when will the conservative/reactionary right recognize neoliberalism as much a source of their ills as communism?
they are both internationalist, soul-crushing machines.
When will the conservative/reactionary right recognize neoliberalism as much a source of their ills as communism?
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No thanks. I'd rather be a rich neocon than a freak
International integration is the future. Go team globalists!
t. the exclusively modern MSM
>that image
Is that really how they see themselves?
I hope you nazis and sjws join forces so we normal decent people can purge you all from existence
They are virtually a mirror of each other already. Only a matter of time.
what do you mean? that they are the perfect men they want to be, or that they simply support efforts to become so?
just remember kids, if you don't support neoliberalism and are right wing, you want a literal holocaust!
What is this reactionary hard on for the "nuclear family?"
The idea that all a family needs is two parents and the kids is ridiculous. For virtually all of human history, outside of perhaps the wealthiest classes, families have always involved aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, neighbours, etc. T
his need to shoe-horn every person into a random four-person block is ridiculous.
Didn't say that. There are plenty of right-wing people that aren't neoliberal and still hold acceptable beliefs that aren't nazi believes
The alt-right doesn't belong to that group, specially because it isn't right wing. Just a bunch of racist commies
Notice how they're not opposed to homosexuality, because they're all faggots.
I pretty much agree with everything else on that picture though.
If you're for a nuclear family you can't be reactionary.
I've yet to meet someone from the alt right that doesn't spout racewar now or talk about doing genocides. Please show me these 'friendly' reactionaries.
its in the picture you pleb
I don't see the word reactionary in that picture.
IMO, since this isn't hard fact, the "nuclear family" was a crpyto-neoliberal concept that latched onto the conservative right under a cover of being wholesome.
a modern reactionary SHOULDN'T like it, but it is now in the modern mind something conservative and worth protecting simply by virtue of the left pushing it even farther into an aberration.
you directly said nazis.
as far as i am concerned, the Alt-Right is the Alt-Right and the Nazis were there before it and only want to attach their name to something with traction.
the Klan used to not be neo-nazis
nationalists in Poland certainly aren't neo-nazis
many such cases
>racist commies
if you still follow the whole fascism = communism bit you need to actually read some literature from either one of them and hopefully both
see neo-nazis were there before alt-right and only want to be the alt-right so they can pretend they are making progress
neo-nazis are an embarrassment even to the original nazis, which is saying something considering how autismo they were even back then.
Reminder that this evil globalist neoconservatism is the only system in human history that has let (and profited with) recurrent criticism against it, and lets these alt-right freaks to have a voice. Any other system would have just crushed them
first word of the second line in the paragraph
what is your frame of "human history" the last two centuries?
by all rights the longest-running "liberal" government on earth is the United States, and that's only when you generously include the pre-Reagan/Neoliberal history where onyl landowning white males could vote and we had slaves.
the West saw it's greatest leaps under the Roman Empire, the origin of Fascism.
Sargon, we know it's you.
Ok. I am sorry for having triggered your special snowflake ass with a trigger word, and for not having the empathy your movement so gladly preaches. Let me correct my statement
>I hope you alt-right people and sjws join forces so we normal decent people can purge you all from existence
Greatest leaps under the Roman Empire!? After the Five Good Emperors it all stagnated. Then it went into decline with some normal ups and downs. Look at human progress since the Ameeican Revolution
that's a lot of asshurt for little more than pointing out you used the wrong label
i reaffirm my statement that our notions of law, philosophy, art, the whole western ethos, and the direct cultural continuation of half of the West started with that Roman Empire that lasted over 1,000 years.
We make our government buildings in their style for just that reason.
I suppose never because they keep falling on ridiculous memes like cultural Marxism instead of trying to understand systematic problems of their societies and operating on their feels instead of logic most of the time.
They already do. Are you living under a rock?
And fascists were ALWAYS protectionistic, barring Pinochet.
the inability to confront the demons on the right in addition to the opposition from the left is the greatest source of the problem
> the West saw it's greatest leaps under the Roman Empire
Not even close. Tables were turned around colonization. Before that, China/India > Europe.
Pinochet was a dedicated neo-liberal, he is praised because he is le helicopter man who killed communists.
it's not like European countries were liberal democracies in the 18th, 19th and early 20th century
that's why i said the West
furthermore, ancient China was also pretty fucking right wing.
Pinochet wasn't a Fascist, he just liked German military aesthetics
> ancient China was also pretty fucking right wing
True, I guess. But surely not alt-right right wing being non-christian and all of that.
