Villainous hero, or heroic villain?
Villainous hero, or heroic villain?
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A piece of shit who is burning in hell now
Also this is a Romanov thread now
Take out hero from each answer and you have the answer
A heroic hero to some, a villainous villain to a few, an interesting and impressive figure to most.
Not pictured: starving peasant children
>implying that soviet russia doesn't have starving peasant children
t. commie
So peasant children were starving so the logical step is to shoot the Tsars children
>implying that Soviet Russia didn't inherit a shit situation from a completely inept czarist bureaucracy
They were next in line to become Czars. As Michael Corleone said, it was strictly business.
All monarchists deserve to die.
So I can murder people because it is beneficial to me and its justified
Yes the Grand Duchess could become impress of course...
Bolsheviks maybe killed the Tsar for interest but the murder of the rest of the family is strictly hate.
>implying kazakhs werent doing just fine until they were pogromed into a minority into their own country into the 90s
They could use the kids like chinks used Pu Yi
he was communist shitstain.
a stroke was too good for him
based Saint Tzar Nikky
Being shot in the head was too good for Tsar Nicholai.
Also that's not saying much since he had several strokes and died a slow and painful death brainlet.
Could've been an absolute unit, but took the cheeky banter against that big Tsar lad too far acted like a bit of a mong Tbh
>t. fat fuck from capitalism thatd be dead scrawny fuck under glorious soviaboo
desu the children werent stabbed enough and when they didnt die bashing young girls in face until theres nothing left is a mercy
Heroic hero
>not raping her
What a waste.
Dead faggot who spewed a bunch of bullshit and didn't deliver. Stalin was a step in the right direction and Trotsky was a cunt. Fuck that irrelevant third guy.
>an interesting and impressive figure to most.
t. commie
>They were next in line to become Czars
You can make a case for Alexei being next in line, but the boy was a hemophiliac and would've probably died before reaching adulthood.
t. tard
How is he not interesting or impressive?