How did this happen?
Was it because of vaccines?
How did this happen?
ur dad lesbos
technology increasing food production
In less than 100 years we will be past peak phosphorus production and the lack of chemical fertilizer availability will see billions starve. Its no coincidence that all the ancient sites are civ are salty as fuck, long term irrigation has the blessed effect of leeching salts up from the ground over long periods of time. Our world cant sustain itself much longer and the elites are playing a game to purge/sterilize anyone who isnt at the top.
People kept fucking just as much as before and less of their kids died
it's not true. The total population from 3000 years ago have only risen by 40% since then.
ur mom homosexualle
>Fewer wars
>Lower Maternal Death Rate
>Lower Infant Mortality
>Better Health Care in general
>Way higher food production
>Generally higher international stability
Look mom, I can see the bubonic plague from here!
In less than 100 years we will have space industry mining volatiles from asteroids.
At what scale? Using what propulsion?
Tractors, trains, trucks, refigerators.
>we will be past peak phosphorus production
Asteroids are full of it
Combination of artificial fertilizer and green revolution plant genetic manipulation but also vaccines and antibiotics putting an end to epidemic diseases.
Industrial revolution
Will the Malthusians ever have their moment where they get to say 'we were right'? The moment of doom keeps moving further away
>Ever right
Pfft, you can kiss my ass.
Tbh I believe glorious capitalism will deliver us into the stars once it is economically feasible and necessary
Whatever is available. Necessity is the mother of all invention.
>Will the Malthusians ever have their moment where they get to say 'we were right'?
Sure, just not where people are involved.
There was that island full of deer in russia, where they killed off all the wolves and watched the deer population explode, and then implode when they overgrazed.
The problem is with tool using primates that are able to use ingenuity to solve problems.
All the brainlets saying 'industrial revolution' fucking hell
The agricultural revolution was a concurrent but specific and distinct phenomenon that was a part of the industrial revolution
'The wealth of nations'
>it wasn't the industrial revolution
>it was the agricultural revolution, which was completely different
>The agricultural revolution was part of the industrial revolution
It's like if someone asked what a shape with 4 equal sides and angles was and you said a rectangle rather than a square
it's correct but not as specific as it should be and would get you half points on a test
I'm breaking your balls. Just saying you could have phrased it better.
this always comes up. Malthus was right and the potato famine is the proof. from wiki:
In his 1798 book An Essay on the Principle of Population, Malthus observed that an increase in a nation's food production improved the well-being of the populace, but the improvement was temporary because it led to population growth, which in turn restored the original per capita production level. In other words, mankind had a propensity to utilize abundance for population growth rather than for maintaining a high standard of living, a view that has become known as the "Malthusian trap" or the "Malthusian spectre". Populations had a tendency to grow until the lower class suffered hardship and want and greater susceptibility to famine and disease, a view that is sometimes referred to as a Malthusian catastrophe.
Just saying that because I always say the same thing about the improbability of catastrophe.
The point remains.
heres a moment in Albanian history after communism collapses and food runs out. they try to go to Italy
Mechanization (tractors)
Chemical Fertilizers
GMO crops (Norman Borlaugh)
See Green Revolution wiki.
Im sure Jared Diamond will write his next book on the subject combining elements of The Rational Optimist, The Skeptical Environmentalist and doom and gloom and whatever utopian fantasies sell well.
>tfw the low hanging fruit thesis is real
>this always comes up. Malthus was right and the potato famine is the proof. from wiki:
You fuckign retard. The You do know the Brits jsut took all the food and shipped it out for export so Ireland was producing a lot of food but underwent famine due to British mismanagement.
Malthus was never right because all his shit was based off the things that happens in his life and time frame so he never got to factor in the massive changes that happens after his death or the fact that shit got more efficient and advanced from his generation.
Norman Barlaug and agriculture advances to provide foundation
>Fewer wars
Maybe but these few wars have been deadliest than anything before them
t. western teenager
To think that this is just a blip in history compared to the pre-hyperwar age...
Modern Medicine is still a huge factor as well as improvements to agriculture.
Mongol conquests were far more deadly relatively speaking than anything in 20th century.
Indeed, the die-off caused by the super-weapons employed in that conflict will be never forgotten.
>brits went around seizing everyone's potatoes
actually private landlords sold the produce they grew with zero involvement from the state but whatever
I see the hyperwar mentioned sometimes, but where is the proof that this actually happened. I mean its not like there are any Hwan artifacts laying around.
I'm just saying. I'd like to see some concrete proof of the war. you know
>What is geometric growth.
>I'd like to see some concrete proof of the war. you know
Have you ever seen the Atlantic ocean? There used to be a continent there.
You say that, but why should I believe it?
If it's anything like bitcoin it's gonna go down hard soon
very much this. In 1900 a german farmer could produce enough food for 4 people's yearly consumption. By the year 2000 one farmer could feed 100 people. Technology working like a cheat code for society.
it's sometimes amazing just to think of how much we advanced in the past century as a species
just imagine how any historical figure would react if they were exposed to the modern era