Could Veeky Forums help me identify this find? I think it might be a warhammer from around 1550. Possibly from spaniards. Found in Brabant.
Could Veeky Forums help me identify this find? I think it might be a warhammer from around 1550...
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Or it could well be some other type of hammer from a much more modern era. I'd suggest taking it to the local historical authorities for a better idea of what it could well be.
I found it in the same hole as pic related.
I think from Charles V of Spain.
this is what I had in mind.
Don't know much about warhammers, but it looks like the same type as pic related, which would be typical for more 17th century I think
It's not a carpenter's hammer you retard.
This. Mark where you found it desu, there could be more to study!
I am really confised now, the button I found is actually a copy of a roman coin (pic related). But I am 100% sure it is a button. What gives?
Can't really help with this one, but fucking nice find.
Just go to a pawn shop or an antiquarian. It looks old but not that old, 18th century tops.
Hey I'm from Brabant too.
wanna fug?
De Frank is niet blank.
kzen van Vlaemsch Brabant.
>Not notching iron while metal detecting
Enjoy finding loads of lumps or iron and horseshoes.
I do, yet this bastard gave a solid 99 on my Deus.
It's a sign from God.
It's a hammer
Yeah big iron stuff sometimes sound non-ferrous especially if it's deep into the ground.
Deus eh? Good machine, I'm a bit short on budget myself so a fisher f22 is my main weapon.
Did I say it was? No, I merely suggested that it might not necessarily be what OP posits and that he should look to someone or someplace that is knowledgeable about this particular regions history.
I jewed some poor lad out.
He had bought the Deus (28RC+WS4) for 1700€ just a month before, then had to sell it i think due to severe financial problems to feed his newborn daughter.
bought it for 800€.
I don't even feel bad about it now.
where are you from btw? find a lot of stuff where you are from?
Rural Normandy, I haven't find anything particularly exciting yet, some Roman stuff (coins, a ring) medieval and Renaissance/modern coins and that's it.
My area has always been a backwater so I usually don't find a lot of stuff. The good thing is that most of my friends are farmers so I've got plenty of land to detect on and one of my friend will soon let me on field that used to be around a minor Roman settlement, so hopefully I'll find some interesting stuff.
>europeans can literally walk outside and start finding historical artifacts in the dirt
FUCK my ancestors for falling for the Canada meme
And I usually find a lot of ww2 related stuff, loads of bullets for exemple
you are missing out mate
no, that's where it gets melted down into scrap
FeelsBadMan being northamerican,i have a broken vessel with fingerprints i dug up from an ancient roman ruin near my house
Please contact your local government archaeology unit/university department.
some artifacts you don't want to find though
like plowing your field and stumbling upon an undetonated mustard gas shell
I live in New England and we find that stuff out in the woods all the time. There are stonewalls everywhere too which go back 100s of years and we have them on our own property. My town was founded in 1639 and it feels good desu.
Yeah man same here
>stonewalls everywhere
just looks for some injun arrowheads or something.
Man, you're kind of a dick.
Try to get the rust off yourself
Stone walls are awesome user, you can't even really explain why they just are desu.
It found that. Posted it on /k/ too
user I have to make a confession
>helped knock over a bunch of old walls on some dudes property to steal stones for a barn foundation
we cleared a full half acre for his lawn, didn't think much of it at the time due to how ubiquitous they are
those were probably constructed by the Dutch, but the fact that a few of the older ones in a different location deep in the woods and had real good stones could significantly predate the Dutch is fucking with me a little bit
>including London
giddingz me
>american cousin does metal detecting
>shows me collection of 'old coins' he's immensely proud of
>oldest is 1869
>act impressed and pat on back
>he asks about my collection, brush him off and say I have a few 'old coins'
>the oldest coin I've found is roman, a follis of constantine
>I have a coin from every tudor monarch except Edward VI
>I found a follis of Justinian on the south coast which has been professionally photographed for someone's book on post-roman britain trading links
And for non-coins
>I once found the lobstertail of a roundhead helmet at a civil war battlefield, it's in a museum
>I inherited a flintlock pistol from the irish side and I think it's 18th century french. I'm hoping we had someone in Napoleon's Irish guards.
>I have a book I bought for £10 that has an original Jacobite poem in it satirising George III, I want to get it studied.
*and stuart monarch
I used to work in Greece in a bar. One time I went with one of the guys to a local Roman ruin and stole bricks from it to hold down an overflowing drain.
