Will mainstream society's values ever change to respect conquerors and national leaders again as opposed to a society that worships victims?
Do these moral values stem from Christianity or something else?
Will mainstream society's values ever change to respect conquerors and national leaders again as opposed to a society that worships victims?
Do these moral values stem from Christianity or something else?
>died fighting for his nation and his people
Napoleon fought for Corsica?
There are four ideologies which will lead to this... platonist aristocracy, martial tyranny, neo hitlerianism and Islamism.
>Do these moral values stem from Christianity
Christianity practices literal victim worship. They go as far as to turn God into a victim. And they placed the matyr, another form of victim, as the highest type of human. It's a value system which has been transmuted from one form to another across many ideologies with varying degrees of strength
back to /pol/
How does platonist aristocracy lead to this?
A system in which cognitively healthy form an aristocratic cadre.
The question seemd promising but the picture disqualified OP.
>nations having full rights to decide who gets to participate in a democratic system
>be American government in WWII
>put blacks in German neighborhoods in Detroit
>blacks get kicked out
>"Grr racist white people"
>Germans don't know what the fuck white means since they always saw themselves as Germans
>fast forward 20 years later
>people want to maintain their neighborhoods so badly the fucking army has to come in and force racial integration
>when these guys do it, it's self-determination
>when the confederates do it, it's treason
I don't think MLK has anything to do with immigration laws. That said, he truly was a professional crybaby and making him a great figure worthy of veneration is full scale retardation.
They always were the bitch of someone.
That's not how nations work
>German neighborhoods
You mean Polish. Detroit used to be as Polish as Chicago.
>Germans don't know what the fuck white means
That's a total meme.
>Boomer meme
>my village is a nation
You can claim to be a nation if you were ruling yourself at least once. Corsica is as much a nation as Long Island.
>most accomplished military leader ever
Can we start hanging revisionists already?
It's not even close, you fucking idiot.
Napoleon is objectively the most accomplished military leader.
>died fighting for his nation and his people
no, he died on an island in the middle of the ocean many years after fighting for his people and losing
As if the idealization of people who sacrifice their life for a greater cause is a new concept. Victim worship is nothing new for religion, just look at Osiris or Baldr.
>t. pierre
He also didn't die fighting
>t. horatio
>1965 years of a Christian society of conquerors, leaders, and heroes
>DAE Christianity's fault?!
>Might makes right
>Weakness is stength
Thanks for the epic post, you worshipper of a dead kike on a stick.
Science produced the atomic bomb. If someone responds to this claim saying "but no science is actually really different and feeds lots of people with advancements in agriculture and even though science directly contributed to this particular invention and science was invoked by the inventors themselves it actually has no part in the creation of the atomic bomb" they are an upset looney faggot. Just because something you like directly resulted in something you don't like that doesn't mean the causation isn't real.
>le christianity suppressed science meme
>when slaves do it, it's my property
>no arguement
face it christianity defined europe and no amount of fedora tipping will change that
Nope. "Europe" existed before christianity, and it will continue to exist after it is dead and gone.
never said it didn't exist before but most of europe was civilized by christian rome
Yes. Current society is weak and must either change or be wiped out.
>That said, he truly was a professional crybaby and making him a great figure worthy of veneration is full scale retardation.
Are you retarded?
lol this has to be a troll. Rome civilized the barbars long before Christianity was the predominant religion in Europe.
I'm just spitballing, but in the modern world, sny wars of significance necessarily involve total war. If you're just fucking around in 3rd world nations, this isn't the case, but these aren't of importance.
Such involvement of the civilian population and creation of economic poverty cannot be associated with heroism. Technology needs to change before any modern nation instills itself with the values of warriors. Additionally, the prevalence of mass media and cameras means that the horrors of war are illuminated much more clearly to the general public.
Mind you, I say this in a negative tone, but I don't mean to imply that less war is a bad thing.
>Will mainstream society's values ever change to respect conquerors and national leaders again as opposed to a society that worships victims?
Yes, once Islam takes over.
>Patton fought for his nation
>”hurr his nation was California hurrrrrrr”
>Zhurkov fought for his nation
>”hurrrrrrrr his nation was Kaluga hurrrr?????”
>Blucher fought for his nation
>”hurrrrrr his nation was Mecklenberg hurrrr”
*teleports behind u*
You might be onto something.
In the postwar order, any war anywhere is seen as a war against peace -- if it's seen at all.
No. Mercy is strength. Do you think it is harder or easier to tolerate your enemies rather than just be rid of them?
It seems to me like nativist, protectionist arguments hinge around the fact that it would be easier to secure our interests if only we were willing to fuck over anybody who got in our way. Is taking the easy way really all that heroic?
Copied from Futility Closet:
In 1908, while traveling in the northern Caucasus, Leo Tolstoy regaled a local tribe with tales of the greatest warriors and statesmen in history. When he had finished, the chief said, “But you have not told us a syllable about the greatest general and greatest ruler of the world. We want to know something about him. He was a hero. He spoke with a voice of thunder; he laughed like the sunrise, and his deeds were strong as the rock and as sweet as the fragrance of roses. The angels appeared to his mother and predicted that the son whom she would conceive would become the greatest the stars had ever seen. He was so great that he even forgave the crimes of his greatest enemies and shook brotherly hands with those who had plotted against his life. His name was Lincoln and the country in which he lived is called America, which is so far away that if a youth should journey to reach it he would be an old man when he arrived. Tell us of that man.”