>placing nonwestern political cultures on a scale that although developed to do so doesn't even represent western political cultures properly
shiggy diggy, my man
Before Reagan and Pinochet, neoliberal was a label for socdems and New Deal types.
the Alt-Right is Christian because Christianity is traditional.
notice you see the Alt-Right advocate for Hellenic philosophy (especially when it works well within Christianity) like Stoicism.
it's the same reason they support men like Assad, despite being Muslim.
They don't want a global, monocultural empire.
Remember this one time when people sperged out and tried to undo globalisation and got two world wars that pushed Europe into irrelevancy forever?
The Roman Empire had virtually nothing in common with the modern idea of "fascism." This juxtaposition of modern-day ideologies on historical societies needs to s t o p .
i doubt this
doubtless, that political compass is tailored for a modern western landscape, but it should also speak volumes that human history has been largely to the top right on that chart.
I dunno why they even try at this point.
Christianity is a hollow shell of what it used to be.
>i see we managed to shoot some people because they were jingoistic asshats, therefore neoliberalism is the one true god
because they hope beyond hope
the 1st World War had nothing to do with Globalism, but you're right about Hitler sperging out ruining everything, Europe would be a Fascist Union by now if it wasn't for him
> it should also speak volumes that human history has been largely to the top right
You mean bottom left? 45000 years in tribes and 5000 in states.
>tribal humans didn't have hierarchy and property
>also, we should undo the work of civilization
Because they aren't?
Neoliberals have some pretty right wing views, they made their first million before 30 by being ruthless capitalists then married a chaste christian woman with an airtight prenup, moved to a gated community where the only brown person is an Indian doctor and taught their daughters the truth about genetics so they don't breed with subhumans. They don't want to have to deal with left wing bullshit in their personal lives any more than you do, and they make sure it doesn't. However because they are so smart they also don't care one diddly squat about pagan LARPing or ethnostates either.
The altright have outed themselves as retards by believing in things like this and so it is destined to be nothing more than a meme circulating around the narrow demographic emotionally inclined towards it.
I am pretty sure that globalism at least partly responsible for WWI. They fought for more market influence and shit.
well and true for the successful capitalists, but the ideology is what is responsible for corruption and mass immigration that undermines the ethos of a nation.
They won't, Trump is busy converting them all to neoliberals as we speak.
>WW1 was about undoing globalization
American education
One guy being chief (who is followed out of respect more than anything) isn't the proper hierarchy, and the most property was shared for obvious reasons.
then Globalism has existed since the Portuguese reached India, when people talk about Globalism is usually the era of Multinational corporations in the last 50 years
The Catholic Church dont support capitalism or neoliberalism.
Communist stole the fight of the lowers classes that the Church has been fighting four thousands of years.
Mass migrations are as old as the history itself, why people who are 100% for return to traditions are so spooked is beyond me.
>Mass migrations are as old as the history itself
yeah and so is ethnic replacement caused by said migrations
Come on, you can't be this dense, mass migrations have been incredibly bad things for the people living in the area where the migrants are arriving. Furthermore, nobody in the alt-right is for a 100% return to tradition.
Influential corporations existed before. People say that globalism is severe right now, but it was pretty huge in the late XIX century - early XX century. It is not clear how we supposed to oppose it, when it is economically beneficial and you can't just force top CEOs to not outsource anything into India.
>The idea that all a family needs is two parents and the kids is ridiculous
That's not what reactionaries believe at all though. The idea is that a man a woman and their child is the fundamental molecule of society, everything else builds off of and supplements that fundamental molecule.
I can't blame communists they did more for working class in four dozen years that church in four thousands.
How exactly molecular family supposed to work if oldest generation can't interact with the youngest one? Traditions and culture will be lost in no time.
opinion discarded
Did you read your source? It goes one about how neoliberalism was a market interventionist position that clashed with laissez-faire liberalism.
True, like killing and starving millions.
> b-b-b-b-but Mao and sparrows
Christianity killed billions in China too, user.
Communism and Christianity is the same Jewish bullshit
Nonsense, communism isn't Jewish at all.
>literally invented by a Jew
>letting ideology dominate your worldview
>communism isn't Jewish at all
>Neoliberals have some pretty right wing views, they made their first million before 30 by being ruthless capitalists
actually, some of the richest neoliberal capitalists became rich thanks to states selling their public companies for peanuts in the early 90s. other ones own technology companies, and the rest, mostly own retail companies that buy cheap chinese stuff and sell it for high profit margins
never, and stop comparing every historical plight with communism
Disgusting. What OP calls "neoliberalism" is in truth globalism and its elite funded Nazi Germany. Neotraditionalists and alt-rightists are pathetic.
