Alot on Veeky Forums shit on the Swedish Empire so let me clear it out. None in Sweden sees Swedish Empire time as a empire. Only anglos do that. In Sweden we call Swedish Empire era "Stormaktstiden" Which pretty much means Great Power Times. Empire in swedish (Imperium) is a very powerful word. Only time o think we use it i when we talk about British Empire (Brittiska Imperiet)
tdlr: Us swedes didnt see Swedish Empire as an Empire and only non Swedes call it empire. We call it Great Power Era
Excuse my autism have nice day
"Swedish Empire"
Another swede posting about his country.
the swedish empire was the successor of the finnish khanate
How powerful in terms of population and economy was it really?
I mean it was the third largest country in Europe in the late 17th century, but most of that land was mountains, forests and swamps. Also a rather cold climate, livable bot not really good for large scale agriculture.
I doesn't seem like something that could last very long.
Post the Benin version
It was basically early absolutism + everyone actually behind the war + growing copper industry when artillery is mainly made of bronze that propelled them
Also just good morale of troops
the only thing that allowed swedes to have their momentarily moment of relevance was finish troops
peter the great knew this and castrated sweden by removing finnish warrior from their hands
>he actually drew all the gryf’s
Never doubt the power of horse archers, even Napoleon got BTFO by them
>tfw no united Scandinavia with Karelia
At the time it had one of the best, if not the best, militaries in Europe especially from the 1600s to the early 1700s. The military problems with the Swedish Empire were that it was sandwiched in between the Danes and the Russians, and having worthless land in Poland which meant endless wars with those shit heads as well. Combined with a small population meant that the Swedish Empire could only sutstain a limited number of blows to its military before it would collapse.
However the bane of Swedish history was having excellent rulers with large ambitions who then provided to get randomly killed which would then plunge the empire into chaos. Usually what would happen is that the king would die and their useless wives would take over and fuck everything up.
>tfw no "Mare Nostrum"
Why did you chimp out then.
>the Danes
Yeah amazing threat those
Also it’s more the >H>R>E fiefs they stole that put them in the shitter, especially when they sold them for so little
The Dutch stripped their American dreams and cockblockrd in the Dano-Swedish wars
That’s basically the 100YW tho, even if the king of Poland also becomes king of Sweden, their governments are so different they would force the king to break it upon his death
Otherwise the lax polish monarchy would be forced upon by Swedish troops constantly raping Poland which wouldn’t go well
>Otherwise the lax polish monarchy would be forced upon by Swedish troops constantly raping Poland which wouldn’t go well
Except Swedish army of that time got raped by Poles.
Expanding into Trondelag like that is EU4 tier blobbing.
You mean Bremen and Mecklenburg
Whoever wins the battle rapes the other
>tfw no united Scandinavia with Karelia
Fuck off, they'd be politically dominated by the Swedes being the largest block. Look at Sweden now and expand that to the entire peninsula, who would want that?
>horse archers
I'm pretty sure finns weren't horse archers either
It was an empire, in the literal sense of the word. At the time we had colonies in the west indies and the new world and were unrivaled in northern Europe. Imperium is a way more ambiguous term in swedish than it is in english
>TFW Swedes were worst than nazis and soviets combined.
>excuse my autism
Yeah, that's some grade A autism.
>Empire in swedish (Imperium) is a very powerful word. Only time o think we use it i when we talk about British Empire (Brittiska Imperiet)
Don't forget the balls you dirty whore.
They were brutal even by standards of those days and they got away relatively unscathed as a country. Makes you almost think would have deserved to be fully occupied by their former enemies like Denmark or Poland during or after that period.
>Lund's University
Ad utrumque paratus motherfucker!
>PLC was thrice as rich as Sweden
Makes you think, now Poland and Lithuania are shitholes, while Sweden is very rich.
So why do "nerds" who listen to Sabaton idolize it so much? They did some of the most fucked up things especially to civilians, Protestant Scandinavians too. They weren't fighting for race or some modern pan-European meme or whatever, they just served their king.
They weren't even victorious in the end. They lost to Russia, ceased being an "empire" and eventually got to be ruled by some obscure Frenchmen almost a century later. It is the whole Carolean aesthetic? It's not even that unique.
I would still call that an empire. One swede was objectively more valuable than 100 russians or even one thousand indians.
The King of Sweden become king of Poland.
A swedish duke married a polish princess and then overthrew his brother, the king. And then their son was elected king of poland, before then becoming king of sweden upon his fathers death.
Colonizes Finland for more than 500 years.
Still, in the middle of refugee crises and migrants coming to europe, finnish people make the largest immigrants into Sweden, every year.
Finnish tourists are the largest tourists group there.
No one speaks finnish, no one knows anything about Finland in Sweden.
In stockholm all tourist information is in Chinese, Japanese, fucking arabic but not in finnish.
Veeky Forums has a hate boner for anything German and Nordic. Swedish Empire was a mixed bag, other than battle success there isn't that much great about it. There's also outright bad things like Swedish drink and the Deluge looting, but then again it was the 17th century. At the same time there were good things like the efforts to eliminate the widespread serfdom in Sweden's Baltic and German territories, I wish I had more info on that Uniformity policy.
*Teleports Behind Your "Empire"* Nothing Personal, Kid