“I looked at them,” Tolstoy recalled, “and saw their faces all aglow, while their eyes were burning. I saw that those rude barbarians were really interested in a man whose name and deeds had already become a legend.”
Tolstoy reflected that this “little incident proves how largely the name of Lincoln is worshipped throughout the world and how legendary his personality has become. Now, why was Lincoln so great that he overshadows all other national heroes? … [H]is supremacy expresses itself altogether in his peculiar moral power and in the greatness of his character. He had come through many hardships and much experience to the realization that the greatest human achievement is love. He was what Beethoven was in music, Dante in poetry, Raphael in painting, and Christ in the philosophy of life. He aspired to be divine — and he was. It is natural that before he reached his goal he had to walk the highway of mistakes. But we find him, nevertheless, in every tendency true to one main motive, and that was to benefit mankind. He was one who wanted to be great through his smallness. If he had failed to become President he would be, no doubt, just as great as he is now, but only God would appreciate it. The judgment of the world is usually wrong in the beginning, and it takes centuries to correct it. But in the case of Lincoln the world was right from the start.”
>as opposed to a society that worships victims?
Society doesn't worship victims. And it pays enough respect to conquerors and national leaders.
The myth of the great captains is sort of wearing thin nowadays and even thinner the appreciation for their achievements which makes me rather sad. But perhaps it will take for one to appear in our life times for people to appreciate such a man, although I find that few ever do in our age, mostly military men and those interested in history. Regardless, I think technology has ruined war in a sense making it much more gruesome to wage even than it was 150 years ago and thus disallowing us the opportunity to see such individuals.
Yes, I'm sure right wing retards would like MLK so much more if he seized political power and waged major wars.
No wait, then they'd call him a commie and subconsciously judge him according to a completely different and contradictory set of criteria.
There were a fair number 'Great Men' in the twentieth century. They were either communists or part of revolutionary national liberation movements.
Those of you triggered by that statement, blubbering about the degree to which their achievements were based on luck, all the deaths they were responsible for, quibbling about ends and means and how other people generally did the fighting for them; congratulations.
You finally understand what 'Great Man' means.
MLK, in contrast to Napoleon, brought about purely good things, while at the same time being at least as brave. Napoleon's enemies were part of an aristocratic ruling class whose idea of beating you was putting you in a cosy resort. Martin Luther King actually got killed due to the genuine danger of what he was doing.
Fuck off
Hello Nigel. When will you remove your bucktooth?
You're right it was Polish but I forgot and put in some random European ethnicity
Napoleon was a mass murderer and dictator. MLK was a peaceful activist for change and progress. I will take people like the one on the right over one in he left any day.
Brainwashed cuckold
you gotta break some eggs to make an omellet
if you take the one on the right over the one on the left, your people will never amount to nothing more than slaves and peasents
>That said, he truly was a professional crybaby and making him a great figure worthy of veneration is full scale retardation.
>introducing negroes to hygiene
Don't be such a little stupid little bitch all your life.
>Nations having full rights to decide who gets to participate in a democratic system
>purposely breaks rules cause fuck whitey
>"Owie the water hurts :("
Napoleon was a git.
Grandpa, you are way too old to shitpost here; back to Jewbook with you.
>calls me a grandpa to imply I'm being racist
>refers to Facebook as "Jewbook"
>reformed government to end corruption
wew lad thats not quite how it works
>creates the greatest empire since rome
it barely lasted 10 years and couldn't hold on to any of it's holdings beyond france
>died fighting for his country
he died on an island after surrendering twice and his wife cucking the shit out of him
Fuck heroism, taking the easy way is cost effective and smart.
hi lindy
>Will mainstream society's values ever change to respect conquerors and national leaders again
I hope not
>as opposed to a society that worships victims?
Our society doesn't worship victims, it just pays a decent amount of attention to them. Also, political extremists (on the left, on the right, and in other parts of the political map) organize their psychologies around victim complexes, so victimization has come to play a significant and ugly role in our politics. However, society as a whole does not worship victims - it worships success a lot more.
A conqueror's honor is his power, once he dies his accomplishments are bound to the pages of history.
An orrator's honor is his ideology. Once he dies his accomplishments are bound to the following of his word.
Mercy implies the capability to dominate. Seeing as our countries are getting poorer, and we're being replaced in our own nations, we're rapidly losing the capability. Now is not the time for mercy from Europeans. It's time to secure our existence.
But MLK was successul in his demands. you have a funny way of distorting the definition of words, almost like you have an agenda or something
dont agree with your clearly racist opnion, but I do agree with your ideal that strength of will should be respected above all else.
Also: These weakling moral values that our societies adopted como from the "globalization" and the great influence of the medias that want to make the people weak and segregated.
Will OP ever recover?