>that time canada was invaded by the irish
Any other weird attacks or invasions that make 0 sense?
That time canada was invaded by the irish
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Operation: Satanic
lol. france has spend too much time in africa, they've picked up that third world habit of violent revenge over trifles
hell's teeth, there's my eurocentrism again - for all i know the third world picked it up from the france
Those were actually Americans lol
Old World BTFO
British invasion of Iceland is pretty funny
The 19th century is actually fucking awesome.
Sweden and USA vs Pirates in North Africa
Bongland invades a nation called the kingdom of kandy (they do it again in 1815)
Ethiopians kidnap British missionaries to get British military support (wtf?), so Britain sends 13000 men in response... to save the missionary and proceed to kill hundreds of ethipoians
Bong Bishop is killed by Pacific islanders, Bongs proceed to invade and a battle ensues between Canoes and A FUCKING ROYAL NAVY WARSHIP
Pax Britannica from 1815-1914 truly was the greatest period of human history.
>that time Central America, California and the Philippines were invaded by Argentina
That time in the 19th century, actually twice, the bongs invaded Argentina and got BTFO.
at this point in time somebody should have just taken AH's army away from them for good.
Funny, they never mentioned this one in my Canadian history classes
>Ethiopians kidnap British missionaries to get British military support (wtf?), so Britain sends 13000 men in response... to save the missionary and proceed to kill hundreds of ethipoians
>Harold G. Marcus described the action as "one of the most expensive affairs of honour in history."
You know, Anglos, just when I think you couldn't possibly be any more insidious, you go and do something like this…and totally redeem yourselves!
>Operation: Satanic
>France stages terrorist attack on friendly country
>New Zealand captures the bombers
>Europe threatens embargo if spies are not released
European perfidy knows no bounds.
France was in the right.
Why isn't Austria listed as a belligerent on this page?
The Pig War
Mitterand is my personal hero.
Their navy had some fun moments as well
Because it wasn't
That's what's amazing about this war
France and Austria were pretty much enemies (France had BTFO Austria out of Italy a few years before that), yet Napoleon III decided one day to invade Mexico and make some Austrian noble Emperor because why not
Didn't the very first battle of the crusades start over a discussion about shoe prices?
There's this one too
>random French ship captain starts a war against some Pacific British colony (without any order to do so) because it seems to him that Catholics aren't treated well enough by the Protestant British colonial administration
Brazilian-Portuguese wars are funny because it’s wars for crowns and ruling countries in personal unions IN THE MID FUCKING 19th CENTURY
Because whilst he was a hapsburg and the Austrian smperor’s brother he was still not a figure nor received aide from Austria
>What was I supposed to do? Give Belgrade back?
fucking Canadians were all drunk and well, you know how that goes
pincer movements don't work very well when the enemy isn't in the middle
More historically insane bluffs!
The 19th century was literally the Brits and (to a lesser degree) French running around, doing whatever they wanted, often mounting full-scale invasions to save a few of their citizens.
The greatest explorations and adventures happened in this period as well. People like James Brooke, Hope Grant, The Big Barbarian, the explorers in the African interior, expeditions to the North and South Pole, and on and on.
Europe was at it's peak of dominance in the 19th century, with Britain at the forefront.
That time in 1593 when Ayutthaya was being invaded by the warlike Burmese (again), so the Thai King asked for help. Because Thailand was commercially important, Hideyoshi of Japan sent 500 samurai, the Portuguese looking to suck up to the Thai king sent a bunch of artillerymen, the Spanish looking to suck up too sent 1000 Filipino warriors, and Chinese merchants whose interests in Thailand were threatened offered their ships, cannons, and hired muscle.
>The friendly fire incident left 50 injured on either side
They weren't "Irish" really, they were a private militia of Irish-born Americans. To a certain limited extent, the American government tolerated them. Their goal was to (somehow) pressure the British into getting out of Ireland. The first raid was an ambush on unsuspecting and inexperienced local troops, and ended in Fenian retreat. None of the other raids ever approached something near as much "success".
How on earth is that insidious?