>Communist stole the fight of the lowers classes that the Church has been fighting four thousands of years.
1. BS
2. the Catholic Church tried to prevent Communism in Europe by inventing a "social doctrine" that died when neoliberalism became a thing.
Pagancuck detected
A priest came up with genetics. A commie came up with Lysenkoism.
What? Nazi was never funded by anyone except Hitler most trusted and loyal followers from concerned German citizens.
And it is necessary to distinguish globalization, which is mostly good and natural, and globalism.
Childhood is when you idolize genetics. Adulthood is when you realize Lysenko makes more sense.
So... What is difference?
Any non-ex-soviet examples for those oligarchs?
George Soros
Why wouldn't those traditions of the grandparents already be passed down to the parents that were raised by them?
>Any non-ex-soviet examples for those oligarchs?
tons. a great example is carlos slim in mexico, he's actually in the top 10 list of forbes.
here in chile, all the current richest families became rich thanks to pinochet and the latter neoliberal "democracies", as did lots of people in many parts of the world (backed up by the US and european powers, of course)
You are implying that all traditions are passed with 100% accuracy from person to person which isn't the case. This is especially ridiculous considering that parents need to learn parenting skills and not from their experience as children. Basically oldest generations keep middle generation in check, so traditions aren't messed up with their mistakes as parents and by mistakes of their parents.
Neoliberals would note that mass immigration puts a strain on social services.
Carlos Slim was already ultra-rich before the 90s. He turned around around a lot of failing businesses.
You know he is Hungarian, right? Hungary was soviet. He grew outside that thing though. And didn't make his money by buying state companies, he is a speculator, not an industrialist.
>You are implying that all traditions are passed with 100% accuracy from person to person which isn't the case
No I'm implying that parents are the primary conduit through which traditions are passed down, grandparents are great but they are supplementary conduits and not essential, lack of 100% replication of traditions be damned.
Hungary never joined the USSR.
>hungary was soviet
american education
>Eastern Bloc nations are free and independent and choose to align with the Soviet Union of their own free wi..
>russians statitioned in hungary till the 90s
>hungarian communist party propped up
>hungarian revolts stomped down by soviet army
C'mon. It was a soviet puppet state and you know it.
>hungary was soviet
The correct expression is soviets were hungry.
>Carlos Slim was already ultra-rich before the 90s. He turned around around a lot of failing businesses.
>Slim made a large fortune in the early 1990s when Mexico privatized its telecom industry and Grupo Carso acquired Telmex from the Mexican government.
>Slim was one of the initial investors of Telmex, the revenues of the company eventually formed the bulk of Slim's wealth.
he was rich. Telmex made him ultra-rich.
>when will the conservative/reactionary right recognize neoliberalism as much a source of their ills as communism?
It seems to me that they have already recognized it. I see salt-right types rail against neoliberalism all the time. They're wrong though, in my opinion - the neoliberal order is flawed, but it is orders of magnitude better than the world that the salt-right would create if it ever took charge. I am almost completely convinced that gradual reform of the neoliberal order is the correct approach, and that both left-wing and right-wing desires to overturn everything on a radical level should be resisted.
I agree with the salt-right on a few narrow issues. I think that the West needs to reform its immigration policy - but again, that's possible within a framework of gradual reform. I also agree with much of the salt-right's critique of SJWism and dogmatic leftism - however, I see the salt-right as being fundamentally as prone to cult behavior as the left is.
Actually, I think that if you want to make the world a better place, it would be better for you to become a scientist or engineer than to attempt to forment political changes. Most of today's ills would be solved by improving the standard of living.
I think that tribalism and political extremism are fundamentally responses to scarcity - either real scarcity or imagined scarcity. The sense of scarcity triggers old ape instincts of aggression in the animal level of the mind. These instincts were created by evolution to encourage the organism to solve scarcity by ganging up with a tribe, attacking the other tribes, eliminating them, and thus solving the scarcity.
However, the childrearing/socialization process places this instinct under a taboo, since to fulfill it would be immoral. An unfortunate side effect of the taboo is that the person becomes partially blind to his own aggression and attempts to rationalize it. So on top of the fundamental ape instinct to gang up with a tribe and take the resources of other tribes, a mass of fancy pretty-sounding justifications is invented. I think that most political extremism is of this nature. The extremist's ideology is just a veil and a rationalization of the fundamental ape instinct. Political extremists sometimes use reason and logic as weapons, but they are not actually fundamentally interested in reason or logic. The militant communist, Nazi, or Islamist uses rationality as a smoke screen, and only for as long as he has to.
When will you LARPers grow up and start living in the real world?