Hey, at least you don't risk stepping on an old landmine from world wars
t. Pole, where we have more misfires than Kosovo
That's the thing tho user, it doesn't matter. Me and my dad regularly add stones to the wall to keep it in good condition. It's like a temple almost in the fact we carry on the historical legacy of tending the walls. It's history we maintain to this day.
waar ergens?
The difference between Europe and North America? North Americans believe a hundred years to be a long time, Europeans think hundred miles is a far way to go.
>tfw will never be accepted in the homeland
>tfw not even a mutt
American based in England for work, just got my mudlarking license. What are the best places on the Thames to go? I'm in Suffolk and without a car at the moment but I'll see about hitching with a friend. I just can't find exactly where I should go, I'd assume just be at the London Bridge around low tide and look for stairs?
Are you in Mexico? It might be from 1940. Check for Trotsky's brain
Reproducing old coins as buttons has been popular for a long time. Still is.
looks totally different
how much would this be worth? if genuine
Not much
Couple hundred euros
>Couple hundred euros
>not much
fuck you. I make that much after working a full weak of sweat and tears. Hw is it not much?
How much is this worth?
it does though I should have known better, I'm not exaggerating we completely removed an entire forested enclosure that might have actually been close to a full acre, buried the stones we didn't use along with all the stumps we pulled, and basically robbed what I think could have potentially once been Amerindian sites on his property
honestly you probably shouldn't be adding stones either, at least archaeologically speaking
don't see anything wrong with repairing them using "original" stones though, it's all about preservation
depends on who's buying
in America we have Civil War era things lying around in old fields on the east coast.
Pistols, buttons, bullets, rifle barrels.
Someone found a norse longship buried under a hill in New Jersey, there was also we have shit loads of pirate ships up and down the east coast.
Europeans don't find that shit.
>civil war was in 1860
>about 60% of stuff I find in any given field is older than that
>Eurpeans don't find viking ships
>europeans don't find exploratory ships
are you me-meing?
I found a bunch of coins from 1830 just yesterday along with that hammer that I didn't even mention because dime a dozen
As far as I know Amerindians did not demarcate land holdings with stone walls as they did not hold land.
These stone walls may have been originally put up hundreds of years ago but I would not worry that you disturbed a pristine archaeological site. People maintain these regularly, adding stones, replacing stones or removing them for exactly the sorts of reasons you did. This is ongoing today. I am pretty sure that the historical value lies simply in the area they demarcate, so you probably should not have completely removed everything. But you're overestimating the severity of your indiscretion.
Thought the same thing.
he isn't meming, americans unironically think finding a 19th century bullet is something impressive
go watch 'Diggers' on National Geographic if you want to have a laugh
oh my god this show is so fkn cringe...
I wish I had some place to go metal detecting, but I live in suburbia and the public parks around me don't allow it :^(
Is it legal to go around digging up old stuff ?
as a yuropoor it's quite entertaining, but probably not in the same way the show makers had in mind
where do you live?
don't call da cops on me mistah, i dindus nuffin!
You’re retarded
Go walk in a plowed files and you’ll find indian artifacts
>oh look, a stone with a dent!!!
> this must have been from the prehistoric indians!!!
>that's AT LEAST 300 years old!!! :DDD
Midwestern US, so I wouldn't be finding anything as old as some of you anons are, but it's always been a dream.
When I was in kindergarten, our subdivision was being built and I'd play in the dirt while my parents checked the progress on the house. We aren't by any rivers or major water sources, but one day I found a polished and cut wampum shell kinda like in pic related, and my parents threw it away on me QQ
A couple years ago, I found a horseshoe in the Hudson River, I think it's colonial era. I tried to run it through electrolysis, but it didn't come out well. Is there a better way to clean it up?
I mean, prehistoric is just any time before written records, no? ...In the Great Lakes region Natives used copper for adornments, that being said, you can't legally keep or remove native artifacts and even if you do inb4 you are now cursed
Hot sauce
it's all fun and all unless you live in the Red Zone
grinding wheel
>I mean, prehistoric is just any time before written records, no?
yes, that's the joke. in the USA prehistory was just 300y ago.
De Einsatzgruppen was een anti-terroristische organisatie.
kwamen die ook uit Vlaams-Brabant?
ik doe niet aan doxxing
Wat is deze ermee te maken
tis niet alsof ik uw hamer ga pikken om er uwe kop mee in te kloppen
dat is nu eens precies wat iemand zou zeggen die mijn hamer zou willen pikken om er mijn kop mee in te slaan.