What are some of the most glaring historical inaccuracies with this game?

What are some of the most glaring historical inaccuracies with this game?

Attached: 2523ra5m.jpg (474x266, 24K)

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No black people or Mexicans

were there many mexicans in 14th century Czechia?

the moors!

Ya didn't you learn about the sunset invasion?

Goy, don't you know that medieval Europe was always racially diverse?

The armour is modelled after renfaire recreations and it triggers my autism how fucking inaccurate it is.

The fashion is all over the place with styles drawn from across a roughly 80 year period.

The gamey elements are obviously inaccurate but it feels redundant to list that shit.

There's some npc's dueling/practicing in one area and if you observe them it's very clear the mocap performers were either trained with or directed by someone who had learned from an Italian arms journal from (probably) the 1600s.


there are no black people wtf

This. The armour clearly comes from BotN/Bohurt rather than anything in actual history. Sane with clothing. They must have just googled 15th century clothing and ran with it without realising fashion from 1410 is massively different to fashion from 1480.

Some slavic peasant of the 15th century HRE being called Henry (English version of the French version of a German name)
He should be called Heinrich

Attached: Henry.jpg (1920x1080, 258K)


The part when you join a monastery they're chanting the Our Father and the Nicene Creed in Latin, one right after the other. I can't think of a liturgical circumstance where Latin Catholics would do that, although I suppose they just wanted generic Latin chanting.

Not enough cuckolding.


Man fuck historical inaccuracy, I can't bring myself to play it until they fix all the goddamn bugs. This game right now is like the definition of eurojank.

>They must have just googled 15th century clothing and ran with it without realising fashion from 1410 is massively different to fashion from 1480.
Isn't at all what happened though. You seem so dismissive and against misinformation but jump at the first chance to do it yourself. In reality the dev team fell into the typical trap that entertainment industries fall into: bad experts. They went and asked advise from reenactors without realizing that reenactors and fair people don't represent reality. The same thing when directors go and ask stuntmen on how swords were used.

naww but lmao they just googled it

Jindřich is the Czech version of Heinrich. Also he's not a peasant.

Asking some random guy (which is what a reenactor is) is barely above googling it.

I wanna bang Henry's mom.

Wtf how much do you want in your games !?

Shouldn't the Hungarian Cumans have converted to Christianity by 1403? They still get referred to as heathens

they get referred to as heathens because they are murdering, pillaging and raping through the country... not because they might or might not be christians

Would you say that at least it's a good at attempt at creating a historically accurate game?


Yeah, even with the not insubstantial list of inaccuracies it's probably more accurate than any game or movie or TV show with a historical setting

Glad to see someone pointing out the armour thing - I had a gut feeling that there was something off about much of it.

I'd also like to point out the total absence of bucklers. The 14th and 15th centuries were probably pretty much peak-buckler in terms of popularity, and they were popular well before and afterwards too.
Arming swords were basically meant to be used with something in the off hand. While there are examples of them being used totally on their own, it's abundantly clear that that wasn't recommended at all, especially because carrying around a buckler is totally comfortable and was completely socially acceptable. A significant force multiplier with no drawbacks.

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, no crossbows either.

Attached: top 10 anime fights.jpg (1236x418, 60K)

Best there is in the vidya department, but it would put even a lot of historical movies to shame.

Attached: vikings.jpg (312x162, 9K)

I think the one that annoyed me the most was the ol' "medieval people drank beer as their staple beverage because their water was disease-ridden" trope. It only shows up in the codex menu and not in the game proper, but that only annoys me more since the codex corrects several inaccuracies that are in the game itself.

>no crossbows
>no primitive bombards
>no one fights mounted (especially cumans outside of scripted prologue)
And Warhorse somehow won't do Hussite Wars sequel.

Most of places and character's name are englishized/germanized
Jindrich = Henry
Racek Kobyla = Radzig
Divis z Talmberku = Divish of Talmberg
Hanus Lipa = Hanush of Leipa
Jan Ptacek = Hans Capon
Rataje = Rattay
Sazavou = Sasau
Kutna Hora = Kuttenberg
Uzice = Uzhitz
Stribna Skalice = Silver Skallitz

>The 14th and 15th centuries were probably pretty much peak-buckler in terms of popularity, and they were popular well before and afterwards too.

Are you sure that was the case of Bohemia too? I know pavises were really popular there, but I wouldn´t be so sure about the bucklers.

Some of the Cuman armor looks really bad. Like, they just took vaguely Eastern European armor designs ranging from the 10th to 15th centuries and just ran with it.

More likely they looked at reenactors.

But it would cool if you posted the accurate version of their armor or did they abandoned the "ethnic" armors and just went with standard Hungarian stuff?

Attached: 46ce4a1c2408ea65ae3606c17c3a0215.jpg (960x680, 101K)

>>no primitive bombards
They get mentioned during the main plotline, it's also mentioned that nobody in the area has access to cannon or powder.
70 years after the game takes place, Charles the Bold, who was quite the big shot compared to the figures in KCD, only had access to a few hundred.

Bohemia was under heavy German influence, and the earliest medieval fencing manual happens to be a German one about sword and buckler.
Bucklers were extremely universal things, they'd be around in Bohemia just like arming swords and kettle hats.

Something tells me they wouldn't have been equipped really differently from the Hungarians at the time, who in turn were pretty westernised at that point.
I guess they didn't want the heathens from the steppe to look like everyone else.

>Bucklers were extremely universal things, they'd be around in Bohemia just like arming swords and kettle hats.
That's a reasonable conjecture, but I couldn't find any proof of this. Too bad most of contemponary illuminations don't show common footsoldiers.

Attached: lehnits.jpg (886x632, 833K)

I'd say that evidence of bucklers in Germany is evidence of bucklers in Bohemia due to the strong political connection and the significant German minority in Bohemia. There's just no reason to assume that they'd share pretty much every sort of armament with the Germans except bucklers.

you should be shamed in the streets, HRE was one of the most diversity riched countries, in fact there was more muslims and beatuful doctor, engineer niggers in HRE than today in Germany, you racist dumb fuck, you are everything that is wrong with maculinie strong working white man