off your housing.
Ooh look a housing bubble.

>Edward Heath being obviously a pedo and being obviously protected for it

ummmmm no, sweetie

Attached: a sophisticated cover-up is 'unlikely'.png (1092x390, 61K)

Thatcher is unironically one of the greatest prime ministers of the 20th century, it's amusing how her critics fail to fully grasp the abysmal situation that Britain was in during the 1970s - prior to her administration.

t. History grad student from Liverpool

>t. History grad student from Liverpool

Stolen any good cars lately, Mr. Scouser?

Sadly not, as I'm abroad doing grad work. It's nice to see that Liverpool's rebuilding itself though, the city's in a far better state than it was 20 years ago.

>t. David Cameron