Why did the Franco-Prussian war never really delve in to the mud of Total War like the American War of Northern Aggression?
Why did the Franco-Prussian war never really delve in to the mud of Total War like the American War of Northern...
because it was a war of maneuverer that ended quickly
There was no time for any of that shit to develop in only 6 months. The French were no match at all for the Prussians.
French government collapsed into yet another bloody rebellion as the Prussians neared Paris, effectively handicapping their ability to prosecute the war.
For a first-world country, 19th Century France was less politically stable than Somalia most of the time.
French artillery was no match, so trenches never really formed up.
>illegally succeed
>attack countrymen without provocation
>why you yankees so mean!
>have no industry
>have no real allies or understanding of geopolitics
>how can our fighting spirit be defeated!?
> Illegally
I know it's a mobile bait thread but the reason is that Germans fought with fast maneuverability, which would inspire the Schlieffen Plan
>war of northern aggression
European army professionalism was so far ahead of America’s at the time that there was never a real reason to think that the late tactics in the ACW would be a sign of things to come in WW1. From the European Great power’s perspective, it just looked like 2 retards with inferior armies resorting to barbarism to compensate for the lack of experience in fighting proper wars.
Ackshooally, that's what the US Army observers said while watching the Crimean War, that these people are all ignorant savages with absolutely no clue of logistics and leadership.
you gotta realize that these "people" thought they would win because they unironically believed being good at hunting meant that they were good at being soldiers
they must've been good soldiers based on how well they were doing for the first part of the war
what's the point of this post
I wouldn't be surprised if both of these were simultaneously true.
>if you lose, you win
Also, what's up with all of these southern people on this board? Is it just the same 3 dedicated autists posting on every thread? Not like I'm complaining, it's just something that I noticed
>gets annihilated on all fronts except for the virginia front in the first part
thats not how it works cletus
its the pajeet effect, where a less developed region or country with access with internet will be on it most of the time since they have nothing to do
examples: india, russia, the deep south, all of eastern europe
>Northern Aggression
>war was started by the Confederacy attacking a Union fort
Funny, because they still think that. I live in the South (Georgia, and I used to live in South Georgia for that matter), and many of them are hyped for another civil war thinking that they'll easily win due to knowing how to shoot guns unlike them "weak effeminate liberals at Berkley"
There is a great quote I heard once "I believe wars are won by nations that 90%incompetent defeating nations that are 99% incompetent"
they started the war by thinking that they had the right to win elections
Americans were insanely naive about the Civil War until near the very end. Richard Gatling invented the Gatling gun believing that both sides would see how destructive it was and go “Okay that’s crossing the line bruhs, let’s just stop this conflict now”, but predictably it just made the war even more deadly. It forced the nation to grow up.
>isis must be made up of really good soldiers because they took Northern Iraq really quick!
>War of Northern Aggression
Got a good laugh out of this image.
why are ACW threads still allowed on this board? They're always just political shitflinging which belongs on /pol/ or unfunny trolling which belongs on /int/ or /bant/. No actual historical content to be found ever.
It is right and necessary for Cletuses across the country to be shown the folly of their inane regionalized stupidity, especially when their own hero would disavow them for trying to keep the lost-cause alive
>war of northern aggression
yes, the cannon balls being fired at fort Sumner were clearly being assaulted by the stone foundations of the fort
legit question: who did the forts belong to?
did they belong to the US army or to the states in which these forts stood?
The US Army/US Government. The secession and formation of the CSA was not recognized and legitimized.
This. Jesus Christ why are there so many posts past this?
Completely wrong. Europeans honestly thought the Americas was too exotic, too underdeveloped (compared to Europe) for any 1-to-1 comparison to really happen.
More fool them.
>Richard Gatling invented the Gatling gun believing that both sides would see how destructive it was and go “Okay that’s crossing the line bruhs, let’s just stop this conflict now”
When has this ever worked?
atomic weapons